Hadliegh's Desire (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 2)

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Hadliegh's Desire (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 2) Page 14

by Erin Osborne

  “Fuck me! Don’t hold back from me,” I tell him, turning my head to look at him.

  Psycho doesn’t hesitate to do as I tell him. He begins to thrust his hips in and out at a punishing pace. One of his hands reaches around me to play with my clit while the fingers on his other hand dig into my hip. I’m sure I’ll have bruises when I wake up tomorrow but that’s okay with me. I concentrate on everything I’m feeling as his cock pounds my pussy and his fingers manipulate my clit resulting in my core tightening. I’m so fucking close to reaching my release that I need something to push me over the edge.

  Pushing back, I meet Psycho move for move as he slams into me from behind. I reach an arm behind me and touch him anywhere that I can. My orgasm builds in me and I’m so ready to explode around him.

  “Let. Go,” he grunts out, knowing I’m close. His words are like a detonator for me.

  My entire body tightens up further and I tremble as my release overtakes me. Psycho grunts behind me and pumps in and out a few more times before he’s flying over the edge with me. He yells my name out as my legs threaten to give way and I fall to the ground. The only thing holding me up is Psycho’s arm wrapped around my stomach. Our breathing is out of control as we try to calm ourselves down.

  Psycho turns me away from the tree and pulls me into his arms. He rubs his hands up and down my back as he buries his head in the crook of my neck. It’s where he always puts his head after we get done fucking. His breath fans across my neck as he takes huge gulps of air. Our moment is ruined when I hear clapping coming from the side of us. Turning my head, I see Smokey standing there with a huge smile on his face.

  “That was hot as fuck!” he says, reaching down to adjust his cock in his jeans.

  “The fuck, Smokey?” Psycho roars out, pushing my naked body behind his.

  “Was gonna take a piss while I was walkin’. Came across you two at the end. Didn’t mean to watch, but that was hot as fuck like I said. Sorry, man,” he says, turning to head back to the party.

  “You okay?” Psycho asks, turning around while reaching down to pull his jeans up.

  I can’t help it, I burst out laughing. Smokey is the last person I thought would be out walking through the woods at night when the babes are out and there’s a party going on. Honestly, if anyone were gonna catch us, I’d rather it be him than anyone else. He’s one of Psycho’s best friends and I know that he won’t say a word about it to anyone. Ever.

  “I’m good. I guess that was a first for me. You know he didn’t mean any harm,” I say as I pull my shirt over my head before pulling my shorts back up.

  “I know. Just a shock,” Psycho answers.

  “He okay?” I ask, knowing that him separating himself isn’t normal.

  “I don’t know. I’ll have to talk to him,” he says, pulling me into his side once we’re both dressed as we make the walk back to the party.

  For the rest of the night, I keep an eye on Smokey. He’s laughing and drinking with everyone else. A smile lights up his face every time he looks in our direction with our shared secret. I want to know what’s going with him, but he’s Psycho’s friend so I’m going to leave it up to him.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  IT’S BEEN A few days since the cookout after we took out Snake’s Revenge. I’ve been trying to catch Smokey alone so we can talk about whatever is going on with him, but it hasn’t been easy. He’s always busy, or I’m at work or spending time with Hadliegh and Axle.

  So, I called him this morning before I left the house and asked to meet me for a drink after work today. We meet up at a bar out of town when we don’t want to be around everyone at the clubhouse called the Rusty Tavern. When Rusty first came to us, we asked her if there was any connection between her and the owners of the bar, but she said no. Must just be a coincidence.

  “Smokey, glad you could meet me,” I say, walking up to him in a booth toward the back of the place.

  The bar isn’t really packed right now since it’s too early for happy hour. So, it’s just a few locals that spend their day here nursing a few drinks until the younger kids come in for the night. I order a beer and slide in opposite of my friend. There’s a look on his face that tells me he thinks he knows what I brought him here for.

  “Listen, Psycho, I’m really sorry about the other night. I didn’t mean to watch you fuckin’ Hadliegh,” he starts out saying, a nervousness to him that I’ve never seen before.

  “That why you think I called you here?” I ask, wanting to know what’s going on with him even more now.

  “Well, yeah. I know how you are with her, and I invaded on somethin’ I had no right watchin’,” he answers, casting his eyes downward as he takes a drink from his beer.

  “Not why I called. I want to know what’s up with you,” I say as the bartender sets my beer down in front of me and turns to walk away.

  “What do ya mean?” he asks, now thoroughly confused about my call.

  “You’ve been different for a few months now. I want to know what’s goin’ on,” I tell him again. “It all started when Bear got his head out of his ass and went after Callie. Now that Hadliegh’s back, it’s even worse. It’s not like you to wander off from a party on your own or leave the babes hangin’.”

  For a few minutes, I don’t think he’s going to answer me. Finally, he huffs out a breath and begins to talk. “It’s not anythin’ bad. I’m not doin’ drugs or anythin’ like that. Seein’ you with Hadliegh, and Bear with Callie, is gettin’ to me. You both have what I want. You got a good woman at your side, one to go home to every fuckin’ night. And you both got kids now. I want my own family, a woman I can lean on when I need to get away from shit at the clubhouse. Someone I can love and protect. The babes are good for a release every now and then, but I’m tired of fuckin’ with them. Especially since they’re all tryin’ to trap a brother,” he says, shocking the shit out of me.

  “Why haven’t you said anythin’?” I ask him, not expecting that answer from him at all.

  “Because I’m not a pussy. I’m good, Psycho. Just need to get my head around the fact that I haven’t found that person to be with yet,” he replies, finishing his drink and relaxing back against the booth.

  For a while, we just sit and shoot the shit. I’m going to have to talk to Bear about spending time with our friend. I’m sure he feels like the odd man out now, and that’s not what we want. We can hang out with him and still have our families. So, I ask him to help me finish the man cave at the house. I saw how excited he got when I showed it to him, and it gives us time to hang out. Smokey agrees and we make plans to meet after work tomorrow to get started on the huge project I have planned for the house.

  I have been trying to find the perfect way to ask Hadliegh to marry me. I’m not going to do it one of those sappy ways they are always showing on social media. I want to do something she will love and yet, it has to be something badass as well. I’ve decided what I want to do is to show her she is everything to me and more.

  She will have a day of pampering and love. Callie is my go-to person to help me accomplish this, and I know she’ll go with her. They’ll be getting their nails done, and then a massage. Hadliegh has said she wants a second tattoo so that will be on the list for the day as well. They’ll have to go to Ink’s house because the shop still isn’t back up and running. After she has her day of pampering, I’ll take her to dinner and then back to the clubhouse for a party that will be for her, but she won’t have any idea. In the middle of the party is when I plan to ask her so our family will be there for it as well. She’ll have those who love her the most to witness what I pray will be her saying yes.

  “Bright Eyes, I need to talk to you for a minute,” I tell her taking my boy from her arms and giving him a cuddle. “You need to get dressed. Callie will be here in a minute to take you out to have a girls day. I’ll pick you up later from Ink’s so we can get dinner before goin’ to the clubhouse, okay?”

  “Why?” she asks
me with confusion on her face. “What did I do to get a girls day? Not that I’m complaining, but I had planned to make some lasagna for the party tonight.”

  “Not today,” I tell her with a smile that shows I’m playing with her. “That shit is only for me anyway. The brothers do not need to have you spoil them with my girl’s cookin’. They can find their own ol’ lady for that.”

  “Whatever you say, babe.” She laughs as she goes to get dressed to go out with Callie. “How long do I have to get ready?”

  “She should be here anytime,” I tell her as someone knocks at the door. “Bright Eyes, she’s here.”

  I head to the door and see that not only is Callie here, but Bear and Trinity are here as well. Trin is going to watch the kids with Rusty, who should be here soon, while Bear and I go and pick out the ring. I’ve narrowed it down to three, and think I know which one to get, but I want a second opinion.

  Then we are gonna go get a trim so that I look like someone she wants to marry. I have to go pick up some pink tulips for her as well. Everyone always does roses, but she told me one time that she thinks roses are overdone, and she loves pink tulips. I want her to see that I do listen to her.

  After the girls leave, Bear and I make sure we haven’t forgotten to get anything special for today and then leave Trin with the kids. We head to the local jeweler who is expecting us to come in for the ring. Thank goodness it’s on the other side of town, so Hadliegh doesn’t see me going in. I want to surprise her tonight; I don’t think she has any clue. Arriving, I see that Renegade is here waiting on us. I guess he wants to make sure I don’t mess this up as well.

  “Hey, Brother,” I say walking up and giving him a man-hug. “Makin’ sure I don’t screw the pooch?”

  “No, I know you got this,” he tells me with a smile on his face. He seems like he needs to say something but isn’t sure how to do it which is strange because he is never at loss for words. “When we were kids, our grandparents put a bit of money in a fund for us. I didn’t really think about it till now, cause it’s for us to use to buy our women their rings and dresses if we were to ever get married. Now that you’re gonna ask Hadliegh to marry you, I went to get your half from the account so that you can be sure to get the ring that you really want her to have. I’m so proud of you, Remington.”

  “Wow, I’m stunned,” I tell him. I know when he uses my birth name it’s something he is really feeling. “Not that the money will make a difference in the ring I was gonna get her, but I am gonna love tellin’ her she can have whatever dress she wants. You’re comin’ in to see the ring, right?”

  “Fuck yeah.” He smirks at us. “Someone with taste needs to be there.”

  We go inside, and I show my brothers the rings. I decide not to tell them which one I think is best as I want their opinion and the salesman knows my first choice anyway. After only a few minutes, they both tell me that they think I should get the one I was leaning towards. It is a rose gold band with three sapphires and three diamonds on each side and a heart shaped diamond set up in the center. It’s only one and a half carats, but I think she’ll love it. I pay for the ring and head to get the rest of our list taken care of. My nerves are starting to get to me, but I am excited. I know this is the life I want, and Hadliegh’s the one I want to live it with.

  It’s almost six, and Ink text me to say that Hadliegh is almost done with her tattoo. She decided to get the little flower and jar from that Disney movie about a beast. Guess with kids in my life now, I will be getting to know some of those movies really well. I pull up outside his house and take the flowers inside with me. I know she’ll wonder what’s up, but she’s gonna have to wait to find out.

  “Hey, Bright Eyes,” I holler out as I enter Ink’s house. She has that look in her eyes that shows how happy she is. I give her the flowers while pulling her into my arms to give her a kiss that shows her all the promises of the night ahead.

  “What are these for?” Her smiling eyes keep my attention so I miss the question at first. “Babe? What’s going on? First a spa day, then my tattoo, and now flowers? Did I forget something? I know it’s not my birthday.”

  “No, you didn’t forget anythin’,” I answer letting her see deep in my soul how much I love her. “I just wanted to give you a nice day. You have given me a son, a wonderful home, and you. I want you to know I appreciate you and our life. You ready to go get some dinner?”

  “Yes, Psycho, let’s get out of here,” she says. Her sigh lets me know that she feels what I’ve just told her. It also tells me she wants more than dinner, but that will be later tonight.

  We get on my bike and head out towards the river where there is a restaurant that overlooks the water and has lots of wildlife that hangs out on the other side. The two of us have a cozy dinner and just relax in each other’s company. My heart is racing even though I’m trying to look at ease. I know when we get to the clubhouse, I’ll be laying my heart on the line for her. It may give my brothers something to tease me about later, but I don’t care as long as she says yes.

  “Are you ready to go to the clubhouse, Psycho?” Hadliegh asks with laughter in her voice, breaking me out of my thoughts. “Callie has been texting me wanting to know when we’re going to be there. It’s like she didn’t spend all day with me.”

  “Yeah, babe,” I tell her knowing that everyone is probably waiting for me to get this show on the road. “Let me pay the bill, and we can be on our way.”

  The trip to the clubhouse seems to take forever but yet is only a few minutes and not really long enough to get my thoughts on track. We go into the clubhouse and everyone is waiting. I don’t think she catches the looks we get.

  I head to the bar to get her a diet and Captain and beer for myself. The jukebox is playing and I decide that asking her to dance with me is a good start. Once on the floor, we sway to Tangled Up In You by Aaron Lewis, and I begin to talk to her.

  “Hadliegh,” my voice is low and shaky as my nerves begin to try to take over. “The day we found each other is one I will never forget. I thought my life was exactly as it was supposed to be. My club and my family, then you showed up and I saw how boring and bland it was. You are the color in my world. I have made huge mistakes and hurt you in ways I wish were able to be taken back or turned on me instead.

  “But know this, it will never happen again. You and Axle are my world. I don’t think that survival is possible without you. I want to give you everythin’ you dream of. I love you more than life itself,” I say, dropping down to one knee “Will you please make my world complete and marry me, and be my ol’ lady?”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I’M NOT SURE what is going on today with Psycho. He rushed me to get ready and out the door with Callie, not that I’m complaining about a spa day or anything. I just feel like there’s something else going on I’m not aware of.

  We get to the car, and Callie tells me we’re getting not only our paws and claws done, but we’re also scheduled to get a massage. I groan just thinking of that, Lord knows I could use the relaxation. All this stress from being taken, to having a kid, and moving, and the fight we saw, yeah I need it. She then informs me that after all that, I have an appointment with Ink for some more therapy. This day is too good to be true.

  “Feel like I’m missing a bigger picture,” I tell Callie in a soft whisper. “He said that nothing was going on, but it feels different today.”

  “Girl, you are feeling loved and adored,” Callie replies in the same soft whisper. “You should probably get used to it, sister.”

  “I think I’m gonna try!” I giggle back at her while thinking that this man is showing me he loves me and he is sorry for how we began. “What color should we get? I already know what my next tattoo is gonna be so that will be easy.”

  “You know your crazy ass is gonna get pink!” Callie chokes on her laughter. “I’m not sure you even know there are any other colors out there.”

  “Ha,” my witty comeback ha
s us both laughing so hard we are in tears. “I found out yesterday there is a color called fuchsia, so there.”

  “What the hell is fuchsia?” she asks with a confused look on her face. “Is that something you made up?”

  “No, it’s really a color.” I giggle knowing she is going to die laughing when I explain it to her. “It’s actually purple with a pink tint to it.”

  As I expected, she cracks up once again and before I know it, we are both crying again. Having a friend to laugh and have a spa day with is something that will never get old. We get to the salon where we are getting our nails done and our massages.

  As we go inside, we’re greeted with smiles and offers of glasses of wine. The next few hours are spent getting pampered like queens. Deciding we need food; we stop and get a quick lunch before heading to Ink’s house.

  Walking inside, Ink is waiting for us with a smile on his face. I see Bear is on the couch waiting on Callie to take her home since Psycho is going to pick me up here before we head to dinner. I say goodbye to both of them before following Ink back to the room that he uses for tattooing people he’s friends with here.

  “You know what you want to get this time?” Ink asks me, knowing full well I have told everyone what I want my next tattoo to be.

  “I do but can you do two of them?” I ask him, thinking I want to put something that Psycho will be surprised to see. “Still want the small beauty and the beast rose and glass holder, but also want to get a dreamcatcher on my shoulder with Psycho’s name in the web. He’s all my dreams come true and somehow I caught him,” I say, feeling stupid saying that out loud, but it’s how I feel and what I want on my body. Even the people closest to me think I’m crazy for putting his name on my body before he has made anything official.


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