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In the Mood Fur Love

Page 15

by Eve Langlais

  “I’m so confused,” Shawna mumbled as she trailed behind Rebecca’s retreating form. Had she fallen down a rabbit hole to a place where nothing made sense and everything was ass backward?

  Before she could ask any more questions, Rebecca opened a door and breezed in, calling out in a loud singsong voice, “Guess who’s here?”


  He couldn’t remember a time when he was as nervous as he was now, watching the hours tick by until he could pick his mate up and take her on their first real date. Even if she didn’t know it was real. His assistant’s voice pulled him from his thoughts as she used that irritating high-pitched singing thing she did to yell at him.

  “Guess who’s here?”

  He didn’t have to reply; if he knew Rebecca at all she’d just march into the office and bring their guest with her. She was a damn efficient assistant, he reminded himself as he eyed the stapler he was tempted to throw at her.

  “I know what you’re thinking and you really don’t need me to call your mother back in here, do you? She was fishing for gossip, but I didn’t give in … yet.”

  Hawke narrowed his eyes. “You wouldn’t dare.”

  Rebecca smiled evilly. “You want to bet on that?”

  He rolled his eyes and turned his attention to the woman standing half-hidden behind his annoying friend. “Shawna, is that you?”

  “Yes, it is. I found her wandering the halls; you didn’t give her a proper tour, did you?”

  “Sorry, we got distracted. I’ll rectify that first thing tomorrow. Now, don’t you have someplace to be … that’s not here?”

  “Spoilsport. Fine. I’m going. Actually, I think I have some errands to run, and since you said, be someplace not here to there sounds perfect to me.”

  “Why do I keep you here again?”

  “Simple, I’m fantastic at my job and I’m not scared of your temper tantrums. Though why you didn’t outgrow them is beyond me. I mean really, most boys have given them up by the time they’re hitting puberty.”

  “Get out, before I change my mind about this stapler,” Hawke growled.

  “That’s my cue. Shawna, it was wonderful meeting you. Let’s do lunch sometime so I can tell you all his dark secrets. In the meantime”—Rebecca pulled her into a hug and squeezed—“I’m so glad you’re here. I’ve finally got a sister.”

  Hawke bit his lip to keep from bursting into laughter at Shawna’s wide-eyed stare as she watched Rebecca run out of the room. If you weren’t used to the woman, it could be quite overwhelming. “You okay?” he asked as he moved from behind his desk and stepped closer to his mate.

  “I’m not sure, to be honest. Did I get sucked up into a tornado and get spit out in Oz or something?”

  “No, that’s just Rebecca when she’s excited. She’s not always quite like that. Usually it’s a bit more subdued, but she was happy to meet you. Gave me the cold shoulder for hours for not introducing you to her first thing this morning as a matter of fact.”

  Shawna nodded slowly. “Okay then. Well, I came to … well … Thank you for the phone.”

  “More like scream at me for it,” Hawke said with a wink, “but since you ran into the whirlwind I’m assuming she explained it’s a perk of working here?”

  “Yeah, she told me. I didn’t expect that. Thank you and thanks for getting them to keep my number like that.”

  “I didn’t want you to miss a call in case your mother was able to get through. By the way, I was going to tell you tonight, but we’ve already got people on finding your family and safely getting them here.”


  Hawke grabbed her by the hand and pulled her to sit on the couch he kept in his office for late nights. “Of course, babe. We put the ball in motion last night. We weren’t going to let you handle this alone; we have the resources to help.”

  Shawna sniffled as she wiped her eyes and gazed up into his. All he could think was how beautiful she was. Without a second thought, he pulled her across his lap and wrapped his arms around her. Offering what comfort he could.

  “I know, hon, you’ve been so strong all alone, but you don’t have to anymore. We’re here to help. We’ll stand beside you, babe.”

  He wasn’t sure how long they sat like that; all he could concentrate on was the warmth of her in his arms and the intoxicating smell that was uniquely hers. He leaned his head back on the couch and closed his eyes as he attempted to memorize this moment. He never wanted to forget it.

  “Loosen your hold,” Shawna whispered. As soon as he did, she flipped around and straddled his hips.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Something I’ve been dying to do since the moment I first met you.” With that, she leaned down and stole his breath. Never in a million years had he expected her to initiate their first kiss. With a growl of uncontrollable hunger at the feel of her lips, he stood up and shifted them so they were lying on the couch.

  Just when he thought he’d died and gone to heaven, she pushed at his chest until he backed off. “What’s wrong?” he panted.

  “Nothing. I … It’s just … I’m not sleeping with you today. Not here, not like this.” He watched as she slid out from beneath him and stood up. “I’ve got to go … get ready … for the benefit tonight.”

  “Wait!” he called, but it was futile; she was gone out the door before he’d barely finished the one word.

  What in the hell had just happened? He climbed to his feet and sighed. Every time he got close to her something happened to end it. What had he done to deserve this? He’d finally gotten his first time at the lips he’d been craving for months and she took off on him. He wasn’t sure how long he stood there staring out the door as if he thought she’d actually waltz back in like it had all been a huge joke.

  “Boss man, you all right?”

  Hawke jumped at the older man’s voice and spun to see Henry, the night-cleaning man, standing beside him.

  “What? How?” Hawke shook his head and stared in confusion. How in the hell did Henry get into the office and beside him without him being aware of it?

  “That’s what I’m talking about. You been standing there staring off into space for the five minutes I’ve been in here. You didn’t even acknowledge me when I was talking to you. Should I be calling for an ambulance or your momma?”

  “What? No, I’m fine.” Hawke took a deep breath and tried to center himself. “Sorry, I was lost in my head. What can I do for you, Henry? It’s a bit early for you, isn’t it?”

  Henry nodded. “That’s what I figured. Not much in this world that would make a smart man stupid. You got female problems, don’t you, Son?”

  “No,” Hawke denied vehemently.

  “Yup. I’ve seen it a thousand times before. And the grapevine says you’ve found your mate.”

  Hawke gaped at him in astonishment. “You too? What, is there some underground gossip train or something? I’ve never seen anything like it.”

  “People talk, boss man. I’ve been around since you were in diapers. Ain’t much I don’t know about the goin’-ons around here. I know where all the skeletons are, I guess you’d say. I can even tell you a few things that would surely shock your delicate sensibilities to the core. Though a lot of that got fixed when you fired that no-good scoundrel Benoit.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me how bad he was? I can’t be everywhere and run this place. I don’t understand why no one ever talked about him before. It was pure coincidence I discovered it this time.” Hawke grinned at Henry. “I’ve got a proposition for you, old friend.”

  “Never you mind. I came here to tell you something important. Not to get roped into something. Don’t think I don’t remember some of your schemes from when you were a kid. You spent many evenings in my company helping me take care of this old place because of them.”

  “That’s true; those are some of my fondest memories. You always treated me like a son, made me feel welcome and special. I couldn’t have asked for a better role model.
I’d be honored if when the time came I could count on you to do the same with him.”

  “Well, that’s kind of what I came to talk to you about. I’m gettin’ old and these bones aren’t what they used to be. It’s time for me to think about retiring.”

  Hawke frowned and dropped back onto the couch, staring at Henry in shock. How could he retire? The man was an institution around here; everyone knew and loved him. Last year when Henry had come down with the flu and was admitted to the hospital for dehydration, half the office had left at some point to go see him. The other half sent him flowers, candy, and stuffed toys. Hawke hadn’t seen anything like it.

  “Don’t get like that. I’m thinking of going part-time for a while. I don’t know what I’d do with myself if I didn’t have something to keep me occupied, but I wanted you to know that it was time.”

  “I can handle that, but I’ve got an even better idea. How about you train your replacement, and then you come work for me during the days? Trust me, this job is perfect for you.”

  Henry scratched his cheek and eyed Hawke before slowly nodding. “What do you have in mind?”

  “You know we just opened the new area for Mate for Hire, right?”

  “Of course I do. That’s your mate running it. Today was her first day back. Always liked her; she’s got backbone. If you ask me, she’s perfect for you. Won’t take none of your crap and she’ll keep you on your toes. She’s as stubborn as you are. Never thought I’d say that was a good thing, but in your case it’s just what you need.”

  “Thank you for that glowing recommendation.” Hawke rolled his eyes good-naturedly. “Anyway, I was thinking you might be of use to Shawna. What do you think about working with her to get things up and running? I’ve never met a person as astute about people. You read them and are uncannily accurate. She’s going to be seeing people in the office that want to sign up. I’d like you to be there to help get the read on them, give feedback, and help make sure we get everything we need to match them perfectly.”

  Henry cocked one eyebrow. “You want me to help play matchmaker?”

  “Yes, in a way. I’m sure you know we took a hit with Clark in charge. Shawna is working to fix that, but she could use the help to perfect the program. When you’re not needed, you can make the rounds of the building, talking to all the employees and give me the inside scoop. Things I should know. Clark should never have been allowed to get away with what he did. If you’ll help me, we can make sure it never happens again.”

  “Don’t you think you should ask your mate about assigning me to work with her like this? My missus never took kindly to me interfering in her areas like that.”

  Hawke winked. “Don’t worry. I’ve got that covered. Can you give me a few days to hire someone and then we’ll move you to your new position?”

  Henry shrugged. “Why not? It’s your funeral. And by the way, if you don’t get outta here you’re gonna be late picking up your girl. That is not the way to start any relationship, Son.”

  “Shit,” Hawke swore as he glanced at the clock. “I’m going to be late. I have to run home and change. I’ll talk to you later, and thanks, Henry.”

  Just as he was about to break into a run, his phone rang, startling him. He pulled the phone out of his pocket and groaned at the caller ID. Xander. This was going to be painful; he just knew it.

  “Hey, brother. What’s up?” Hawke said in greeting as he answered the phone.

  “Be thankful it’s me calling and not Keir. I’m saving you that pain. Though not completely, as he’s here listening in. And for the sake of full disclosure, the women are on speakerphone with Shawna as we speak, getting her side of things.”

  “They’re rubbing off on you, aren’t they?” Hawke groaned. “What do you want to know?”

  “Answer one simple question and we’ll let you go,” Xander replied with laughter tingeing each word.

  “Can’t I save us all the trouble and just tell you both to go fuck yourselves?”

  Laughter filled his ears as his former best friends delighted in his response. Why did he answer the phone again? He’d known this was coming; hell, he’d done the same thing to them, practically. It was only fair they get their revenge after all.

  “How bad did you fuck up?” Keir called from somewhere in the distance.

  “Fuck off,” Hawke growled, knowing he’d hear him with his shifter hearing. “I didn’t, if you must know. Everything’s been great up … until a few minutes ago at least.” He mumbled the last part to himself but knew they’d hear him anyway.

  “What did you do?” Xander asked, feigning sympathy.

  “Nothing; she kissed me and then took off. I don’t know what the hell happened, to be honest. I will never understand women. Look, I’m getting in my car. I’ve gotta race home to get changed before picking her up for the benefit tonight.”

  They exchanged good-byes and he hung up feeling a bit better. Even if his friends hadn’t said anything of importance, just them caring enough to call was pretty special. Now it was time to focus on the woman of his dreams and convince her she belonged with him.


  Shawna pulled into the parking garage and blinked in surprise. She’d driven home on automatic pilot and hadn’t even realized it. The last thing she remembered was hanging up with the girls and promising to call them later with all the details right before she’d left her office after fleeing from the passion she’d found in Hawke’s office.

  Thoughts of that one amazing kiss and the things he made her feel had scared the living shit out of her. She couldn’t allow herself to lust after a man she had no hope of ever having for herself. It had been bad enough she’d kissed him like that. Sure, he’d reciprocated, but he was a man, any stimulation was enough to turn them on, and she’d been sitting on his lap in a dress. He must think she was a wanton hussy after that display.

  A soft tap on her window made Shawna jump in surprise. She opened her door and smiled up at Robbie. “Hey, sorry, didn’t see you there.” Shawna’s smile slowly fell as she took in his worried expression. “What’s wrong?”

  “There’s been some nasty-looking guys asking around about you, Miz Shawna. I ain’t told them anything, but I don’t like the looks of them.”

  “I’ll be fine. Come on, let’s go up to my apartment. My boss brought me lunch and it was enough to feed a small army. Since I have plans tonight, you have dinner,” she said with a wink as they crossed the dingy garage. “And don’t worry so much. I’m sure everything is fine.”

  Robbie sniffed in disdain. “Don’t know about that. You didn’t see these guys.”

  He was right, she hadn’t, but she could just imagine who they were. She’d been expecting people might come stake out her apartment looking for her family. They were in for a surprise if they actually thought any of them would be stupid enough to be sitting here where they knew to look. With any luck she’d be gone on her date with Hawke before they showed up. She didn’t want to drag him into any more of her drama.

  “Robbie, I want you to do me a favor and hide whenever these guys come around. You’re right; they aren’t good people and they don’t have a problem with hurting people or making them disappear. Trust me on this.”

  “Miz Shawna, are you in trouble?”

  Robbie looked so sad at the possibility that it nearly broke her heart. Underneath the worn-out dirty clothes was a man with a heart of gold who’d fallen on tough times. She knew she was lucky to have him as a friend and vowed to help him get back on his feet as soon as she could.

  “Not me, but my family. I’m pretty sure these guys are looking for them. I don’t know anything to help, though. Something tells me they aren’t going to believe me or care. So, please just be careful and stay away from them. I’ll be okay; I promise.”

  He didn’t look convinced but, thankfully, didn’t argue with her about it. They walked quietly to her door and she handed him his dinner. “Please be safe. My friend Hawke is coming to pick me up. He won’t
let anyone get near me; I promise.”

  Robbie nodded but didn’t look happy. “Fine, I’ll stay away from them. But you’d best be promising me that I won’t ever find you like you was yesterday. I can’t take scares like that. Have fun tonight and thank you for the dinner, Miz Shawna.”

  Shawna smiled and stepped into her apartment. It felt like years since she’d left this morning. So much had happened in a short time. Add in that smoldering kiss with Hawke and she was on fire all over again. A quick peek at the clock told her she had just enough time to use the new toy she’d picked up. It’d cost her a pretty penny, but damn if it wasn’t worth it. She stripped as she raced to the bedroom and pulled open her bedside drawer.

  The Womanizer was a godsend; when she’d first heard about it, she’d been disgusted by the name. Now that she owned one, she didn’t care what it was called. As the ad she’d read said, it was as close to oral sex as you could get with a machine. It not only vibrated but sucked your clit too. It was a handheld mother of all orgasms. She was vibrating in anticipation already; thoughts of Hawke filled her head as she quickly lay on the bed.

  It wouldn’t take her long, she knew; ever since she’d locked lips and felt the heat radiating off his large body she’d been a goner. She wasn’t even sure how she’d gotten off the couch and out the door her legs had been shaking so hard. As her thoughts conjured the kiss again she let her hand trail over her erect nipples as she gasped at the pleasure. What she wouldn’t give to have Hawke’s large, muscular hand kneading her breast instead of her own.

  “Hawke,” she moaned as she slipped the toy between her folds and turned it on low.

  She couldn’t contain the moan as she felt the vibrations. She could feel his eyes on her as she writhed on the bed in desperate need of his touch. “I need you so hard.” She panted as she used her left hand to pinch her swollen nipple.


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