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The Agreement: Book two in the Seattle Billionaires Series

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by Nora Ford

  I don’t blame you. Tessa is the most amazing woman I’ve ever met. She is beautiful inside and out. I don’t want her to spend the rest of her life alone. I want her to love and be loved again. You love her, I am certain of it. I am giving you a chance to show her how much. Make her happy. You have my blessing.


  “That’s insane,” I said almost to myself after I finished reading. Both mom and Jason gave me a questioning look, but I ignored it and gave them the letter.

  When they finished, mom was the first to speak. “So, you’ll do it. Won’t you?” She raised her brows in question.

  “You wouldn’t let Jacob take thirty percent of everything we own, would you?” Jason added.

  I ignored Jason's question and looked at my mom, “You don’t seem to be surprised. Did Seth tell you about his plan?”

  “No, he didn’t tell me. But I knew he was planning something that involved Tessa. I didn’t know what,” Mom assured me.

  “And what makes you sure that Tessa will agree? She was in shock when she left. I am sure that she didn’t like the idea. The woman hates me for God's sake.”

  “That’s ridiculous. Of course, Tessa doesn’t hate you. She tries to avoid you because you’re always giving her a hard time,” Mom carried on, “She will agree; Tessa hates Jacob. She believes like the rest of us that he was the one behind the accident.”

  I couldn’t argue with that. Since the accident, mom invited Tessa to all our family gathering. I saw how she reacted when someone mentioned Jacob. She may have hated Jacob more than the rest of us. She lost more than we did. She might never speak of her baby, but I was sure she was still hurting. However, it wasn’t right to use the way she felt about Jacob to make her agree. “Even if she agrees, this whole thing is wrong. You can’t just trick two people into marriage.”

  “Why? Don’t you have feelings for her? Seth gave you the opportunity to win her heart,” she asked.

  “That is not the point. What Seth did isn't right. He chose for her. Don’t you think that Tessa has the right to choose?” I was furious. As much as I craved Tessa and wanted her, I didn’t like the whole thing. Marriage was a big step, even for me. Sure, I felt something for her, but I wasn’t in love with her as Seth assumed.

  “She's had three years to choose. But she hasn't. Instead, she's just built armor to protect herself.”

  “Are you saying that after three years she loses her rights?” I asked in a perplexed tone.

  “No, of course not. But do you like the way she has been living the past three years? This is not the life Seth wanted for her, and it’s definitely not what I wish for her.”

  Of course, I didn’t like her lifestyle, but that wasn’t the point. “Mom, Tessa is a grown woman; she is twenty-seven. She can live her life the way she wants.”

  Mom shook her head, “She is young, beautiful and now she is going to be very wealthy. She could easily fall prey to the wrong man. Do you want that to happen?”

  I didn't answer. Indeed, I didn't want that; I couldn't even imagine her showing interest in another man.

  When I didn’t respond, Jason said, “You overthink, you need to act. Seth knew you needed a push and he gave it to you.”

  Before I could respond, mom added, “You’re a good businessman. You know that it pays to grab what’s good and right when you can. Tessa is the real prize, not the money. I’m sure you could crack her armor and wiggle your way into her heart.” Mom patted my hand and stood to leave. She stopped when she reached the door and looked at me for a long moment. Finally, she smiled and said, “Aron, I’d put my money on you.”

  “I guess that’s our cue to leave,” Jason said and rose up.

  We walked in silence to our cars. When we reached them, Jason patted me on the shoulder. “So, I guess congratulations are in order,” he grinned.

  “She hasn’t said yes, yet,” I reminded him.

  “Don’t worry, man. She will,” he said and got into his car.

  After Jason drove away, I sat in the driveway for a while. I needed some time to clear my mind and think. I pondered over the opportunity that Seth gave me. Wasn’t that what I always wanted? A chance.

  A chance to claim her physically, and hopefully emotionally. I didn’t want her the way I’d used my recent flings. Tessa wasn’t the type of woman I could just use to get off. I wanted to know things about her, connect with her on a different plane. See where it led. Maybe this year was what we both needed.

  I knew that breaking down Tessa’s defences wouldn’t be easy, but it was a challenge I was happy to accept.

  I slipped my car into drive and navigated out onto the road. The whole way home I couldn’t think of anything else. Tessa, naked in my bed, was the only thing that popped into my traitorous mind.

  Chapter Three


  I sat on my bed looking at the envelope in my hands. I recognized Seth’s handwriting, his last words to me. My chest tightened as I touched the ink forming my name, longing for his words, afraid to read them.

  Holding the letter in my hands, I lost track of time. I had no idea how long I lay there doing nothing but staring at it. Finally, with shaky hands, I opened it. After the first few lines, I did something I haven’t done in years, I broke down and sobbed like a child.

  My love Tessa,

  If you are reading this letter, I am still your Seth. It has been three years sweetie. I can't rest in peace knowing that you're still torturing yourself. I know you're lonely and you miss me. I wish I could be there for you; I wish we could grow old and grey together.

  But we don’t get to decide. It’s all decided for us. One day, my love, you will realize that this was meant to be.

  I know you don't understand why I am doing this but you love and trust me enough to agree. I am aware that you don't care for the money, but you won't let Jacob have it. You love this family too much to do that.

  You might be confused right now, but you will understand, someday soon. I did this for you, my love.

  Your Seth.

  I was reading the letter for the third time when I heard the front door closing. I knew it must be one of my sisters, Olivia or Talia. They both have a key to my apartment, and they never ring the bell.

  “Tess! are you there?” It was Talia.

  I quickly used my hand to rub the tears from my cheeks, “In here, Tal.”

  I was struggling to regain my composure when Talia came in. “Hey, what’s wrong? Have you been crying?” She asked concerned and sat on the bed beside me.

  “I’m fine, don’t worry,” I tried to reassure her.

  “You can't fool me; you've been crying. What's wrong, Tess?” She asked again. I knew Talia wouldn't buy it, she knew me better than anyone else. Even if my eyes weren't red from crying, she would have sensed that something was wrong. I am close to my family; especially my sisters. The three of us have always been best friends. There was no point in hiding the truth, “Everything is wrong.” I gave her the letter.

  Talia took a few minutes to read it, then she looked at me confused, “I don’t follow. Please, explain?”

  I recounted to Talia everything that had happened at the Hamiltons. She was as aware of Jacob’s role in the accident as the rest of my family. She also knew how much I hated him.

  When I finished, Talia gave me a sympathetic look and asked, “What are you going to do?”

  “Do I have a choice?”

  “You always have a choice, Tess.” She said in a soothing tone.

  I shook my head. “Not this time. I have to marry Aron. There’s no other option.”

  “If you already made up your mind why are you crying?” Talia wanted to know.

  “I am doing the right thing, but it doesn't mean that I am happy about it. I feel like I’m trapped. I don't understand Tal. Why now? Why Aron?” I was confused.

  “Are you saying if Seth had wanted you to marry someone else you wouldn’t have been that upset?”

  “Yes. No. I don’t know,�
� I sighed.

  “I know that you and Aron have your differences, but he is a good man. I like him.”

  “We have our differences? That would be an understatement beyond all understatements. The man hates my guts; he can’t stand to be in the same room as me for five minutes.”

  “I wouldn’t put it that way,” Talia shook her head.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I don't think Aron hates you. On the contrary, I believe he feels something for you.”

  “You're crazy; Aron feels nothing for me but resentment. Whenever he sees me, he either offends and provokes me or he completely ignores me.”

  “That proves my point; he doesn't act like himself when you're around. He feels something for you and doesn't know how to deal with it. Men have strange ways of showing their feelings,” Talia insisted.

  “I am not interested in how he feels. I don’t want to get married in the first place,” I said.

  “But you’re going to marry him. You must be a bit curious,” she grinned.

  “I am not. Besides, our marriage won’t be real. We’re just two strangers who sign an agreement to stay married for a year. That’s it.”

  Talia shook her head and rested a hand on her five-months baby bump, “I wouldn’t be so sure if I were you. I said the same thing before, remember?”

  “Aron and I are different,” I retorted quickly.

  “How so? I was supposed to marry Adam for a year; I didn't plan to fall in love with him and look at me now, I am very much in love and very pregnant,” Talia said as she touched her belly again.

  I was happy for her. She finally found the love of her life. After her painful first marriage which was followed by an ugly divorce, she deserved someone to love and cherish her the way Adam did.

  “I'm happy for you, but I had what you have once; one doesn't find that kind of love twice,” I said and gave her a weak smile.

  “That’s nonsense. People fall in love all the time. You’re still young, Tess, you can’t just stop living.”

  Before I could say anything, Talia rose and held out a hand to help me up, “Come let’s move this conversation to the kitchen. I’m starving.”

  “Fine, but I hope you brought food with you because my fridge is empty, as usual,” I said and followed her to the kitchen.

  “Don’t worry I stopped on my way here and picked up your favorite Chinese takeout.”

  “You're the best; you know that?” I took my place at the kitchen table.

  “I know,” Talia nodded.

  “But you ordered too much,” I said as she unpacked the takeout cartons.

  “Liv is going to join us, and I'm eating for three.” Talia grinned and patted her baby bump.

  “Three?! Oh my God, you’re having twins?”

  She nodded.

  “When did you find out? Are we thinking pink?” I asked excitedly.

  “I just found out today, and no, I’m having two boys,” She smiled.

  “Timo must be over the moon; he wanted a brother now he’s going to have two.”

  “Yeah, he and Adam are both so excited. They decided to repaint the nursery themselves.” Talia’s eyes shone with genuine light as she spoke of her husband and son. Timo is Talia’s son from her first marriage. His biological father didn’t want anything to do with him. Talia raised him practically alone. But when she got married last year, he and Adam became a team. After Adam convinced Talia to turn their arrangement into a real marriage, he adopted Timo.

  We were about to start eating when the front door opened and Liv came in. “What have I missed?” She asked as she joined us at the kitchen table.

  “Nothing much, Tessa is getting married, and I'm having twins,” Talia told her.

  “What? When? Who?” Liv asked and looked back and forth between the two of us waiting for answers.

  Talia, who was busy eating, answered between bites, “We’ll tell you everything later on, but let’s finish our dinner first.”

  Liv waited a moment, and then curiosity got the better of her, “Come on, spill. I’m dying here.”

  Finally, Talia decided to put her out of her misery and filled her in on the details.

  After listening attentively to everything, Liv gave me an amused look and said, “You and Aron, I didn’t see that coming.”

  “There is no Aron and me, we're not together, and we won't be,” I argued decisively.

  “Why not? He’s charming, successful and drop-dead sexy,” Liv countered.

  She wasn't wrong; I hated that she was actually right. Aron filled out his designer suit like an athlete. He was a good six-three; had a tight chest and broad shoulders. His skin was tanned and those dark eyes that would make a woman weak at the knees. The little stubble on his chin made him even sexier. Unlike Jason and Seth, Aron's hair was coal black. Although all the Hamilton brothers had the same Italian grandfather, he was the only one among them whose Italian heritage showed in his features.

  I lifted my head and saw that Liv and Talia were waiting for my response. “He’s not my type,” I finally said.

  “I didn’t know you have a type. Besides, men like Aron are everyone’s type,” Liv countered.

  “He’s too serious for me. He wears an uptight suit all the time; I doubt that he owns a pair of jeans.”

  “I’ve seen him in jeans before,” Liv shrugged.

  “I've seen him in jeans too and a tennis outfit. He plays tennis with Adam sometimes. He has a nice butt by the way,” Talia wiggled her eyebrows.

  I gave her a disapproving look, “I thought you’re a happily married woman.”

  “I am,” She nodded and subconsciously touched her pregnant belly.

  “Married women don't check other men's butts,” I added.

  “I wasn’t checking, I just noticed. Women notice these things. Am I wrong Liv?”

  “You’re absolutely right. Adam has a perfect ass too,” Liv said with a smile.

  “See, she noticed,” Talia grinned.

  “Stop it both of you.”

  “Okay, no more jokes. But seriously, Aron is a good friend to Adam; I don't like all Adam's friends, but I do like him. He's a good man, Tess,” Talia gently patted me on the shoulder.

  “The answer is still ‘no’. Can we please change the subject?” I gave them a pleading look.

  Liv sensed my desperation and gave Talia a warning look, and they didn’t argue further.

  I was thankful to Liv when she deliberately redirected the conversation and started asking Talia about the babies. Although she was aware of what Liv was doing, she was more than happy to give us a detailed report about her pregnancy and how was she feeling.

  By the end of our girls’ night, I was in a much better mood, though I couldn’t shake Aron off my mind. He’s still an ass, I reminded myself. I wasn’t going to let Talia’s words confuse me. If I'm going to agree to this marriage, it has to be on my terms.

  The next few days, I thought about nothing but my situation with Aron. He didn’t contact me, which confused me even more. I knew he hated me, but he hated Jacob more and we both loved Seth. We had to do this whether we like it or not. Giving Jacob the money was like rewarding him for killing Seth. I can’t let that happens.

  I thought about calling Aron, then I decided against it. As much as I hated it, I decided I have to go and see him. Tomorrow.

  Chapter Four


  Tessa hasn’t called, and I haven’t done anything about it yet. I couldn’t get her out of my head. Visions of her have invaded my thoughts the last few days. This was new to me. I didn’t use to think about her that often. Or at least I didn’t allow myself to.

  Seth’s will and letter changed everything. Tessa wasn’t forbidden fruit anymore. She was fair game. Thinking about her didn’t feel wrong. I hadn’t decided how I was going to make her mine yet, but I was determined to win her over. I had already waited so long thinking Seth wouldn’t approve.

  Mom was right; Tessa wouldn’t mourn Seth foreve
r. She needed to love and be loved again. I couldn’t sit there and watch another man take the only woman I’ve ever wanted.

  Although I had decided to wait for her to call, I was starting to get nervous; we were running out of time. What if Tessa said no? No, she couldn't possibly do that. Who would turn down a five-billion-dollar marriage? Tessa would, I thought. She had never been driven by money.


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