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Fake Love Rich Boss Series

Page 6

by Peterson , Sloane

  I realize that maybe I wasn’t as prepared as I hoped to be. I realize that maybe I don’t know the entire story. I think the Windsor family and I need to have yet another long talk.

  I lean back into the microphone.

  “Thank you everyone for coming out, but that’s going to do it for questions today.”

  And with that, I begin to walk off the stage with Oliver and Camille in tow. We’re all quiet until we enter the lobby of the building, when Oliver and I both turn towards Camille.

  “What in the fuck is she talking about? An affair?” he growled at Camille. A part of me expects to see him lunge at Camille and rip her throat out.

  I feel pretty much the same.

  Camille lowers her sunglasses to look at us, probably for the first time all day. She makes a show of rolling her eyes before gazing back at us.

  “Well, you were right. I wasn’t having an affair with Matthew Davis; the family is probably trying to make that up for pity points or whatever.”

  I sighed, “Do you not realize that that would give Alan a motive to kill him? That looks bad, Camille. Not only for you and the entire family, but for Alan’s case. Now it seems as if they have a motive to pin this on. Did you have any idea of this accusation beforehand?”

  “I did, but I didn’t think it was important because it’s not true,” she said dismissively.

  I...I can’t. What is with this family and not telling the entire story? Do they not know what the truth is?

  “You should have told me that, regardless of whether it’s true or not. You should have told me because I wasn’t prepared for that question. You can put money on the fact that that’s going to be the headline in tomorrow’s paper.”

  “I didn’t realize...” she stammered.

  “No matter. It’s out now,” I sighed and run a hand through my hair. Appearances don’t matter anymore now that the conference is over. “I need to head to the airport and get on my flight home so I can prepare to move here to deal with this entire mess. Oliver, you still need to record the statement for your clients. Camille, if you think of anything else that could be important...for the love of God, tell me. And if either of you hear from or see Allison, let her know that she really should have been here this morning.”

  I decide my best course of action would be to leave through the parking garage, knowing that the press is still outside. I don’t have it in me to answer any more questions. I don’t wait for Oliver or Camille to acknowledge my statement before I turn around and leave the lobby, heading towards the empty hallway that leads to the parking garage.

  I’m halfway down the hallway when I hear the sound of footsteps on the tile behind me, racing towards me. I turn around to see Oliver trying to catch up with me.

  “Cassidy, wait!” he said, despite the fact that I am now waiting for him.

  “Yes? Oliver, I really need to go. My flight leaves soon and I don’t want to have to reschedule...again.”

  “I know, I know. It’s just...I thought you were going to be with me when I recorded the statement for the clients.”

  He’s standing in front of me now, mere inches between the two of us. It reminds me of last night and how badly I want him. I push the thought away, knowing that getting caught up with my boss would be a mess of trouble, and forcing myself to remember what Edward told me this morning about how Oliver operates.

  “You can do it just fine on your own,” I tell him. “I emailed you the statement you need to read. It’s short enough for you to memorize. If you want to be a strong leader for this company, you need to learn to do things on your own, all right?”

  I feel like I’m talking to a five-year-old, trying to convince him that going to school without his parents is the right thing to do.

  I realize Oliver has never had to step up in this way before. Alan had always been around to do the work and let Oliver get a pass in life. Now, his father isn’t around to save him. It is up to him, so he attaches himself to somebody else to guide him. This time it is me.

  Reaching out, I put my hand on his upper arm. Even through his suit jacket, I can feel his sculpted biceps. I shouldn’t be touching him. It’s a little too much, it makes my head feel a little too swimmy. I hate that I get this way around him.

  “You will be just fine, Oliver. I’ll be back by the end of the week, just try to keep Camille and Allison from getting in too much trouble. I don’t want to be on damage control when I get back, okay?”

  Oliver offers the smallest of smiles to me, one that despite its small size feels genuine. He reaches out and puts his hand on my forearm. Warmth floods through me.

  “All right, Cassidy. You stay safe. If you need anything, just let me know,” he said quietly.

  “Of course. I’ll see you soon.”

  And with that, we part. My arm still feels warm from where he just touched it.

  Chapter Six

  I arrive home without a hitch, instantly starting to empty out my small apartment. In the town I live in, there’s not many apartments. I happen to live in one above the local bakery called Cabin Life Coffee. It’s usually not busy, unless it’s tourist season. My apartment is small, one bedroom with a bathroom, kitchen, and living room that are practically the same room. I was always proud to call it my own though.

  The plus side to living in such a small place is that I don’t have a lot of things to pack. The relocation money I’m getting from Windsor is enough to cover the down payment on a fancier, slightly bigger New York apartment. It leaves me with just a little money left over to buy some furnishings and maybe a new work outfit.

  Currently, I’m seated on my bedroom floor, cleaning out the contents of my one dresser. I’m deciding what’s coming with me, what’s getting tossed, and what I’ll donate to a local shelter. I pull out an old, yellow tank top. My mom instantly wrinkles her nose.

  “I always hated that on you,” she said.

  I’m blessed that my mother was willing to take the day off of work and help me pack some things up. She’s still extremely displeased that I’m taking the job, but she’s not one to talk me out of it. She raised me as a single mother and always dreamed of her daughter getting the opportunity to do something like this, to move to a big city and make a name for herself. Even if she thinks the family that I’m working for is garbage.

  “Thanks for the honesty, mom,” I mumbled, tossing the tank top into the trash pile. Admittedly, it wasn’t a good looking tank top. The straps are frayed and I’m sure with one good pull, they’d break. It was a nice pajama top while it lasted though.

  “Look, you know I like to see you in darker colors. I think navy blues and midnight purples really look the best on you,” she said, leaning back on my bed. She’s here more for moral support than to help me pack, I realize.

  “And that’s why most of my good suits are in various shades of those colors,” I tell her, tossing a shirt into the keep pile. “You know, you’ll have to come visit me when I settle in, Mom. We can explore New York together.”

  She looks at me, her face turning serious.

  “Cass, do you think you’re going to get a day off? You’re working for the Windsor family, they’re in the news on a daily basis. I’m sure there’s always going to be something for you to clean up for them,” she said. “They should pay you more than they are.”

  That’s something I’ve already considered. I know I’m going to be working extra hard, even once Alan is released and they move on to a new scandal. I’m never going to get a break. It’s something I’ll probably have to deal with in my next contract negotiation, if they decide to keep me on for another year. That’s yet to be determined, they probably want to see how I handle the ‘Alan is a murderer’ situation.

  Hell. I don’t even yet know how I’m going to handle it.

  “I’ll be able to take a break to hang out with you, Mom,” I reassured her. It’s entirely possible that I want her to visit just for my own comfort. New York is a big, scary place that I have no idea how to nav
igate. I don’t even know where to start.

  “If you say so,” she tells me before we turn our attention back to the task at hand, doing our best to get all of my things together. We make a rather large dent in my clothing collection before my phone rings.

  I look down at it and see Oliver Windsor on my lock screen. I sigh, slowly reaching for it.

  “I better take this. It’s work.”

  “I’m not saying I told you so but don’t get a break,” my mom said matter-of-factly.

  I roll my eyes as I pick up my phone, pulling myself off of the bedroom floor.

  “Hello?” I say as soon as I answer.

  “Hey,” Oliver says. His voice sounds strangely calm, like this isn’t an emergency, which leaves me with no idea why he’s calling me. I walk into the kitchen and lean against the counter as I wait for him to continue. “When are you coming back again?”

  There’s something about the distance between the two of us, the fact that I don’t have to look into those steel grey eyes and feel like he’s analyzing my every move, the fact I don’t have to force myself to look away from him. It’s like I’m not close enough to have to deal with those types of feelings toward him.

  “Why?” I asked, “Do you miss me?”

  The words come out much bolder than anything I’d ever say to his face. I can’t explain why, it just does.

  On the other end, Oliver chuckled. “Well, aside from that.”

  My cheeks heat up and I’m beyond grateful that he can’t see my face. He misses me? No, no way. He hardly knows me. He has to just be flirting back because I flirted with him. That’s how that generally works, of course.

  “Anyway, we might need you back sooner than expected.”

  I pause, holding back a sigh. That’s never good news, right? What tragedy has befallen the Windsor family now? What trouble have they gotten themselves into that I need to figure out a way to dig them out of? Wasn’t the murder charge and the affair accusation enough for my first week on the job?

  “And why’s that?” I finally asked.

  “Because, my father has been granted bail. They’re planning to release him tomorrow morning and I know the press is going to be wanting a statement about it...”

  “I thought he wasn’t eligible for bail,” I interrupted.

  The news had hammered that fact in again and again. He had too much money, he was a huge flight risk, he had too many connections. The reasons why Alan Windsor shouldn’t have made bail were extensive.

  “Things change.”

  There’s something about the way Oliver says reminds me of how Edward mentioned knowing that Alan was going to be arrested ahead of time. I know the reason that Alan has gotten bail isn’t because the court has decided to be nice. I know it has something to do with connections, power, money, or a combination of the three.

  I shouldn’t be surprised, but I am for some reason. I’m speechless, unsure of what to say to Oliver’s statement. I decide to avoid it for now.

  “When do you need me back?”

  “Preferably as soon as possible,” he said. “Is the day after tomorrow okay? It’ll give father time to settle at home and you time to finish up everything that you’re doing. You have found an apartment in New York to move to? If not, I can get someone...”

  “I’ve found an apartment,” I replied. “I can try to get back on Thursday, but I can’t make any promises. I have to take care of everything down here.”

  I’m met by silence on the other end. The silence unsettles me almost more than Oliver’s previously mysterious statement.

  I don’t have to see his face to know that anything other than a ‘yes’ was an unacceptable answer for Oliver. I let out a sigh, hoping he senses my obvious displeasure.

  “I can be back by Thursday.” That means I’ll likely be running on no sleep and a hell of a lot of caffeine to get this all taken care of, but at least I’ll still have a job when I get back to New York.

  “All right. Edward will pick you up from the airport and drive you straight to the office, we’ll go from there. Does that work?”

  I know that I can’t disagree with him. I find I constantly forget that Oliver is my boss. I get lost between the flirting and friendliness between the two of us and I get distracted. I need to keep in mind who exactly I work for. What’s free will anyway?

  Not only do I have to figure out how to pack up and sort through my entire apartment in less than a day and a half, I have to figure out a statement and what exactly I’m going to say about Alan’s release.

  “That works,” I told Oliver. “I have to go finish packing everything up.” I pause before hanging up, “And Oliver?”


  “I’m going to need more details about how Alan actually got released before I issue a statement. If I have questions, I’m sure the public will. Okay?”

  “Okay,” he relented. “I’ll see you soon Cassidy, be safe.”

  “You too, Oliver.” I hung up the phone, but stayed leaning against the counter, gathering my thoughts.

  Not for the first time, I’m wondering what the hell I’ve gotten myself into.

  “How was your trip home?” Edward asked as I climbed into the backseat of the car.

  “Cut short,” I tell him. I’m exhausted. There was only so much sleep I could get on the plane to make up for my lack of sleep at home. I’m grateful for makeup to cover up the bags underneath my eyes before I go on TV. I had rushed to finish sorting through everything, get it packed, and get it on a truck to New York. My belongings wouldn’t be in the state until tomorrow, so I was going home to an empty apartment later.

  “Yes, well, that does seem to happen around here,” he said, as if speaking from experience. “It’s unfortunately how life works. Duty always calls.”

  “Yes, well, I now have to figure out exactly what I’m going to say during a press conference that I’m not prepared for, because I don’t know the entire story. This family seems to enjoy trickle-truthing people,” I explained.

  Edward sighs, driving out of the airport pickup lane and onto the main streets.

  “You learn to see through it when you’ve worked for them long enough,” he told me.

  Silence falls over us, leaving me to look out over the city streets as we drive. The city hasn’t changed since I left, not that I expected it to. It is still busy, people flooding its sidewalks, walking to and from every direction. The skyscrapers still kiss the sky, some fading into the clouds around us. It’s such a stark difference between the scenic mountain town that I’m from. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’ll miss the trees.

  We come to a stop in front of Windsor and I get out, thanking Edward. I enter the building and the lobby is full again. It’s reminiscent of the first day that I visited the company. Alan being back home must have been good news to their business partners, even if the charge wasn’t dropped.

  “Cassidy! Welcome back!” Noelle greeted me from the front desk. She’s just as sunshine-y as ever. Despite how tired I am, how slightly annoyed I am with my employers, I find her happiness contagious.

  “Thank you Noelle,” I greeted her, returning the smile.

  I enter the elevator, press the button to the twelfth floor, and try to get into the ‘zone’ that I need to be in before all of this. Not only am I going to have to deal with Oliver, Camille, and Allison, now I get to add Alan to the mix. It already feels exhausting.

  When I step out of the elevator, Joan turns and smiles at me. “How was your trip home Cassidy?” She asked.

  Unable to stop myself, I respond, “Short.” We both laugh, although it wasn’t quite a joke. Once again, I don’t knock. I open the door to Oliver or Alan’s office. Whoever it belongs to now.

  I never thought I would see the office and deem it as small but with four people (five including me), it feels like the walls are closing in on me.

  “And who is this?” Alan barked. He’s sitting at the desk, looking just as regal as he do
es in the oil painting downstairs. His salt-and-pepper hair is swooped to the side, he is wearing a nice-looking business suit.

  “Cassidy,” I said, walking forward and extending a hand. “Cassidy Hanson, your new PR rep.” I quickly turn to look over at Allison, “Good to see you showed up,” I said, making sure she knows I’m still annoyed.

  “Oh! You’re the girl on TV,” Alan said, reaching out to take my hand. “It’s great to meet you. I hear you’ve been doing good work so far.”

  “I can’t take all the credit for it. Oliver’s been quite helpful. He’s come up with a few good ideas on his own.”

  I look over at Oliver for the first time since I’ve entered the office. He smiles in my direction and I hate that I feel my heart go weak at it.

  What is it about him?

  Alan follows my gaze in Oliver’s direction, although he doesn’t quite smile. He gives a firm nod of his head.

  “As expected, I knew I wasn’t making a mistake putting Oliver in charge of things.”

  I don’t let silence linger in the room long. I turn to look at each and every one of them.

  “Before the conference begins, I need questions answered.” I let my eyes linger on Alan, hopefully meeting his gaze. “How did you get bail? I need the honest answer.”

  “Well, you see the judge just decided...”

  I hold up a finger. “No. No lying. I need the truth or else I can’t do my job properly. Personally, I couldn’t care less how you did or didn’t do it. It doesn’t matter to me, but I need to know what lie I’m going to go out there and tell the public, and it’s easier to stretch the truth in case details slip, than it is to just invent something entirely unbelievable.”

  Alan looks back over at Oliver.

  “I do like her,” he said. “Well, we were able to convince the judge that I was in danger while in prison. I’ve wronged a lot of people in my rise to fame, of course. Can’t get anywhere without stepping on a few toes.”


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