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Fight For The Highest Wolf Rank

Page 9

by Valery C. Kincade

  Of course she planned it all, and if she has a fucking witch helping her, then my family was right to be concerned. This is as bad as it gets, a direct threat to the Alpha family, to the core of the Crescent Moon pack.

  “I have to go. Do NOT tell anyone, especially my parents, anything about this!” I command Marie, anger dripping from my every word.

  “Where are you going, Jay?”

  I don't reply, she already knows too much of how I made a fool of myself allowing the enemy into my bed. Literally. At this rate, I'm not even sure I deserve to be the next, maybe the role should indeed go to Marie. She might not be much of a fighter, but she's way smarter than me, as she just proved.

  I get to the Porsche and get in speed away not caring about the thick cloud of dust I leave behind. The fight I'm currently having with Luder adds more fuel to the raging fire that's already burning in me.

  “If you do what I think you're going to do, I'm going to leave you for another human, I swear.”

  “Go ahead, I don't fucking care.”

  “You can't be an Alpha werewolf without the wolf part, you dumbass!”

  “I don't fucking care, Luder! Look at where having the wolf part got me. You made me roll over and at first sight of our goddamn mate, no questions asked. And there should have been questions, Luder! There should have fucking been questions, because I've put all the pack in danger. Goddess, she could have killed me last night and I would have fucking been glad to provide her with the murder weapon, that's how weak the mate bond made me.”

  “Our mate would never do that to us, she never would. I know that!”

  “And I know what I need to do to try and fix this, with or without your support.”

  18 - Birthday


  Finally my birthday is here.

  I got out of bed at 6 am, excited to start my big day. I'm not mad at where I am now in life. It's better than what I hoped for. I have my own place which I don't struggle to rent anymore, I still manage to go to school, even though I've accumulated some absences because I wanted to avoid trouble with my bullies. Oh, I've almost paid Carla back for the life saving loan that helped me get up on my feet. I'm actually in a good place, considering all the nasty stuff that has happened to me.

  I take a quick shower and wash my face, brushing my teeth and making sure that today I don't have pimples on my forehead or strains of hair out of place. Today I'll make an effort, the best effort I can, to look as appealing as possible. Not desperate, just appealing. You know, in case someone decides they like me enough to spare me a second glance.

  “Someone like... our mate?” I can already picture Ming wiggling her eyebrows and making kissy faces, and I chuckle,

  “You can say that. Maybe today's we'll find him.” I tell her full of hope.

  “Oh, make an effort Sam. Today's definitely the day!”

  To put it not so lightly, this is the day when I find out if I'm going to make it or break it. By this I mean there is a chance I might find my mate, and if the Moon Goddess finally takes some pity on me, he might take me away from my pack. That was and still is the dream for me. The other option, and the most likely one, the one that I have spent countless nights thinking it through, is that I don't find my mate, but I will be 18 which means I am officially an adult who can decide what she wants to do with her life from now on. The plan is to leave Crescent Moon pack, and if all goes well, ask Luke to accept me in the Blood Moon pack. There is a third possibility, one I'm not particularly fond of (I mean, who would be?) that I find my mate and he... well, he rejects me. Ming keeps insisting that would never happen, that she feels today will be that day that I meet him, but I'm mentally prepared for the heartbreak of being rejected, which means I will then continue with the plan from option two, to leave Crescent Moon.

  Jennifer, Ryan, Carla, Luke and Rudy surprised me with brunch at The Hound. I walked in and instantly got teary eyed to see they all took the time to celebrate me, and Carla even closed the pub off for other customers. It was just us, and I had a lot of fun with them. I really wish Marie could have joined us, but I know her family watches her like a hawk and I wouldn't want her to get in trouble. She did text me to say 'happy birthday' and that's more than enough for now. I couldn't help but feel slight disappointment when I saw Luke, and I got the confirmation that he is most definitely NOT my mate. OK, I'm totally lying, the disappointment was major and judging by Luke's face, the feeling was mutual.

  I dared to hope for a second that neither of us will ever find their mate so that we can be chosen mates, but Ming's snarls and unpleasant name calling made me snap out of it. It wouldn't be fair to anyone. Everything always happens for a reason, maybe Luke's mate is out there waiting for him or searching for him and they will meet soon.

  Rudy came up with the Idea that I sing in the opening of open mic night for change, instead of closing it. Carla agreed that I should sing and then just hang out, enjoying myself. not working. She said to consider it a birthday treat, and I reluctantly agreed. I would stay at the pub anyways because I didn't have anywhere else to go, but if I would see them struggling, I would happily jump in to help wait on some tables.

  Luke and Ryan were meant to be busy tonight anyway, and Jennifer wanted to volunteer at the clinic tonight for some more medical training.

  The whole day went by quickly and before I knew it, I was getting ready in Carla's office. I had to lose my apron and fix my hair a bit. I decide to untie it and leave it flowing down my back. My pink hair is back and I love it.

  As soon as I step out of the office, I catch a whiff of something, but I can't just put my finger on it. Ming is getting excited, and I dare to hope it may be my mate. I sniff with my nose high in the air but I can't sense that amazing smell again.

  Carla's announcement and the excited clapping of our customers break my train of thought and I start walking towards the stage.

  For a moment I forget all about the amazing scent I caught earlier, all about my problems, all about the world. I start singing and the crowd goes dead silent as they feel my singing. Yes, they feel my singing because it's not just sound. It's emotion, my emotion and I share it with them.

  Just so I can better tap in my emotion, I usually close my eyes when I sing, but as I was taking a deep breath in preparing for the chorus, that scent made its way to me again. I snap my eyelids open and my eyes instantly connect with Crescent Moon's future Alpha, Jason Wright.

  I have no idea how I managed to finish that song with so many things going through my mind a million miles an hours, but I did it, and as soon as I was done I just dashed towards Carla's office.

  “What's wrong, kid?” Rudy's concerned voice can be heard even before he opened the office door. “Did something happen? Why did you run off like that?”

  “I found my mate, Rudy.” The old man's face lights up and a big, genuine smile replaces his earlier frown.

  “But why are hiding in here, though?” Rudy's smile falters again. “Who is he? Is it someone from your pack, one of your bullies?”

  “Worse. Rudy.” He motions me to explain, and I comply. “He's the next Alpha.”

  “Oh, I see. Has he even been one of the guys that bullied you?”

  I had to think about that for a second, and I realized that Jason never did anything to me. If anything he just ignored me and kept his distance, mostly because him and Marie do not like each other one bit. More than that, he went away to his Alpha training right after the ranking ceremony and he wasn't involved in my sentencing either.

  “To be honest, Rudy, he's never done anything to me.” I shily look at the door.

  “Then give him a chance, kiddo. Worse this that can happen, he can reject you and you can move on from that pack.”

  “You're right. Thank you. I mean it.” And I did mean it. Rudy has become the closest thing I have to a father and he is doing a great job.

  I stop by the bar to ask Carla if she has seen Jason and she tells me he left shortly after I ran off the
stage and into her office. She gave me a knowing look, letting me know that she caught on about who Jason is. If she hadn't, Rudy will fill her in as soon as I walk out.

  I tried to look for him in front of the pub but couldn't see him anywhere, so I ran back inside and exited through the door only employees use when accepting deliveries. As soon as I stepped in the yard I felt a cold chill run down my spine. I shrugged it off and started to look around but I didn't get far because Marie has surprised me by engulfing me in a tight hug. Oh, Goddess! She 's risking too much by being here, but it did melt my heart that she wanted to wish me a happy birthday in person. We chatted for a few minutes but we heard someone approaching and she took off.

  That was a really close call. My heart beating out of my chest at the thought of what could have happened. Luckily there was just a group of human boys out for a smoke and they quickly left, not even minding me.

  As I finally start to breathe again, I hear a car door and look across the street to see Jason. Our eyes lock once again and he starts walking, approaching me fast.

  I'm completely frozen, I don't even know how to react, but I am bracing myself to be rejected on the spot. As the minutes pass and he doesn't reject me, he only looks at me with kind eyes, I start to relax a bit.

  “Come with me.” He asked, nay he TOLD me, and I followed like a good little mate, trembling but not in fear. I was mesmerized and completely speechless. I felt safe. Oh Goddess, Jason Wright is my mate. Ming is howling ecstatic one second and then purring away like a bipolar feline the other. My senses were in complete overdrive, and for the first time in the last few months I felt that everything was good again in the world, in my world. I felt like my punishment was over and I will be alright, finally.

  I had found him, or more like he had found me. My mate, my Alpha, my saviour. Flashes of memories from that night in the woods came rushing to my mind. He was the only one that checked in on me, in his own way. Could he have sensed that there's something special about me? Did he know I was his mate back then? Ming told he didn't know, but she instantly connected with his wolf, so I believed her. He knows now and that's all that matters to me.

  Everything that happened after he took my hand in his kind of flew by. I got so scared when he told me he's taking me to the pack house, but he found a better (and safer) solution. On the car ride to the protocol villa I noticed how his hair was so much shorter than usual, the bad boy vibes being replaced by confident young man ones. I wondered what his Alpha training is like and how is he adjusting to the idea of taking over so much responsibilities at such a young age. A big part of me wishes that he is nothing like his father. Once we started talking, I dared to ask him about that, and the conversation flowed like we had done this a million times before. He told be about his Aspirations and how he plans to lead the pack and I was pleasantly surprised to see that it sounded a lot like what is doing with Blood Moon back. I obviously refrained from telling that out loud, because earlier I noticed Jason's body stiffening at the new that Luke had been my saviour more than once.

  I can't even begin to describe how wonderful our night was. It was truly the perfect first time. And Jason was so careful and attentive, yet so rough and commanding, a perfect balance between man and beast to ensure maximum pleasure.

  Falling asleep in Jason's strong arms has got to be the highlight of my birthday.

  Now I truly get what Jennifer was talking about, and how amazing everything feels with your mate. That was the last thing I thought of before sleep completely took over me. The sense of security and love made me have the best sleep of my life, even if we were sleeping on a bare mattress.

  19 - Shattered


  I woke up the next day after meeting my mate and spending an amazing night with him. I start by smiling like a Cheshire cat first, and then bam! This isn't like a usual wake-up for me, where my eyelids slowly flutter open and I toss and turn from side to side lazily. No, this time my eyes shoot wide open and I start looking around the room which seems to be different from what it was last night in dim lighting and in the midst of our passion. I just lay in bed, being completely still for a moment, trying to piece together what happened, good memories coming all to me at once like an avalanche. I literally go through all stages of grief when I realise that there is nobody else in the room with me. Yes, I woke up the next day after losing my virginity naked, cold, and most painfully, alone.

  I scan the room with sleepy eyes and there's definitely no trace of Jason. I even strain my ears and listen carefully, thinking (or more like hoping) that he might have gone to the bathroom, or even downstairs, but no noise was heard. Not a single peep. Fucking awesome, I mutter to myself.

  Jason's scent on the pillows and mattress is starting to fade faster than I would have liked, so I put one and one together and gathered he must have left before I woke up. Great, he didn't even want to see me after what we did last night. Was it because I was inexperienced?

  I find my clothes that are scattered all over the room and get dressed as quickly as possible, while trying to push down the ever growing feeling of dread. I would kill to take a shower right now, wash away everything, but I don't want to waste any more time by being in this house. What the hell have I done? Trying my best not to feel or look like a disposable whore, I tidy up the bed quickly and move towards the bedroom door. I both love and hate it that I still smell like him, like us, I bet he took a shower and scrubbed himself clean of me as soon as he could.

  I just want to go home and bawl my eyes out at how disgusting and cheap I feel, at how he made me feel by not being next to me the morning after. Ming is not in a good mood either, apparently she was expecting Jason to mark us, his wolf apparently wanted to, but Jason didn't. I have to be honest, I am glad that didn't happen, especially since things are not looking too bright right now. I panic search the room until I finally find my shoes, with unnecessary difficulty, and put them on quickly, not even bothering with tying the shoelaces.

  Just as I was opening the door, praying that there won't be anyone around to see me, Jason pushes the door open, his woody and pine scent almost knocking me out. Well, his scent and the door, because It almost hit me in my face. He doesn't just smell like himself though, he smells like us and that makes my heart race again.

  I jump startled like a cat burglar caught in the act (or more like a whore caught on her walk of shame, I think). I watched my mate taking a deep breath and the hairs on the back of my neck instantly stood up, and not in a good way like last night. He looks so cold and angry and like he's having an inner battle with his wolf. What the hell happened? I don't get why he's so mad about, I thought our time together went great, amazing even, but clearly I had been mistaken.

  Looking into Jason's stormy eyes I can already feel this won't end up well for me, but he is my mate, surely he wouldn't....

  “Listen, Samantha, you can't tell anyone about us! Nobody can know what happened, you understand me?”

  He sounds so desperate, if I didn't know better, I would think he wanted to protect me from something. But I do know better, I can feel it, so I swallow the lump that was forming in my throat just like I've swallowed my pride.

  Oh well, at least he didn't reject me. I think, looking desperately for a positive in all this nightmare. He might want to keep us a secret, he might even not want to ever see me again, but at least he didn't reject me.

  He takes a deep breath and looks me dead in the eyes once more. As a response to his intense stare I gulp again.

  “I, Jason Wright - Alpha reject you, Samantha Bailey - Omega.”

  Ah, and there you have it. Stupid me to think this wasn't coming next.

  Ming howls long and painfully. My body also betrays me and I let out a small whimper. Jason's hands shoot towards my shoulders, but he stops before touching me. He was supposed to be my saviour. I was made only for him and he was made for me, he should be the one to love me unconditionally, not hurt me beyond repair. Why do this? What the point of spe
nding such an amazing night together is to reject me the next day? Why would he share with me all his dreams and future plans, why would he care about what I've been through and vow to make it all better, when ultimately he would administer the most fatal blow?

  In return, I also look him right in the eyes and although my vision is blurry with unshed tears, I could have sworn there was regret showing in his stormy eyes. Why has the Moon Goddess been so cruel to me? Can't this end already? Haven't I endured enough, for fuck sake?

  I feel the trembling in my body as I'm getting closer and closer to a complete breakdown.

  I know he's waiting for me to say it back. Ming howls again, this time louder, begging me not to say it back, begging me to fight and not to accept his rejection. But who am I to fight against his wishes and force him, when it's clear that he doesn't want me.

  Nobody will ever want me, but I do love Jason. Realisation hits me hard. I do love the bastard. He is my soul mate and I can't ignore the feelings that bloomed inside of me once I recognised our bond and once we mated. And because I love him and I care about him, I will offer him exactly what he wants. At least I can offer him something, anything that can make him happy somehow.

  I take a deep breath of my own and carefully prepare to say all the right words.

  “I, Samantha Bailey Omega, accept your rejection, Alpha Jason Wright.” With a shaky voice and stubborn tears rolling down my cheeks, I manage to say the words and accept his rejection. This will break our bond. My heart is broken already, my soul is too.

  And I was bracing myself for the avalanche of pain I was meant to feel as the bond broke, but asides from the pain I was already feeling, there was nothing. Jason seemed relieved for a second and then he just looked puzzled.


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