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His Student (Forbidden Series Book 1)

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by Sam Crescent

  The moment we entered his bedroom, he dropped me to the bed, breaking off all contact. I watched him pull his shirt off, kicking off his shoes. Following his lead, I removed my clothes, and when we were both naked, he didn’t take his time with me. He pushed me to the bed, lips on mine for a split second before he started to trail them down to my tits.

  He sucked on one nipple, then the other.

  Pressing my thighs together, I wanted to touch myself, but as I started, he slapped my hand away. “Nope, that’s all mine, Mona.”

  He spread my legs open, and his tongue was on my clit, flicking back and forth. It was the most amazing sensation I’d ever felt before in my life.

  I was so wet.

  I’d touched myself, brought myself to orgasm many times, but this was something else. I cried out his name, the sound filling the room.

  He didn’t have much in the way of furniture, but it was nice.

  His fingers thrust inside me, and I moaned even more. Even as I felt so incredibly stretched, I loved the feel of him, and I didn’t want this to end. One night of selfishness wasn’t too much to ask, was it?



  I was not in the habit of picking up women.

  It wasn’t something that appealed. However, watching Mona during her shift, seeing her ass sway from side to side with each person she served, I couldn’t not try. I wanted her, no doubt about it. My dick had been hard most of the night just imagining her riding it. Now, with the taste of her wet pussy, I was fucking addicted.

  She was so tight as well.

  Pushing two fingers deep inside her to the knuckle, I felt every pulse and ripple. She was so damn tempting. I’d not felt this kind of attraction to anyone. I wanted to pound her, to make her mine, to fuck her until she couldn’t think of anyone but me.

  Sucking on her clit, I fucked her with my fingers, wishing it was my cock.

  My name was a constant sound coming from her lips, and as I brought her closer and closer to the edge, I watched her.

  The shake of her tits, the way she completely let go and when I finally let her over the edge—it was a thing of beauty.

  She was not a faker but a woman who was so fucking giving.

  Mona came hard, the cries filling the air as I kept on teasing her. Her pussy latched onto my fingers. The moment her orgasm started to subside, I pulled my fingers from her, grabbed a condom as I always had a stash of them around, tore into the latex, and slid it over my cock.

  I was impatient.

  Lust was clouding everything.

  I wanted her so damn badly.

  Moving between her spread thighs, I aligned my latex-covered tip to her entrance, and slammed deep inside her.

  We both moaned as I went to the hilt.

  Her nails sank into my flesh as I pulled out, only to slam back in. She was so incredibly tight.

  I wished I was inside her without a condom. That could come later.

  It had been so long since I’d been with a woman.

  Fucking her hard, I pounded away, hearing her moans. She wrapped her legs around me. Grabbing the headboard for leverage, I lifted up and watched my cock as it sank inside her.

  Reaching down, I played with her clit, feeling her tightening around my cock.

  “Does that feel good, baby? You like my big dick inside you? You love me fucking you?”

  “Yes. Yes, please, don’t stop.”

  She gripped the headboard, stopping her head from hitting it, and I smiled. Her tits were bouncing with every single thrust, and my balls were incredibly tight.

  Counting to ten, I was able to keep control as I fucked her. I wanted her to come a second time before I reached my first.

  Teasing her clit, I knew she was close, I could feel it. Her cunt was like a fucking fist wrapped around my dick.

  It was so good, and I needed to be inside her. I didn’t want to stop fucking her.

  The moment she came, I waited for her orgasm to subside before I unleashed my own. Sliding in deep with two deep, sharp thrusts, I spilled my cum into the condom, wishing it was inside her. I’d love to see her pussy open, wide, and filled with my cum.

  Besides being a gym teacher, I was also a dirty bastard, and I loved sex, the dirtier the better. I didn’t like to leave my woman wanting.

  I loved the sounds a woman made, the way her body fit against mine. I didn’t mind kissing her mouth after she’d taken a mouthful of my cum or even licking her pussy, tasting myself on her.

  I didn’t know what it was about Mona, but I wanted to enjoy her. To relish every single part of her, and my dick was more than happy about that.

  Pressing a kiss to her lips, I pulled out of her pussy. “Give me a minute to get rid of the condom.”

  I escaped to the bathroom, removed the latex, threw it in the trash, washed my dick, and came back.

  I found her standing there, looking at my shelves. The bedroom didn’t have much, but I had a small bookcase filled with the latest crime thrillers. I enjoyed reading them as they relaxed me.

  She’d wrapped the blanket around her, and I didn’t like it. Stepping up to her, I pulled it away.

  “When you’re here, I don’t want you to cover up your nakedness, I want to see every single inch of you.” Cupping her pussy, I slid my fingers between her slit. Her head rested against my chest.

  “How long are you staying?” she asked.

  “At least a year. I’m only contracted for that time. If I like it, we’ll talk, if not, I’m moving on.” Cupping her tit with my other hand, I started to tease her nipple.

  My cock was already rock-hard and ready for round two.

  “So, where can I find you?” I asked.

  One night was not going to be enough.

  “The diner.”

  “Is that where you work and sleep?” I ask, biting her neck.

  “Most of the time.” She chuckled.

  “I guess the food is good there. You better always save me a seat in your section.”

  “Why would I do that?”

  “Because every single night I’ll bring you back to my place and show you just how much I love your service.” I slid two fingers inside her, and she started to rock on my hand.

  Her movements seemed a little nervous, and I could tell she wasn’t used to being with a man. It was kind of hard to believe because she was so fucking sexy.

  Even after fucking her just a few minutes ago, I was more than ready to take her again.

  She spun and wrapped her arms around my neck. “Enough talking.”

  I wasn’t about to argue with her.

  Chapter Three


  Being back at school Monday after having the best Friday night ever was kind of surreal. I didn’t see anyone over the weekend. After sneaking out of Elijah’s home early Saturday morning, I’d just wanted to be alone with my thoughts.

  My body was on fire, and I could remember how good it felt to have his hands all over me. He had such large hands, big, and he made me feel so amazing. I’d never felt this way about anyone, and the night he gave me would be forever ingrained in my memory.

  I’d never been with a man, but one night with one of my mom’s exes had been … awful. Nothing had happened, but he’d used his fingers as I screamed for help. Blood had happened then.

  To some I may not be a virgin, but to me, I had been.

  Even still, Mom had been so fucking pissed. She’s beaten the guy nearly black and blue with a pan she never used. Once he made his escape, she came into the bedroom and asked if I wanted to go to the hospital.

  The fact she even seemed to care just a little had freaked me out. We agreed not to talk about it again.

  Friday night, there had been some discomfort the first time, but after that, it had only gotten better and better.

  Three times we’d had sex.

  He’d made me come dozens of times.

  “You know, you’re in your own head today,” Lucy says. “You okay?”

“Yeah, yeah. It has been a long weekend, you know? That’s all. I’m fine.” I forced a smile to my lips.

  There’s no way I was telling her about my night of hot, dirty sex. The man, whoever he was, hadn’t known me, and it had been magical.

  “Let’s go to gym. I hate this so much. I think they’re going to make us do track. Did you hear the new gym teacher is hot?”


  “Yes. I’ve heard everyone going crazy about him.”

  I’d heard the new teacher was coming, and that was fine. It’s not like I took gym too seriously anyway. Running was about all I could manage and for only five minutes or so. Anything else and I was done.

  “Let’s go and get changed.”

  As I put my clothes in my bag, Lucy talked constantly about Taylor. She didn’t get with him Friday night, and he was in fact kissing another girl in several of the photos she shared with me.

  “I mean, I get it. He has to be with a cheerleader, but come on. Lame already.”

  On and on she went.

  I smiled at the appropriate points, and when it was time to leave the locker rooms I was actually looking forward to just running around.

  Entering the main gym, I saw everyone had already formed into little cliques.

  Standing off to the corner, I lifted my legs and gave them a stretch. For the past couple of weeks, we’d done nothing but run, so I knew how to stretch out those thigh muscles.

  “Stand in a line. I’ll call your names. I’m Mr. Jenkins, your new gym teacher. I don’t take any crap, so if you don’t take this seriously, you better start doing so now.”

  Tilting my head from side to side, I went to the end of the line and stretched my arms above my head. Up to the ceiling and down.

  “He is hot,” Lucy said.

  I was not interested, but as he ran down the list, I couldn’t help but take a peek, especially as Lucy was drooling.

  Dropping my arms down to my sides, my entire body froze up.

  This could not be happening to me.

  The man I had sex with Friday night was not just any guy.

  He was a damn teacher at my school.

  I’d fucked a teacher.

  Not just any teacher.

  The gym teacher, who was currently every single girl’s wet dream.

  “You okay? You’ve gone a little pale.”

  “I’m good.” I was just wondering where best to run to when he read my name out and everything sucked.

  This was the kind of cliched stuff that happens in movies, not in real life. Right now, this couldn’t be happening.

  He’d soon know that I was the wrong sort of person to get involved with. Not only was I a student, but also, I was sure there was a red mark against my name for living in the trailer park.

  “Mona…” He paused and glanced down the line. “Mona Evans,” he said.

  “Present.” The word slipped out of my lips, and I pressed them together.


  People turned to look at me at his questions. My face had to be the same color as a strawberry. There’s no way this was normal.

  Gritting my teeth, I stepped forward and stared at the man who’d given me a night to remember.

  “Right here,” I said, lifting my hand.

  He noticed me. I saw it in the way his nostrils flared. Oh, he was not happy.

  He nodded and went back to his clipboard, reading down the list.

  “What the hell is going on with you?” Lucy asked.

  “I didn’t sleep well last night.” And right now, I was remembering our gym teacher’s lips between my thighs, licking my pussy. It was a big thing.

  Thinking about big things, I saw the shorts he wore weren’t the clinging type. Probably a good thing, because a lot of girls would see just how well-endowed he really was.

  Once the roll call had been done, he ordered everyone out to the track. I was at the back of the list, and as I went to walk past him, he grabbed my arm.

  “Not you, Miss Evans. I need a word with you.”

  Lucy gave me a curious look, and I just smiled, put my thumbs up, and watched her leave.

  The ground refused to open up and swallow me whole.



  This woman—no, girl—had left me without so much as a note come Saturday morning. I’d been going back to the diner, but she hadn’t been there, and now, I was looking right at her. In a fucking gym uniform as my student.

  I was so annoyed, and yet here she was.

  My damn student.

  I was her teacher.

  This was so fucking wrong.

  “I had no idea you were a teacher.”

  “And I had no idea you’re a student.”

  “Look, can I please go? I don’t want to make this more awkward.”

  “Are you even eighteen?”

  “Of course. I wouldn’t have done anything if I hadn’t been.” She nibbled that sweet lip, and all I could think about was them wrapped around my cock.

  “This isn’t over, Mona.”

  “I know. There’s nothing we can do. You’re my teacher, and this is … it’s wrong.”

  “You will stay behind after class. I won’t hear another word about it.” Like that, I let her go and headed outside.

  The class was split between doing track and the football team was doing warm ups. I’d already gone over all of the notes from the previous coach and gym teacher.

  Rubbing at my temples, out of the corner of my eye I saw Mona catch up with her friend. She gave that shrug to her friend, clearly pretending she didn’t have a clue who I was.

  For the next forty minutes I watched my class as they ran track. This, for me, was the easiest way of getting through the first week. I could assess all my classes and then plan the lessons accordingly.

  This was the senior year and as such, their last year here. Several of the girls in the class were already giving me the eye that told me they were thinking of trying to fuck me.

  Newsflash, I don’t fuck students.

  Glancing toward Mona, I couldn’t believe she was a damn student.

  There’s no way she looked like a girl. Even now as she was running, her tits had a nice bounce to them, and even as she was red in the face from exhaustion, I couldn’t help but think of her riding my cock.

  She’d been so incredibly tight Friday night.

  Another thought entered my head.

  I saw some of the dirty looks she’d received at being forced to remain behind.

  It’s not possible.

  Yet, one look at her, and I couldn’t help but wonder if she’d been a virgin.

  Not all virgins bleed.

  I’d never been with a woman so tight before, and she had squeezed me like a fist. She’d also had that aura of innocence around her, which pulled me in.


  This wasn’t getting any better for me.

  By the end of the lesson, I was more than ready to go home.

  However, I knew she’d try to avoid me, so once all of the students entered the locker room for the day, I stood in the hallway past their doors, waiting.

  Students nodded at me as they passed.

  When Mona finally came out, she paused when she caught sight of me.

  “I’ve got to talk to the teacher,” she said to her friend, who pouted.

  “You want me to wait?”

  “Nah, it’s okay. I’m heading home anyway. Go, see Taylor. I know you’re curious about what he has to say.”

  The girl, who I think was called Lucy, gave her a hug and then left.

  For a few seconds, it was just me and Mona.

  She nibbled her lip and waited.

  Without a word, I turned and headed into my office. The blinds were already down, offering us privacy.

  She entered, and as she passed, I closed the door.

  In the next second, I flicked the lock into place.

  “You work at the diner.”

  “Yes, and you’re the ne
w gym teacher. I really didn’t know. I swear. I won’t tell anyone.”

  “Were you a virgin?”


  “You heard me.”

  She nodded her head but didn’t look at me. “I’d never been with a man before.”

  I wanted to hit something because how I talked to her, how I treated her, it wasn’t for a virgin but for a man half crazed with lust, with need, wanting her.

  “I know this can’t happen again,” she says.

  With that, I stalked right up to her.

  “Tell me right now you’re not thinking about how good it would feel to have my dick deep inside your pussy.”

  Neither of us touched, but I saw the look in her eye. I could feel her body as if I was already within her.

  “We can’t.”

  There was a moan to her lips as if she didn’t like her own answer.

  Without thinking, I touched her. I cupped her face, and those lips … so fuckable. I just couldn’t do it anymore, and I took the kiss I’d been wanting since I saw her standing there in shorts and a shirt.

  She looked so sexy, but now I realized it didn’t matter what she wore. She drove me insane with need.

  Moving her back against my desk, I took her lips beneath mine, tasting her, sucking on her lip before plunging my tongue into her mouth. She cupped my arms, and the moment she did, I was lost.

  Running my hand down from her face, I held her tit, feeling it nestle against my palm. She let out a little gasp, her head tilting back, and I kissed down to her neck, right next to her pulse.

  I should report this to the principal, but I couldn’t feel it was wrong.

  I knew it was every kind of wrong, but she was eighteen, consenting, and I just couldn’t stop.

  I didn’t want to stop.

  No words or pleas left her mouth, and as I spun her around, I worked on the button of her jeans.

  “You know if you wore a skirt, this would be so much easier.” I pushed her jeans down and cupped her pussy.

  “I don’t want you to get in trouble.”

  “Neither do I, but right now, I can’t stop. Tell me to stop, Mona.”

  Chapter Four


  How could I tell him to stop when I was loving everything that he did to me? There was no way I wanted him to stop but instead, to keep on going. He felt so good and made me feel so alive. His hand cupped my pussy, a finger sliding down between my slit, going deep inside me, fucking me.


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