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Here Witchy Witchy Box Set 1

Page 24

by A. L. Kessler

  "No. We have something to discuss in regards to your job." He didn't sound happy and that normally meant trouble.

  I had a choice; I could piss Levi off and go on my date. Levi was an employer, yes, and some days I felt like I owed him for taking me in, but he didn't own me. Or I could suck it up and cancel my date. I pressed my lips together. "On a scale of 'Stephanie put me in the tabloids again' to 'someone is killing your people' how important is this and why can't we discuss this over the phone?"

  "Because Oliver has your phone bugged."

  I was going to have to talk to my uncle about his trickery. I had never left my phone in his possession and it wasn’t like I knew how to prevent him from bugging my phone. Hell, I didn’t even know how one went about bugging a phone. "And the scale?" I asked.

  "Top priority."

  "Fine. I'll cancel my date with Simon." Damn it. I guessed it was a good thing I hadn't put make-up on yet. "Let me get dressed and I'll be up there in a couple hours."

  Levi was quiet for a moment. "Bring the wolf."

  I counted to ten in my head. Levi was a grumpy vampire until he fed. "I'll see if he wants to tag along. Go eat." I hung up the phone and let out a sigh.

  I called Simon as I went to my dresser to find some clothes. I dug through the drawer while the phone rang.

  "What's up?" Simon answered.

  "We have a change of plans." I grumbled, and pushed another black shirt to the side. I started to wonder if I had anything that had color. Probably not. "Levi needs to speak to me about something he claims is top priority."

  "And he can't discuss it over the phone?" Simon groaned. "So we have to reschedule? Again?"

  I felt a bit guilty, but he knew that my job took up most of my life. "Yes, but Levi said to bring you. Maybe we can do something after." I finally found a baby blue shirt hidden under the black ones. I pulled out a pair of jeans and under garments and dropped the towel.

  "Okay, I can do that." Simon said. "I'll still pick you up?"

  I smiled. At least he was willing to bend a bit for my life. "Yeah, that sounds good. Since we're going to Levi's, I'll be ready in about fifteen minutes."

  "No dressing up for the vampire?" Simon teased.

  I laughed. "No, especially if it's work related." I wiggled into my clothes, balancing the phone on my shoulder when needed. "I'll see you in a bit. I'm going to eat a quick snack before we go." Since dinner wasn't happening.

  I hung up and pulled the towel off my hair. I went into the bathroom and ran a brush through the waves. I dumped some hair product on my hands and ran them through the locks. It was something that helped tame the waves, I wasn't sure what it was, but it worked. I went back to my room and pulled my shirt on before going to the kitchen. I opened my fridge and looked at my choices. There wasn't much in there, I made a note that grocery shopping had to happen at some point.

  I opened the freezer and same thing, empty. I'd have to ask Simon to stop somewhere to eat. My phone buzzed and I looked at it.

  Nick messaged me and I opened it, expecting something sarcastic.

  "Three victims have been identified, going to talk with families tomorrow, want to tag along?"

  "They're all yours." I'd leave the hardest part of the job to him. Three victims, three families, three separate grieving situations. I knew how the meetings would go; they would refuse to admit that their precious family member could be involved with anything supernatural or paranormal. They wouldn't want to work with us and we'd have no true answers for them. Yeah, Nick could handle that on his own.

  I located my sneakers and my gun. I put the shoes on and holstered the gun on my side. The last thing I added was my badge. I clipped it on the back of my belt. It'd be covered up by my jacket, but I learned early to never leave my house without it. It'd saved my ass too many times.

  There was a knock at the door and I peeked out the security hole and saw Simon standing there. I swung the door open and grinned at him. "You're early."

  "I live ten minutes away." He shrugged.

  I grabbed my jacket off the hook by the door. "Let's get this over with. We have to stop for food. I'm starving."

  "I thought you were going to grab a snack."

  I nudged him. "The grocery fairy hasn't stopped by, there's nothing here to eat except a can of tuna."

  "Abby..." He started.

  "Yes, yes, I know, I have to start taking care of myself." I didn't often think that way. There were days I skipped meals because I forgot to eat. When I stayed with him six months ago, he had made sure I ate.

  He shook his head and started towards the car. I shut and locked the door behind me before I followed him.

  He opened the car door for me and I got in. He shut it and then went to the driver's side.

  "How was your day?" He asked as he started the car.

  That was a doozy of a question. I tried to decide if I needed to tell him about Greg, but I knew that I couldn't. "It was interesting, full of dead bodies. Apparently a new M.E. was hired. Nick is being odd and Mason still doesn't like him."

  Simon laughed. "So a typical day in the life of Abby?"

  "Pretty much."

  The drive was filled with easy conversation and fast food as we drove the two hours to Levi's property. I hated that he lived so far away, but if I was honest with myself, I felt at home there. He was one of the only vampires I knew of that had embraced technology. If he didn't want to talk about something on the phone then I needed to respect that.

  "You nervous?" Simon asked as he pulled into the driveway.

  I shook my head. "Just deep in thought. You know how Levi is; he plays everything close to his chest, only letting us see glimpses of what is going on. He didn't want to speak on the phone for fear Oliver would overhear since he apparently bugged the damn thing."


  I nodded. "And with it top priority that normally means someone has died." Or that I was in danger, but I hadn't done anything crazy the last few months.

  "Well, let's go find out what it is and then maybe we can catch a late movie." He got out of the car and I followed. The car honked as he locked it.

  I walked up to the large door of the mansion and put my hand on the scanner. We waited until the tumbler clicked and the door unlocked.

  Simon opened it for me and we walked in. I took my jacket off and hung it by the door. I knew Simon was doing the same behind me. The sound of a sheep baaing echoed through the entry way and I looked behind me. Simon shrugged as an indication that he'd heard it too. I shook my head walking into the foyer, and sure enough there was a sheep in front of the fire. I blinked to make sure it was there, but it didn't disappear. Well, wasn't that interesting?

  Levi walked in and followed my gaze to the sheep. "Don't question it. It's vampire business."

  I opened my mouth to say something, but then just shook my head. "I don't even think I want to know."

  The sheep bleated at me and I had a suspicion that it was telling me off, as much as a sheep could.

  Simon snickered behind me and I wondered what he was thinking. Maybe he saw the sheep as dinner? I wasn't going to ask.

  "We have other things to speak of right now, come along." Levi walked back through the hall he'd come from. I was hoping he was going to lead us to coffee or maybe alcohol because if my night was going to start with a random sheep it wasn't going to end well.

  Levi led us into the kitchen where there were two beers sitting on the island. Simon sat down on a stool without being prompted. I followed, but I met Levi's gaze as I sat down. "So what's so important that we had to cancel our date?"

  "You found a body today, a vampire victim, it came from another territory." Levi said without missing a beat. "You're not pursuing that case, are you?"

  "As far as I know that case was closed, but we need to know why the body was floating in the lake." I hated when he wanted to mess with my job, but knowing that the person was a vampire victim and knowing that Levi was worried about it made my instincts stan
d up.

  "He was buried two months ago. His body shouldn't have been near a lake." Levi crossed his arms. "Other than the agent who had the case, did you tell anyone else?"


  Levi clenched his jaw.

  "He's my partner, I can't hide things from him without the boss getting suspicious. I have to be careful, especially while I handle other issues." I hadn't let Simon in on my secret about being an elemental. I'd let him in on it if things got more serious between us, but now was not the time. I caught Simon raising an eyebrow at me.

  "Look no further into that case, it's out of our territory and is closed." Levi shook his head. "That's all I'm asking, your job and your life could be at stake if you dig into that case too much."

  I considered him for a moment. It was rare when he asked me to step away from jobs or not to look into particular things. I always agreed to do what I could, but still do my job. With this victim being a vampire victim, I wanted to know more. "Did you have anything to do with his death?"

  "No, but I had to help clean up the mess. You can confirm that with the agent that took the case."

  That was comforting. Chances were the agent worked with or for the vampire of that territory. Our department always used resources that we had access to, sometimes that meant working with the supernatural creatures. That was different than taking jobs from them. I never thought I was the only one, but it always raised a red flag, not everyone had the morals I did. "I just need to figure out why the body was in the lake. Hopefully that doesn't turn out to be a big can of worms." It was the best answer I could give him.

  Levi nodded. "All I ask is if you think it will then stay away from it."

  "Fine, fine." I took a drink of my beer. "Why couldn’t we talk about this over the phone?"

  "I don't want Oliver listening in on our conversations." Levi shook his head. "Your uncle is much more of a pain in the ass than I expected."

  It didn't help that I was working with Oliver to control my abilities, I hadn't told Levi that though. Keeping that secret was getting more and more complicated. "If you're done being paranoid, I'd like to go out for a late movie."

  This conversation wasn't really worth the two-hour drive up to the property and hell, by the time we arrived back in town I didn't think Simon would be up for a movie.

  "No, we need to talk about Greg." Levi stated and turned his gaze to Simon who was in mid-drink.

  I downed half my beer in a couple of gulps. I had told Greg I wasn't going to let Simon in on the job. "You're breaking my word if you tell Simon." I warned Levi.

  He put a hand up to stop me from speaking. I threw my hands up in the air and grumbled.

  "Greg is searching for a missing pack member, I sent him to Abigail for help."

  A growl trickled out of Simon's voice. "Greg doesn't like Abby; he must be desperate for help to go to her. Who is the member?"

  "He didn't give me a name, but for some reason he thought I could help. What I need is for you to make sure that if Abigail goes to any pack event that she doesn't go alone. She doesn't go unprotected."

  It was probably a good thing that Levi didn't know exactly what happened on pack grounds the last time I was there. I kept my emotions off my face to not give anything away. "It'll be a simple tracking spell, nothing to worry about. There's no need to make Simon babysit me." Though I was starting to wonder what kind of connection the wolf pack had with Levi. Why would Greg come to Levi for help? He had said Levi owed him a favor, but I doubt either one of them would tell me what it was.

  "I would never let Abby go to a pack event alone, are you crazy? They could eat her alive." Simon put a hand on my knee and I wondered if he knew what I was thinking.

  Levi nodded. "The woman Greg is looking for seems to hold some importance to him. He mentioned an attack."

  Simon tensed. "We were attacked, there's a coup starting."

  "I'm well aware of that. It was one of the reasons Greg came here. He was looking for support. I don't choose sides because pack business is pack business. I did tell him flat out that I thought you'd be a better Alpha."

  Simon sucked in a breath and I took another swig of beer, wishing for something stronger.

  "Hopefully that doesn't cause problems. That attack was brutal. We lost a couple of our younger members." Simon hung his head. "I wasn't aware that one of our members wasn't accounted for."

  Levi nodded. "Greg made it clear he wanted to keep it quiet. I don't trust him." That made two of us. "I'm sure he has his political reasons of keeping her disappearance quiet. He didn't want to go to the human authorities, but since we're known to the human world, he was supposed to."

  "Then how did he end up in my office?" I tapped my fingers on the island.

  "I sent him there because it was better than him not going to the authorities at all. Did your partner find out about him?" Levi asked and turned his attention back to me.

  I tried to imagine how Nick would react if he knew I was taking on non-official jobs. "No, he was with the medical examiner checking on our bodies."

  "That is a relief. I don't want him digging around in pack affairs. He made it clear he didn't like wolves when we first met." Simon reminded me. It wouldn't help the situation to tell Simon that Nick automatically wanted to blame werewolves for the deaths.

  "Nickolas is on the same list as Greg when it comes to my trust." Levi stated.

  Levi didn't trust many people, which was where I learned my own paranoia. It had proven useful at some points and at other times it hurt any relationship I had, friendship or romantic. Six months ago, one of my close friends was used against me. It had worked out okay for the both of us, but it was a good reminder of why I kept others at arm's length.

  "Nick just tends to do things by the book." I shrugged. "And he worked on cases concerning the Cult of Ra, he can't be all that bad."

  Both men went quiet at the mention of the Cult. I rolled my eyes. "Next time, call Simon's phone if you want to interrupt a date. It wasn't worth driving up here for that information." I slid off the stool. "Come on, let's go, maybe we can still catch a late show."

  My phone rang and I took a deep breath. I wanted nothing to do with anything else right now. I gave Simon an apologetic look and stepped out into the hall to answer it. "Agent Collins."

  "You hear back from the Agent who handled the vampire victim?" Nick's voice asked and I wanted to scream at him.

  "How do you know I emailed him?" I asked, trying to keep the sarcasm to a minimum.

  "Because you're good at your job. Now have you?"

  I wondered how pissed he'd be if I hung up on him. I was supposed to be on a date, but apparently that was never going to happen tonight. "No, I haven't. I'm out of the city right now. I'll check my e-mail when I have better service." I had great service where I was, but again, I was supposed to be on a date.

  "Let me know when you do. I'd like to know what was going on. I'd like to get this one solved and done with."

  His comment made me realize he had no patience for longer cases. He would have been a mess on Devon's case when we had multiple bodies pop up at different times. I snorted. "And you say that I'm married to my work. Good night Nick." I disconnected the call and heard the hushed words of Levi and Simon. They were probably discussing some supernatural politics, but I didn't play that way. I tried to stay out of the rules of vampires and werewolves, and Levi tried to keep it that way. He'd always kept me in the dark when it came to the events of the vampires. If he hosted parties or meetings I was hidden away like the unwanted child. He did it to protect me, and I was okay with that.

  I gave them a minute and went down the hall. I opened the door that led down the stone stairwell. The stairs led to what was considered my chamber. It was the place where I learned how to practice magic since it was protected and reinforced. In case I lost control the mansion wouldn’t be destroyed.

  It was the one place that always made me feel like I was at home. I hadn't needed it since I worked on Devon's
case. I felt at peace even when I was hexed and had to track a three-legged werewolf that very nearly got me killed on pack grounds. I wasn't even sure why I had gone down here but I felt like it had called me. I stood in the center of the chamber and took a deep breath. I could feel my magic, the residue of it, around me.

  I sat on the floor, cross-legged, and closed my eyes. I'd let Levi and Simon talk while I meditated and then maybe I'd be in a better mood. Maybe I wouldn't feel like my plate was getting full again. Oliver always told me the key to control was in controlling your surroundings, emotions, and heart. Though normally he had no trust in my abilities of control, since he always stood with a fire extinguisher.

  The thought made me smile. It was always a funny sight and it gave away more than he intended. He was scared of me, of my abilities, of my power and my lack of control. He knew that I was more powerful than my parents and if I continued to grow the way I was I'd be more powerful than him. Which is why he wanted me to be the one to kill the priest of the Cult.

  I took a few deep breaths and forced my mind to clear. I pushed away all thoughts of my uncle, Simon, bodies, and all other things. I let my magic and my energy flow through me to create a feeling of calm. I smiled as I felt my body start to relax muscle by muscle.

  I wasn't sure how long I'd been sitting there, but I opened my eyes when the door opened. Simon stopped at the doorway.

  "Safe to enter?" He asked and I nodded. "I was wondering where you ran off to."

  "Nick called, so I thought I'd let you and Levi talk business while I calmed myself."

  Simon sat down next to me. "You know, this wasn't how I wanted our night to go."

  "I'm sorry you're stuck babysitting me again." I laughed a little. "Hopefully I'm not going to have to attend any pack events. I'm sure no one was thrilled last time."

  Simon nudged my shoulder. "Some of them are fairly impressed. You made it out alive."

  After having to essentially sacrifice my witness. "They are impressed because I chose my life over another."


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