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His Student (Forbidden Series Book 1)

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by Sam Crescent

  Those moments spent with her, my arms around her, were the best of my life. I shouldn’t feel this way about this woman—or should I say, this girl. I didn’t see her as a girl though.

  She’s my woman, through and through.

  I didn’t want to lose her, but I knew time was running out. Her graduation was fast approaching. The sex between us was pure fucking fire, and I couldn’t let go. I didn’t want to. Somehow Mona had gotten beneath my skin, and I didn’t want to let her go.

  Chapter Eight


  All the way up to graduation, my life was like something out of a movie. I didn’t know when it happened, but Elijah—I fell for him and hard. It wasn’t just because he’d come into my world as a man who oozed sex and lust. It was more than that.

  He was just a force to be reckoned with. I’d watched him during the gym lessons. He didn’t take any shit from them, and he was such a good teacher.

  Walking the halls when he was close, it was hard not to talk to him.

  To kiss him.

  To let him know that even though I didn’t expect anything back from him, I’d fallen deeply in love with him.

  On the day of graduation, I packed my bag. I’d not allowed him to go shopping recently, and against all odds, we’d been able to keep it all secret. Now, as I sat in my chair, looking up at the podium, I felt a sense of loss, of pain.

  This had been our secret.

  Our relationship hadn’t been questioned by anyone. We were always so careful for no one to find out. It helped that Lucy stopped hanging around with me. I didn’t mind her picking Taylor. She’d been wanting him for a long time, and he told her in no uncertain terms she couldn’t be with me.

  I doubted their relationship would last.

  Today, I’d sneaked out of the house before Elijah could wake up. Saying goodbye was something I didn’t want to do. So, as I waited for my name to be called, I tried not to cry for the most amazing man I had ever met. Losing him, it cut me deep.

  I didn’t want to go, but the thought of him losing his job, I couldn’t allow that to happen.

  He was a good man, an amazing man.

  Someone I loved with all my heart, and I knew to show that love, I had to be the one to walk away.

  “Mona Evans.”

  With my name called, I headed up to the podium, shook the principal’s hand, and left the stage. Grabbing my bag from the chair where I’d been sitting, I headed out of the grounds. No one was watching me. Everyone was staring up at the stage for all the names to be called.

  There was no reason for me to linger.

  I pulled off my graduation gown, which Elijah had made me buy even though I didn’t want to. I rolled it up and kept it under my arm as I made my way around toward the parking lot, only to stop.

  Leaning against his car, much like he had been that first night I met him all those months ago, Elijah was waiting.

  My heart sped up as I caught sight of him.

  He looked angry. “So, sneaking out, is that a new thing now?”

  “I’m not trying to sneak out.”

  “But you did.”

  “To avoid this,” I said. I looked past his shoulder at the car. I frowned when I saw a couple of boxes in it. “What’s going on?”

  “Well, you see, Miss Evans, I only took a year contract in case I decided it wasn’t what I was looking for.”

  “You love to teach.”

  “And I can teach anywhere I want. I’ve had several offers, and today I was going to ask you a question before you headed out here. One simple question that depending on your answer to the first, will decide if I ask you the second one.”

  “Okay,” I said. “What is the question?”

  “No bullshitting. No lies. The truth.”


  “Do you love me?”

  It took me by such surprise that I had to look all around to make sure no one was hearing. We were all alone.

  I could hear the noise of the graduation ceremony still going on.

  “You don’t have to hide, Mona. Just tell me the truth.”

  Tears blurred my vision, and I nodded. “Yes, I love you.”

  He nodded. “Good, because I fucking love you too.”

  His response took me completely off-guard. I didn’t even know if I heard him right. How could he love me?

  “My second question, Miss Evans. Will you marry me?”

  “You’re being serious right now?”

  “I am. You were never supposed to mean anything to me, Mona. Just a waitress. One night. Nothing more. Yet, you have become so much more than that. You think I’ve been living with you because of your situation? Mona, if I didn’t love you and want to take you as mine, I’d never have followed you. I’d never care. You own my heart, and for me, there’s no backing down. I want to marry you. Make you my wife. To love you, and to show you that to me, you mean the world.”

  I never expected anything like this, and as he stepped toward me, my heart thumping, I knew I couldn’t say no.

  This man, he owned my heart.

  He’d come into my world, and he’d made me do things I never thought I’d do. I broke the rules and took a chance.

  Wrapping my arms around his neck, I sobbed against him. “Yes. Yes. I love you, Elijah. I’d have walked away just for you to be happy, but I don’t want to let you go. Not ever.”

  “Good, because the moment you became mine, I had no intention of ever letting you go.”

  His lips took mine, and I moaned into his kiss. His hands went to my ass, gripping me tightly.

  “Right, let’s get out of here.”

  Climbing in the car, I stared at the school. For a long time, I’d hated this place. It had been somewhere I had no choice but to go in order to get my education.

  Now though, it was a place that had brought me Elijah, and I couldn’t hate it all that much anymore. I smiled as Elijah pulled away from the curb.

  No matter what the future threw at us, I knew without a doubt I could handle it, because I had the man I loved by my side, and I wasn’t ever letting him go.



  Five years later

  I never expected to fuck a student, let alone fall in love with one. I should have known Mona was different. She was fire and drew me like a moth to a flame. I loved her with every single part of my being and then some. Waking up that day of her graduation to find her already gone had hurt, but I wasn’t going to let her go that easily.

  Walking up behind my wife, I put my hands on her swollen stomach. It was her twenty-third birthday. I’d been a good guy. For the past five years, I’d enjoyed her, and we’d built a life in a small town. We were often asked how we met, and we both said in a diner back at home.

  Kissing her neck, I heard her gasp, and smiled as I thought about how wet she was going to be for me.

  “Did you miss me, babe?” I asked.

  “All day.” Her hands covered mine where they rested on her stomach. I felt our baby start to kick, and even now, I was amazed at what we’d created together.

  “I’ve been thinking about you all day.” Running one hand past her stomach to cup her pussy, I felt her whimper, and I knew she’d been thinking about me too.

  With the other, I stroked up past her sensitive breasts to cup her face, tilting her head back so that I could stare into her eyes.

  She was so damn beautiful.

  No matter how long we were together, whenever I looked at her, I knew not a moment would go by when I didn’t think about her.

  She had owned my heart for five years and would continue to do so.

  “Do all of your students love you yet, teach?”

  I laughed. “Not yet.” Stroking my fingers across her cheek, I couldn’t believe she was all mine.

  “You have that look in your eye again,” she said.

  “What look?”

  “The one that tells me you’re thinking about eating me.”

  “Now that is
a pretty good idea. I’ve been thinking about your pussy all day long and how best I can make you scream for me.”

  She moaned, and I knew I owned her.

  Just as she owned me.

  “You like the sound of that?” I asked.

  “You know I do.”

  “Good, because tonight, I want you spread out beneath me, and I’m going to show you just how much I love having you as my wife.”

  I started leading her into our house and smiled when I caught sight of our reflection. She really was mine, and I was a selfish bastard. I knew how lucky I was, and I wasn’t going to give her up, not for anyone.

  Mona was mine.

  The End

  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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  Yummy Virgins, 1

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2018

  Chapter One


  This has to be the craziest thing I’ve ever done. I mean, it’s not the most original idea. Girls and women of all ages sell their virginity, so it’s not like I’m doing anything shocking, not really. I’m twenty years old. I’ve dropped out of college because the money is needed for my young sister. I’ve gotten sole custody of her, and she’s sick, really sick. I have to do this for her so that we can get away and also so he doesn’t try to get her back if for whatever reason they give him parole or something like that.

  Our stepfather decided he couldn’t keep his hands to himself and has been abusing Kerry for years. Our mother died after being run over by a drunk driver, and our stepfather kept us with him. I didn’t know what was going on. It fills me with guilt to think he was able to get his hands on my sister and I didn’t even see it. Not that he needed to worry about that. He’d been manipulating her so she didn’t really have a choice in saying no to him. He made it so that she had feelings for him.

  The doctors said a lot of things were needed for her. How she was at a critical point and I had to make sure she got the best care possible because she’d attempted suicide and she was brainwashed by our stepfather to love him, to accept his brand of “love.” Either way, there is no way I couldn’t do this.

  I love my sister, and I’m not going to lie, the guilt eats at me, knowing our stepfather went to her room most nights.

  Pushing those thoughts aside, I focus on the room around me. The room that would serve for a cherry stripping.

  It wasn’t that big of a deal. Just a thin piece of skin, really. A pain that was going to serve to bring me the most money. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I wonder what to do. Finding this place hadn’t been difficult. Just asking a few of the girls at college had led me right here, to Cherry. Yeah, it’s so cliché, right, Cherry? That is the name of the nightclub. What I didn’t know was the owner, Malcolm Cherry, had a side business of auctioning off girls’ virginities. Yep, that he certainly did.

  Kind of scary when I think about it.

  Strange too.

  Meeting him had been a surreal experience. I sat in his office while he stared at my body, assessing me like I was a piece of steak. At first, I didn’t think he’d go for someone like me. I’m not exactly on the slim side but have curves, from big tits to huge hips, rounded thighs with just a hint of cellulite. He’d made me stand up, turn around, look this way and that, and he’d actually seemed impressed.

  There were two options to pick from on how to sell my virginity. At first, I thought he meant either online or in a room full of men.


  My two options were this; I could have the fairytale deflowering, which is all kinds of weird in itself. I guess that is why Malcolm is so popular though. He caters to most people. The fairytale deflowering is where a man buys me, we have a nice date, it ends with sex. Something beautiful for the first time. For me, it sounded a little too personal, too intimate, and besides, I needed more money. Malcolm had been clear that the cost of the date and experience would come out of the final payment.




  I didn’t want that. None of it. Also, I needed more money, and I wasn’t going to waste it on a date I didn’t need or want.

  So, option two. I don’t get the date or the fairy tale. The guy doesn’t give me the time of my life. I stay in a room and wait to see who has decided to purchase my very precious cherry. From there, we fuck. There is no niceness. No pleasantries. Just sex. A business contract, signed and sealed, and finished with a dick. They have a portfolio of women who want to make money off their first sexual experience.

  All I had to know was which one paid the most. Malcolm takes his cut of ten percent, but after that it varies with the customer. He told me that some girls had sold for over six figures because the demand had been that great. He wouldn’t accept anything less than ten grand. After all, we were offering something of a lifetime. Not only that, his clientele were wealthy bastards who enjoyed paying for something exclusive.

  It would seem virgins are hard to come by these days.

  Rubbing my hands together, I see the small blue braid bracelet my sister made for me a few years ago. She told me that she’d put a special spell on it so no one would ever hurt me. Damn it. I should have been the one protecting her, and while she’d been hurting, I’d been oblivious.

  Batting away my tears, I stand up and pace. My nerves are shot.

  Tonight, I’ll be having sex with a stranger, and it won’t be giving me the fairy tale either. I’m quite happy about that actually. I don’t want the fairy tale. I was never one to love a prince. I loved the beast and always felt ripped off that he didn’t turn back. Why would anyone want a weak prince when they could have that incredible beast of a man?

  See, weird. Totally weird.

  There are no windows in the room. Just one door. A large, four-poster bed dominates the room, and they have a thing about mirrors as well.

  So many mirrors that no matter where I look, I see myself.

  My brown hair is a mess from running my fingers through it. My eyes are wide. I’m a little afraid. Terrified, really. The clothes I’m wearing are nothing sexual. Malcolm told me I didn’t have to dress up, that part of the charm of option two was the realness of it all.

  Why did I opt to just get fucked?

  This is business.

  I had always fantasized about what my first time would be like. Touching a man, being touched. Not once did I think it would be to the highest bidder. Still, not having the dream experience means that more security is in place. There would be a man posted outside the door just in case.

  If at any point the mystery man decides to use his fists, or hurt me, I’m to scream. The guard would be in and all will be okay. He’d deal with the man and I’d still get paid.

  The fear is back.

  I’ve never been good when it comes to pain.

  I’m the kind of person who cries when she cuts her finger. Wow, this is going to suck big time.

  Staring straight ahead, I feel my heart pound, which gets worse as I hear a knock on the door.

  I glance around the room. Should I answer? Why are they knocking?

  Biting my lip, I can’t stop frowning.

  The knock comes again.

  “Who is it?” What else am I supposed to say? This isn’t my home, nor is it my room. This was just for one night.

  “May I come in?”

  His voice is dark and deep.

  My heart rate triples.


  This is really happening.

  I’ve sold my virginity, and now I have to pay the price.

  “Yes, of course.” I hate how nervous I sound. Does he hear it? He doesn’t enter straight away.

  I cou
nt how long I wait for him to come inside.






  The door finally opens. I look away, almost afraid of who I’ll find entering the room. There isn’t any window, and my fear no longer feels justified.

  I did this.

  The man has bought me for the night, but this is all me.

  Every single part of it.

  I turn and look at him.

  He isn’t what I was expecting.

  The man standing by the door is indeed older; late thirties maybe. Not that I can tell all that much from staring at him. He looks at me, his hands by his sides, but he doesn’t seem nervous.


  Staring into his deep blue eyes, I am taken aback by how he watches me, assessing. There is something dark beneath that gaze that keeps me on the spot.

  This is the man who’s purchased me.

  For one night he owns me, and because I didn’t demand the fairy tale, it doesn’t have to be sweet and nice.

  I wanted the darkness, and from the look on his face, he is more than willing to give it to me.

  “Stand up,” he says.

  I do exactly as he said.

  Fighting is useless.

  Bowing my head, I wonder how long the carpet’s been laid. It looks old, almost vintage. Maybe that is the appeal here. It reminds me of something you’d see in an old movie where the girl was put up for sale.

  Okay, now I’m just trying to pretend my fantasy isn’t that fucked up.

  This isn’t a fantasy, far from it.


  I don’t even know his name.

  Not that it matters. I won’t tell him mine.

  Kicking off my sneakers, I start working on the buttons of my shirt. He still hasn’t moved.

  I give him my back as I go to unsnap my bra. His voice holds me to the spot.


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