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Stealing Valentine

Page 4

by Faye, Madison

  “Something better.”

  His lips crush to mine, and the fire consumes me entirely.

  Chapter 6


  She’s everything I never thought I’d ever have. She’s sweetness, and goodness, and for a life lived mostly in the darkness, being with her is like finally stepping into the light.

  I learned young how to steal. How to take what wasn’t mine, and how to do it so I wouldn’t get caught. Back then, to an orphan kid trying to make it day-to-day in the system, it was about survival. It was about feeding myself, or putting money away to get myself out of the hell I lived in.

  But the more I did it, and the better I got, it was about something else too. It was about the rush. Successfully pulling off a job, especially a tough one with bad odds, was like a high to me. It was addictive, and it wasn’t long before I was a full-blown junky for the game. Con jobs and pickpocketing turned into small time larceny. That turned into breaking and entering, and cars, and jewel store heists. Pretty soon, I was pulling jobs for clients from every dark corner of the world. A priceless painting in a museum that some private collector wanted to pay top dollar for. A religious artifact, a vintage car.

  You name it, I stole it. And I’m fucking good at what I do.

  Except, it’s worn thin. Hence, the year I was willing to sink into the Whistler job. Because this one was for me. This time, I was the client. I was the one sourcing buyers, stealing the jewels for myself, to sell for maximum profit, and then get the hell out of this game. Because even as good as I am, I know it’s not forever. Eventually, the odds play out. Eventually, no matter good you are, and how meticulously you plan, you get dealt a bad hand. And in my line of work, a wrong hand lands you in jail for the rest of your life or dead.

  No thanks.

  I’ve had my fun. I’ve played the game until I don’t want to play it anymore. And this is my out.

  …She’s my out.

  She’s the light I’ve always been looking for in this dark world, and now that I’ve found her, there’s not a force on Earth that could take her away from me.

  Kissing her is heaven, and when I lose myself in those lips after making her come on my tongue, I never want to come back up for air. I could kiss her forever, and just exist here in this moment.

  Slowly, I pull away though, both of us panting, eyes fierce as they blaze into each other’s.

  “I wasn’t expecting you,” I growl.

  She grins shyly, biting her bottom lip in that way she does that gets my pulse roaring.

  “I mean I planned this for a year, you know. A fucking year. I saw every angle, modeled every outcome, played every scenario out in full. But you?” I shake my head, leaning in to kiss her slow and deep. “You break my models,” I purr into her lips. “You’re a scenario I never saw.”

  She gasps quietly as I kiss her soft, pouty lips, groaning into her as I sear my kiss to her, like I never want her to forget the feel of them.

  “Alright, now I have to know.”

  She arches a questioning brow at me. “Know what?”

  “How’d you get into the case? Getting into the house I get. You dodged security which wouldn’t be that difficult for an estate of that size. You knew the catering uniforms ahead of time, and you slipped in before the dinner started. It’s what I would’ve done. The door to the office is tricky, but if you’re good, it’s not Fort Knox security.”

  My brow furrows as I peer at her.

  “But the case. That case is next level security. It should have taken me at least an hour to get it open, and that’s if I was lucky. I had the security patrol schedules on lock, and you couldn’t have been in that room longer than ten minutes when I found you.”

  My eyes lock on hers.

  “No one’s that good,” I growl. “And anyone who is, I’d know about.”

  She bites her lip again, her cheeks reddening.

  “You don’t…” she frowns, pulling away and looking down. “Dutch, you don’t know… I mean.”

  She swallows, dragging her eyes up to mine.

  “You need to know who I—”

  My phone rings from somewhere inside heap of my dinner jacket on the floor, and I grin. It’s my cover phone, the one I had as “Tom” when I was working for Cobalt Tech. I glance at the clock on the wall and roll my eyes. Jesus, fucking took them long enough. I was wondering when they’d piece together that “Tom” was missing from the party after all that.

  I yank the cellphone out and answer it, and immediately, I grin.

  “You little prick!”

  I resist the urge to chuckle at the anger in Martin’s voice.

  “Mr. McCue, I’m afraid I have to tender my resignat—”

  “Oh, go fuck yourself, you little bastard! Do you have any fucking idea of the shit you just brought on yourself!? The lengths I’m going to go in order to make you fucking pay for this?”

  I do chuckle this time, and I can hear Martin roar on the other end of the line.

  “I’m sure a man of your means and connects will find the diamonds again, Mr. McCue. You’ll just have to pay the private collector I sell them to handsomely to get them back.”

  “I’ll pull those diamonds out of your cold, dead fingers you little fuck,” he hisses.

  I roll my eyes, sinking back into the couch and pulling Valentine into me.

  “Mr. McCue, as nice as it is to chat, I’m a little tied up at the—”


  “Well what?”

  “Well what’s your fucking number, you little shit? How much?”

  I frown. “For the diamonds?”

  “For the ransom!”

  My frown deepens. “I hate to break it to you this way, Martin, but I’m keeping them. I’ve got an interested buyer, and we both know you’ve got insurance on them.”

  “Don’t play games asshole,” he hisses. “How much?”

  “For the last time,” I growl. “The diamonds are not for—”

  “For the girl, you asshole!”

  I pause, confusion swirling through my head

  “No bullshit, just give me numbers alright? How much to get her back in one piece before her mother goes to the media and has me flayed open.”

  Slowly, I turn, my brow furrowing as I look down into Valentine’s eyes.

  “Who exactly are we talking—”

  “How much for my damn daughter back, you little shit!?”

  Oh fuck.

  The bottom drops out. Time stops.

  “I’ll call back,” I mutter out quickly. “Be prepared to answer and get your checkbook ready.”

  I hang up, my pulse roaring as I turn back to level my gaze at Valentine.

  Naked, tempting, wearing a quarter-billion dollars’ worth of jewels that I just stole from her father.

  …Fucking now what.

  Chapter 7


  “You’re his fucking daughter?!”

  Dutch backs away from me, and I cringe, instantly missing the heat of him and the feel of his bare chest against me.


  “How the fuck did I not know that?” He doesn’t sound angry so much as incredulous, like he’s frowning at himself more than me.

  “I mean…” he shakes his head. “How? How is that not something I’d have known?”

  I look away.

  “Because I’m his dirty little secret.”

  The room goes quiet, and I swallow before taking a shaky breath.

  “My mother was the cleaning lady.” I look up, my mouth tight as I hold his gaze without blinking. “Need anything else?”

  He frowns, a shadow crossing his face.

  “They had this brief affair while Martin was still married to his first wife. She kept me, and he made sure both me and the story were buried. I got sent away to boarding school in Switzerland when I was six. My mom passed when I was fourteen, and…”

  I trail off, and suddenly, he’s there. I sink into his arms as they circle me, comfor
ting me, holding me tight as he kisses the top of my head.

  “I’m so sorry, angel,” he says quietly.

  “My mom didn’t really have any family, so, that’s where I ended up basically year-round, and I’ve barely been back. Diana, Martin’s new wife, is actually pretty nice. She comes to visit sometimes or invites me to come back here. I know her heart’s in the right place, but Martin…” I shake my head. “Well, you know him. You know what he is.”

  “A class-a asshole.”

  I frown. “That’s putting it nicely.” I look up at Dutch, and even as much as it hurts to talk about this stuff, with him, I feel like I can. I feel like I can open up and tell him everything—my past, my pain, my hurt.

  “You want to know how I broke in to that case?” I smile wryly. “I didn’t break into it at all. Diana flew me back for a little visit, and I stumbled upon her planner a week ago, where she keeps passwords for email and stuff.”

  Dutch’s brows go up. “You’re shitting me. The combo for that case was in there?”

  My head nods. “Yup. Right next to her Netflix password.”

  I don’t want to smile, because stealing the password from someone as nice as Diana feels wrong. But then, taking something from Martin that’ll actually cause him pain and loss is worth it. And when I think of it that way, the smile creeps across my lips.

  Dutch chuckles, holding me tight. “I’m impressed.”

  I shrug. “I saw an opportunity, and I took it. After the way he treated my mother and sent me away?” I shake my head. “Fuck him.”

  “Good girl,” he purrs. Dutch leans down, kissing my head again. But this time, I look up, and when he leans back in, it’s my lips he finds. Fire sparks through me as his mouth sears to mine, and when his hands slide over me, pulling me tight to him, I moan as I melt against him.

  “So, what are we going to do with these jewels,” he growls lowly.

  “Well,” I smile primly, grinning as I give him a faux-stern look. “If you think it’s anything short of splitting them and—”

  “I meant right now,” he purrs. “As in, I was thinking of you wearing them and nothing else while I fuck you nice and slow.”

  I blush fiercely, my whole face growing hot as I gasp quietly. He pulls close to me, his big, muscled body pressing into me as he starts to lay me back onto the sofa. I whimper, my legs going around his muscled hips as he lowers over me, my pulse racing and my whole body tingling.

  …And I’m so ready.

  I want this, and I want it here, now, with him. I can feel him pressing into me—that same huge bulge I felt before in the hidden room. And this time, there’s no pretending otherwise like I did before. This time, I can moan like I want to moan when I feel his big cock pulsing against my wet, eager pussy through his dress pants.

  And I do moan.

  Dutch growls, kissing me hungrily as he grinds that thick bulge into me. I whimper into his mouth, my hips rolling as his swollen shaft rubs against my throbbing clit. I know I must be leaving a mess on his pants, but I don’t care.

  Because all I want is him, and this, right now.

  He groans into my lips as his hand slips between us, stroking my slit before he undoes his dress pants and starts to tug the zipper down. I whimper when he pulls back from kissing me, leaning back on his heels as he pulls his pants open starts to shove them down his hips. His black boxer-briefs bulge with the size of him, tenting obscenely and making me blood run even hotter. My eyes lock onto it, both hunger and nervousness rippling through me.

  Dutch kicks his pants away, and as he kneels between my spread legs, his thumbs hook into the waist of his boxers. He tugs them down, and my heart beats faster and faster as I slowly catch a glimpse of his thick shaft. The boxers slide down, and when his cock springs free, my jaw actually drops.

  Oh my God…

  I felt him before but seeing how fucking huge he is is something else. And I know I’ve got zero experience to compare it to, but I know that what I’m seeing is big.

  Really, really big.

  He growls, his eyes flashing fire as he moves back over me, sliding between my legs. I whimper as his fingers stroke my pussy, teasing my clit and making me wetter and wetter. He urges his hips forward, and when I feel that swollen, fat head tease over my inner thigh, suddenly, it just blurts out.

  “Wait, I…”

  I trail off, biting my lip as Dutch moves over me, his gorgeous, muscled body coiling and rippling as he pulls close to me. I moan as I feel his cock pulse right against my lips, the swollen head barely parting them, poised right there to take me, and claim me.

  “I’m gonna go slow, angel, don’t wor—”

  “I’m a virgin.”

  The words blurt out, and he stops. Intently, I cringe, wishing I could take it back. I wish I could rewind four seconds and just not say those words and let him take what he was about to take and what I want him so desperately to take.

  “Wait, I just mean—”

  “Oh, princess,” he growls quietly, leaning close and letting his lips brush over mine. He doesn’t pull away. He doesn’t back off, and he doesn’t take that cock away from where it’s set to push inside of me.

  “I’m still going to have you.”

  I whimper, the heat of his words blazing through me.

  “Because I can see it on your face that you want me to take you. And, angel, I will be taking you. But first…”

  He growls again, kissing me slow and deep.

  “But first, I’m just going to have you begging for it.”

  Chapter 8


  My lips crush to hers, a fire roaring through me so fierce that it almost scares me.

  A virgin.

  It’s not even that I’m one of those guys that gives a shit about something like that. But the idea of this gorgeous, perfect angel being mine and mine only has my cock swelling even harder and thicker. The thought of being her first—of being the first cock she knows sliding into that tight little virgin cunt has my balls aching, my cum boiling inside.

  I’m going to be her first, and I’ll be her only. Because Valentine is mine now. Mine will be the only cock she knows. Mine will be the cock that sweet pussy misses when I’m not filling her up.

  But suddenly, I freeze, my jaw clenching as a thought enters my head that has my heart plunging.

  “How old are you, princess?”

  She looks young, but I brushed it off before. Her being untouched as well has my stomach knotting.


  I arch a brow, and she grins quietly.

  “You want to check my ID?”

  “Should I?”

  She rolls her eyes.

  “Nineteen,” I murmur. “And never?”

  “It was an all-girls boarding school, thank you very much.”

  I growl, my jaw clenching.

  All mine.

  It’s a fierce thought, and my cock swells hard as steel. I push my hips forward. My cock head slips up her dripping wet slit, and when it bumps over her clit, her breath catches.

  Part of me wants to just have her—to plunge right in and claim her right now until I empty my balls inside that gorgeous little cunt. But I stop myself. I hold back. No, not like that. I’m going to have her aching for me before I claim her.

  I rub my swollen head back and forth over her clit, groaning at the sound of her heated whimpers. I can feel her pussy getting slicker—wetter, messier, stickier, coating my cock with her arousal until it’s dripping down my balls. I grunt, pushing forward and letting the underside of my fat cock glide over her hard-little clit. Valentine cries out, moaning as she wraps her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck.

  “Dutch,” she gasps so sweetly, moaning as I start to saw my cock back and forth across her clit. She’s so fucking wet, and it makes my cock twitch and throb against her, glistening with her arousal. My balls swell, and I grunt as precum spurts from my swollen head, dripping all over her clit. She moans deeper, panting, her ar
ms circling my neck as she pulls me down, and when our lips sear together, it’s like the rest of the world fades away.

  I pump my hips slow but steady, letting her feel every damn inch of me as I glide my cock back and forth over her soft, untouched cunt. My precum flows freely, making a goddamn mess of her and making her even slicker as my fat cock grinds back and forth over her clit. Her legs spread wide, her thighs squeezing tight around my hips as she starts to lose herself in our movements.

  Her eyes squeeze shut, her brow creasing with her pleasure as she drops her lips to my shoulder. And I just keep moving, thrusting back and forth, relishing the feel of her slick pussy quivering against my cock. I thrust, as if I’m thrusting into her without actually taking her, our bodies grinding together as her hard pink nipples graze across my chest.

  Oh, but I will be taking her, and soon. She’ll be my greatest success, and that sweet cherry between her thighs my final heist.

  We move faster, and harder, and I’m drowning in her moans as her whole body begins to tremble and ripple against mine. I can feel her legs tightening, her pussy getting even wetter as she grinds her hips against me. Until suddenly, her fingers dig into my back, her cry of pleasure comes choked and staggered, and her entire body shudders.

  “I’m coming!”

  And I lose it. The feel of her exploding for me—her little pussy flooding my cock with her sweet honey—is the last I can take. I groan, thrusting forward as my balls clench tight and erupt. My hot cum erupts from the swollen head of my cock, spraying in thick ropes across her tummy and her breasts. I pull away, roaring, pumping my cock in my head as I rub the head back and forth across her clit. Valentine screams as she comes again, my sticky white cum coating her pussy and dripping over her clit as the orgasms explode through us both until we’re panting for air.

  …But I am so far from being done with her.

  I look down at this perfect angel—messy with my cum, flushed from her orgasm, and panting for more. Her tits rise and fall, glistening with my seed, and I watch as a thick white drop of my cum trickles down over her pussy lips.


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