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Ultimate Resolve (The Exceptional S. Beaufont Book 12)

Page 19

by Sarah Noffke

  Chapter Sixty-One

  Lying in the middle of a room that looked an awful lot like the Chamber of the Tree was the tiny box device that Papa Creola had made for them.

  Bianca, Lorenzo, and Marty rushed for the tiny device like rats for cheese. Even wearing her heels, Bianca made it to the device first and held it high above her head. “I did it! I’m in charge.”

  Lorenzo snagged it from her. “We are.”

  Marty took it from him in turn. “I think the power will bounce around depending on who is strongest.”

  Before any of them could say another word, mirrored panels around the room all flipped down, showing the faces of all the Councilors, Hiker Wallace, Mama Jamba, Papa Creola, Chief Dag, and Emperor Lars from around the world.

  The three tensed suddenly and turned in a circle, their backs to each other.

  “Is this our coronation?” Bianca asked.

  “Yep, and I have your crown right here.” Liv laughed and held up her fist, striding into the room from the unseen side entrance.

  “This is your trial,” Hester DeVries said from her panel, her face as large as the magicians’ bodies. Papa Creola had done an exceptional job with the device. It had transformed the space, turning it into an unconventional jury room.

  “Trial?” Lorenzo asked. “We were in line to be the most authoritative power on Earth.”

  “Which isn’t how things work on my planet,” Mama Jamba stated in her sassy Southern accent. “There isn’t one or even three that lead because only each race knows what works best for them. And regions vary. Don’t even get me started on accents and dialects and how that further splinters things.”

  “I think,” Haro began, “What we have the grave duty of telling you is that your actions have put you on trial, and we now have the arduous task of deciding not only will you be removed from your positions but whether you’ll lose your magic.”

  “What?” Bianca yelled. “How dare you? You don’t know how we acted in there.” She indicated the room behind her. “We were very honorable. Yes, we wanted power, but only so we could serve the world better.”

  “By getting rid of the other Councilors,” Raina chimed in.

  “And the Dragon Elite,” Hiker stated.

  Clark nodded. “Oh, yes, all the events were recorded in there. We heard what you all would do to us if put into power. Very enlightening.”

  “Not to mention that she’d throw innocent people from a lifeboat to secure more safety for herself,” Hester said, angrily.

  “I…But…I…” Bianca stuttered, at a loss for words. “This was a trick!”

  “It was a trick,” Chief Dag stated. “But it was one that I think needed to be laid. Because if you three have had any power at all, there’s no question why there are problems in our world. You’re the type to fix your problems while we all bleed to death.”

  “Don’t forget that they killed a king.” Emperor Lars narrowed his eyes at Lorenzo.

  “I was simply trying to progress,” Lorenzo tried to explain.

  “That’s not how progress works,” Clark said plainly.

  Mama Jamba shook her head. “I’m sorry, but by the power invested in me…well, by me, I must remove you and your family from your places in the House of Fourteen. Furthermore, of any other powers you could use to harm others.”

  “I second this act,” Papa Creola stated and let out a great sigh.

  The three magicians wailed something awful. It hurt Sophia’s ears. It hurt her heart. But Papa Creola was right: “Making things better in this world sometimes feels wrong, but only because punishing those who would do bad things is hard for those who have a conscience.”

  Chapter Sixty-Two

  “Pass the donuts, Jedediah,” Liv snapped at Lunis.

  The blue dragon held the large box of Krispy Kremes high above his head. “Say my name.”

  “Look, I’m not Beyoncé,” she replied and indicated Sophia and Clark sitting beside them. “And we aren’t Destiny’s Child.”

  “Then you aren’t getting any donuts. It’s time you learned some respect,” Lunis said sternly.

  Liv nodded. “You have rainbow-colored sprinkles on your snout, Douglas.” She turned to Clark on the other side of her. “Will you please hand me one of those boxes of yet to be touched donuts?”

  Her brother turned to the tall stack of boxed donuts, took one from the top, and handed it to her.

  “I licked them all,” Lunis teased.

  Liv opened the box and took a chocolate cake one and licked the frosting. “I happen to like dragon spit.”

  He grimaced at her. “You would, weirdo.”

  “It’s starting,” Clark said in a rush. “Would you two stop your bickering?”

  Liv shook her head. “It’s a sunrise, moron. Not a movie.”

  Sophia giggled. “It could be a silent movie.”

  The three magicians and the majestic dragon were sitting high atop a skyscraper in the middle of Los Angeles and kicking their feet over the side. The whole thing had made Clark very uncomfortable, but Lunis promised to catch him if he should fall. Liv had argued that they had to do something different and grand to commemorate the changes in the House of Fourteen.

  She’d become visibly teary-eyed when she remarked, “This is what our parents fought for. This is what Ian and Reese died for. They all wanted the House of Fourteen to be better—to be what it was intended.”

  Later, as they stepped through the portal to the rooftop of the tall skyscraper, she’d said it was the hormones from the baby that made her have emotions. However, Sophia knew better. This was a long time coming, thoroughly cleaning house at the House of Fourteen. It marked the start of a new era. A more hopeful one. And their family had paved the way for it. Sophia simply didn’t realize that it would be her siblings who would have to lay the final bricks in that road, but hopefully, it was sturdier than ever.

  The siblings, alongside Lunis, were now watching as the sliver of orange broke free over the horizon, signaling the start of a new day. It meant more though. It signaled the beginning of a fresh opportunity for magicians and magical creatures worldwide.

  The House of Fourteen presided over all things magical, and for too long, the organization’s internal struggles had slowed progress. Getting rid of the three magicians who proved they cared more for themselves than for their fellow magical creatures would have far-reaching effects. It would impact everyone worldwide, and that started today.

  “It’s beautiful.” Sophia gasped as the colors changed second by second while the sun peeked over the horizon.

  “Don’t look directly at the sun, Soph,” Clark warned. “It’s bad for your eyes.”

  “So is looking at ugly gnomes, but she had to do that for a while recently,” Liv joked.

  “There’s a practice called sun eating,” Lunis stated. “Hippies go out and look at the sun directly for as long as they can take it. They say that the practice prevents them from having to eat or drink.”

  “There’s a perfect example of why all hippies should be erased from this planet,” Liv muttered between bites.

  “It sounds like they’ll do that all on their own by starving themselves and going blind,” Sophia pointed out. She kicked her legs over the side of the building and watched the city take shape as the sunlight illuminated everything below.

  “Hey, you’re supposed to be about preserving the magical races, remember?” Clark reminded Liv.

  Liv held up a finger, pausing him. “Except for hippie elves. It’s a charitable act for me to get rid of them.”

  Sophia giggled, so grateful after all the missions after missions to be with her sister and brother. No, she didn’t have evidence that the Rogue Riders were behind all the brewing wars, but she felt as though she was one step closer.

  Soon they’d have the DPO so they could determine which dragon eggs were angels or demons and time their hatching. In the meantime, all the eggs were at the bottom of the Pond at the Gullington to prevent them from hat
ching. It was the safest call. Sophia was intrigued that Alicia was building even more capabilities into the DPO and looked forward to seeing what they were.

  “What families do you think will replace the three at the House of Fourteen?” Sophia looked sideways at her siblings.

  Clark gave her a look of concentration. “It’s a complex process that will involve interviews and lineage analysis—”

  “And a long nap after Clarky explains the process,” Liv stated. “Your Map to Power gave the House some ideas. The Councilors and Warriors all sat and came up with something new based on the moral code that the tasks on the map provided. So we’re more confident than ever that the ones we choose will be honorable.”

  Clark nodded. “It’s true. It was the first time that the Councilors and Warriors convened on such things. Usually, the Council decides.”

  “We’re the workhorses,” Liv admitted.

  “But we’re learning that more input from Warriors is valuable,” Clark stated. “You all are out in the field and have specialized knowledge. The original intent was that the Councilors would study things from an objective point of view and assign cases. Still, there’s obviously a flaw in the system, so we’re moving to a more sustainable model if you will.”

  “If I have to hear these managerial buzz words anymore,” Lunis complained, “I’m moving Clark to a more sustainable model.” He pointed down at the busy street below. “It’s down there.”

  Sophia and Liv both laughed. Clark didn’t.

  “Don’t worry. He wouldn’t push you,” Sophia consoled.

  “The tiny human doesn’t know me as well as she thinks she does,” Lunis whispered in Liv’s direction. “I’ve almost eaten her on multiple occasions. You and your brother mean very little to me.”

  “Which is why I’ve spread rumors worldwide that the blue dragon for the Elite wets the bed and has to sleep with a pacifier made by the elves,” Liv teased.

  Lunis shrugged. “Who says that’s a rumor?” He glared at Sophia. “Why you telling my secrets, Smalls?”

  Everyone laughed at this.

  Liv patted Sophia’s knee. “You risked a lot to help the House of Fourteen become a better place to serve.”

  “The House of Fourteen is my home,” Sophia stated. “I’ll never forget that.”

  Her sister offered her a tender look. “Yes, but I know you have problems to deal with.”

  “Well, there’s only so much we can do there right now,” Sophia admitted.

  “Things will come to light with the Rogue Riders soon,” Liv supplied. “When they do, I’ll be ready to help. Enlist me for anything that you need. Because you’re right, we’re not all separate as different organizations. In the ideal world, we’d serve each other. We’d come to each other’s aid. Hopefully one day that means there’s no war because we’re all on the same side.”

  Sophia grinned, feeling a tender tickle in her throat. “Thank you. I can see a world like that.”

  “That’s the first step to it coming true.” Clark smiled at his sisters.

  “Do any of you dare me to eat this in one go?” Lunis interrupted the sentimental moment.

  They all turned to find that the dragon had arranged a dozen donuts on one of his claws, all stacked one on top of the other.

  “I’m not sure I see the challenge there, Big Mouth,” Liv replied.

  “Yeah, I’ve seen him eat more in one go when half-asleep,” Sophia stated.

  “I could eat you in one go when I’m half-asleep, Shorty,” Lunis threatened.

  Liv sighed fondly. “Oh, to have a dragon who constantly is wondering what sauce to pair you with. Wow, Sophia, you’re living the dream.”

  She smiled up at her dragon, feeling a warmth in her chest. “You know, I really am.”

  He returned the expression. “Hey, Liv. Are you afraid that your child is going to keep things out of your reach?”

  Liv shot him an annoyed expression, but amusement hid under it. “Oh, so now I’m getting the short jokes too? How delightful.”

  “I’m an equal opportunist. Hey, Clark, do you know why the short person was stuck in the elevator?” Lunis asked quite seriously.

  “Why is that?” Clark replied.

  “Because they couldn’t reach the ‘Open Door’ button.” Lunis howled with laughter. “Have you had that problem before, Clark?”

  He shook his head. “No, but I get it. The Beaufonts are smaller people.”

  “We’re economical,” Sophia supplied.

  “We’re brave,” Liv added.

  “And we fight for what matters,” Clark stated with conviction.

  “Love,” Sophia said simply.

  Liv put her arms around her sister’s and brother’s shoulders and tugged them in close. “That’s right because Familia Est Sempiternum.”

  “Familia Est Sempiternum,” Sophia and Clark repeated in unison.

  None of the magicians knew it, but overhead, snuggled down close to them, Lunis was also mouthing the famous Beaufont family motto: Familia Est Sempiternum.

  Chapter Sixty-Three

  The Gullington didn’t look any different after disappearing during Quiet’s absence and reappearing. Apparently most had left during the stint, but not all.

  Since Quiet was summoned without warning using the gnome’s gold coin, there wasn’t warning for some. Evan had been asleep during the whole ordeal, meaning he got stored in Quiet’s vault.

  “Seriously, I thought I was going to wake up in my comfy warm bed,” he muttered from his place on the Chesterfield beside Mama Jamba in Hiker’s office. “Then I swing my feet over the side, and there’s total darkness underneath me. It was like I was suspended in the sky. It was unnerving.”

  “You can walk around in the vault.” Mama Jamba patted Evan on the shoulder. “It just doesn’t have any walls or ground or structure. There’s no point because it’s a short-term storage area. I only give the Earth all these appearances because in the beginning, humans didn’t like walking around without dimensions and whatnot.”

  He laid his head on her shoulder, looking shaken. “I think I need therapy after the whole thing.”

  Wilder laughed. “You only now think you need therapy? Mate, that should have been on your to-do list long ago.”

  Evan nodded. “Can you recommend one of your many therapists? I’m sure you’ve been through quite a few. Probably made the lot of them go crazy. Broke their spirits, no doubt.”

  Sophia glanced out the bank of windows in Hiker’s office, looking at the sun as it was about to set over the Pond. It was strange to think that was the same sun that she’d watched rise over Los Angeles earlier that day on the other side of the world.

  It was another reminder that everyone’s goals worldwide needed to be the same since they all shared the same planet and resided under the same sun. Unfortunately, when people felt they didn’t have enough, it became a competition instead of a choreographed dance.

  “How are you all on your peace negotiations?” Hiker looked up from his desk.

  “I’m making progress,” Wilder stated.

  “I’m making even more progress than him,” Evan bragged.

  “I think my missions will come to peaceful solutions,” Mahkah offered.

  “Lee is working to fix the water supply in Asia,” Sophia contributed.

  Hiker nodded. “We still have yet to link the Rogue Riders to all this, which will be our downfall if we don’t. They’ll only keep creating problems for us to fix.”

  “I’m working on it, sir,” Sophia said with confidence. “It’s only a matter of time before the world knows who is behind this. Then we can take Versalee down and reinstate the Rogue Riders to the organization they’re supposed to be.”

  Wilder looked at her proudly. “As you did with the House of Fourteen.”

  She blushed.

  Hiker nodded. “Yes, that was a big victory for all magical creatures worldwide. I dare say it will make our lives a lot easier, not having to waste time explainin
g ourselves to a judgmental and self-serving Council.”

  “The House of Fourteen has offered to help us bring down Versalee when the time comes,” Sophia imparted, remembering Liv’s offer.

  “Good,” Hiker stated. “We’re probably going to need all the help we can get. I suspect that if we haven’t seen signs of her yet, it’s because she doesn’t want us to. That means she’s working on something big. So we have to be ready. We have to come at her with more.”

  “We have to use strategy, sir,” Evan offered. “That’s always been my approach.” He looked at Sophia and winked.

  She smiled at him. Like her blood family, the Dragon Elite wasn’t perfect. They didn’t always get along. Yet, no matter what, they always stood by each other. And they always fought for what was good and just.

  Sophia looked out at the setting sun, feeling a restored hope for the future. Tomorrow the sun would rise again over the Gullington, as it had for all of time. The Dragon Elite would be one step closer to creating peace globally, fixing problems they hadn’t instigated, finding the Rogue Riders, and bringing down Versalee. They’d do it together because even if they weren’t related, the Dragon Elite were all her family too. And family was forever…

  Chapter Sixty-Four

  Lava flowed through the magma chamber at the base of Katla—an active volcano in Iceland. The glowing orange substance ran down the rocks inside the mountain, creating lava falls. Katla hadn’t erupted in a few decades but housed the right amount of lava to feed Versalee’s and her dragon Ash’s powers.

  The leader of the Rogue Riders had learned that surrounding her dragon and herself with the element that empowered Ash created incredible benefits for them. Not only that, but Versalee could lend those powers to her riders, making them stronger than ever. She relished the notion that she’d been able to figure this out and monopolize the advantage of being around lava.


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