Fight For The Highest Wolf Rank

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Fight For The Highest Wolf Rank Page 7

by Valery C. Kincade

  I get up from the corner where I was curled up in a ball and try to look at the bars separating the cell from the hallway. I can't see him properly because my eyes are almost swollen shut. My healing ability came as curse whilst I was in here. The faster I healed the more those guards would beat me.

  “Good Goddess, what the hell is this? Get this fucking door open, now!” Luke's Alpha voice echoes in the dungeons and the I hear rustling. The guard surely has pissed himself when Luke roared like that. I imagine myself be an interesting sight since he got so angry. Interesting, not in a good way.

  “Hey Luke.” I try my best to smile when he reached my side. “Always my saviour.” I whisper as he picked me up carefully as not to hurt me even more.

  “You're safe now, Sam, you're safe.” He whispers in my ear softly and takes me away. I don't even care where he's taking me as long as it's far away from here.

  “I'll get you out of here and you're never coming back.” I smile at the promise he made me. I would love not to come back here.

  -End of flashback-

  I'm done, I'm finally and officially done trying to find out why they hate me so much and why the treat me like I'm plotting to kill the Alpha, or something.

  I will miss Marie dearly, but I know she'll be safer if she doesn't have contact with me. I would hate for my friend to get hurt like I have been, repeatedly. I've decided what I want to do and because I'll be 18 in just a few days, the whole process technically can be easier.

  14 - Mate


  I am one of the first people off the plane, perks of flying in business class. Making my way down the steps I inhale deeply. Ah, the sweet smell of rain, earth and humidity. In one word 'home'.

  I finally landed in England after a trip that was way too long for my liking, but I'll admit the plane ride had some unexpended and very nice perks. I smirk at the memories. Before I got off the plane, the flight attendant gave me her number and told me to call her. Yeah right. First of all she's human, so once is enough, and second, she should have figured out this was a one time thing. What is it with me lately that I keep picking women who want more that just sex?

  I managed to navigate my way through the airport without losing more time than needed. It amazing what a cheeky grin can get you. I've made it to the exit and look around contemplating if I should be calling for a taxi or car service to take me home but decide against it.

  Luder comes with his own suggestion, that we should shift and run home. I know he misses running freely, I do too. At the Academy I had shifted and ran in wolf form dozens of times, but neither was for pleasure. It was all part of training, and as much as both Luder and I had enjoyed that, we need to run to let our senses take over and relax once in a while. I make a promise to Luder to go on a run while we're home and for now I decide to rent a sports car, because - Alpha, and because why not? I'm 18, I should act like it, right?

  I settle for the Porsche they had available in the airport because I don't have time to wait for them to bring me another car. Thanking the lady at the rental shop, I make my way to where the car was parked. After placing my weekend bag in the backseat I start the 1 hour drive to my Crescent Moon's territory. It's cloudy, it rains with tiny raindrops and the whole atmosphere is dark and moody. I fucking love it!

  As I reach our pack border I pull over and get my phone out to text Brian.

  Jason: ""Hey man. What are you up to?""

  I'm please that Brian's response comes straight away. I open the text message and read it, groaning in frustration.

  Brian: ""Hey Alpha. I'm on my way to this cool new pub close by. Lots of ladies to wave me goodbye since I'll be joining you at the Academy soon.""

  At least I had the inspiration to text him before I got to our pack. I'm not really in the mood to go home because my mom will not let me out of the house before she tells me how much she missed me and cooks me a home made meal. I'm sure dad will have something regarding the pack's administration that would take a few hours to discuss. No, I have limited time before I have to go back to US. Another text from Brian pulls me out from my deep thoughts.

  Brian: ""What's your night looking like? o_x""

  I quickly type a basic reply to him saying I'll be heading to a party on campus, and after I put my phone away I start driving towards the area where I knew there are chances of finding a cool new pub. Or so I hoped.

  First I went to the place we used to go to when I was home. it was some sort of area where tens and young people hung out. It was on human territory but right outside our pack's border so the werewolves there were mostly from my pack. I looked around but I had no luck finding Brian or any of the guys I knew he'd be with. This is getting ridiculous. What the hell am I even doing? Before going straight home and giving up, I drove to a mostly human town right outside the edge of a neighbouring pack's territory. As I park the car I see a pub. Shrugging my shoulders I think that it's worth a shot, so I walk towards it. Ever since I got off the plane it's like someone else is pulling my strings and I just do whatever they want, like a good little puppet.

  I got close to the cottage looking building and notice the sign outside. The pub is called The Hound. Apparently this is a pub which allows everyone in and judging by the crowd outside that's waiting for a table to become available so they can get in, I think that this would be the place where I will find Brian. I have a feeling that he's inside, there's a familiar feeling pulling me to this pub.

  I get in without having to join the queue, because I don't need a table.

  I walk around, scanning the place and admiring how inviting the atmosphere here is. I make my way to the bar slowly while still looking around to see if I can spot Brian. No such luck for now, but I could do with a beer since I'm quite thirsty.

  Behind the bar is a good looking woman, older than me, who I'm sure is a werewolf. She pours me a pint without me having to ask her. She definitely knew I am a werewolf as well, because if I were a human boy, I would only get a Sprite in a place like this. This lady knows her stuff, It'll give her that. She's a good barmaid and I gladly take my pint placing a few notes on the counter as payment. The woman smiles at me, nodding as she was telling me to enjoy my drink and goes to tend to her next customer. How come I've never heard of this place, I must come here more after after I finish my Alpha training, if I will have the time, that is.

  Although I start thinking Brian is definitely not here, I can't seem to bring myself to leave. Luder is getting agitated, but surprisingly not in a bad way, if that makes sense. I don't know, I have this feeling that I have to be here. So I stay, and every once in a while this enchanting scent keeps hitting my nose and Luder perks up like a puppy getting ready to chase a butterfly. And then the scent fades and I can imagine him slumping back down and putting his head on his paws in a disappointed manner. But the scent is so ethereal, so little and I can't even decipher it, not to mention figure out where it comes from. I keep scrolling on my phone, not really paying attention to the pictures popping up on social media, when there's an announcement made by the same woman who earlier served me my beer.

  I turn my bar stool around to face the small make-shift stage in the opposite side of the pub. She's saying something about open mic night. I focus on the sound of her voice and tune out the rest of the noise.

  "".... very happy birthday to our lovely Sam. Because of that, we're going to do things a bit differently tonight compared to what we've done for the past months, and Sam is going to sing in opening of mic night. Place your hands together people and give an encouraging round of applause to Sam!""

  Cheers and whistles can be heard from the people at the tables in front of the stage, and from some people standing with a drink in their hands. I can't help but smile as I turn around to my beer and take a sip. I guess they all know who this Sam is. If it's his birthday, maybe he can treat us all to a round, my glass is almost empty.

  Just as I was thinking how the birthday dude would buy everyone drinks, this peculiar, but so
ul piercing and beautiful voice starts singing, and there is literally nothing else that can be heard.

  ""My family always said I was the bad child

  Throwin' me away into the bad pile

  All my life, been puttin' on a fake smile

  Sittin' on my own, feel like I'm exiled"" Around me there aren't other sounds at all. It's dead quiet, just her voice echoes, yes HER, because stupid me didn't think that Sam could be a girl.

  ""I guess I'm always gonna be the bad child

  I guess I'm always gonna be the mad child

  'Cause you will never understand my weird mind

  My weird mind

  And to every single person here that doubts me

  Tellin' me that they could live without me

  'Cause they will never understand my weird mind

  My weird mind ""

  By now I already know who it is. My senses are in overdrive and I don't need to turn around to know I'm hearing the voice of my MATE. The hurt, anger, frustration and desire for revenge that lies in her voice doesn't go unnoticed by me. I almost feel the same, I can almost feel her pain and it's horrible. What happened to her that she is so angry? Who hurt her and made her sing with so much passion that it could kill her enemies on sight. Luder doesn't even howl like I expected him to, he doesn't want anything to cover up the sound of her sweet voice, and I'm thankful to him for that.

  ""They say I've lost my mind

  They say I'll never find it

  I think they're kind of right

  In fact, I kind of like it

  They say I've lost my mind

  They say I'll never find it

  I think they're kind of right ""

  I'm going to turn around, I'm going to put a face to the beautiful bouquet of raw emotions that is my mate, and I'm going to claim her, make her mine and kill whoever dared to hurt her before I came along. I saw everyone around me not making even the slightest of movements, and I smile proudly. They're all entranced by her singing and I can't help the pang of jealousy that washes over me. I almost want this voice to be just for me, I don't ever want to share her with anyone ever again.

  My eyes instantly connect with hers and I see her pupils dilating. Her wolf most likely is screaming 'mate' in her head, and I feel my cheeks hurting because I keep grinning like a fool. I force myself to blink and scan her face further, and then a feeling of dread replaces the blissful state I was in just a moment ago.

  It hits me like a literal ton of bricks. I know her, I know who she is. Her cute face with that button nose, her long, wavy hair starting as brown and becoming pink towards the ends. Fuck, it's her, it's Samantha, the girl who ranked Omega and is been constant threat to my cousin's safety.

  I see her furrowing her eyebrows as she rushes to finish her song. I'm sure that by now she must have figured out who I am and most importantly who I am to her.

  Oh, Goddess, what kind of sick joke is this?

  **Song credits : Tones and I - Bad Child**

  15 - Conspiration


  I keep staring at her and take her all in, my brain is not capable of registering what's happening, but my body responds to her every breath, to every note she sings, to the slightest of movements that she makes. It's like magic.

  As soon as she finished the song, she ran off the stage and disappeared into a room at the back of the bar.

  Shit! What do I do now?

  Luder keeps pressing me to find our mate, but I'm so conflicted. How do I even play this? What is the right thing for me to do?

  After almost pulling all my hair out.

  I decided I will approach her, I will talk to my mate. I have to. Now

  If only I can find her.

  I'm not an idiot, so I know that as long as I stay in that pub she won't be out of that room, and I can't go looking for her in there without starting a fight, and that is literally the last thing I need right now. It took so much restraint not to barge in there killing whomever would have dared to stop me. It took power and concentration skills that I didn't realise I possessed, until now, to prevent Luder from taking full control.

  After an internal struggle with every primal instinct that is cursing through my being, I finally gained enough strength to walk outside and head to my car. I got in and started the long and painful process of scanning the area surrounding The Hound, until I see her.

  Sure enough, after waiting for a little over an hour, I see her again and I feel happiness and eagerness once more.

  I knit my eyebrows together and watch her carefully.

  She walked out from a door at the back of the building, where they would accept deliveries through. She keeps looking around, scanning her surroundings while also glancing at her phone every few seconds. It.. well it looks shady, and for a second I manage to push the primal instincts I have to the side, and even Luder is treading carefully. I wonder what she is up to.

  The thought that she might be looking around and making sure she won't cross paths with me, snakes its way into my mind, and Luder whimpers. I feel hurt at that thought too, if I'm being honest.

  She doesn't wait for long, because a few minutes later I see a slim figure approaching her. The silhouette is also looking over its shoulder like it was scared of the possibility that he or she might have been followed. My blood is literally boiling right now at the thought that my mate might be meeting with another male.

  That sour thought flies out the window once I realise that the person approaching is a female, a wolf to be exact, and once they start hugging and the newcomer loses their hood, I recognise my cousin, Marie.

  What the fuck is doing out there meeting Samantha? This makes no fucking sense! Why would she be so happy to see my mate and why are they hugging?

  As future Alpha I have to be informed of everything that goes on with my pack, even when I'm thousands of miles away at the Alpha Academy for training. Therefore, every week, my father, his Beta, myself and my future Beta have a conference call so they can keep me updated regarding the latest developments in our pack, good or bad. It was in one of those meetings that I found out just how serious this whole situation with Samantha Bailey was.

  *Flashback, a few months back*

  I finished my training for the day and took the quickest shower of my life before starting the weekly conference call with my father's office.

  “Can you see us all, son?” My father's voice is already in Alpha mode and the meeting hasn't properly started yet.

  “Yup, I can see you all, although I'm confused. Why are mom and the she-devil there? What is this, an intervention? I don't even know what I've done this time.”

  “Jason, you will be nice to your cousin.” My mother's voice scolds me though I keep wondering what it is that I've done. Uhhh, did I maybe sleep with someone I shouldn't have? That's probably what this is. A whiny, little she wolf who wanted more and went blabbing to her family about our rendez-vous, and now it's gotten to my family's ears. Fantastic.

  “Jason, this is serious, act like the Alpha that you are. We need to update you on a delicate matter.” I'm all ears now. I nod and my father continues explaining.

  “I'm sure Brian must have told you about the little incident that happened in school yesterday.” I nod again, remembering the video Brian sent me, where the Omega girl had been beaten. “We don't quite know how to proceed here, it's slowly getting out of control.” I frown at the computer screen in front of me.

  “What do you mean is getting out of control? From what I've seen, that girl gets bullied. As long as Marie will keep her distance, I don't think there's anything to worry about.” I tell them as a matter of fact.

  “You don't understand! “ I flinched a bit when Marie shouted. Fuck, her temper is something else. One second she's this sweet girl next door and the next she's literally the devil's spawn. Mom and dad have never seen the devilish side of her, but I have, countless times and it has never ended well for me. That's one of the many reasons I was never particularly close
to Marie, or fond of her, if I'm being completely honest. But she's family, and she was orphaned at a very young age, and I guess family sticks together and all that. So I will always protect her.

  My mom is now rubbing circles on Marie's back as a way to settle her, and I frown again at the camera urging my cousin to explain her sudden outburst. I mean, I don't have all day, and I'm sure my dad and his Beta have more important pack business to discuss with me than teenage girl drama.

  “She.. she's been blackmailing me.”

  “What? who?”

  “Samantha, that's who.” She yells again like it's the most obvious thing. I frown again, sensing a headache setting in.

  “What does she even have on you?” I mock Marie. “Some bad photos where you have acne?”

  “Jason, this is serious, stop it!” My mom scolded me again.

  “I just don't get why this is classed as a sensitive pack business.”

  “She said if I don't hang out with her she will find a way to kill me. I'm just so scared of her, Jason. She was hoping to rank Beta, I helped her cheat on some test because she threatened me, but in the end I came clean to Mr Biggins and I think she suspects me, because her threats have intensified and I'm just so scared.” My mom is trying to calm her down as she sobs like a child.

  I sigh, bored already. This just doesn't make much sense to me, but I'll entertain them anyway.

  “So what if she managed to rank Beta? It's not like she could have become more than that, right? I'm due to become this pack's Alpha and Brian will be Beta. Everyone knows that I wouldn't have chosen another Beta, especially not her.”

  As I said that, I saw everyone's faces looking the same, they were all staring down, and it was my father who spoke again.

  “Jason, her end game was to somehow get you and Brian killed. We don't know how, she never shared that information with your cousin, but with you two out of the picture, Marie would have been forced to take your place as Alpha heir, and she would have chosen Samantha as her Beta.”


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