Creating the Twentieth Century

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Creating the Twentieth Century Page 43

by Vaclav Smil

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  Name Index

  Abel, Frederick, 185

  Ackermann, Rudolph, 124

  Ader, Clément, 147

  Alderton, Charles, 278

  Alexanderson, Ernst F. W., 253–254, 266

  Ampère, André M., 34

  Arco, Georg W. A. von, 251

  Armat, Thomas, 222

  Armstrong, Edwin, 255

  Aspdin, Joseph, 170

  Babbage, Charles, 262

  Baekeland, Leo, 181

  Baker, Benjamin, 165

  Barraud, Francis, 240

  Barrett, William, 104

  Bayer, Karl J., 177


  Alexander G., 18, 198–200, 228–232, 234, 307

  patents, 226, 228–232, 234

  Chichester, 236

  Lowthian, 155, 162

  Benardos, Nikolai N., 95

  Bennett, Charles, 215

  Benton, Linn B., 205


  Bertha, 99, 114

  Karl, 98–101, 111–112, 120, 268, 282

  first cars, 98–99, 112–114

  four-stroke engines, 113–114

  patents, 112

  two-stroke engines, 112–113

  Berliner, Emil, 227, 231, 237–239, 240, 266

  Berthier, Pierre, 173

  Bessemer, Henry, 158, 166

  Birch, John, 279


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