Conversations With Mahavatar Babaji
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purpose I implemented few things on myself to raise my
awareness. I am sharing with you all what I gained from
my Guru Brahmarshi Patriji’s teachings and through self-
Keys to Develop Self-Awareness
10 Minutes Energy Breakfast
Food is a very important aspect of human life where
most people are concerned about feeding the physical body.
If we think about it deeply, the body gains only 5 % of
energy through food, but where does the rest 95% come
People receive energy while in a state of deep sleep.
The cosmic energy we receive during our sleep, combined
with the energy we get through food helps us to survive the
years we live. However, these energies are not enough for a
day to stay healthy and happy.
When I understood the real concept of meditation
and began Anapanasati, I truly understood what ‘energy’
actually meant. In my initial days, whenever I used to get
time I followed the procedure of crossing my legs, clasping
my hands, closing my eyes and observing the natural flow
of my breath for 10 minutes. I did not mind the place or
my surroundings, I just sat and meditated and it gave me a
fresh feeling every time and a newer perspective.
At least 10 minutes or more every day to self will change
a lot of things within us and everything will take care of its
own. You will love to eat this energy breakfast more and
more with practice. I call this a 10-minute energy breakfast
Conversations with Mahavatar Babaji
and I thoroughly enjoy indulging in it.
As we receive universal energies in our mind and body,
it recharges our soul, where it starts opening new doors to
every situation you face. The present generation is quite
advanced and most of them are gaining enough awareness
to see their wrong doings but failing to implement. This
‘energy breakfast’ will offer them to replenish their power
of discernment and with daily practice they will achieve
a great journey of transformation within and around.
They will gain more positive energy that influences your
Check in and Check out
We check in on Earth as we have taken physical birth on
this three dimensional reality and we physically check out
when we vacate the body or ‘physical death’. This process of
check-in and check-out is like a lifelong thing as long as you
are in this physical body. If you enter a particular situation
you will exit from it too. But have you ever pondered upon
your thoughts? There is only entry and seldom exits from
thought patterns! We keep accumulating and revising them
again and again whilst there is no doorway to exit. This
is a very important and serious matter to think about and
requires an immediate exit action plan.
Keys to Develop Self-Awareness
I practice this consciously along with my 10-minute
Energy Breakfast routine. Every night before I go to sleep,
I just close my eyes and sit quietly; relax myself, then put
few simple questions to myself, “Have I done something
unnecessary today, any action which was not required?
Have I spoken any unwanted words? Is there any situation
that made me feel guilty? How would I like to see myself
as a being?” If I need some improvements on my action
and words, automatically the area of rectification appears
in front of me. This helps me develop acceptance towards
my deeds and my transformation process becomes more
effective and easy. At first, it may sound hard to you or
it might bring out the non-acceptance towards your own
present Karma, but if you follow this for a week you will
understand and receive its benefits.
On one hand, this small exercise of check-in will help
you clear all the garbage, which you have accumulated
subconsciously. This cleansing process will help you
become a new person as well as help you to gain a newer
perspective on self. You will feel more confident within.
Who is a successful person?
In my perception, people who are highly successful are
those who can sleep every day with no guilt or complaints
about themselves. As we are open to receive all through
Conversations with Mahavatar Babaji
regular check-in and check-out process, everything in our
life starts changing and it becomes more fulfilling.
Do Not React
We always react to situations both externally and
internally, especially internally. To gain any semblance
of a situation it is important to go within to respond and
not to react. Most of the chaos happens because we react,
as all that is happening inside disturbs our mind and our
thoughts, poisoning our attitude towards self and others.
Develop your thought pattern in a way which will not allow
any external thought to poison you before you have the
entire picture of the situation clear to you. You ought to
play the role of a pure observer.
For instance, if your boss is unhappy about your work
and tells you that you are not doing well, rather than
allowing the degrading thoughts about self, think “where
you are lacking?”. An area of improvement needs to
be taken care of and only then you will be able to get a
solution to perform better. However, if you react and go on
a spree of degrading thoughts and putting yourself down,
you are allowing the lower energies to take over you and
your surroundings.
Keys to Develop Self-Awareness
Remember, you are the owner of your house, body
and mind. If you are allowing someone or something to go
inside, only then it will affect you. In most cases, people are
so affected by these energies, they become depressed or go
in a state of numbness—also called a psychic attack, which
means that the individual who is affected, allowed someone
or something to affect them in such a severe manner.
The best way to protect yourself is to not react but
respond. Even if you have allowed the negative energies
inside and have become low, you can always gain confidence
through the energy of the Universe by practicing
MEDITATION. Even if you have been paralyzed spiritually
by a psychic attack or unwanted negative energies, you can
always jump back on track.
It is difficult to always respond and not react because
human nature is driven by emotions, especially the negative
ones.. the ultimate cure to this is practice, the more you
practice forgiveness and responding to situations, the more
clarity you will get.
Dream Observer
Dream is not just a dream.. it’s a reality in the astral
world. Your thoughts manifest quickly as a reality on the
Conversations with Mahavatar Babaji
/> astral plane. When you observe your dreams your learning
becomes quicker and this way the time required to receive
any knowledge is reduced by working on your dreams
within yourself.
When you seek to become an observer you will see and
understand the real truth. You will learn that you are the
source of all the things that are happening through you.
It does not matter, if you remember all your dreams
or not, just work with at least one of your dreams to begin
your work.
You will get lot of insights about yourself. A great
transformation will take place within, by working with
your dreams. Gradually, you will break the pattern of day-
dreaming or lose imagination as you would have gained a
higher level of consciousness of your subconscious mind.
I was an average reader before realizing my true self.
I became a voracious reader, after I understood that the
ultimate truth differed from this physical reality in which
we are living.
Keys to Develop Self-Awareness
I couldn’t live without books. Reading at least one page
a day is food for my intellect. I got introduced to a huge
number of spiritual books recommended by Grand Master
Brahmarshi Pitamaha Patriji. He always encourages people
to read as much as they can. He says “Books are the swiftest
shortcut to Enlightenment”, so I developed a habit to read
books which helped me to shine my inner world.
Books are your closest friends. Whatever you are going through
in day-to-day life challenges, you will always find a book in a home
that will help you to find your peace within. They help you to
conquer your inner thirst for knowledge. By reading books
of various authors, the knowledge you will gain will lift your
intellect to a higher state of consciousness. In my personal
experience of reading books, it had turned out to be a great
adventure. I would connect to the author of the particular
book and would get more information from them rather
than that given in the book.
Read a page a day and keep your worries away, exactly
how an apple a day would keep the doctor away!
It Is Not Yours
In life we always think that there is so much which we
don’t understand and we wonder “What is there for us?”
Conversations with Mahavatar Babaji
When we see the external world through our physical eyes..
the world glitters and we often lose ourselves thinking we
own it all. However, it is important for us to dive within
to actually understand that out of all that we have there is
much more and beyond than the material world.
Universe always helps us through the right opportunities
but we fail to realize lessons from it. People around you
speak about what they have achieved. They tell you what
is convenient for them by making you believe that it is
also right for you.. but the same formula never applies to
everyone as each individual experience is unique.
It may sound difficult because we pick up different
experiences when learning more about our own self to gain
the right understanding through those unique experiences.
As you get the clarity of what is and what is not for you, you
also learn to say ‘No’ to what does not serve you in your life
purpose. This is how you will find clarity to serve your true
As explained by Brahmarshi Pithamaha Patriji,
Founder, Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement,
The HUMAN HAND has five fingers.
Little finger
Ring finger
Middle finger
Index finger
Thumb finger
Concept of Babaji Mudra
These different fingers symbolize different concepts in the
Little finger
- Physical Body
Ring finger
- Mind
Middle finger - Intelligence
Index finger
- Cosmic Self
Thumb finger - Supra-Consciousness
“The Physical Body”
We obtain the PHYSICAL BODY from the physical
parents and the Earth elements. PHYSICAL BODY is the
minimal part of the totality of our Self. That is why it is
represented by the LITTLE FINGER.
When we were a kid, we used to show the little finger to
depict he nature’s call...
The ‘LITTLE FINGER’ represents the PHYSICAL
“The Mind”
When two hearts and two minds meet and vibrate at
the same frequency, there is a marriage in effect, and they
exchange the rings only on the RING FINGER and not on
Conversations with Mahavatar Babaji
any other finger...
THE MIND is obtained from the indoctrination of the
Society. If we grew up in a Hindu family, we will have a
Hindu mind. If we are born and brought up in a Christian
family, we will possess a Christian mind, so onWW and so
* * *
Further, the RING FINGER is much bigger than the
little finger, indicating that the “MIND” is more important
than the “PHYSICAL BODY”.
THE MIND, in fact, is the total controller of the
physical body.
The ‘RING FINGER’ represents the Mind.
“The Intelligence - Buddhi”
between good and the bad; truth and the untruth; right and
wrong; correct and incorrect; propriety and impropriety;
beautiful and ugly – irrespective of the factors in a
Concept of Babaji Mudra
Whereas THE MIND is automated through the social
conditioning and prejudiced, the INTELLIGENCE -
BUDDHI is less prejudiced and less biased.
The Intelligence is the sum-total distillate of all the
Experiences of a Soul, encompassing all its karmas, in all
its different lifetimes and Existences.
Experiences from all our previous lifetimes become the
SOURCE—NUCLEUS of the present Intelligence. THE
the totality of Soul’s ‘heaven time’ and ‘Earth time’ history.
We observe that the MIDDLE FINGER is bigger than
the ring finger. THE INTELLIGENCE is far greater than
The totality of all life experiences is far greater than
this life experience and the society’s general thinking.
The ‘MIDDLE FINGER’ represents the
“The Individual Self”
When we point out somebody, we use the INDEX
FINGER, not any other finger!
Conversations with Mahavatar Babaji
In fact, we are not just our physical body; we are not
just our mind; we are not just the int
elligence. We are the
soul, the Atma—the cosmic self
“ATMA” is nothing but an eternal speck of
Consciousness, Energy and Wisdom!
The Individual Self is otherwise called as “Jeevatma”.
The ‘INDEX FINGER’ represents the INDIVIDUAL
“The Cosmic Self”
The SOURCE-ORIGIN of Individual Self is the
Consciousness Supreme – We are all different from each
other in our physical body, mind and the intelligence,
however, we have the same ATMIC SOURCE and WE
infinite number of Individual Selves is known as the Supra-
SELF is otherwise called as “BRAHMATMA” or “SARVA
BHUTHATMA”or “ Cosmic Self ”.
Concept of Babaji Mudra
The greatest of all great truths states:
“My Individual Self is The Cosmic Self Common To
All Beings”
Victory is ever indicated by the THUMB.
The Supra-consciousness is represented by the
The “BABA MUDRA” has the ring finger and middle
finger held by the thumb. The two fingers not touched in
BABA MUDRA are the little finger and the index finger.
The significance is that there is no need at all to tamper
with the physical body in our spiritual endeavors! We should
never trouble the physical body. Never!
The physical body is absolutely glorious and wonderful
and is a pinnacle achievement of the Nature which is
guided by the NATURE SPIRITS.
No need to practice difficult Hatha Yoga Kriyas!
No need of impossible Sheersha Asanas!
Conversations with Mahavatar Babaji
The second finger, the ring finger, that is Mind must
be controlled, however. THE MIND must be thoroughly
disciplined and should be totally rectified.
* * *
All the prejudices and stupidities of the SOCIETY are
reflected truly in the INDIVIDUAL MIND. Such prejudices
and stupidities of the Society hamper an individual’s sanity
and spiritual intelligence. Liquidating the impact of all the
prejudices and stupidities of the Society on an individual’s
mind is the process of MEDITATION.
What can tame the Mind?
However, that should be ‘agreed upon’ by the Individual
When the Individual Self wants to see that it is the