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The Gift

Page 27

by Julie Garwood

  “It’s too hot for a swim,” Sara argued.

  Nathan said nothing.

  “I’m not suitably attired for the water,” she continued.

  “Too bad.”

  “I’ll get my hair wet.”

  “That you will.”

  She gave up. His mind was set on this course of action, she supposed, and it was wasted effort to try to reason with him.

  The broken path was narrow. She held onto the back of Nathan’s shirt when the climb became steep. She was just beginning to get weary of their hike when the sound of the waterfall caught her attention.

  Eager to see a bit of paradise, as Nora had called it, she passed her husband and took the lead.

  The foliage was dense around them, and the sweet scent of wildflowers filled the air. Sara felt as though she was in the center of a kaleidoscope of colors. The green of the leaves was the most vivid color she’d ever seen, save for Nathan’s beautiful eyes, she told herself, and the pink, orange, and bright red flowers sprinkled about by Mother Nature’s whim seemed to blossom before her eyes.

  It really was a paradise. That admission carried with it the worry of a serpent.

  Nathan had just lifted a fat branch out of the path and motioned for Sara to go ahead.

  “Should I worry about snakes?” she asked him in a whisper.


  “Why not?” she asked, hoping he’d tell her there weren’t any of the horrid reptiles on the island.

  “I’ll worry for you,” he said instead.

  Her fear increased. “What will you do if a snake bites you?” she asked as she passed him.

  “Bite him back,” Nathan drawled.

  That ludicrous remark made her laugh. “You would, wouldn’t you?”

  She came to an abrupt stop and let out a gasp of pleasure. “Oh, Nathan, it’s so lovely here.”

  He silently agreed with her. The waterfall poured down over the smooth rocks and fell into a froth in the pool at the bottom.

  Nathan took hold of Sara’s hand again and led her to the ledge behind the waterfall. The area was very like a hidden cave, and when they’d reached the center the water became a curtain shielding them from the world.

  “Take your clothes off, Sara, while I see how deep it is here.”

  He didn’t give her time to argue with that command but turned to lean against the rock to take off his boots.

  Sara took his apple, added her own, and placed both on the rock behind her. She put her hand out to touch the water flowing down and was surprised that it wasn’t overly cold to the touch.

  “I’ll just sit here and dangle my feet in the water,” she announced.

  “Take your clothes off, Sara.”

  She turned to argue with her husband and found he’d stripped out of all his garments. Before she could even blush he’d disappeared through the curtain of water into the pool below.

  Sara folded her husband’s clothes and put them way back against the wall. She then removed her dress, her shoes, her stockings, and her petticoats. She left her chemise on.

  Then she sat down close to the edge and let the water pour over her feet. She was just about to relax when Nathan caught hold of her feet and pulled her into the water. It felt too wonderful to protest. The sun was bright, and the drops of water seemed to glisten on Nathan’s bronzed shoulders.

  The water came to the middle of his chest. It was so clear, she could see to the bottom. Nathan’s muscular thighs drew her immediate notice. He was such a fit man, she thought to herself. He was terribly gentle with her when he pulled her into his arms.

  She wrapped herself around him and rested the side of her face on his shoulder.

  “You’re very trusting,” he whispered. “Stand up. Let’s see if the water covers your head.”

  She did as he requested. The water reached her mouth, but when she tilted her head all the way back she could breathe without difficulty.

  “This is nice, isn’t it?” she asked.

  Nathan was trying to concentrate on the swimming lesson he was about to give, but her soft body kept getting in his way. The thinner-than-air chemise she wore clung to her breasts, and all he really wanted to do was make sweet love to her.

  Hell, he thought, he had the discipline of a gnat when she was near. “All right, then,” he began in a brisk, no-nonsense voice. “The first thing you’re going to learn is how to float.”

  Sara wondered why Nathan was frowning so, then decided he was being brisk so she wouldn’t try to argue with him. “If you say so, Nathan.”

  “You’re going to have to let go of me, Sara.”

  She immediately did as he ordered. She slipped under the water when she lost her anchor and her balance, and she came up sputtering. Nathan lifted her up by holding her around the waist, then ordered her to stretch out on her back.

  Sara was floating without his assistance in little time. He was more pleased over her accomplishment than she appeared to be. “That’s enough instruction for one day,” she announced. She grabbed hold of his arm to balance herself and then tried to nag him into taking her back to the ledge.

  Nathan pulled her into his arms. His touch was gentle as he brushed her hair out of her face. Her soft breasts rubbed against his chest. He took his time lowering the straps. Sara didn’t realize her husband’s intent until her chemise was down around her waist.

  She opened her mouth to protest. He silenced her with a long wet kiss. The sound of the waterfall drowned out his low growl of desire. Her knees went weak when his tongue moved inside her mouth. He swept her resistance completely away. She threw her arms around his neck and held him tight.

  Nathan worked the chemise down her legs, then lifted her higher until he was pressed tight against the junction of her thighs. She felt so incredibly good to him. Kissing her wasn’t enough anymore. He pulled back and looked into her eyes.

  “I want you.”

  “I always want you, Nathan,” she whispered.

  “Now, Sara,” he said. “I want you now.”

  Her eyes widened. “Here?”

  He nodded. “Here,” he said in a low groan. “And now, Sara. I don’t want to wait.”

  Even as he told her his intent he was pulling her legs up around his waist. He was kissing her wildly, demanding her response.

  Oh, how easily he could make her want him, she thought. Sara was trembling with raw need when he asked her if she was ready for him. She couldn’t even speak. Her nails scraped his shoulders in answer, and she let out a little sigh of pleasure when he began to ease inside her.

  Nathan captured her mouth for a long kiss, and when her tongue touched his he thrust deep inside. She tightened around him.

  They both almost drowned. Neither minded. And when they found their fulfillment they were both left spent from the bliss they’d just shared.

  Sara didn’t have the strength to walk to the ledge. Nathan carried her there and placed her on the rock next to the waterfall. The sun beat down on her, but Sara didn’t mind the heat. She was still feeling happy and lethargic from their lovemaking.

  Nathan lifted himself up on the ledge and sat beside Sara. He couldn’t stop himself from touching her. He kissed the top of her head, then the ticklish spot behind her ear. She fell back against the rock and closed her eyes. “It’s quite remarkable what happens when we make love, isn’t it, Nathan?” she whispered.

  He rolled to his side, propped himself on one elbow, and stared down at her. His fingers slowly circled her breasts, smiling when he saw the goosebumps his touch caused.

  Sara had never felt so wonderful. The heat from the rock against her back warmed her, and her husband’s touch made her shiver at the same time. She didn’t think it was possible for her to want him again so soon, but when he began to nuzzle the valley between her breasts desire flared again.

  She couldn’t stop herself from arching up against him. He was driving her mad with his light, teasing caresses. He bathed each breast with his mouth, his tongue, and whe
n he next looked into her eyes he saw the passion there, the need. His fingers tickled a path down her stomach. He teased her navel. She drew her stomach in. His hand moved down lower, and when his fingers slipped inside her she let out a low groan.

  “You’re wet for me, aren’t you, Sara?”

  She was too embarrassed to answer him. She tried to move his hand away. He wouldn’t let her. And then he leaned down and began to make love to her with his mouth. His tongue made her lose her control. She writhed beneath him. She never wanted the sweet torture to end.

  Her movements made him hard again. Just when he felt her tighten around him he moved between her legs and thrust deep inside her. Sara found her release then. The climax was so shattering, so consuming, she thought she’d died and gone to heaven.

  Nathan was there with her. He let out a low groan and poured his seed into her.

  Sara was too weak to move. Nathan thought his weight must be crushing her. With extreme effort he braced himself up with his elbows.

  When he saw her bemused expression he smiled. “If we fall into the water now, we’re going to drown.”

  She smiled up at him through her tears. She reached up and touched his mouth. “You wouldn’t ever let anything happen to me. Do you have to go away tomorrow?”

  He had started to turn away from her but her question stopped him. “Yes,” he answered.

  “I see.”

  God, she sounded forlorn. “What exactly do you see?” he asked. He nudged her chin up when she tried to turn her face away. “Sara?”

  Because she couldn’t come right out and ask him if he was going pirating, she decided not to say anything at all.

  “Are you going to miss me, wife?” he asked.

  She was nearly undone by the tenderness in his gaze. “Yes, Nathan,” she whispered. “I will miss you.”

  “Then come with me.”

  Her eyes widened in astonishment. “You would let me come with you?” she stammered out. “But that means you aren’t going . . . I did jump to conclusions. You have put it all behind you.”

  “Sara, what are you rambling about?”

  She pulled his head down for a kiss. “I’m happy you would let me come with you, that’s all,” she explained. She sat up and leaned against his side. “I don’t need to go with you now. It’s quite enough to know you’d let me.”

  “Quit talking in circles,” Nathan ordered. “And while I’m thinking about it, I want you to explain what was going on in your head earlier today. You were upset about something. Tell me what it was.”

  “I was afraid you wouldn’t come back for me,” Sara blurted out. It was a lie, of course, but her arrogant husband couldn’t possibly know that. In fact, he looked quite pleased by her statement.

  “I would never forget to come back for you,” he countered. “But I’m talking about before, Sara.”

  “Before what?”

  “Before you even knew I was leaving to get supplies. You were acting oddly then.”

  “I was feeling sorry for myself because my time with Nora was soon going to end. I shall miss her, Nathan.”

  He gave her a fierce look while he tried to make up his mind if she was telling the truth or not. Then she smiled at him and told him she was once again ready to go back into the water. “I haven’t quite mastered this floating business yet,” she said.

  Husband and wife stayed in the pool most of the afternoon. They ate their apples as they made their way back down the mountain. Sara’s delicate skin was already beginning to burn. Her face was as red as the sunset.

  When Nathan put his arm around her shoulder she let out a squeal. He was immediately contrite.

  Nora met them at the kitchen door. “Matthew and Jimbo and I held dinner so that . . . goodness, Sara, you’re as red as a beet. Oh, child, you’re going to suffer tonight. Whatever were you thinking of?”

  “I didn’t think about the sun,” Sara replied. “I was having such a good time.”

  “What were you doing? Were you swimming all the while?” Nora asked.

  “No,” Nathan answered when his wife glanced up at him. He smiled at her and then turned back to Nora. “As a matter of fact, we were—”

  “Floating,” Sara blurted out. “I’ll just be a minute, Aunt, while I change my clothes and brush my hair. You really shouldn’t have waited for us,” she added over her shoulder as she rushed toward the stairs.

  Nathan caught her at the bottom step. He slowly turned her around, then tilted her chin up and kissed her. It was a long, lingering kiss that made her feel she was going to swoon. It wasn’t like him to show such affection in front of others, she realized, and he never kissed her unless he wanted to make love to her . . . or shut her up, she knew. Since he looked too exhausted to make love again, and since she hadn’t been arguing with him, she could come to only one conclusion. Nathan was being affectionate just because he wanted to.

  She was further confused when he leaned down and whispered into her ear, “I thought what we did all afternoon was called making love, wife, but if you prefer to call it floating, that’s fine with me.”

  Her face was too sunburned for anyone to know if she was blushing or not. She smiled up at him even as she shook her head at him. He was teasing her. Good God, Nathan had a sense of humor, too. It was too much to take in all at once.

  Then he gifted her with a slow wink. She knew she’d died and gone to heaven then. The sunburn didn’t matter any longer, nor did her audience of Jimbo, Matthew, and Nora. Sara threw herself into Nathan’s arms and kissed him soundly. “Oh, I do love you so,” she cried out.

  She wasn’t even disappointed when he grunted in reply and didn’t shout his love for her then and there. It was too soon for him to tell her what was in his heart, she decided. The feelings were too fresh, too new, and Nathan was quite stubborn. It might take him another six months before he could finally say the words she wanted to hear. She could wait, she told herself. She was, after all, patient and understanding. Besides, in her heart she already knew he loved her, and the fact that he wasn’t ready to know it didn’t bother her at all.

  She didn’t make it downstairs for dinner. Once Nathan had helped her remove her gown she seemed to swell up, and the thought of putting any clothing against her burning skin made her want to scream.

  Nora provided a bottle of green paste. Sara carried on something fierce while Nathan gently applied the sticky lotion to her back and shoulders. Fortunately the front of her hadn’t been burned. She slept on her stomach, and when she couldn’t stand the shivers she slept on Nathan.

  The next day Nathan didn’t make a single rude remark when he kissed Sara good-bye. He pretended he didn’t mind looking at the mask of green paste covering her face.

  Sara spent the next two days with her aunt. The Reverend Mr. Pickering came back for a second visit. He was much more civil. Sara explained the reason she’d used such foul words in his presence. Pickering broke into a smile. He looked relieved by her confession, and his manner toward Aunt Nora warmed considerably.

  During the course of their visitation the reverend mentioned that there was a ship leaving for England the following morning. Sara immediately went to her aunt’s desk and penned a letter to her mother. She told all about her adventure, how happy she was, and boasted that Nathan had turned out to be a kind, considerate, loving husband. Reverend Mr. Pickering took the missive with him to give to the captain of the vessel.

  When Nathan came back the following morning Sara was so happy to see him that she burst into tears. They spent a peaceful day together and fell asleep wrapped in each other’s arms.

  Sara couldn’t believe it was possible to be so happy. Being married to Nathan was like living in paradise. Nothing could ever destroy their love. Nothing.

  She wished everyone could be as happy and made that remark to Nora and Matthew late one evening. The three of them sat in wicker chairs on the verandah while they waited for Nathan to return from an errand.

  “I believe Matthew a
nd I know exactly what you’re talking about,” Nora announced. “One doesn’t have to be young to experience love, my dear. Matthew, are you ready for a brandy?”

  “I’ll fetch it,” Sara volunteered.

  “You’ll stay put,” Nora countered. She stood up and started for the door. “Your burn’s still tender. Keep Matthew company. I’ll be right back.”

  As soon as the door closed behind Nora Matthew whispered, “She’s too good for me, Sara, but I’m not going to let that stand in my way. As soon as I put my affairs in order I’m coming back to live out my days with your aunt. How are you feeling about that?”

  Sara clasped her hands together. “Oh, Matthew, I think that’s wonderful news. We must have the wedding ceremony before we leave for England. I don’t want to miss the celebration.”

  Matthew looked uncomfortable. “Well, now, Sara, I didn’t exactly mention marriage, did I?”

  She bounded out of her chair. “You’d best mention it now, Matthew, or you aren’t ever coming back here. A single night of passion is one thing, sir, but a plan to live out the rest of your days in sin is quite another. Think of Nora’s reputation!”

  “I am thinking about Nora’s reputation,” Matthew defended. “She couldn’t marry me. It wouldn’t be right. I’m not worthy enough.”

  The seaman stood up and stared out toward the sea. Sara walked over and jabbed him in his stomach with her finger. “You bloody well are worthy enough. Don’t you dare insult yourself to me, sir.”

  “Sara, I’ve led a . . . speckled life,” Matthew stammered.

  “And?” she asked.

  “And I’m only a seaman,” he said.

  Sara shrugged. “Nora’s first husband was a groom. He was probably just as speckled as you think you are,” she added. “Nora was blissfully happy with her Johnny. She must like speckled men. Nora confessed to me that you are a dear, tenderhearted man, Matthew. I know you love her. She must love you, too, if she let you into her bed. As I said to Nathan not long ago, this would solve many problems. Uncle Henry wouldn’t send anyone after Nora if he knew she had someone strong to protect her. You’ll look after her interests. And I would be so very proud to call you Uncle.”


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