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Triplets for The Millionaire : A Secret Baby Romance (Doctors of Denver Book 4)

Page 9

by K. C. Crowne

  “Well?” she asked. “What did you want to ask me about?”

  I shook my head, trying to snap back into the moment. But Lord, did she make it hard looking the way she did. “I wanted to see if you’d be up for another date.”

  She sighed, looking away and shaking her head. “I should’ve known that’s what you wanted to talk about. Patrick, this was a huge meeting. I’m trying to secure investments to keep a clinic for low-income citizens afloat. Now’s not the time to ask me for a date.”

  “You are aware that I’m one of those potential investors, right?”

  Lola cocked her head to the side. “What’re you saying? That you’ll only invest if I go on a date with you? I have to tell you, that’s pretty gross.”

  Shit. No, that’s not at all what I was trying to say. I had to play this smart, not let myself get distracted wondering what kind of underwear she had on under that pantsuit.

  “No – you’ve convinced me,” I explained. “That presentation was killer. I’m on to invest even if you told me to fuck off and never talk to you again.”

  Her expression softened. “No offense,” she began, “but how does a guy like you afford philanthropic investments like this? I mean, we’re not talking about a small amount of money here.”

  I smirked, happy to indulge her curiosity. People wondering how a mere photographer had money to spend was something I had plenty of experience with. “Now, I don’t mean to toot my own horn here,” I said as I slowly stepped closer to the table to get my coffee. “But I’ve made something of a name for myself as a photojournalist.”

  Lola pursed her lips, as if realizing she’d screwed up. “I know. And I’m not belittling what you do, it’s just…this a lot of money. Wait.” Her face lit up with realization. “It’s your dad, right? I bet he gives you money. Finn mentioned that he’s this big doctor back in Ireland.”

  The notion was so hilarious that I nearly spat my coffee down the length of the conference room table. “Holy hell,” I said with a laugh once I forced down my coffee with a smile. “You’re kiddin’, right? I mean, the only way you’d say somethin’ like that is if you didn’t know me da in the slightest.” She frowned, not understanding. “Lola, this is a man who’d tell me to wash his car any time I asked him for a Euro or two to buy some ice cream. The man’s wallet is tighter than a housefly’s arse. Not to mention, I’m a grown man. I don’t go askin’ me da for money.”

  “Sorry, sorry,” she said, lifting her hands. “I’m just curious.”

  “I get it. And to answer your question, when I started makin’ a bit of money, I found out that when you don’t have a home and you’ve got all the equipment you need, there’s not a hell of a lot to spend it on. So I started some investments, hired a good money man and shoveled him all the cash I’d been making from my photo sales. He made some smart calls, then a little money became a lot, and that became even more, and then before I knew I was flush with cash. So I decided to use that money to do some good in the world. Not everyone was lucky enough to have a charmed life like mine, so it was my way of giving back, showing how thankful I am.”

  She said nothing for several long moments after I spoke. My words had clearly surprised her, like Lola hadn’t expected a guy who jet sets around the world taking pictures to have any kind of depth to him.

  Finally, she cleared her throat. “That’s very impressive. And if you would be kind enough to invest some of your money in our project, I can assure you that it’d go a long way toward making life better for the less fortunate.”

  “I’ve no doubt about it, love –you convinced me of that during your presentation.” I smiled at her. “So, that’s all but done. Right now, however, I’m wondering what it would take to get you on another date with me.”

  She regarded me for a few beats, as if still trying to figure out if this were some kind of trick. “It’s not a good idea,” she said, sweeping one of the tendrils dangling from her sexy-as-hell bun back behind her ear. “I had fun the other night, sure. But I can’t.”

  “Dinner tonight,” I pressed, blowing past her denial. “It’s Friday night and we’ve both got something to celebrate – you’ve landed an investor with your ace presentation, and I’ve found a worthy cause to put my money into. Sounds perfect to me.”

  She shook her head. “Tonight’s no good. I’ve got a couple of appointments at the clinic and then I’m spending the evening with my mom.”

  “Alright,” I said, stepping closer and taking a seat on the edge of the table next to her. “How about this Sunday? I’ve got a little adventure planned, and I’m thinkin’ you’d be the perfect companion.”

  “An adventure?” She said the word like she’d never heard it before in her life, like it was a totally alien concept. “What kind of adventure?”

  “The one you’d have to come with me to see,” I teased. “Come on – we’ll have a laugh, and you’ll be glad you did it.”

  Lola appeared uncertain, as if she were having a little internal back and forth about what she wanted to do. But she shook her head. “Sorry, I’m not really the adventurous type.”

  “Oh, everyone’s the adventurous type at some point. What else you got planned for Sunday?”

  “Something quiet – and most definitely not adventurous.”

  It was strange. Lola was a professional woman, but there was a softness to her when she spoke. She seemed guarded, as if she were hiding something.

  “How about this – we go on this adventure, and if you don’t have the time of your life, I won’t ever try to talk you into one again. You’ll never have to worry about this handsome, charming Irishman ever darkening your doorstep again.” I smiled a charming smile, and she matched it with one of her own.

  Lola let out a breath through her nose, shaking her head. “There’s no chance you’ll actually tell me what it is?”

  “Then it’s not an adventure – it’d be just a date. Trust me, it’ll be a blast.”

  She sighed loudly and said, “Fine, fine. I can’t believe I’m doing this, by the way.” She checked her watch. “Alright, I need to get going.”

  “Let me see you out.”

  We rose at the same time, and I placed my hand on the small of her back as I led her to the door. To my surprise, she didn’t stop me. We reached the doors and she turned, standing only a few inches from me. The heat between us was incredible, the tension irresistible. Her mouth opened slightly, her tongue dragging over her lips and leaving them glistening.

  Damned if it wasn’t about the dumbest idea I could’ve had at the moment, but I couldn’t help it. I kissed her.

  Lola’s body tensed, and I was certain she hadn’t been expecting the show of affection. But just like the first time I’d kissed her in the parking lot, her tension melted into warmth, her hand resting on my chest and her mouth opening, her tongue seeking mine. My cock solidified in my pants, and there wasn’t a doubt in my mind that she was wet for me.

  I wanted to find out.

  My hand started on her thigh, moving up until I was between her legs. Her pussy was warm, inviting, and all I could think about was taking her over to that table and fucking her hard on top of it.

  But I didn’t get a chance. She grabbed the wrist of my hand between her legs and pulled it out. Then she broke the kiss, stepping back and looking at me with shocked eyes. A few strands of hair from her bun had come undone and were draping over her forehead.

  For a moment, I was worried she might slap me, but she only shook her head and swept the stray strands of hair back.

  “Patrick…I swear to God.”

  I grinned. “Hope that means we’re still on.”

  “We’re still on. Message me Sunday and let me know how I’m supposed to dress for this adventure you’ve got in mind.”

  “Can’t wait.”

  She flicked her eyes up and down once again, as if trying to figure out just who this strange Irishman was that had gotten such a hold over her. Lola opened the door and left, my eyes glancing
down to her perfect ass.

  When she was gone, I chuckled.

  I had to admit, I was fascinated by her, totally taken by this one whose mouth told me one thing, while her kiss told another story entirely.

  Chapter 10


  I spotted Patrick as I pulled out of the parking garage of the offices. He was sauntering down the row between cars, a pleased-as-punch smile on his face.

  I didn’t want to see him. As quickly as I could, I pulled into a spot and waited for him to pass. My heart skipped a beat as he made his way past my car. I watched in the rearview mirror as he disappeared around the corner and out of sight.


  As soon as he was gone, I wondered what the hell had gotten into me. Why had I had such a reaction to seeing him? It didn’t take much thinking to realize what was going on – I was scared to see him not because I didn’t want to see him again. I didn’t want to see him specifically because I wanted to see him again. I could only imagine what would happen if he were to lay eyes on me. No doubt a man as cocky and self-assured as him would stroll right over to me. He’d probably even try to parlay into another date.

  Or more.

  And maybe this time I wouldn’t have the self-control to tell him no. It’d been so, so hard in the office. If the kiss had gone on another few seconds, I would’ve been done for. Looking back, I was shocked I’d managed to get his hand out from between my legs.

  Truth be told, I was incensed. Where the hell did he get off trying to get me off! He’d laid the moves on me right there in the middle of the conference room only minutes after I’d given one of the most important presentations of my life. What on Earth had he been expecting? That I’d screw him on the damn table?

  How did he not care about what might happen? Why was he so reckless? And why the hell did I like it?

  I let out a frustrated sigh as I pulled out of the parking spot and went on my way. The moment I was on the road, he was back in my mind. My brain seemed determined to torment me, conjuring up images of what might’ve happened if I had allowed to happen what Patrick clearly wanted to happen.

  I imagined his hand between my legs, rubbing my pussy through my pants. His lips would fall on my neck, kissing me like he had that night. He’d tease me for a time, his finger tracing slow circles around my clit as I buried my moans in his shoulder.

  It would have taken all the concentration I had not to scream, not to alert the entire executive floor that one of the investors was bringing me to orgasm. I’d come to his touch, my panties soaking, my legs shaking, my eyes shut.

  But he wouldn’t be done with me. His hands would move to the front of my pants, unhooking the clasp and pulling down the zipper. Then he’d reach around and grab my ass, lifting me off my feet and setting me down on the edge of the table. I’d shimmy my panties and slacks down, and he’d quickly take out his cock, long and hard and dripping just for me.

  As I drove in the real world, I considered whether I’d want him to take me from the front or behind. Just considering the question was more than enough to make me even wetter.

  I bit my lip as I drove, imagining his hands on my hips, grunts emanating from deep in his chest as he drove into me with wild abandon, the soft sounds of his hips against my ass filling the air. Then we’d come together, and he’d shudder, draining himself deep into me as my orgasm clenched my pussy around his cock.

  A frustrated sigh shot out of my mouth as I refocused my attention on driving. It was so damn annoying that someone like him had such an effect on me. I’d had my experience with adventurous men, and they hadn’t been good ones.

  Before I knew it, my mind conjured up another scenario, a real memory. As the mental picture came together, my stomach tightened with anxiety.

  Eight years ago… I was in the middle of the ocean staring out onto the endless water. In the distance, dark grey storm clouds billowed and roiled. Flashes of lightning appeared in their depths.

  “Josh?” I called the name of Josh Sawyer, my boyfriend of two years.

  Oops – Dr. Josh Sawyer. God help you if you forgot that absolutely essential part of his name. Dr. Josh was one of the hottest up-and-coming spine surgeons in the medical community. And he had it all – pre-med from Duke, MD from Harvard, and connections with just about every noteworthy doctor in the country. Granted, he had his wealthy parents to thank for those connections, but that was neither here nor there.

  The ship I stood on the prow of was the Endless Weekend – a little gift from Mom and Dad to their wonderful son after graduating top of his class. But I was more concerned with the storm on the horizon. Another peal of lightning flashed in the clouds, with a low, bassy boom of thunder sounding after.


  I couldn’t take my eyes off the storm. By that point I was so worried, desperate to find Josh, that I forced myself to turn. A quick look around revealed no trace of land. For all I knew, we were hours away from the coast of South Carolina.


  He popped his impossibly handsome head out from below deck, his sun kissed blonde hair slicked back, his all-American good looks as striking as ever.

  “What, babe?” he asked, irritation his voice.

  “Don’t what, babe me – look at that!” I pointed in the direction I’d been staring, toward the storm in the distance.

  He scrunched up his face and shook his head. “What?”

  “What?” I squealed. “Josh, that’s the scariest storm I’ve ever seen in my life, and it’s getting closer and closer. What’re you even doing down there?”

  “Getting the bed ready,” he said with a grin. “Figured we could get in a little deep-sea diving before we headed back to shore.”

  As nervous as I was about the storm, I couldn’t resist rolling my eyes at his immature crack. Two years of dating and I had yet to figure out how a guy that smart and talented could have the sense of humor of a twelve-year-old.

  “You’re kidding, right?” I asked. “Josh, there’s a massive storm barreling towards us and you’re thinking about sex?” It was doubly galling since I hadn’t been interested in sex with him for a long while. The trip was supposed to rekindle our attraction, but it was having the opposite effect, reminding me why I’d gotten sick of the man in the first place.

  “Come on,” he said, irritation in his voice. “I bring you out on this awesome boat and you’re not going to put out once?”

  It took all the restraint I had not to grab the nearest oar and clock him upside that stupid square head of his. He hoisted himself out of the below-deck, stepping over to me where I stood.

  “That’s nothing,” he said, gesturing dismissively at the storm. “A little wind and rain.”

  “It sure as hell doesn’t look like nothing,” I replied.

  He let out an irked sigh before turning away from the storm. He scoffed. I hated that scoff. I’d heard it over and over again since we’d first started dating. It was a scoff that meant he thought I was either stupid or being dramatic.

  “Don’t scoff at me,” I said, narrowing my eyes as I latched my gaze onto him. “That storm looks bad, Josh. You can’t tell me it doesn’t.”

  He sighed, shaking his head as he trotted down the length of the boat, stopping at my side. He put his hands on his hips and gazed out onto the water toward the horizon.

  Silence followed. That particular flavor of silence was one I’d gotten to know well over the years. It meant he knew I was right but didn’t want to admit it.

  “Hm. Maybe we should head back.” Then he turned and started back below deck without another word.

  Part of me wanted to follow him down there and give him a kick in the dick. It was the same BS I’d seen play out time and time again with him. I’d point something out, he’d act like I was some silly, bubble-headed idiot for doing so, only to recant when he finally understood I was right.

  I didn’t give a damn about credit, of course. More that he was too proud and too arrogant for his own damn good
. As I turned my attention back to the rapidly approaching storm, I found myself wondering if this was the time his stubbornness was finally going to screw him over – and me along with him.

  Moments later the outer edge of the dark storm front was on top of us, a gentle pattering of rain falling onto the deck. Out in the distance, I could see a downpour of rain, bright crackles of lightning flashing in the sky. My stomach tightened at the idea of getting caught in that.

  To my relief, the boat’s engine growled to life and we pulled forward, beginning a wide half-circle back toward land. But the storm was moving in too fast, the sky darkening and the rain falling harder, the water cool on my bare shoulders.

  I hurried down to the lower deck. Josh was at the helm, an expression of intense concentration on his face as he piloted us.

  “This is bad,” he said. “We need to get back to the shore before this thing’s on top of us.”

  “That’s what I’ve been saying, Josh!”

  He whipped his head around, narrowing his eyes. “Now’s not the time for that ‘I told you so’ bullshit,” he said. “You want to chew me out, wait until we’re safely back on the shore.”

  I made a decision right then and there. I reached forward and placed my hand on his. He regarded me with a confused expression.

  “We’re done,” I said. “Now get this fucking boat back to the dock.”

  Surprise flashed on his face. He opened his mouth to speak, but I refused to let him.

  “Not another word,” I said. “Steer this boat back now.”

  He nodded quickly, clearly not anticipating the venom coming out of my mouth. But I didn’t care how he felt.

  He continued steering the boat, and moments later we were pointed back in the other direction. A bolt of lightning lit the interior of the boat, followed by a peal of thunder so loud my bones rattled.

  “Come on!” I said. “You got us into this mess – get us out!”


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