Conversations With Mahavatar Babaji
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got up from his place of Sadhna and folded his hands in
gratitude to Buddha.
“What is your role in this life?” asked Buddha.
“Kindly guide me on this aspect,” Babaji replied
“You have achieved highest level of Samadhi wherein
you can live in this body as long as you want, without
growing older and fulfill your purpose of educating people.”
Buddha enlightened Babaji.
Buddha moved his right hand in a circular motion
opening up a portal. He then directed Babaji to step
inside the portal and work with his fellow beings to enable
more energy work on Earth. Babaji nodded his head
in affirmation and walked inside the portal and it closed
behind him. (In the vision, Babaji was in a white dhoti and
had an angvastram on his shoulders)
Babaji: “Believe in what you saw and will see. Whenever you
get to see any vision that ‘seeing’ is nothing but your ‘being’. The
moment you put your physical mind in it you cannot see anything.
Breathe and be free, let your soul guide you. ”
Sirian Babaji: Parallel Life Existence
Continuation of the Vision:
Babaji was slowly walking on the path and He could
see someone standing at a distance. As He reached closer to
the being, He placed his hand on his shoulder and the man
turned back. It was like Babaji standing in front of a mirror
looking at himself. The man was an exact replica of Babaji.
He slowly changed and transformed into his original
form. He was from the star “Sirius”. This is how Babaji’s
Sirian life came into the picture to me—a parallel life
experience. I could see a very tall figure, about 10 feet. He
had long hair and a beautiful design on his forehead; a
belt formation with pyramids on it and some blue colored
crystals. He was wearing a necklace full of colorful crystals
and an off-white cloth around his neck. His torso was bare
and he had a cloth neatly covering the lower half of his
body. His feet were big. The first two fingers of His feet were
of the same size and the rest three fingers were shorter. The
Sirian face was not much different from that on Earth but
His skin tone was light blue and eyes were big. His name
was ‘Safon’.
I then saw a big eagle flying in the sky and slowly
landing near Safon on the ground. It had silver color on
its head and peacock blue on the rest of its body. It had an
interspersed, artistic and beautiful pattern on its feathers.
Babaji slowly merged into ‘Safon’ and they became one.
Conversations with Mahavatar Babaji
Sirian Babaji: Parallel Life Existence
Then, Safon sat on the eagle and they took flight.
The eagle was a highly aware being. They had an energy
pathway in the sky, like an aerial transportation system in
space, which the eagle was following as if a trained pilot. As
they journeyed further, the path appeared and disappeared
rapidly. Safon looked thrilled and confident whilst the sun
was setting in the background announcing dusk.
Sirius has one of the biggest Suns. It is many times
bigger than the Sun of Earth. The life on Sirius is more
advanced than our planet and it is about 1700 light years
away. The world of Sirius is more developed than that of
Safon: “I am Safon, the Sirian leader. We passionately work
for the beings of Earth. I have always heard the cal ing of your people
and I am also in contact with many of them to get my messages to
Earth by the name ‘SAFON’. I came down to Earth to experience it
as ‘Babaji’, through this work we want to communicate with earthly
beings directly and tell them that the truth of their existence is not
different than ours. It is just that you have become so limited in your
thoughts that you feel lost because you have forgot en your truth and
so we are here to help you in this journey, to lift the vibrations of
“It was us, the Sirians who planted Pyramids on Earth
thousands of years ago. We are also the mathematical scientists
Conversations with Mahavatar Babaji
of the universe. It was because of our highly technical skil s that
we were able to manifest the technical assistance in the formation
of pyramids. It was to raise the vibrations of Earth and help her
gain higher consciousness. Every time an individual looks at the
Pyramids, he wonders how these Pyramids came into existence and
tries to know the secret behind it. Earth is a beautiful place for us
to experiment and experience. We looked for people on Earth who
could understand Pyramid concept and help others to understand
the same.”
“We covered the Earth with Pyramids and were waiting for
the time when the human race could make giant quantum leaps in
their personal journey and bring about a spiritual revolution through
Pyramid Energy. We had created grid-like structures inside and
outside the pyramids, invisible to the human eye, and it was built
within a 2 km radius. We formed these grids for the Egyptian
pyramids and every pyramid built thereafter has similar grids, you
can call them ‘Energy Grids’.”
Pallavi: “What does this Energy Grid do?”
Safon: “Have you noticed that within the human body
you have cel s and the structure of these cel s is also like a grid?
When an Earthly being uses a pyramid—meditating under the
pyramid or performing any task under a pyramid—these energy
grids get connected to a human being’s cel ular system which are
the microscopic grids of your physical body. In this entire process,
Sirian Babaji: Parallel Life Existence
when we awaken the energy grid system of the pyramids along
with the human cel ular system it heightens the process of raising
human consciousness. We love communicating with you all but
since we cannot physical y visit Earth al the time we communicate
with you through these pyramid energy grids. Our planet is full of
pyramids everywhere. It is like a communication network from the
Sirian World to that of Earth. Whenever we visit your planet, we
travel through these Energy Grids which work like portals to other
“We want to see your planet living in the Light Age. Earth has
already entered the Light Age but first let us understand what this
light age real y is.”
“This Light has reached to many beings on Earth, where most
of them have felt this light within. But there is still so much room for
improvement. The Earth beings have lost connection with their own
selves and we are here to help them.”
“After the pyramids, we have a profound connection with the
Earth beings through the Dolphins. Many of us from Sirius have
taken life in the form of dolphins to lift the vibrations of Earth.
They are one of the mediums through which we communicate with
many beings on your pl
anet. We have seen the birth of Earth and
her phases through the cycle of time. She is like our second family,
our second home.”
Conversations with Mahavatar Babaji
Pallavi: “Please tell me more about your home, Sirius. ”
Safon: “Sirius is very advanced technological y, in every aspect
that you can imagine. On Earth, technology is more about the devices
of comfort that can make life truly easy and things accessible. However,
on our star Sirius, technology is also about accessing higher soul
intelligence. Our technology has guided us—we might or might not
have certain devices, but we are all developed on the soul level. On top
of that, our technology is not meant to destroy the nature of our home
planet and is used vowing to preserve the beauty of Sirius. We al live
in oneness and try to help our Sirian brothers and sisters in the same
“For us, communication is the biggest solution to everything
and it is the way out. We also believe that communication is very
important because everything has its own rhythm and this rhythm
has its own communication. As high vibrational beings, if we want
to vibrate with something or some aspect of life, we never try to
convince ourselves if it can be done or not. We have gained enough
patience to wait and we think it is a natural part of the same process.
I, Safon, incarnated as Mahavatar Babaji to experience up-close
and study it further.”
“Sirians are 7th dimensional beings and we vibrate emotional y
with Earth. It is close to our heart and we real y love your planet.
We understand deeply that every soul wants love and friendship
and for this very purpose we are here with the beings of Earth.
Sirian Babaji: Parallel Life Existence
We are here to help you understand your own emotions. We also
decided to physical y incarnate on earth so as to understand Earthly
emotions—they are intense and complicated, but to serve the greater
purpose you must learn to work around them with your own soul
essence. I am living many lives simultaneously, what I am sharing
with you are the words of wisdom from my paral el life existence
as ‘Babaji’ and ‘Safon’. As Babaji, I received this ancient gift of
becoming one with myself and deeply understanding the knowledge
of paral el life existence.”
My vision shifted again, I saw Babaji slowly emerging
out of Safon and walking back on the same path he had
entered through the portal, back to Kailas with a sweet
smile on his face.
Babaji: “My first task now is to choose a place for my work. I
love to travel and cannot be at one place for long but I decided to have
a place like a ‘soul station’ which I sought to find and thus Kukuchina
became that place.”
“I meditated at this place to understand the mechanism of
soul work on Earth in-depth and the role I was supposed to play.
Leaving my thoughts blank, I deeply meditated to meet my higher
consciousness and that is how years went by. In all those years where
I was meditating, my physical body became stronger, aglow with
light and full of energy. I studied the science of the spiritual body for
which this human body is a suit. I now hoped to meet new people
Conversations with Mahavatar Babaji
and my spiritual body helped me achieve the same.”
“I will now share with you few experiences of my spiritual body
work with different people.”
Jaspreet and Prisila’s home became the place for my
soul work with Babaji and most part of the conversation
with him happened here. One day, while jotting down my
conversation with him, a thought came across my mind -
Babaji might have chosen their home for his energy work
but I also asked myself if there were more layers to this?
Soon, I got a vision and I saw myself stepping down at the
entrance of Mahavatar Babaji’s cave at Kukuchina and I
could see a route forming from Babaji’s cave connecting to
Jaspreet’s house. It was a portal he was using as his path to
travel. As the vision faded away, Babaji gave me his affable
smile and asked, “Do you still feel that you did not get your
These are the stories that Babaji has shared through
me as a medium to understand his soul work with the light
workers in a gist.
Story I
“I began my soul work from the place of my birth at
Chidambaram in Tamil Nadu. I met a man named Chinmaya who
was visiting my hometown for some work. He was a man with a
kind heart and had a wife and two daughters.”
“He was suffering a huge loss in his business and he was
unhappy and looked worried. It seemed at first as though he worried
Conversations with Mahavatar Babaji
because of his dwindling business but in reality his actual concern
was his soul growth in this physical life. His mind was flooded with
questions, mostly those that signified existential crisis - ‘What am I
doing here?’, ‘How can I make my life worthwhile?’, ‘How to seek
the right path?’ etc.”
“Dear God! Please show me the right path or else I will become
weaker and sadder with each passing day. I cannot continue like
this anymore and it is affecting my life and business, he yearned for
the Supreme Divine to hear his cal .”
“I heard his inner cal ing and worked closely with him to help
Vision (Scene 1)
Chinmaya was sitting outside a temple in silence and
solitude when Babaji appeared before him disguised as a
Yogi: “Why are you worried?”
Chinmaya: (touching his feet) “I am looking for inner happiness
Swamiji. This life should be worthwhile. I feel everything is worthless
without a purpose and I am not able to find a direction.”
Yogi: “Hmm… you are close to finding your true path my dear
Soul Work
Chinmaya: “How would I know that?”
Yogi: “Close your eyes.”
Chinmaya closes his eyes. Babaji touches his thumb on
Chinmaya’s third eye (the space between the eyebrows) and
disappears. Chinmaya feels tremendous energies coursing
through his body and witnesses a bright light gradually
illuminating Babaji’s smiling face. “You have come to me, I
will take care of your soul,” announces Babaji.
As Chinmaya’s vision ended, he was full of energy
and Babaji’s smile was imprinted on his mind. Then on he
started conversing with Babaji in his mind, asking questions
which were most relevant for his journey.
Vision (Scene 2)
Chinmaya was once traveling for some important work
which was essential for his business to survive, however,
there was so much struggle in his heart that his inner voice
asked him to go deep within and seek Babaji.
The opportunity to meet Babaji
arrived soon. It was
a full moon night; Chinmaya was sitting in silence outside
his house, staring at the moon. He was unknowingly doing
Tratak (getting visions with open eyes by focusing your eyes
on a particular point for a long time) and in a spectacular
Conversations with Mahavatar Babaji
moment he saw Babaji appearing out of the moonlight.
“Time has come for you to know Kriya Yoga and spread it to
the masses to help them realize their true soul purpose.”
(Babaji kept his hand on Chinmaya’s head for a few
moments and disappeared as swiftly as he had appeared to
meet him to put across his message.)
Story II
I went to Sri Lanka to work with a child who needed me, a
beautiful 7 year old girl waiting to meet God. It was an ordinary
night when she started talking to God in her sleep. I was sit ing
right beside her in that moment.
Girl: “Where are you God? I need to see you and I have been
waiting for you since so long!”
Babaji: (keeps his hand on her head lovingly) “I am right beside
you, Geeta!”
(Geeta hears his voice deep and clear)
Geeta: “Is that your voice? Am I hearing your voice, God?”
Babaji: “Yes, it is my voice.” (smiling)
“What do you want from God?”
Soul Work
Geeta: “Umm. . let me think. .”
“What do you look like? If you could show me your true form,
I will do whatever you ask me to do…”
Babaji appears in front of her. She is surprised and
happy. She walks up to him and Babaji hugs her.
Babaji: “I am always with you, my lit le Goddess!”
Story III
Babaji was once in Nepal. The scene in my vision is
that of a forest. He is walking in the forest and decides to
rest under a big tree and sit for a while. A bright light is
radiating from His body, His presence is serene attracting
little animals—rabbits, dogs, sheep, birds, etc. He happily
plays with them and pets them with love and kindness. I see
a herd of sheep that has come to visit Babaji. After a few
moments, a man comes looking for his sheep, slightly angry
at them to have wandered off so far. As soon as he reaches
the tree, he becomes calm and feels a miraculous energy
around. His emotional oneness with Babaji automates his
body and he sits down near the tree, unaware of Babaji’s