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Hadliegh's Desire (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 2)

Page 15

by Erin Osborne

  “Babe, he’s gonna love it,” Ink tells me with a soft smile. “Don’t show him that tattoo until tonight when you’re alone, he’ll show you what he thinks then. Let’s get these done, shouldn’t take more than an hour or so for both of them, but I wanna do the shoulder first so that he doesn’t see it on accident.”

  I lay on the table he has set up and let him get to work. I get a text from Psycho telling me he loves me and will see me soon for dinner. This may be the best day of my life, other than having my son. I’m surprised when Ink tells me it’s time to start the second tattoo. This one is getting done near my collarbone so I can just pull my top down some and it will keep my shoulder covered for when Psycho walks in. It’s about thirty minutes later when we hear the bell chime telling us someone is here. Psycho yells out that it’s only him and comes to the room we’re in.

  “Hey, Bright Eyes,” Psycho says as he hands me the most beautiful pink tulips ever. I told him a while back they were my favorite and he remembered. This makes me even more concerned I’ve forgotten an anniversary or something. Rather than asking again, I take a deep breath of the fragrant flowers. “You almost done and ready for dinner? I thought we could go to a place outside town.”

  “Yeah, babe, I should be done in a few minutes,” I reply looking at Ink for his confirmation, which he gives with the nod of his head. “I love the tulips. Thank you for this day and for the flowers. It’s been amazing, but I missed you while we were gone.”

  “Had, I would give you the world if you would let me,” he tells me with a soft smile that makes my heart and panties melt. “I see you went with pink nails and your movie tattoo. I like that you know exactly what you want.”

  Ink finishes the tattoo and we all head to the bathroom so I can get some gel to keep my tattoos nice. Psycho walks me out to his bike and straddles it while waiting for me to put on my lid and climb behind him.

  Once again, I’m struck with how sexy my man is. He’s all badass and biker, but with me, he is soft and loving. We go to a diner that’s on the river and is so peaceful and romantic at the same time. I’m thinking of all the things I want to do to my man when he reminds me that we are going to the clubhouse after dinner. I look at my phone and see that there are seven texts from Callie asking when we’re going to get there. Laughing, I tell Psycho she’s blowing up my phone for us to get there.

  When we walk into the clubhouse, we head to the bar to get drinks. I hear the brothers playing pool and talking while the jukebox plays. Psycho asks me to dance when Tangled Up In You by Aaron Lewis starts playing. As we sway to the song, he sings the words to me until the song is almost over with. Then, he lets me know what today has been all about, dropping down to one knee and asking me to marry him.

  The tears that were threatening to spill over while he was talking are now rushing down my face. Instead of answering him with the words I know he’s dying to hear, I lean down and kiss my man. I give him a subtle kiss that’s meant to entice him as I pull away and make sure that he’s looking me in the eyes as I tell him yes. He slips the ring on my finger as Renegade walks over to us holding something behind his back. Once he’s right next to us, he hands the item to Psycho who asks me to turn around. Renegade proceeds to move back to the rest of our family while Psycho and I continue to have our moment.

  I vaguely hear the cheers of the brothers and women in the room as my blood rushes to my head. I said yes! That is all I can process as he twirls me in his arms, kissing me as if I’m the air he needs to breathe— which I guess I kinda am to him. Renegade is the first one to reach us, and hugs us both to him, telling us how happy he is for us and welcoming me to not only the Satan’s Anarchy family but theirs as well.

  Something slides up my arms while the heat from his body fills me. Looking down when his body heat goes away, I see I’m now wearing my ‘Property of’ rag. There’s no way to stop the tears from falling as our friends and family surround us to offer their congratulations. Renegade is the first one to wrap me in his arms as he welcomes me to the family. Callie is the next one to pull me away from my man. For the next hour or so, we’re pulled apart continuously as everyone wants our attention and to know when we’re getting married and where.

  “Callie, I want to get married at your house. We love it there, and I think it would be perfect for us,” I tell her, rushing to get my words out so she can’t say no before I’ve finished.

  “That would be awesome! I’m sure the guys can figure out everything else when we let them know the when,” she answers, pulling me for another hug.

  Psycho finally comes up and pulls me away from everyone. I tell him that I asked Callie if we could get married there and he agrees that it will be perfect considering that’s the first spot away from the clubhouse that we spent any real time at together before he bought our home.

  Before he can do anything else, I show him the tattoos I had done today. When I get to the dreamcatcher, he places soft kisses as close to it as he can get before showing me all night long how much he loves it.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  WE’VE BEEN BUSTING ass helping Ink get the shop back in order. Since it was completely destroyed and he had to order brand new of everything, he decided he was going to redo the entire shop. So, we painted the walls, made him an office instead of just a work station like the rest of the employees, and added a lounge for us out back.

  He painted murals on the walls instead of hanging pictures back up and included a reception area that customers could sit and pick out a tattoo design if they didn’t already know what they wanted. There was a rack installed, much like one that holds posters in stores. Instead of posters, there are thousands of flash art displays for quick design ideas for walk-ins. They usually want something tribal and other easy stuff.

  Today, we’re holding a grand re-opening for the public. They’ll be able to come in and have a look around at the new shop and make appointments for tattoos while they’re here. So, I’ve got the calendar out on the desk to write everything down on, and then I’ll put it in the computer when everyone leaves tonight.

  I’ve never seen Ink so excited. He’s usually happy and smiling, but there’s a twinkle to his eyes I haven’t seen in a while. It’s nice to see as he walks out of his office and heads to the door to unlock it. There’s already a line of people waiting to come in along with guys from the club. We welcome them all in along with Stripe and Taz. Most of the customers are people that have been here before with a few new faces.

  Natasha is among the crowd, and she makes a beeline for me. After wrapping me in a hug, I see her gaze wander over to Renegade who’s standing in the reception area. I wonder what’s going on there, and tell myself to stay out of it. She talks to me about another tattoo she wants Ink to do. I think it’s going to be awesome.

  It’s not long before Renegade is making his way over to us. This is getting very interesting and I’m gonna have to keep my eyes on these two. After marking her down on the calendar, I tell her I’ll see her before she leaves, and move on to help greet more customers.

  It’s not long before there’s a lull in the people walking in and out the door, talking to guys from the club as well as Stripe, Taz, and Ink about getting work done. I see a petite blond walking in the door. She looks scared as hell and keeps eyeing the men from the club as she walks toward the front desk.

  “Hey hun, can I help you?” I ask, walking from around the desk.

  “Um, yes. I’m looking for a job. I was wondering if you were hiring?” she asks, looking at me and startling me with the navy color of her eyes. They are so fucking beautiful and mesmerizing.

  “Well, let me get Ink and I’ll have him talk to you,” I tell her, looking up to see that Ink is standing in the doorway of his office with Hawk and Chains.

  The three men are looking at the woman standing in front of me and I motion with my head for Ink to come over. He puts a smile on his face and walks over toward us. “Hey, Hadliegh. What can I do for
you?” he asks, looking at the woman.

  “My name is Cassidy, and I was wondering if you were hiring?” she asks, trying to add a little extra confidence to her voice.

  “Well, what kind of job are you lookin’ for?” he asks her.

  “I’m good with computers. I can work a lot of different programs, and I like helping people,” she answers as I nod my head over the top of hers that he needs to hire this girl.

  “Okay. So, you could work with Hadliegh at the front counter. You would have to make sure that everyone fills out paperwork and has the proper identification before sending them back to an artist, answering phones, helpin’ clean, and takin’ inventory. When you’re comfortable, you can help the confused customers decide what they like and don’t like,” Ink tells her.

  “Thank you so much,” she answers. “When would I start?”

  “You can start tomorrow if you want,” he tells her as she thanks him again and turns to leave the shop.

  “What’s up, Hadliegh?” he asks, turning his full attention toward me.

  “I don’t know. She needs help, but I don’t know what kind just yet. I’ll have to watch her. That girl is scared of her own shadow right now, though,” I answer him as Hawk, Chains, and Psycho walk up to us.

  They try to find out information on the girl since Ink didn’t have her fill out an application or anything so that Hawk could do his normal background check on her. It’s something that everyone working for one of the club’s businesses have to go through so they can try to make sure that no one from a rival club is trying to gain access. It’s not foolproof and some people slip through the cracks, but this time Ink just took my gut feeling and went with it. I just hope we can help this girl before something bad happens to her.

  I’m sitting at the desk waiting for Cassidy to show up. I’ve got the computer ready to go and the calendar sitting in front of me so we can get the appointments that were booked from the re-opening.

  Just as I go to talk to Ink about what he wants to do about her, she rushes in through the door. I can tell she’s in pain from the way she’s moving. As she goes to take off her light sweater, I gasp at the bruises covering her arms. Someone has put their hands on her. Repeatedly.

  “Cass, what the fuck?” I say, keeping my voice low and calm so I don’t scare her off.

  “It’s nothing,” she answers, pulling the sweater back up her arms as a gasp leaves her from the way she just moved.

  “Don’t lie to me. Let me help you,” I tell her sitting her down in the chair while I squat down next to her. “The guys in the club will help keep you safe.”

  Cassidy breaks down in tears and seems to fold in on herself. Ink rushes out of his office and I silently motion him to go back in his office. Him rushing around here, demanding answers is the last thing that she needs right now. I’ll get the information out of her and we’ll go from there.

  “Please, tell me what’s going on?” I ask, setting my hand on her leg so that she knows I’m there for her.

  “I met my man when I was in my sophomore year of college. He made me believe that he was a good guy and that he really liked me. Once we went out on a few dates, he began to change. Wanted all my time, didn’t like my friends, that kind of thing. It wasn’t long before I moved in with him since he had an apartment off campus and then I became totally dependent on him and isolated from my friends and family,” she says, taking a breath and wincing before continuing on with her story.

  “Anyway, he made me drop out of school so I could be home all day while he went to work and was fucking around on me. Yesterday, I decided I wanted a job so that I could save money while telling him I wanted to help pay the bills because we’ve been struggling. When he got home last night and found out that I got a job in a tattoo parlor, he flipped his shit. What you see now is the result of that.”

  “Is this a regular occurrence?” I ask her, needing to know what we’re getting into.

  “Yes,” she whispers. “He’s made my family disown me with his lies, and I have no one to turn to. I’m so sorry to bring this here.”

  “I’m glad you did. Let me go talk to Ink. Do you think you can manage to input these appointments on the computer?” I ask, standing up as her eyes widen in fear. “These men will help you. Ink is a member of an MC and they’ll protect you. I swear, Cassidy. Are you serious about wanting out?”

  “I am. I can’t let him keep doing this to me,” she answers, some of the fear disappearing from her eyes. “I’ll get this on the computer for you.”

  I nod my head and make my way to Ink. After explaining Cass’s situation to him, I watch as he pulls the phone out and places a call to Renegade. Even though I can’t hear much, I do hear men yelling in the background. That’s how loud they’re all being. Well, I should say it’s more than likely Hawk and Chains. I saw the way those two were looking at Cass yesterday when she came in; like they were stalking prey and she had no clue.

  “A few guys will be here in a few minutes to take her to get her things. She’s not goin’ back, but she will have a job still,” he tells me after he gets off the phone. “She’ll be stayin’ at the clubhouse for now until we can figure out where to put her.”

  “Thank you,” I tell him, walking out front to tell her what’s going to happen.

  Cass gives me a gentle hug with the way her body’s hurting and thanks me repeatedly. We sit at the computer, and I go over the programs that we use here, which she’s familiar with because of whatever she was going for in college. I show her the backroom and where all of our inventory is. She won’t need to be too concerned with all that right now. I’m guessing the only thing she’s going to be focusing on is healing and getting away from the scumbag asshole that did this to her.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  RENEGADE, HAWK, CHAINS, Grave, and I are sitting at the clubhouse when Ink calls him. I’ve never seen Hawk and Chains flip out the way they are right now when Ink tells Renegade why he’s calling. They each take a chair and slam it against the floor until it’s nothing more than splinters. We all look at them as my brother hangs up the phone and turns his attention toward them.

  “If you’re gonna help her, you two need to reign your shit in now. I won’t have her scared even more when she’s already been beaten,” Renegade tells them.

  “Got it,” Hawk says, visibly trying to gather his composure while Chains sits back down, his breathing out of control still.

  “Psycho, you’re goin’ too. I want all her shit loaded up and brought here. She’s gonna need time and space to heal while we figure out how to protect her,” he tells us. “You take the SUV and take as long as you need. If you need back-up, call me.”

  The three of us head over to Anarchy Ink to get this girl. I don’t even know her fucking name yet. But, Ink called because my woman went to him with what she told her. She talked to me after we left the shop the day of the re-opening, and I knew it was only a matter of time before Hadliegh figured out what was going on. It’s worse than we thought it was from what Ink described to us.

  “You two gonna be able to control yourselves?” I ask just before we pull up to the tattoo parlor.

  “Yep,” Chains answers, his voice harsh and sounding like he’s gritting his teeth.

  Hawk nods his head as I pull up out front and shut the SUV off before we make our way inside. Hadliegh is behind the counter with the timid girl. The girl’s eyes widen in fear and something else as we stop in front of them. Hadliegh walks around the counter to give me a kiss and wrap her body around mine for a second before turning her attention to the other girl.

  “Cass, this is Psycho, Hawk, and Chains. They’re gonna help you get your things and then take you back to the clubhouse. I’m sure doc will check you over and decide what needs to be done. Remember, they won’t hurt you no matter what you hear or see them do to the douche-canoe that fucked you up,” Hadliegh tells her as I watch her grab her bag from the floor and a gasp escapes her mouth.

bsp; This girls ribs are fucked up for sure. I can tell by the way she’s carrying herself and how slow she’s moving. She moved faster yesterday when she came in here to ask about a job. I’ll make sure to message Doc when we’re on our way back with her so that he can meet us at the clubhouse.

  Hawk and Chains step on either side of Cass and walk her out to the SUV. Chains helps her inside while Hawk climbs in the front seat. I know he wants to be in the back with her, but the two of them squeezing her in the back would probably be a little too much right now. So, he’ll have to settle for sitting up front and keeping an eye on her from here.

  Cass gives us the directions to her house, which is only a few blocks from Anarchy Ink. When I pull up, I see a car in the driveway of the run-down house. I’m surprised anyone lives here with the way it looks like it’s leaning to the one side.

  Chains, Hawk, and I give one another a look before we follow her inside. From the porch, we can hear moaning and the sounds of someone fucking. Chains kicks the door in, and Cass shrinks back against Hawk. I step inside to find a skinny ass man with his pencil dick flapping in the breeze while the bitch he was fucking screams and tries to cover herself.

  “Get the fuck outta my house,” pencil dick yells, turning his attention to the door for the first time.

  As soon as he sees the three of us surrounding Cass, an evil smirk covers his face to mask the fear I see in his eyes. Cass points us in the direction of the bedroom and I tell them to go help her while I wait out here for them to get done. Pencil dick thinks he’s going to follow them, but I put a stop to that real quick.

  “Sit the fuck down!” I bellow out, watching as he jumps and almost pisses himself. “So, you like hittin’ on women and puttin’ them in so much pain they can barely move? You want me to do the same shit to you?”


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