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Convict Blood

Page 19

by Ward, Vivian

  My eyes stare blankly at the floor as I replay everything in my mind and try to make sense of it all.

  Handing me a cool, wet cloth, he places it on my jaw. “Hold this there,” he says. “There’s a lot of swelling in that area. Did he hit you?” Henry asks, breaking my thoughts.

  Dazed, I look up at him as I repeat the question in my head and nod.

  “That bloody bastard,” he says. “I hope he dies out there. If he doesn’t, I’ll make sure that he does.”

  Speechless, I stare at him, trying to understand him. Is he still angry with me? Does he still care about us? What does he want and why is he here?

  “Thank you,” I say again. He answers with a nod. “I’m not sure why he came for me—for us,” I correct myself.

  “That bloody bastard has been watching you, Vic.” I stare in amazement as to how insightful he is. How does he know so much? “I told you, I listen and pay attention. We might not be on the best terms but you’re still my wife and the mother of my little girl.”

  My chest feels heavy with guilt. It’s almost as though a massive weight is sucking the air from my lungs, robbing me of my breath.

  “Henry, I can never tell you how sorry I am but in my heart of hearts, you have always—and still do—mean everything to me. When I thought you were gone, I mourned your loss. I felt as though I’d lost my other half—my best half. It wasn’t easy,” I cry out, reliving the feelings that I’d dealt with when I thought he’d died.

  Sitting beside me, he wraps me in his arms, cradling me against his chest. “Tell me something, Vic,” he says, pushing my hair back from my tear-stained face. “Did you love him? Why did you do it?”

  Biting my quivering lip, I look him dead in the eyes. “At first, I protested him. I resented him,” I add. “But as time went on, he tried to help me find you but he couldn’t. You weren’t on the manifest and I was sure that you’d boarded the same boat. He did things to make sure that Lizzy and I were taken care of, and, eventually, we developed feelings for each other.”

  His eyebrows arch in surprise, “You looked for me? And he helped you?”

  I nod. “Yes, I talked about you all the time. He kept checking over the manifest and tried to help me find you but as people died, their names were dropped from the list since they no longer had to be accounted for and new lists were made.”

  “Oh, Vic,” he says, hugging me.

  “And when there wasn’t enough food, he made sure that Lizzy and I didn’t do without—and when it got cold, he gave us extra blankets so we wouldn’t freeze to death.”

  “Why would he do all of that for you? You must’ve been giving him something in return,” he says with a hint of conviction in his voice.

  My eyes cast down to the ground. “At first, it wasn’t willingly, but over time, it became that.”

  “Bloody hell, Vic! You were assaulted by an officer and you didn’t report it?”

  My mouth opens in protest. “Who am I going to tell? Another officer who was already having sex with other convicts? What was I supposed to do?”

  He thinks about it for a moment and says, “You’re right. I suppose there wasn’t much you could do.”

  “I tried to kill him once,” I admit. “He’d locked me in his room and I made a plan to kill him and get out, but he overpowered me. That’s when I knew it was better not to fight it because he could do whatever he wanted, but, eventually, he started treating me with kindness. He even broke into the doc’s office to steal medicine for Lizzy and me when we were very sick.”

  Lacing his fingers in mine, we lock eyes with each other. “It sounds like maybe he did care for you. That’s not something that most people would do.”

  I shake my head, “No, it isn’t. I’m telling you, Henry, he tried to help me find you. Yes, he assaulted me, but he also took care of me.”

  “If he saved yours and Lizzy’s life, I’m kind of glad that you were involved with him,” he confesses. “We saw a lot of people die from illness.”

  “As did we,” I confirm. “So many people died.”

  “Same on my fleet, too.”

  A question that’s been plaguing my mind suddenly returns and I must ask him. “We were supposed to board the same ship. What happened? Why did you board another boat?”

  “I was pulled at the last minute and there was nothing that I could do about it. I tried to get your attention but you were with an officer and I didn’t want to get either of us in trouble because it looked like you were already in some sort of argument, so I asked one of the men that I was chained to to let you know. I guess he never did.”

  My mouth drops open in surprise. “No, nobody ever told me anything,” I gasp. “Do you know who it was?”

  “I don’t, and I’ve looked for him but haven’t seen him. Maybe he didn’t make it.”

  Shocked at this new information, I don’t know what to make of all this. “I wish he would’ve found me and told me. I asked everyone about you.”

  We spend the rest of the evening talking, sharing various experiences during our voyages. It must be well past midnight when we realize that the mass destruction and chaos is still going on outside. “I don’t know how to say this, but do you think you could stay here tonight? I understand if you don’t want to,” I quickly add, not wanting to put him on the spot or force him to do anything he doesn’t want to do.

  A worried look crosses his face, “Vic, I’d be worried if you didn’t ask. Of course, I’ll stay and protect you.”

  Relief washes over me and I relax as I scoot over to make room for him to lie next to me, but, much to my dismay, he gets up and sits in front of the door. “I’ll keep watch here,” he says.

  I’m hurt but understand. It’s too much too soon. Even if he won’t sleep next to me, at least I know that he understands how and why things happened, and that we’re at least on talking terms.

  “Good night, Henry,” I say, turning over to go to sleep.

  “Good night, Vic,” a heavy sigh escapes his lips. “Sleep well.”

  Since the night of my attack, Henry hasn’t left our side. Alan isn’t dead but we both know what would happen if he were to kill him now. Doing it in self-defense or to protect another person is one thing, but doing it because you have a grudge is another.

  One of the best things about him being here the past few weeks is that we were able to explain to Lizzy that he’s her father, and that he was on another boat that was following us here. Her eyes lit up with excitement at the thought of her dad following us here on another ship because he wanted to be with us. Both of us laughed and teared up a little at her revelation, but it’s better that she thinks of it this way for now. We can properly explain things when she gets older. In fact, we intend to tell her everything about where we came from, her other family members, and how we came to Botany Bay.

  Henry finally started sleeping next to me, but we have yet to have sex. I guess I should be happy that at least he’s back in our lives right now, but I miss him. I miss being with him.

  “Here, let me help you,” he says as I try to rock Jesse to sleep with no luck.

  He’s never offered to help care for him, so it catches me off-guard. “Huh?” I ask.

  “You’ve been having a rough time with him all day and look exhausted, let me take over for a bit. Go get some rest.” I look over at Lizzy as she pretends to make a recipe from dirt, rocks, grass, and some tiny seeds. She’s so creative. “I’ve got her, too,” he says, waving me off. “I can take care of my own daughter.”

  With no real choice in the matter, I hand over Jesse and make my way to bed. Normally, I turn over, facing the wall, but I like watching him with the children. There’s something sexy about the way he plays with them and talks to them, and how they interact with and respond to him.

  It doesn’t take long for me to fall fast asleep. It’s comforting to know that I have him here, protecting us, and watching over us. As long as he’s here, I know that we have nothing to worry about.

At some point, I wake up, hot and sweaty. The heat has been excruciating, even in the middle of the night. It feels like we’re all baking in the depths of hell no matter what time of day it is.

  I barely open my eyes in hopes to go back to sleep but what I notice is Henry’s arm moving in a slow, rhythmic motion and I can’t take my eyes off of him. He’s lying next to me, facing the opposite direction, slowly stroking his cock.

  I can’t believe he’s jacking off right next to me! A million thoughts race through my mind of all the things I could do right now, but I know that this could be my chance to be with him and I’m not going to waste it.

  Slowly reaching over his side, I wrap my hand around his and he instantly stops.

  “Keep going,” I whisper.

  Together, with my hand over his, we stroke his cock. I’ve wanted to be with him for so long that my breathing becomes erratic as he slides his hand over mine so that I’m stroking him.

  “Mmmm,” he moans. “It’s been a while, aye?”

  “Too long. Turn over,” I tell him.

  Rolling onto his back, his hardened length is very visible—even in the dark. Sitting up, I lean over and take him into my mouth, sucking and licking him from his tip to his base.

  “Bloody hell, Vic,” his husky voice says.

  I get beside him on my knees and slide him all the way down my throat until my mouth is touching his base and continue licking and sucking, taking him in and out of my mouth.

  His fingers make their way up my thighs until they’re touching my wetness. He moans as he slides them inside me and I gasp at his touch. It feels like it’s been an eternity.

  Spreading my legs wide for him, I give him all the access he wants. As his fingers move faster and harder, I pick up my pace to match his, sucking him harder and faster.

  “Fuck,” he whispers. “You’ve got to stop or I’m going to explode.”

  In one swift motion, he scoops me up in his arms and climbs on top of me. We look into each other’s eyes before our lips crash into one other. Hard and needy, we kiss as though our lives depend on it.

  I need this.

  He needs this.

  We both need this.

  Breathless and excited, our hands explore every inch of each other’s bodies as though we’ve never felt them before. His body is much thinner and more muscular than I remember, and I can’t stop touching him. I’ve wanted to touch him since the day I found out that he was still alive and now I’m finally able to do it. Needing him inside of me, I wrap my legs around his waist and pull my hips close to his.

  He slides right in and fills me completely. The familiarity of feeling him inside me sends waves of pleasure throughout my body.

  “Oh, Vic, I’ve missed this,” he says, sliding out before pushing himself back into me.

  “Me too,” I whisper. “More than you could ever know.”

  Having him inside me is more than just sex, though. It signifies so much more.



  Hope for a future together.

  “I love you, Vic,” he whispers, kissing my neck as his hot breath tickles my ear. “I never stopped.”

  “I love you, too,” I whisper back, wrapping my legs around him tighter, pushing him deeper inside of me.

  Picking up his pace, he pushes into me harder, faster, and much deeper. His lips growl as his back arches and I feel his cock swelling inside of me.

  “Ohhh, hell,” he groans as he comes inside me, his teeth gritting together.

  To my surprise, he doesn’t stop, though. He keeps going. “Didn’t you just come?” I ask.

  A peal of low, throaty laughter escapes his lips. “I did, but I’m not finished yet. I haven’t been with you in almost a year and a few minutes isn’t going to do it justice or give me the satisfaction that I need from you.”

  Staying rock hard, we switch positions and I climb on top of him, taking him deep inside me. My breasts sway and bounce in his face as I slide up and down his cock.

  “Fuck, I miss this view,” he says, playing with my nipples. Squeezing and pinching them, forcing tiny droplets of milk to the surface.

  “You’d better get used to it,” I giggle. “Because I like being up here.”

  Grabbing my hips, he pulls me down as he thrusts up inside me, pushing himself so deep that it presses against my G-spot. Holding me in this position, he continues thrusting in and out of me until I can’t take it anymore. My fingernails dig into his shoulders as my sex tightens and I orgasm so hard that I literally see stars behind my eyes.

  “That’s it,” he says, continuing his thrusts until I’m so spent that I become too sensitive to stay in this position.

  “Stop, stop,” I plead, begging for relief. “I can’t take it anymore.”

  Grinning up at me, he slaps my ass and says, “Get on all fours.”

  He gets behind me and fucks me so hard that I’m afraid everyone in our community can hear us having sex, but I don’t care. It feels so good; so right.

  It doesn’t take long until he reaches his second release—something he rarely does.

  Exhausted and sweaty, we collapse next to one another, panting for air. “I wish it weren’t so hot so we could hold each other,” I say.

  He nods in agreement, “Yeah, I needed that,” he admits, pulling me into his arms anyway.

  Shortly after resting my head on his chest, Jesse wakes up, hungry and ready to nurse. “I guess fun time is over,” I giggle.

  “For now,” he says, helping me get settled with the baby as I nurse him back to sleep.

  “Be careful,” I warn Lizzy as she wades in the water. “You can’t go out too far!”

  “I know, mum,” she rolls her eyes. “If Jesse would learn how to swim like me, you wouldn’t have to hold him.”

  “Stop it,” Henry says to her. “Even if your brother knew how to swim right now, she couldn’t do much to save you anyway. Not with the baby on the way,” he says, rubbing my pregnant belly.

  It won’t be long before this one is due and we’re hoping for another boy so that we can name him after his dad and have a Henry Jr.

  Jesse looks so much like Matthew that it’s like a daily reminder of him and even though I’m so happy to have my family back, I still miss him from time to time. I’ve often wondered how our life would’ve been had he not been swept out to sea. I suppose things happen for a reason, though, and that it’s best that it worked out the way it did. I don’t know what would’ve happened once I found out that Henry was still alive if Matthew and I were still together.

  “When can we go home?” Lizzy asks. “I’m hungry!”

  It’s been a couple of years since we arrived in Botany Bay and we’re one of the lucky few to have a home—most are still waiting for their houses to be built as supplies are limited and it takes quite a bit of time. And with each ship that brings a brand new fleet, it’s getting harder and harder to come up with resources fast enough to build everything our community needs, but we’re getting there. The only reason ours is done is because of Henry’s job—he’s one of the main builders—and the fact that we have a growing family.

  There have been several new births from some of the other women, but not all of their babies have survived; though, most have. Luckily, I was able to aid in the birth of Charlotte’s baby—she also had a boy—and he’s about 10 months younger than Jesse. I hope the two of them become as good of friends as Charlotte and me.

  I’ve become a mid-wife of sorts, mostly due to my experience of birthing children with very little doctor care and have somehow become the go-to for advice and childbirth. The doc will usually refer women to come to see me unless they’re having major complications but even then, I don’t think he feels comfortable dealing with pregnancies. But that’s all right, I quite like being looked up to and it makes me feel helpful that I can provide some level of care and comfort to these women. I know how badly I’d wished I had it when I was carrying Jesse. It’s scary not knowing who will help
you and that there’s no one to turn to so I’m glad to be that person for them.

  “All right, let’s head back for an early supper,” I announce to the family.

  “Aww, dad, do we have to?” Jesse asks Henry.

  We decided that for the sake of our family, and for Jesse, that it would be best for him to call Henry dad just as Lizzy does and this baby will. There’s no need for him to know the truth—at least not right now. It’s difficult to explain to a little one that they have a different dad, and why, and the fact that he’s no longer with us. Maybe one day, when he’s older and can understand, we’ll explain it to him but, for now, it’s better this way.

  “I’m afraid so,” he shrugs. “I’m sure your mum is probably hungry, too.”

  “Always!” I pat my rumbling stomach.

  * * *

  “I got word today that our sentences are up and that we can return home,” Henry says as we lie in bed together.

  Adrenaline fills my heart with excitement. “We can go home?!”

  He nods, “If we want to.”

  Confused, I can’t understand why he’d say ‘if we want to’ because we haven’t seen our families in years. “What do you mean? Why wouldn’t we want to go home to see our families, Henry?”

  Arching his eyebrows, a kind smile spreads across his face. “Vic, if we leave, who will be in charge of the building plans? And who will be the new midwife?”

  “Who cares?! You can’t be serious,” I say.

  He chuckles. “Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been thinking about this day for a long time. I think it would be wise to stay because if we return home, not only will I still be looked at as a criminal for a crime that I didn’t commit in the first place, but now we’ll both be looked at as ex-cons.”

  He’s right and I hadn’t thought of it like that. His old boss accusing him of being a thief is what led us to steal in the first place. When nobody would hire him to work in or on their houses, we had to steal the food that we needed to survive.


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