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Here Witchy Witchy Box Set 1

Page 11

by A. L. Kessler

  “Ah, Abby, speechless for once in your life.” His voice grated on my nerves and I clenched my fists.

  “I’m afraid I don’t remember your name.” I ground out and tried to decide what kind of supernatural creature he was. I had been taken too close to dawn for him to be a vampire…of course unless I was unconscious all day. His aura didn’t carry magic and I didn’t sense an animal form in him.

  He shook his head. “No, you wouldn’t. You’ve only seen me from place to place. I came to warn you.”

  “I’ve had enough warnings this month to last me a lifetime. Thanks. Not to mention I’m not going to take you seriously when I’m tied to a chair.”

  He ran his hand over my arm and his fingers rested on the rope. “I couldn’t take the chance of you attacking me.”

  “You also had me drugged and brought here. Now, what do you want with me?” I kept my voice calm and even despite the panic that was building inside me.

  He tutted at me. “Always impatient. I’ve come to tell you that the Cult of Ra is after you and will stop at nothing to kill you, but I can offer you protection.”

  “I don’t even know you, why would I believe that you could protect me?” I snapped. I had already known that the Cult was after my life. “Besides, I have to stop them from killing more.”

  He slipped his finger under the rope as if trying to sooth the biting of it against my arm. “It’s not the Cult that is killing people, but you are on the right track. It is someone who is familiar to them and has something to do with you.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “I’m telling you to not be blind to the clues that you have.” He pulled his hand away and pulled out a knife.

  I tensed, but kept from uttering any kind of spell. He slipped the knife under the rope and cut it. Then he cut my other wrist free. “You can untie your legs. I expect a civil talk. I had you bound because your first instinct is to fight.”

  “Why did you have me drugged?” I narrowed my eyes at him. I still couldn’t put a name to his face, but he was right, I’d seen him a couple of times. My mind was picking up places, putting together pieces. He’d followed me all through my life and I had dismissed him as a piece of my subconscious. He was there the night my parents were murdered; he’d come with Levi to find me.

  “Because you would not have come willingly. I paid Dr. Lambsburg off to drug you and allow me to take you. He couldn’t the first time because you had a partner with you.” He stepped away so that I could stand up.

  I untied my ankles and stood. “Luckily for me, because I still had a hex on me at the time. Who knows what your drug would have done.”

  “I would have met you through Levi but he wouldn’t have trusted me to come there. I knew your parents and I knew the people who killed them.” He said. “My name is Oliver and I am your uncle.”

  I blinked a few times and couldn’t decide if I was dreaming. “I don’t have an uncle.”

  “Please follow me, I have coffee prepared for you to help push off the effects of the drugs. We can talk in the parlor.”

  He had me drugged, bound, and now wanted to serve me coffee. I couldn’t decide if I had hit my head too hard or if I was in a dream. Either way, Oliver was dangerous to me. So I made a note to not drink the coffee and followed him because at this point, I had no way of escaping.

  I looked around the parlor. A couch and two chairs sat near a coffee table with another fire blazing at the end of the room. A stainless steel pot sat on a tile in the table. Oliver motioned for me to sit in one of the two chairs. I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves as I sat. He sat in the chair next to me and poured us both coffee.

  “Now, I know you have a lot of questions, but please let me start out with, I know that the Cult of Ra is not the ones behind the killings. You are safe to pursue that.”

  I thought it was weird that he was going to start there. I would have personally started at the point where no one had mentioned that he existed. “Good, because I wasn’t going to back away from that. Now where the hell have you been for twenty years?”

  “Hiding in the shadows, kind of. You knew I was there. Several times you looked at me, once or twice you nodded at me like you already knew.” He shrugged. “I wanted to keep it that way, because that’s what Levi thought was best for you.”

  “I was told I had no immediate family. You’re not a warlock, I can’t feel your magic.” I met his gaze, calling his bluff. “Magic runs in the blood, there’s not a child born without it.”

  A wicked smile crossed his face and I felt my gut clench in fear. “Oh Abby, you are still so young. You should know the most powerful can hide themselves.”

  And then I felt it. As if he let down some type of barrier and his magic suddenly surrounded me. I tried not to flinch as it hit my aura. I stayed strong and kept his gaze. “So you’re stronger than me.” I kept any emotion out of my voice.

  “Just barely, Abby. I’ve been watching you. You’re not only powerful but you’re cunning. That stunt you pulled jumping into the library window to avoid that reporter. Priceless.” He chuckled.

  I hadn’t seen him there, which meant he was hiding or I wasn’t observant enough. I didn’t like the feeling that gave me. “So you’ve been stalking me.”

  “Don’t worry, I don’t have a creepy shrine to you, but your parents would be so proud of you.”

  I locked my jaw. “Oliver what?” I asked suddenly. If he’d watched me, he’d know the first thing I’d do when I got out of here was research the hell out of him.

  “I’m from your mother’s side.”

  “Macintosh then.” I hadn’t had to use my mother’s maiden name in years. “I’ll make sure to look you up. Now, tell me. What do you know about the Cult since you’re warning me?”

  “I know they had a hand in your parent’s death and that they swore they’d come back to finish the job.”

  I raised a brow. “The message I got from them said to stay out of their way and I wouldn’t get hurt.”

  “You mean the message that tried to kill you?”

  Damn, he had a point. I hated that he had a point. “So what? They are here to kill me and finish off the family line?”

  “Something like that. Your father did something stupid and the coven found him not guilty of it because of the circumstances.”

  I figured he was talking about the demon summoning, but there was no reason to bring up that I knew that. I didn’t want to share what info Levi gave me if I could help it. I still had no idea if this man was my actual uncle or not. Even if he was, I didn’t know if I could trust him. “So we all have to pay for his crime?”

  “After that event your father started digging further into coven histories and languages.” Oliver tapped his fingers on the table and it reminded me of my own nervous habit.

  “That was his job.”

  He nodded. “Yes, but there are those who don’t want history to be recorded. The Cult used the mistake to go after him, but They killed your parents for your father’s research.”

  Something clicked in my head. The picture of Michele at the crime scene. Fuck. They had been there, even if they weren’t the killer. They had been leaving me a message, not a clue to the murder.

  “You’ve thought of something?” He asked and motioned to the coffee. “I didn’t drug it.” He added as an afterthought.

  I shook my head. “I don’t trust you enough to share my thoughts…or drink your coffee. You had an ME drug me.”

  “Precautions. I just wish he wouldn’t have done it while you were on the phone. Said it was a detective, but didn’t say which one.”

  I wasn’t volunteering that information. “So what do you get from all of this?”

  “I was hoping an ally. There’s a lot going on between us and the Cult of Ra, not a war, not yet. But it could escalate to that if they continue their vigilante ways against our kind.”

  I shook my head. “I’m not interested in working with someone else. Sorry, I’ve g
ot enough on my plate.”

  “Oh, Abby I don’t think you understand. You are the first person in centuries to not die from one of their hexes. You are strong enough to take out the priest. You can end the struggle between us.”

  “In exchange for me considering it, I want you to tell me how to get them off my back.”

  “I’ll think about it.” He looked at his watch. “It looks like you’ve probably been gone too long. Shall I take you back to town?”

  Fuck, I wasn’t even in town. I debated my options. He wanted my help. He needed me alive. “I just have one more question for you. You’re more powerful than I am. Why not just kill the priest yourself?”

  “It’s complicated, but I can’t be the one.” He stood. “Come, I’ll get you back in town. You can call someone to pick you up, I’ll return your phone as soon as we arrive.”

  I stood and followed him through the halls. They, just like the first room, were empty of anything that would have given him personality or painted him as humane. No family photos, no pets, nothing but blank wood walls. How odd.

  He led me to a limo and I raised a brow. “You just have money to throw at a limo to take me back to the city?”

  “I’ve made a pretty good living for myself, Abby. Don’t worry, we have plenty of time to get acquainted.”

  I tried not to wrinkle my nose at him. The driver stepped out of the limo and opened the door for me. I slipped in and leaned back in the seat. I’d been in a limo a few times, occasionally Levi has press conferences or things that aren’t vampire related that we get to travel fancy for. However, I was never comfortable in them. I wasn’t made for the high life or the limelight.

  Oliver climbed in the car after me and sat across from me. “It’s about an hour drive. I don’t live as far out as Levi does.”

  That was good to know, I didn’t really want to talk for a two hour drive. “What do I do if I decide to take your offer?” I asked and crossed my arms.

  “That means you’re considering it.”

  “I don’t make any decisions without full consideration.” It was true. I weighed all my options unless it was something I had to do in a split second, then I trusted my instincts to guide me. “Also, I want my gun back when we get into town. It’s my favorite one.”

  “I’ll give you a card when I return the gun and phone to you.” He chuckled. “I never thought I’d find little Abby carrying a gun.”

  I shrugged. “I prefer my magic, but sometimes a gun is just so much easier.”

  “Not with how strong you are. You could easily kill someone.”

  I cringed. “I try not to kill, only in self-defense if I can help it and I never use magic to kill.”

  “Never?” He asked and chuckled. “It only taints one’s aura for a little while. Your father could have told you that.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “I’ve never been forced to and I’d prefer to keep it that way. Temporary or not, I’d rather not have my aura tainted more than it already is. Besides, that would only give the Cult more reason to come after me.”

  “That is true. You wouldn’t want that.” He leaned forward. “You have such potential Abby. Once the Cult is off your back then we can work on harnessing your abilities.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I haven’t decided if I’m taking your deal and nowhere did I say I was considering becoming your apprentice. In case you haven’t figure it out from stalking me, I prefer to work alone.” And with that I turned away from him and watched the trees pass by as the car moved over dirt roads.

  Eventually the wheels found pavement and the drive smoothed out. The trees gave away to highway and took me into the lights of the city.

  Oliver dropped me off at my car and I sighed as I turned my phone back on. The screen lit up and then the notifications came. I called Detective Mason first.

  “Abigail, are you okay?”

  Was I okay? I wasn’t sure at this point. “Physically yeah, just exhausted. I see I’ve been gone for an entire day, but I’m back and safe. Will you do me a favor and run a name for me?” It occurred to me that Oliver could have bugged my phone. “Ah fuck it. I need to get a new phone. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Abby? I arrested the ME who drugged you, are we pressing charges?”

  I rubbed my neck where I remembered the needle going in. “Yeah, aiding in kidnapping and drugging.”

  “Big charges. The person you want me to run, they kidnap you?”

  I nodded but then remembered that he couldn’t see. “Yeah, but I’ll worry about it in the morning. I need to call Simon and Levi before they decide to start searching for my body.”

  “Yeah, he’s been breathing down my neck. I couldn’t find any clues of where you went. The only reason we got a confession out of the ME was because I threatened to hand him over to Levi.”

  I laughed. “Aw, how sweet. Sadly, he was paid off and had no true idea of where I was going.” I started my car to ward off some of the cold air. “Thanks Mason, I’ll send that name to you as soon as I get a new phone. You run that for me then I’ll spend the entire day trying to lay out connections to the murders.”

  “Sounds like I’ve got the easier part. I know you have your reasons, but you’re going to have to explain to me eventually why you want me to run it and not you.”

  Part of it was I didn’t want Oliver to trace it, on the other hand I was scared of what I would find. What if he was telling the truth? I shook my head. “I’ll talk to you about it later.” But we both knew that I would avoid it until he pestered me enough. I hung up and decided who I would call next. The logical answer was Levi, there shouldn’t have been any debate.

  Which made me wonder when I had started developing any feelings for Simon. I shook my head and punched Levi’s number.

  “Hey, I’m heading home.”

  “Where the hell have you been?”

  I snorted. “For the record, you did tell me to stay away from the mansion while the event was going on.”

  I imagined he was taking a moment and keeping himself from snapping back at me. “Abigail, I want you here at the mansion. You’ve been attacked twice since starting this case.”

  I knew that I had the option of not going to the mansion, but I also knew that I didn’t want to go home. I could go to Simon’s but I thought I needed a bit of space. “I’ll be there in a couple hours. I’m in the city.”

  “Thank you.” I knew he meant it. “I will see you then, drive safe.”

  The line disconnected and I sighed. I knew he wouldn’t have panicked unless I was gone for more than one day, but it was nice to know that he worried a little bit. I called Simon and waited for him to pick up.

  Luckily for me the voicemail picked up. “Hey, sorry that I didn’t come home. I got drugged, kidnapped, you know, a normal night in the life of Agent Abby. Give me a call and make sure you call off the search party. I’m going to Levi’s for the night.” I hung up and turned on the radio before pulling the car out of its spot. I was glad no one towed my car for being parked at a meter for so long, maybe Oliver had something to do with that.

  The drive back to Levi’s was quiet, except for the radio. I was already tired of being in the car and was relieved when I pulled up to the mansion. I got out of the car and let myself into the mansion.

  Simon stood there with his hands on his hips. Not who I wanted to come face to face with when I first returned, but hey fate was a bitch like that.

  “So, I know I have a lot of explaining to do, but first I want some food.” I sighed and took off my jacket, putting it and my bag in the coat closet. “I’m sorry, I had no plans on being kidnapped last night and I know you were expecting me to be back before dawn.”

  He laughed. “Yeah, I was, but maybe next time I should specify which dawn?”

  I couldn’t help the smile that broke out on my face. “Next time, maybe. Let’s see what’s in the kitchen to eat and I’ll explain to you what happened.”

  “I’d like to be there for that conversation too.�
�� Levi stepped into the foyer and looked at me. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Other than starving, I’m fine.” I was a little shook up still, but it would pass, it always did. At least this time no one hexed me and I wasn’t lying in the hospital struggling for my life.

  His gaze wandered over my body in a way that told me he was assessing me to see if there was any physical damage. “To the kitchen then.”

  I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. Eventually one of them was going to pick up on my mood and my uncertainties, but it’d be better for them to hear what happened to me first.

  Simon dug out a pizza from the freezer and popped it into the oven. “Okay so, you went to the morgue and what happened?”

  “I got a call from Detective Mason, the next thing I knew I was on the floor looking up at the ME and then I went unconscious. When I woke, I was tied to a chair in a room with a fireplace.”

  “Was there anything around to give you any clues?” Levi asked and sat down at the small table with me.

  I shook my head. “Nope, nothing, no pictures or anything to give me a clue of what was going on. The man who took me said that his name was Oliver Macintosh.” I gave them the overview of what happened. By the time I was done going over all the details the pizza was ready.

  Simon brought it to the table and my stomach growled so loud the two of them looked at me.

  “What? I didn’t eat before I went to the morgue. So Simon, you might want to make another one, because I might eat this one all on my own.”

  He raised a brow. “I already ate.” He sat down. “What do you think? Is he telling the truth?”

  “I have no idea what to think. I was hoping Levi could shed some light on this and that if I run his name I’d pull something up.” I looked at the vampire and his eyes were closed. “Levi, do you need to feed?”


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