Fight For The Highest Wolf Rank

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Fight For The Highest Wolf Rank Page 8

by Valery C. Kincade

  I'm shocked. I literally am shocked. How long has she been planning this? And who plans stuff like that when they're a teenager? Just how disturbed really is this girl?

  *End of flashback*

  I'm still sitting in my car looking at Samantha and Marie. They're talking, and I use my wolf hearing to better understand their conversation.

  “Finally, you're 18! Did you find you mate already? Jennifer said there's a lot of young wolves who come to this pub. Have you spotted him yet?” My heart is beating out of my chest waiting for Sam's reply.

  “No, not yet. But I've been so busy waiting tables that I didn't pay much attention. I'm sure he's not even around here.”

  “You'll find him eventually. I can't wait to find my mate. 3 more weeks to go.” Oh, shit, that's right. Marie's birthday is in 3 weeks.

  “You still hope it will be Brian?”

  Marie stutters before replying. “I'm convinced it will be Brian.” I had no idea my cousin had a thing for my Beta.

  “Marie, you should go before someone from Crescent Moon sees you with me. I don't want to get in any more trouble, and I certainly don't want you to be dragged into this mess because you've been seen with me.”

  Samantha's statement confuses me for a second, but what Marie says next is even more confusing.

  “It's fine. Sam. I miss hanging out with you and my uncle can't force me to stop being friends with you. I already miss Jen like crazy since she moved to Blood Moon, I don't want to be left alone here.”

  “Did he give you any reason as to why he is forbidding you to be friends with me, as to why they all hate me so much?” Her voice is shaky now, full with sadness and longing and I can feel my own heart breaking.

  “No, sorry. I haven't managed to find out anything. My uncle won't tell me anything.”

  A group of guys stumble out of the pub and are headed in the girls direction. My instincts to protect my mate and my cousin kick in, but the girls see them approaching and Marie takes off leaving Samantha alone.

  16 - Pleasure


  In the end those boys who are human just wanted to have a smoke. They chatted for a few minutes without minding my mate. They finish their cigarettes and leave, not causing any trouble, and I'm deeply thankful for that.

  Well, I guess that's my cue. I square my shoulders and mentally prepare for officially meeting Samantha as my mate. I'm nervous, why am I nervous?

  With a tail wagging Luder at the forefront of my mind, I get out of the car. In an instant Samantha's head snaps in my direction and her gaze meets mine. Taking long strides, I approach her. She is not moving at all, she just looks at me, probably unsure of what to do, or calculating what her possibilities are.

  I stop a few feet from her and take her in again. She does the same, still looking amazed and conflicted, maybe even scared. I take one more step and close the distance between us. We are now inches away, and myself being taller, I have to look down, while her head is slightly tilted upwards so she can look at my face.

  I admire her mesmerising green eyes, the way her eyebrows perfectly frame her heart shaped face. She has a small nose, I'm sure most females would be jealous of that. Under my gaze, her cheeks are a nice shade of bright pink, and she starts biting her trembling lower lip. I stop my eyes from wandering over her facial features and close in on her mouth. I set my gaze on her lips, deciding this is what I like best from all her perfect features.

  All this time she's so quiet, not a peep. She keeps staring at me, heart almost beating out of her chest. I'm not sure how much is excitement, and how much is her being terrified of me.

  The shape of her lips remind me of a strawberry. The most perfect strawberry there is. Plump and juicy, slightly shiny and oh so kissable. She even smells like strawberries, but mixed with rain, such an earthy smell that draws you in and to me, she smells like home.

  It's said that when you meet your mate, he or she will have the scent that you love the most or that means something positive to you. Well, this earthy scent is what defines 'home' for me, no wonder she carries it. I'm amazed at how intricate and complex her scent is. It's actually quite strange to me that she doesn't have a bland smell like most Omegas do. Being around her and her scent makes me feel like I am in the middle of a garden after a heavy rain, and I found the most luscious strawberries. It's like I realised that I have not lived until I had one of those perfect strawberries. That's what she is, that's how I see her right now. My perfect strawberry, my MATE.

  We've been standing like this for over 5 minutes and Luder keeps pushing me to say something before it's getting awkward or even creepy. I get his point, but after looking into her eyes again I can see she's so confused, scared even, not knowing what to make of this. I don't want to scare her off and screw all this mate thing up. I need to tread carefully.

  “Oh, just grow a fucking pair, man. You're supposed to an Alpha, for fuck's sake.” Luder snaps. Alright, he's not wrong. I have to be the one who takes the first step.

  “Come with me.” I tell her and she immediately nods. I take her hand and lead her to my car. The surge of electricity coursing through our bodies from that mere hand holding is extraordinary. I have never felt anything like this ever. It's like getting your fingers stuck in an outlet of love and happiness and pure bliss. My lips curl upwards into a huge grin when I see a slight smile appear on her strawberry lips.

  Reluctantly, I let go of her hand once she's gotten in the car and sprint towards the driver's side.

  “Where are we going?” She asks in a small voice.

  “I'm taking you to the pack house.” I watch the colour drain from her face.

  “I don't think I'm welcomed there.” Fuck, of course she wouldn't be. Stupid me, I spoke without even thinking.

  I ponder for a second. I remember the protocol villa we have nearby our border. We usually house important guests there, like Alphas from a pack which we are discussing alliance with, or other supernatural allies. That doesn't take from our hospitality as a pack, but still keeps the visitors out of our pack house where we'd be most vulnerable. As far as I know there's nobody visiting our territory right now, at least no one important enough to be housed there.

  “Sorry. I didn't think that one through. We can go to the protocol villa. We'll be alone.”

  “I would like that.” My heart is swelling with joy and happiness. My mate is not scared of me, she doesn't let our previous encounters get between our mate bond.

  I have to be honest, I did notice her before, it was kind of hard not to since she and Marie were practically joined at the hip, but I never paid much attention or bothered to know much about her. I knew Brian is her cousin but that was proven to be a lie, so I'm looking forward to discovering who my mate is.

  The drive took about half an hour and we rode in comfortable silence. I love that she let me put my hand on top of hers when I didn't need to shift the gears.

  I finally got to the protocol villa and found that all the lights are out, including the patio one, meaning the house is empty and free for us to use.

  I'm not happy that the car ride is over, but getting inside the house means I can be even closer to her, maybe even hug her, and make love to her.

  Before my mind wonders further than it's currently necessary, I smile as warmly as I can at her.


  “Yes, lead the way.” She replies softly with a small smile of her own. I wonder where this spunk of boldness in her came from. She seems a bit more in control of her emotions, not scared anymore, daring even. I am definitely not complaining, just stating a fact.

  As I got to the front door I panicked for a quick second. I was so close to making a fool of myself. I realised I don't have the keys to this house. I quickly prayed to the Moon Goddess. I really needed this one tiny favour from Her. I try the door knob and release a breath I didn't know I was holding. Oh, thank Goddess that it's open.

  “You didn't have a key, did you?” Sam giggles behind me. How is she
so cute? I feel my cheeks and ears burning a bit from the slight embarrassment and turn to her, giving an apologetic smile.

  “I wasn't really planning on coming here tonight.” I reply as we walk in and turn the lights on.

  We started talking, conversation flowing like we were best of friends who haven't seen each other since yesterday. I can't believe how easy it is to talk to her, to laugh with her. I told her about my Alpha training, we laughed about the English that Americans speak.

  I asked about her singing and she passionately explained how she started singing at the Hound, and how that is her favourite thing to do every week. She does have an incredible voice, the best I've ever heard.

  Samantha told me about her new friends that she considers more as her family. Carla, the woman that served me earlier at the bar is actually the owner of The Hound. When Sam told me about Carla's brother, the young Alpha of Blood Moon pack, I barely contained my anger and jealousy. OK, fine. I failed miserably because I kept growling not liking how he was her knight in shining armour. I am grateful though that he got her out of that cell. I'm beyond angry at my father for putting her in there, not to mention all this came as a surprise. I knew she was being punished, but my father failed to let me know what her punishment would be.

  “You know, I was thinking of leaving the Crescent Moon pack after I turned 18.” She says, out of the blue, while lazily sitting on my lap as I stroke her hair. I stop, not knowing how to react to this news. I know I should have expected that after all she's been through, but I didn't want to bring that up right now, because it would definitely turn this evening sour. And I'm still confused about Marie's behaviour. I have a feeling there's more to this story, and I won't say anything before I get the chance to speak to my dad and to my cousin.

  One thing is for sure. My mate will never be a rogue for as long as I'm alive.

  I decided the best thing to do at this moment is to sigh and turn her around so I can finally kiss her. She responded to my kiss and the sweetness of her makes me crave more. We devour each other with kisses and soon our hands can't be stopped from roaming freely on each other's body.

  When I couldn't take it anymore, I scooped her up in my arms and walked her to the bedroom. I didn't care that there were no sheets on the bed, I didn't care about anything, and I swear I'm the luckiest bastard on this Earth because Sam doesn't care either. She wants me as much as I want her and I'm prepared to take what the Moon Goddess created just for me.

  I lower her on the bed and trailing kisses on the sweet spot of her neck I reach under her shirt. Her skin is getting goose bumps wherever I touch her. This drives me crazy with desire. I look into her eyes to ask permission, and she nods slowly while panting. Her eyes are hooded, and I can smell how ready she is for this to happen. The throbbing in my trousers tells me how ready I am also.

  I skilfully undress her until she's left in only her underwear. She's wearing cute mismatched pink cotton bra and blue lace panties. She looks so fucking genuine and delicious. As I get up so I can undress myself, I admire the beauty before me. I start kissing her again slowly, making my way to her shoulders leaving little bite marks that she seems to go crazy for. I kiss every inch of her naked body to get her ready, and man she is so ready my erection hurts. I take a moment to enjoy her full but perky breasts and hear her sweet moans. As I dare to reach in her panties and run my fingers through her slick folds, she is almost tipping over. I want to see her drowning in pleasure, so I move her panties to the side and rub gentle circles on her bud. The sweet sounds she makes urges me to rub her clit harder and harder. She's so wet that my hand glides against her clit with ease. I kiss her senseless and she moans in my mouth, her body arching to get more pressure from my fingers and I gladly comply, causing her to reach her peak.

  I hold Sam in my arms as she rides the waves of pleasure and sensing she's ready I slowly and start gliding my tip across her sensitive folds. She whimpers in pleasure and I get coated in her juices, making my member ready to enter her. I start slowly, with putting just the tip in. How is she so tight? I can barely push myself in her. My eyes widen as I realise there is an additional barrier as I enter her a bit further. Fuck, my mate if a virgin, I can almost howl in delight. I manage to enter her, pausing to allow Sam to adjust to my size and get comfortable. She starts moving her hips to let me know she's ready for more. I growl and she kisses that away from me as I start pumping her faster and faster.

  “By the way, Happy birthday!” I whispered against her lips, and that sent her over the edge once more. I followed shortly after, not being able to contain it anymore. I pull out and cover her soft abdomen in my seed.

  17 - Accusation


  Best night ever! I smile as I start waking up from my deep slumber. My grin widens once I see the sleeping beauty peacefully laying next to me. Her soft snores are the cutest sound I have ever heard. She looks so vulnerable, yet so peaceful and content. That's how I want her to always be.

  I spent an amazing night with my mate, and I'm planning on being the perfect gentleman and surprise her with breakfast. This girl could use a little bit of kindness, and I haven't given her anything for her birthday. Well, other than a few mind blowing orgasms, that is.

  OK, well breakfast looks like it would be a challenge after all. I remember that since the protocol villa was not expecting any guests, there was no food in the fridge, not even a bottle of water. I will have to drive to our pack house, which thankfully it's close, and in total I shouldn't be gone for more than half an hour. When my mind is all made up with what sounds like the best plan, I slowly sneak out of the bed, not before placing a soft kiss on Samantha's shoulder. She stirs a bit but luckily she doesn't wake up. It takes all my willpower to leave her alone in this bed, when all I want to do is cuddle with her the whole day, but I have to be considerate of my mate, which means getting her some breakfast first.

  I almost burst out laughing when I caught a glimpse of myself in the floor length mirror. I look ridiculous slouching and tiptoeing out of the room like a failed Bond villain on his walk of shame.

  I could use the restroom but I don't want to risk making more noise than necessary, so I just make a beeline to my car and start driving towards the pack house. After a quick stop at the toilet I make myself more presentable and enter our private kitchen to make some breakfast. Luckily my mother is not here, she must be in the big kitchen cooking for the whole pack with the Omegas.

  The kitchen is empty and I start gathering all the ingredients I need, working my magic.

  I grin like an idiot at the memory or our first night together, how her body moved in sync with mine, how everything fit and made perfect sense. Still echoing in my mind are her sweet moans of pleasure and I mentally give myself a high five while waiting for the french toast to be ready. According to the video tutorial I just watched, it shouldn't be more than 2 minutes. I can't believe I'm cooking breakfast for a girl. I can't believe I'm cooking breakfast for my mate. I've found her. I can honestly say every woman before her is well forgotten now, they can't even begin to compare with Samatha in any aspect.

  Lost in my thoughts, I don't notice the kitchen door opening, so I jump slightly when I hear a surprised voice calling my name.

  “Jason, what are you doing home?” Oh, it's too early for this. Luder is fighting me for control. He wants to rip Marie apart, but I can't be the judge, jury and executioner. I won;t make the same mistakes my father clearly does. I want to know the full story in order to determine who is guilty and who is innocent. And who just got caught in some shith they can't get out of.

  “Tell me something, Marie. Why did you lie?”

  “I don't know what you're talking about, Jay.” I think my blunt question threw my cousin off. She seems nervous, a bit scared. She's hiding something.

  “I saw you meeting with Samantha Bailey last night. You did not seem to be afraid of her. You actually looked friendly, not to mention she seemed to contradict what you told us. From what I've hea
rd you two talking, she was genuinely concerned about your wellbeing.” I try to keep Samantha being my mate out of the discussion. Marie does not need to know this piece of information just yet.

  Marie takes a few whiffs and her eyes bulge out. Shit! I didn't take a shower, did I? I must smell like sex and Sam. An evil grin appears on Marie's face but before I blink and manage to say anything, her face changes into one of scared little girl's.

  “You don't understand, Jason. She's not what she seems. Samantha is very dangerous. Of course she knew you were there, you fell right in, the girl planned it all. She fucking planned it all to perfection!”

  Her screaming might alert someone in the house, so I tell her to keep it down, but in true Marie fashion she ignores me and her voice becomes even more high-pitched.

  “She's in cohorts with a dark witch and it appears that her latest plan actually worked. Oh Goddess, she got you to think you're her mate. Oh, no, this is bad, Jay. This is really bad. “ My cousins rambling is getting on my nerves almost as much as her talking shit about my mate. “Remember when you asked how she planned to get rid of you? Well, I guess now we know.” I decide to humour her crazy rambling, even though the feeling out doubt creeps it's way into me.

  “Do tell, Marie. Oh, do enlighten me.” I pretend to be bored with her antics, but that demonic feeling of doubt is getting deeper into my mind. Luder snarls at me clawing to get out and take full control. He is with Samantha no matter what, unlike me he can't be reasonable. For Luder, his mate is above all, but for me, as future Alpha of Crescent Moon, my pack's wellbeing and safety has to me above all, even my mate.

  “If you guys are mates, you would drop your guard near her, right? You would do anything for her, even die for her! Just think about this for a second.”

  And think, I did. The cat's out of the bag, I guess my reaction confirmed to Marie that indeed, Samatha and I are mates. I have to give it to my little she devil of a cousin, she makes a lot of sense. Her words make too much sense. The more I think about it, the more sense everything that happened yesterday makes. I ignore the smell of burnt buttery toast. Oh, Goddess, I'm such an idiot to fall right into Samantha's trap!


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