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Matched To His Bear: An M/M Mpreg Shifter Dating App Romance (The Dates of Our Lives Book 2)

Page 5

by Lorelei M. Hart

  “Where’s the bathroom?” I casually asked no one in particular.

  Brad flung money at the ticket booth and took the 3D glasses from the guy, who by now had a bored expression stamped on his face.

  “You can pay me later, Gabe. Come on before I do something I regret.” Would that be sex in the mini golf course?

  We chose putters and colored golf balls. The jungle theme was green, yellow, orange, and red. A parrot squawked, and I jumped. Brad chortled. “You can laugh,” I told him. “Get a look at yourself in those glasses.”

  “If it’s anything like you, it’s pretty silly,” he agreed.

  He rubbed his nose against mine, an age-old greeting used over the centuries. I usually preferred lips, but there was an intimacy about being so close and yet not having his tongue inside me, or his teeth nibbling my lower lip.

  “Bet you can’t get a hole in one?” I sassed him.

  He inhaled, and I swear his image wavered. I couldn’t describe it if anyone asked but his whole body shimmered and a picture was burned onto my retina of a… what… an animal? Fur, snout, huge eyes, teeth. And then it vanished. I rubbed my eyes. This damned place is making me see things that aren’t there.

  But when I glanced at Brad, he was drenched in sweat. “You okay?” I put my hand to his brow.

  He nodded. “I am now.” He took my fingers and kissed them.



  “This is the last shot.” Gabe leaned into me as we watched the couple in front of us shoot the ball into the skeeball-type final hole. In theory you could win a free game if you got it in just the right hole. I had a feeling that happened rarely based on how much smaller it was than all the other holes.

  “It is...unless we win another round.” I kissed the top of his head. It was overtly affectionate and came so naturally I didn’t even realize it until his head leaned into it.

  This was nice. So nice. Even if I was losing by so many holes we stopped counting.

  “It’s rigged.” He stood up straighter as the couple walked away, one of the pair doing the I won dance he had done every single hole. I ventured to guess he wasn’t getting laid tonight.

  “Want to place a bet?” I asked. “If I get it in the winner circle, you come back to my place?” Chances were nill but I wanted to put the idea of us naked and sweaty into his mind and then maybe—just maybe, this date wouldn’t end until the sun rose. A bear could dream.

  “And if I get it in?” He stepped up to the starting point and set down his ball.

  “Then I go back to your place.”

  “Then we better not both get it in or there will be two very lonely men in strange bedrooms tonight.” He giggled at his own joke and took a swing, slamming the ball up and into the par hole. “Not bad. It technically is the winning hole for this one.” He half shrugged. “Now let’s see if you can do better.” He stepped to the side, shaking his ass, and what a magnificent ass it was, too.

  I set my ball down, aimed carefully, took my swing, and the ball went up and into the long bar at the bottom, the one equivalent to four strokes.

  “Congrats!” He ran up to me and wrapped his arms around me. “You did great. A hole in one.”

  I looked down at him confused. “What?”

  “I saw went right on in and now you won so I have no choice but to come home with you…” He leaned in close to my ear, “Clothing is optional, right?”

  “I believe it is banned, actually.” He grabbed my hand and started to drag me to the exit.

  I was not complaining.

  Ever since that kiss, the one we had to end hours too early for my liking, all I could think about was getting back to him. The date was nice—amazing, even. Just being near him calmed my bear and let me be freer than I’d been in ages. That wasn’t even why I liked him. We had fun. I wasn’t Beta Brad or Attorney-at-Law Brad, I was just a guy hanging out and being silly. It. Was. Everything.

  We checked in our clubs and neither of us pretended to ask for the free game. We both knew that was a silly pretense, so why bother. Instead we walked hand in hand, stopping only momentarily as we passed the ice cream stand at the exit.

  “Want some?” I asked. “They have a Hole in One sundae.” It didn’t look half bad. Not what I currently wanted to put in my mouth, but still.

  He gave me side-eye. “Is that what you want to do next? Because it wasn’t part of my agenda, but I could squeeze it in.”

  “Let’s go.”

  Gabe paused and glanced at a beat-up two-door car that I assumed was his. “Guess no one's going to steal it.”

  I agreed with him on that. I clicked my fob to unlock the car as we reached it and held the door open for him.

  “Quite the gentleman.” He kissed my cheek and climbed inside, that one word gentleman echoing in my head.

  I was not a gentleman. I was an animal. Literally. What if he couldn’t deal with that. It wasn’t like humans discovered the entire world of shifters and just accepted it. Our history was full of people who discovered and then snapped to the point where there was blood...most often theirs.

  Not that I feared Gabe. He wouldn’t hurt me or anyone. If anything, the fact that our den settled some grievances with blood might have him running for the hills.

  By the time I’d walked completely around the car I had myself all worked up, my hands were visibly shaking. I managed to get the door open, my body inside, and the door closed without falling, his hand settling on my knee as I worked the seatbelt, my bear already calming from his scent and touch.

  Fate sent him. It would all work out. That’s what fate does.

  “If you keep touching me like that, I’m going to hit something with the car.” I placed my hand on his. I said it in jest, but it wasn’t outside the realm of possibilities. It would, however, be totally worth it. Unless, of course, we died.

  “You’re holding my hand there,” he noted. “Does that mean you want us to crash?” He raised his left brow.

  “More like I don’t want you to stop even though you should. There’s just something about you.” Not something. Everything. Everything about him was perfect. Why had I been so quick to try and buy trouble?

  Because I don’t deserve him.

  “Whose place is closer?” he asked.

  “I think mine.”

  “Then I will stop only as long as it takes to drive there.” He snatched his hand back and slid both of his hands under his thighs. “I’ll even sit on them so I’m not tempted.” He sassed. “Because there is just something about you too.”

  I backed out of the spot carefully, and wound my way home as quickly as I could without going so fast we’d get pulled over.



  I’d only been to Brad’s once before, but I couldn’t tell if this was his place or not. My eyes were closed from the moment we got out of the car and he grabbed me. At least I assumed it was his and we hadn’t chosen the easiest house to break into. We practically fell through the front door. Hands fumbled at bits of clothing, and I wondered why we wore so many layers.

  Teeth grazed over damp skin, and I vaguely recalled a door slamming. Front door? Brad kicked it? He stuck his tongue in my ear and it was accompanied by urgent breathing. More like panting. Wetness. Saliva on my face with sweat and slick streaming over my ass cheeks and down my legs. I needed Brad in me. My hole was begging for it. For him.

  I opened one eye and blinked as sweat blinded me. A lamp in the living room illuminated shredded fabric littering the floor, and I glanced at my chest and legs. Shirt gone. Pants torn and hanging from my hips by a thread.

  But no time to think, Brad’s manic fingers ripped the rest of my jeans off and shoved one hand down my briefs. I’d been hard since we left mini-golf. But with his teeth nibbling my ear, fingers groping and stroking my dick, my hands flailed not knowing where to start. I wanted this man. Every part of him.

  As I raked my hands through his hair and then ran them over the dips and curves
on his chest, he gasped, “I want you so bad, you little human.” It didn’t make any sense but my logic was fuzzy and lust had shoved out anything in my head except this guy. This bear of a man.

  Brad’s teeth nibbled over my damp skin and I sensed the power behind his actions, desperate to be unleashed. He was holding back, waiting for me to catch up.

  But he wouldn’t wait long. And I didn’t want him to. We were together in this. Equals, though his strength both fascinated and disturbed me. Push and pull.

  Brad pulled away. “Get those thoughts out of your head, little omega.” Shit, he gets me. Even though we were both so horny, he was attuned to me.

  “I will, but we have to get you naked,” I protested as I tugged at his shirt and buttons spilled over the floor, the tinkling a permanent marker in my brain of this night. Fumbling with his belt while kicking off my shoes had me slamming against him. He wasted no time, his tongue lapping at my curves while his lips and teeth sucked and gnawed at my wet skin.

  His fingers were probing my ass as I fiddled with his belt. “Who wears belts to mini-golf?” I groaned in frustration.

  “Let me, little one.”

  The loss I experienced of his hands no longer on my body had me whimpering. But his mouth remained where it was, sucking at the delicate skin on my throat. He shoved his pants to his feet, and I cupped the bulge in his briefs. He moaned, his teeth sinking a little harder into my skin.

  My hand barely covered his cock, and I peeked at the handful and a half. Maybe two handfuls. “You’re so big, and I’m not.”

  “Don’t worry, my little morsel.” His words sent heated blood pulsing through my veins. “You’re just right for me. Perfect fit.” Walking backwards, he held my hands as I stumbled over my own feet. The back of his legs banged into something. The bed? He fell back, and I slammed on top of him. My dick hanging out of my briefs. His still encased in fabric.

  He flipped me over and shoved me up the bed so my feet weren’t dangling over the edge. I pictured him at a potter’s wheel, me the moldable clay, willing to do this bidding, but needing him, his hands and his everything to be with me. In me. Side by side. Partners.

  Making quick work of what was left of my underwear, he wriggled his pants and underwear off and flicked on a lamp. His tongue circled my nipple sending an army of goosebumps crawling over my skin. And when his teeth clamped down on the pointed tip, I groaned at the brief agony but wanted more. “Don’t stop,” I begged. I wanted him to know it was okay. More than okay.

  His hand tugged at my cock, my body arching to meet him as he nibbled his way over my jaw. “I can’t wait,” he croaked. “Hard and fast first time. Agonizingly slow the second.”

  My rasping voice managed a question, “And the third? Fourth?”

  “You!” The pent-up emotion, the lust in his eyes, lurking just below the surface, ready to claim me, had me pulling his face close to mine, and I licked around his mouth.

  But he crawled between my knees and I was thankful he didn’t want me on all fours. I needed to see this man as he took me.

  He paused, his ragged breathing rattling in his chest as he inhaled and exhaled, tamping down something fierce, wild and raw, buried deep within him. His cock rested on his palm as he used the other hand to nudge my knees farther apart. “Not right,” he grunted, and his huge arms scooped me up and sat me on a dresser, my ass on the edge, knees around my chin.

  “Just hurry, Brad. For God’s sake. Stick your cock in meeeeee.” The last word was knocked out of me as his enormous cock slammed into me. Not slow. Not inch by delicious inch. No pause. Just his dick, filling me and stretching me as I’ve never been stretched before. “Jesus Fucking Christ!”

  “You’re so tight, Gabe. Gods, you’re mine, omega. I’m never letting you go.” He wriggled his hips sending intoxicating sensations rippling through my body. Nothing I’d ever experienced before, but then I’d never had sex with Brad.

  One of his hands was on the small of my back, and I was vaguely aware of me hitting something hard each time he plowed into my channel. The wall? The fingers on his other hand pressed into my knee as I blinked away sweat and focused on my erect dick bouncing forward and back each time Brad’s cock claimed me.

  His eyes were closed and his teeth were fastened on his lower lip as he mumbled, “You are so tight.”

  “P-P-Perfect fit for your d-d-dick.”

  His eyes snapped open. “Perfect fit,” he spat out, his eyes glowering with passion and fire.

  Despite the heat inside me, and my body covered in sweat while my hands gripped the edge of the dresser as Brad fucked me, I shivered. Those eyes. The desire. Was he ready to come?

  My cock bobbed against his midriff like a beacon during a storm, a storm that raged inside me. Removing one hand from the dresser where my fingers had cramped, I edged them toward my cock. Brad growled, his eyes following its progress. With him in my ass, I wanted my hand on my length.

  With barely any remaining strength, I wrapped my fingers around my stiff cock as Brad’s eyes latched on to the fist I made, my dick fitting snugly inside. “Do it.”

  One pump. My mind and body were overwhelmed with sensations. Slipperiness, hardness, softness, moaning, grunting, desire spilling over and merging as slick coated us, the aroma mingled with Brad’s distinct scent, clogging my nostrils and blinding me to anything except him and me.

  Him slamming into my ass, the wet slap against my cheeks as his length penetrated me had me wailing, “Brad. Brad. Harder, Brad.” We rocked back and forth, fused together, me tugging at my cock, him bucking his hips as his length slid in and out. I gasped and gagged as emotions became entangled while Brad consumed my thoughts and my hole.

  I pictured my puckered entrance, resisting as the head pushed in the first time, and then after gaining entrance, his pounding length sending waves of pleasure over my body. If there was a heaven, this was it.

  My fingers cramped around my dick as my pumping sped up. I opened my mouth and gulped, trying to get more air inside me. Brad’s whimpers became full-throated cries, and I anchored my gaze on him, needing to watch as he came.

  And then he lost control, repeating my name over and over, thanking the gods, drool pooling in the corner of his mouth. It took all my strength to keep my eyes open, and then with his body shuddering under the strain, he stiffened and his eyes were no longer brown but black. He yelled and emptied his load inside me.

  Two more tugs on my cock and I exploded, covering both of us in streams of creamy cum. Brad sagged against me as my head lolled to the side, his mouth on me while his knot swelled and filled me. His teeth were so close to my throat. But he hesitated.



  Last night was everything I ever dreamed it could be. The way we fit together so perfectly, the way he fell apart beneath me, the way he reached for me, even in his sleep. It was all the things I ever wanted and more.

  And when his alarm went off signalling he had to get up for a work meeting, it was all I could do not to beg him to quit and make his full-time job just staying in my arms.

  Instead we showered together, making good use of our morning wood, and I dropped him off at the mini-golf parking lot. His car was still there, all by its lonesome self.

  Saying good-bye sucked.

  I drove to Willow Den. I needed to talk to Soren. My bear was happier than he’d been in over a year, but he was also riding me hard to claim Gabe—so hard my teeth elongated as my knot filled him, and that wasn’t okay. I would never claim anyone without permission, but especially a human.

  I needed advice and really; the only person I trusted was Soren so his mateless ass was going to have to help me figure out what to do with my mate.

  There were so many ways that could go badly.

  I drove on in and parked the car in my spot before I noticed Barrett standing there. Great, just what I needed. One-on-one time with his sorry ass.

  I reached for the door handle, wishing I had my satchel with me so
I could feign needing to deal with urgent work stuff.

  “Beta Brad, just the bear I was hoping to see.” There’s no way he could’ve known I was coming and yet it felt like a total setup.

  “I have a meeting with Alpha Soren. Can this wait?” I shut the door and clicked the fob to lock it.

  “I understand you're a busy man. Don’t you think your life would be so much better with someone to help carry that burden?” That someone of course being his kid. At first he was annoying about it. A little hint here or there. His bear must’ve sensed my bear’s agitation in the past year, however, and it intensified to the point of dreading to see him. Why he was so pushy, I’d not yet been able to discern. Barry wasn’t my type but he also wasn’t awful. He could easily find someone if he looked past Willow Den. His father—awful.

  “I am quite fine as things are, thank you.” I brushed past him. The alpha might be my elder and at one time friends with my alpha father, but I still outranked his sorry butt and I didn’t need to deal with this.

  And really...if I felt for one second he was just trying to form bonds of love or whatever, I wouldn’t mind. But there was something slimy lying just beneath his desire to mate me and his son. So, just no.

  I walked straight through to Soren’s, wishing I had let him know I was coming to the den early. The last thing I needed was to have to walk back out and deal with Barrett again. I had enough other things on my plate and pretty much all of them were made of amazing. I didn’t need to add sour to it.

  I knocked on Soren’s door and he answered, his cup of coffee in hand. “I thought you’d be naked and home today.” He walked back inside, leaving the door open, and I followed him.

  “About that…”

  “The stupid human three-date rule cockblocked you, didn’t it.” He set down his coffee and grabbed a new mug, filling it from the percolator on the stove.


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