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Here Witchy Witchy Box Set 1

Page 42

by A. L. Kessler

  "I will not bow down to you. My pack is my family, they are mine to protect. I will protect them until my dying breath." Greg snarled.

  I heard howling behind me and the sound of bones snapping and muscles sliming their way around new skeletons. I wasn't going to look back. I didn't want to take my eyes off Mina. I was already focusing my magic and energy into blocking an attack from her. I could feel the fear that curled inside me. There was a lot more to this situation than I was willing to admit.

  I had very little time to make a full plan before the wolves attacked. Rows of them flooded the middle of the clearing. Snarling filled the air as they rushed towards each other. Clashing with their teeth bared they launched into attacks. A flurry of paws and teeth flashed as they threw each other to the ground. I felt the magic coming at me and I threw my circle up. It impacted hard enough that I felt the circle quake.

  Mina stalked towards me, her lips moving fast, chanting her next spell. I pulled my gun out and lowered my circle. I fired twice and the bullets bounced off her own protective circle. I had a moment of awe that she was able to move with her circle. My awe didn't last long as another blast of magic hit me.

  I fell backwards and air jumped out of my lungs when I hit the ground. I struggled to relearn how to breathe as I put up another circle. All around us wolves were tearing each other's throats out. Except for hers. Her wolf stayed faithfully by her side in his collar.

  "You're no match for me, Abby. Your weapons are no good and your circle is easily breakable.” I pressed my lips together. I knew how to make my circle stronger, but I wasn't willing to let myself bleed not with all the werewolves around me. I'd done that once and it wasn't a pretty sight.

  Circles were breakable, as she pointed out. All I needed to do was find the weak point in hers. I needed to take her focus off me. A wolf rounded her circle and snarled. I knew it was Greg from my previous time I'd seen him shift.

  Mina leaned down and unhooked Paul and I waited. I let down my circle and crouched low. I let my mind slip into instincts and survival. Paul charged towards Greg and broke the circle. I ran towards Mina, shooting her once in the stomach before being taken down from the side by a werewolf.

  Fuck me. The beast sat on me and snapped at my face. A warning, a nice one as warnings went from werewolves. I tried to throw him off me, using one arm to push. He jumped off but bit into my arm. His teeth hit bone and I cried out. I turned to find Mina wading through the crowds of wolves. There was no way I was going to let her get away.

  I watched how she moved and realized she was trying to create a circle around the wolves. There was too much damage that could be done. I glared at the wolf in front of me as he licked his lips clean of my blood. My blood. I grinned and focused my energy. I reached out to the circle that was placed on the pack land, the one so long ago. I let my magic reach out to it as I holstered my gun.

  I grabbed the bite on my arm and bent down. I smeared my blood in the dirt of the clearing and called the circle. The magic flared to life so vividly that the entire clearing was surrounded in purple. It would take a lot of energy to hold it up and every wolf that was against Greg's pack turned toward me. My eyes gazed over the ground and I saw the bodies of people scattered around. Wolves that had turned back into their human selves after dying.

  Pain blossomed through my stomach and side. I gasped and looked to see the blood covered point of a blade shoved through me. How could I have been so stupid as to take my eyes off her? She pulled out the blade and I started to fall to the ground. I stumbled, recovered and turned to face her. She held the blade up and admired how my blood dripped down. I put a hand to my wound.

  "You only made my magic stronger." I gasped out. "You can't perform dark magic in my circle. I control it."

  "But I can still kill you." She went to strike down with the blade.

  Greg leapt and grabbed Mina's wrist, taking her down to ground. I aimed my gun, but I wasn't fast enough. She ripped her arm free and switched the blade to her good hand. She stabbed Greg in the side as I shot her in the shoulder. Her body jerked back and I shot her again in the chest. I put another bullet through her just to make sure she was dead.

  Wolves howled and for a moment I thought I'd have to fight off a whole pack. But the world faded around me and the only sound in the darkness was Simon calling my name.

  A sharp pain in my arm woke me. I found it odd considering there had been a blade shoved through my stomach. But the discomfort there told me someone had either given me pain killers or numbed the area. I touched my stomach and groaned. The noise echoed through the room. Metal bed railings edged the narrow bed under me. A stainless steel tray sat within arm’s reach, just a few inches away from the IV that was tethered to my arm. The only thing the room lacked was the machines most hospitals had and some clue of where I was.

  The door opened and a woman walked in with a smile. "Glad to see you're awake, Abby. I'm Doctor Mathews and you're in the medic part of the pack’s cabin."

  Glad that she opened with that. I at least knew where I was. "I'm surprised to be alive."

  "Mina missed your vital organs. We were able to get you stitched up and bandaged. I'm afraid you have a lot healing to do though. Between your stomach and your arm, you're going to be in a lot of pain."

  Damn, just after I had gotten healed from the car accident. Wonder if Oliver would be willing to heal me again. Of course, last time that didn't end so well for me. He'd healed me just to hand me over to Tomes. "What's the damage from the fight?" I sat up and the pain increased. Pain was good; pain meant that I had survived.

  "Much of our pack was killed, but after you killed Mina, her pack tucked tail and ran. What was left of them anyways."

  That was good, I had been worried they'd all turn and try to kill me. She went to a sink in the corner and filled a glass with water. She handed it to me and stood at the edge of the bed. "Greg was killed and Simon injured."

  My heart fell at that. I remember Greg keeping Mina from stabbing me. "How bad are Simon's injuries?"

  "Nothing he won't heal in a night or two. Tonight we honor our dead and welcome Simon as our new Alpha. He wants you to be there, if you're feeling up to it."

  I was already on pack grounds. It wasn't like I had to drive. "That depends on how many steps there are from here to the front door."

  "I see your sarcasm and wit are returning." Simon's voice nearly made me jump out of the bed.

  "Oh so much. Will you call Levi? I'm half-dressed and not entirely sure where my phone is." I sat up a little bit straighter and saw him over Dr. Mathew's shoulder.

  He looked a little worse for wear. A healing slice across his face made me wonder if it was teeth or claws that had done it.

  "I already called him and got a lecture about you getting hurt and nearly killed." He walked further in and I pulled the sheet up.

  "Did you tell him that I killed a witch?" I sighed and sipped my water. "And that Greg's dead? And that he died saving my life?" I hadn't been particularly fond of Greg, but he had managed to change my mind and then died. Had he not grabbed her wrist, I'd be dead.

  Simon was silent for a moment. "I didn't know he was saving you. That means he thought of you as important as the pack."

  "I took my eyes off of Mina and she stabbed me in the stomach."

  Dr. Mathews cleared her voice. "Side actually, since it didn't pierce your organs." She corrected.

  I gave a small laugh. "Either way, I took my eyes off her. She was going in for the kill when Greg bit her wrist and dragged her a step away. She took him out with the blade."

  Simon sat on the edge of the bed, at the end where the railings didn't block him. He put a hand on my leg. "Things are going to get complicated here. The pack is still divided, I'm to become Alpha tonight and there are so many of our own dead."

  I nodded. "You ever get that feeling that life never calms down and no matter what, the fates just throw your plans out the window?"

  "I do." He sighed. "After tonight
, I'm going to step away from the bar for a while and leave it with my assistant manager. I'll have to focus on the pack for now."

  Which mean no us, not right now. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Despite the fact that I had hoped for our romantic relationship, I felt selfish for wanting to put it in front of pack business. Especially since they just got done dealing with a witch that controlled an Alpha. I didn't think they'd take it nicely if I started dating their new alpha.

  "This sucks," was what finally came out of my mouth.

  He nodded. "It really does, but I'll be back around after everything settles. Just let Levi know none of this was going to work out no matter how hard we tried. Not right now."

  "Not right now." I repeated and it made the whole situation feel a little less final. "Could we not discuss this when I wasn't in a hospital bed?"

  He laughed a little. "After you stay for the ceremony tonight, we'll all be in wolf form and running. You will be driving back home."

  And going on with my mostly human life. "Yep, this sucks." I said again. "You drove me here."

  "You can take my car. I'll pick it up in the morning with a spare set of keys. Just lock the set I give you in the glove compartment."

  I ran a hand through my hair and looked at the bandage on my arm. I'd almost forgotten that I'd been bitten. If I had been truly human I'd be running with them tonight as a wolf.

  "You lead a dangerous life Abigail." The doctor said as if following my train of thought. "I saw scars on you that no person should carry."

  I met Simon's gaze before responding to Dr. Mathews. "I know I do. It's part of my everyday life."

  Simon turned away from me and then stood. "We'll wait for you upstairs. Don't worry, it's not long or complicated." He walked out of the room without looking at me again.

  I was in my little dark part of my mind. I shouldn't have cared so much that things weren't going to work out, but it hurt. "I need my phone."

  "It's with your shirt. Just let me get the IV out of you and you're free to get dressed. Try to limit your movements." She pulled the tape off my hand and slowly slid the needle out. She put a little band-aid over the bleeding dot. It struck me as silly considering my other injuries.

  "I didn't know you had a full hospital here." I said gently, mostly trying to make small talk.

  "It's required, especially with pups." She shrugged. "There's a lot you don't know about us, that's why Simon is making the choice to step back."

  I snorted. "I thought that it had to do with a rampaging witch who manipulated an alpha and a few packs."

  "You might have fought with us, but not all of us trust you. Abigail Collins, PIB agent, adopted daughter of Leviticus. You're a threat to all of us."

  And with that she walked out. She'd saved my life and kept me from bleeding out, but clearly she wasn't a fan. That was fine. My anger was starting to settle in. I'd be happy to leave the werewolves behind me for some time. I slowly pulled on my shirt and managed to not cry out in pain. This was seriously going to suck. I looked at the hole in my shirt and frowned. There would be no patching it up or getting the blood out of it. I retrieved my gun and holsters from the floor and put them on. I grabbed my blade before I picked up my phone and debated on calling Oliver. Deciding against it, I put the phone in my pocket and walked out the door.

  I walked into a hallway and followed it to a flight of stairs at the end. The stairs took me to the main room in the cabin. I paused at the top and put a hand on my wound. It wasn't worse than the broken rib was, so I could handle it. The main room was empty and I walked outside to see the wolves all standing there. The bodies of the dead had been taken care of.

  Simon stood in front of them and looked over his shoulder. He motioned for me to join the crowd. I made my way to them and then turned to face Simon. I wasn't pack and Dr. Mathews made it clear that not many people here liked me, but for once I didn't feel nervous standing among them. They had seen what I could do, if anything they respected me through fear.

  "Tonight we lost twenty of our pack members, we lost three pups and Rachel tonight. All killed by the witch Mina. She came here with the intention of taking over our pack, but our bond is strong. Greg did what he could to protect everyone. He was the reason that Abigail was able to kill Mina. Tonight we honor our dead and you accept me as your alpha."

  There were howls from the crowd that made the hairs on my neck stand up. The people around me all bowed to one knee and offered their necks. I did as well. I was ready to be done with werewolves, but I needed to make sure I kept good ties between us.

  "Tonight we hunt our enemies that fled into our forest. Join me, my pack." Simon's voice boomed over the clearing.

  The wolves started to shift around me and Simon walked up to me. He handed me the keys. "I only ask that you leave the justice to us."

  "Like I'm going to say no to a bunch of grieving werewolves. You're safe as long as it doesn't end up in my case files." I knew I just condemned a small group of wolves to their death, but with my mind in my dark place I didn't care. I could feel guilty about it later, but right now, I wanted to go home and take some painkillers.

  Wolves rushed into the woods. Only the sound of their paws against the ground filled the clearing as they started their hunt. I closed my eyes and cupped my hand around the car keys. My magic buzzed around me from around the pack grounds. My magic had over taken the old spell; these grounds were now mine to protect. Anyone who tried to work magic here would be warned and know that another witch held this circle.


  I drove home on “autopilot” and went to bed. I barely woke at the rumbling sound of Simon's car drive off. Osiris meowed and pawed at the back of my head before I rolled over to face him. I forced my sore body out of the bed and followed the cat to the front door. A bright white note lay on the floor, one corner still tucked under the door.


  I'm sorry things didn't work out how we wanted them and if I came off as a jerk last night. I'll see you in a few months. Stay safe and take care of yourself. Look outside.


  I peeked out the door, unsure of what I would find. Ten bags of groceries sat in two neat rows on my front porch. My chest tightened and my eyes began to water. We knew things weren’t going to work out, but the idea of him being gone for a couple months hurt. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes to stop the tears. I refused to think I was brokenhearted.

  I took a few slow trips between the front door and the kitchen to get the groceries in. Putting them away turned into a longer process as every move seemed to pull on an injury. Once they were put away, I grabbed a beer and lounged on the couch. Osiris jumped into my lap and head-butted my hand. I scratched his ear and the rumble of his purr came.

  "I guess it's just you and me. I'm going to be the crazy old cat lady, assuming I live long enough for that."

  He meowed at me and curled up on my lap.

  The End

  The Trouble with Ghosts

  Here Witchy Witchy

  Book Three

  by A.L. Kessler


  Severed thumbs dangled in the window of the old rotting house. I stood in front counting the graying appendages and wondered if they were matching pairs or if our culprit collected just one thumb from each victim as a trophy. The white thread wrapped tight around the base of the amputation site and strung up to the frame glinted in the early morning light. I spotted the thumb tacks that kept the thread in place, each one spaced perfectly apart from the next.

  “What are you thinking, Abby?” Detective Mason’s rough voice pulled me away from the gross display.

  He’d shaved his head in the last few weeks so there was only a light dusting of hair on top of his head. At some point, he’d decided to start growing a short beard too. His blue eyes watched me closely.

  I wasn’t sure what answer he was expecting, nor was I aware of why he thought this was a supernatural crime. As a paranorma
l investigation agent, I only handled supernatural cases and Mason rarely made the mistake of calling me in on a human case.

  “Why did you call us?”

  “I didn’t call both of you, I called just you.” Mason motioned to a room off to the side of the kitchen. “Because of what’s in there.”

  Nick, my partner, happened to still be on vacation when Mason called me. He’d be back in a couple days and I’d have no choice but to let him in on this case, but I appreciated working alone for a bit. I looked over the cracked tile of the floor and my gaze settled on the rotting wooden door. “Why hasn’t this place been condemned?”

  “It is; the sign is down in the weeds.” Mason motioned to the door. “Go on in, I made sure the team didn’t touch it.”

  I raised a brow and moved across the floor. I hadn’t felt anything magical when I walked into the house, but a shock went through me when my hand met the wood of the door.

  Magic. Strong, powerful, could eat me alive magic. I glanced at Mason and he raised a brow. I pushed the door in and a chunk of wood fell from it at my feet. I raised my gaze from the black rotting chunk and found red runes covering the walls.

  I clenched my jaw as I recognized the root language to them. I knew who had been here other than the crime teams and Mason.

  “Was I right to call you?”

  I nodded. “I haven’t seen or heard from the Cult of Ra since the Barn case.” It’d been about a year now. I clenched my fists as I looked over the runes, trying to decipher the spell. The last time I dealt with their magic a few things blew up, the barn included. “Nick would be helpful here, he’s studied the Cult more than I have.”

  “But you know their runes.” Mason stated.

  I didn’t look back at him. Each coven had their own runes for spells. My father had left me a guide to the Cult of Ra’s runes and Mason was right, I knew them. I studied them in my spare time to make sure I could read them in case they ever returned.


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