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Blood Curse

Page 13

by Rheanon Nicole

  “Hey, Adde.”

  “Hi, Andy.” He flicked his hand in a half wave as he walked off to his class.

  “Sooo, we’re all going to Cult tonight; Butch is bartending again, and I think you and Sully should come too.”

  Just the mention of Cult made me shudder. My last experience there wasn’t a good one. I didn’t know if I was ready to relive the nightmare of Xander’s fateful call from a few weeks ago.

  “Oh, I think I’ll just stay home tonight Gretch; but thank you for the offer.”

  “No, no I’m not accepting that.”

  I laughed. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean you need to get out there and do something. You have kind of been a recluse lately, Adelay. I think it would be good for you to have a few drinks and let loose, to just have some fun.” She was probably right but I still wasn’t convinced Cult was the place I needed to go to do that. “Pleassseee come with us tonight.”

  It was true. I had been keeping to myself the past few weeks and had even been spending a lot of time in the kitchen with my mother -which I hated- helping her cook experimental dinners and baking enough sweets to give every tooth I had a cavity just to keep my mind free and clear of Davin.

  When I allowed my attention to wander was when the smothering dark depression consumed my entire body, taking control of every possible thought and emotion I possessed, which permitted the dreadful sadness that constantly hung above my head to completely devour me.

  My heart ached, and no matter how many days had gone by it wasn’t getting any easier than the first day when it hit me like a ton of bricks that we were done.

  Staying busy with my mom wasn’t a cure all, but it at least helped a little. Sully had been great though, giving me my distance, and only showing up here and there to check on me; so, maybe he did deserve a night out with me. We both could use it.

  “Who’s all coming?”

  “Me, Andy, Sarah, Robbie, Davin…” She paused nervously. I raised an eyebrow at her. “And Bernadette.”

  My stomach lurched into my throat. It had taken everything I had not to call in to school sick everyday these past few weeks, just so I didn’t have to see that snotty frizzy haired bitch rubbing it in my face that she was spending time with Davin. School was something I had to endure, but actually going out with them willingly was on a whole different level of emotional torture. Just then Bernadette pranced down the hall with Cricket close on her heels.

  “Speak of the devil.” Gretchen muttered under her breath.

  Bernadette stopped next to us, sloppily chewing on a piece of gum. “So, I talked Davin into going to Cult tonight. He really wanted to spend some alone time with me, but he can always do that afterwards. I mean unless that would hurt your feelings seeing him having fun with someone else Adelay, then we can totally stay home.” She blew a bubble then popped it, giving me a wicked smirk, knowing she had just dug the knife in deeper.

  I bit down on my tongue to avoid attacking her right here. “No Bernadette, my parents always taught me to share my used toys with the less fortunate. Rumor has it you’re usually the used toy though. He’s all yours.” I flashed her my fakest smile, showing her all of my teeth, pissing her off instantly.

  “You’re damn right he is. He always was.” She flipped her hair extra hard with her hand, spinning away from us and walking away. Gretchen burst into laughter, which she heard because her back stiffened like we had just shoved the stick farther up her ass.

  “Screw it, I’ll go.”

  Gretchen squealed with delight from my sudden change of heart. I was hurt, but I’d be damned if that bitch got one over on me. I just hoped I didn’t regret it.

  Three forty-five finally rolled around once again with the classic ring of the bell, releasing us for the weekend. Just as I closed my locker, hurled my backpack over my shoulder and turned around, Sully walked up behind me.

  “So, we’re going to Cult tonight I hear?”

  I shrugged, still unsure if I had spoken too soon to Gretchen. “I said yes, but I really wanted to say no.”

  He swung his arm around my shoulders walking with me to our cars. “Aw, I don’t think it will be that bad. What’s not fun about hanging out in a rank alley bar, encased in the secondhand smoke from Marlboros and marijuana that serves cheap shitty drinks to underage kids?”

  “You have a point Sully. Infiltrating my lungs with the waste from others mouths sounds fantastic to me,” I said sarcastically. We stopped in front of my Expedition.

  “I’ll pick you up around nine. It doesn’t even start to hop until dark anyways.”

  I hugged him goodbye, glancing over his shoulder where Davin’s Range Rover was parked just as I saw Bernadette closing the passenger door. That son of a bitch. He was probably taking her to his mansion in the woods to curb his sexual appetite. Ugh, I had to stop thinking about him; the thought was making me sick.

  Damn you Davin.

  Steam covered my bathroom mirror after the hot shower I had just finished. Smile Princess showed through the haze. Sully must have written it when he was staying here, and I hadn’t noticed until now. I felt bad knowing that I was so busy sulking daily to notice ninety-nine percent of things that were right in front of my face. He really was proving to be sweet during times I needed it most.

  “Thank you Sully,” I whispered to myself.

  I pulled on a pair of white skinny jeans, buckling a thick black belt with a couple tiny chains hanging from it around my hips. A black strapless top, fitted moto jacket with fur trim around the collar, and black open toe wedges with cork bottoms completed my classy, yet sassy, outfit for tonight. I left my hair down with a few loose curls on the ends, threw on some mascara and filled my lips in with cherry red lipstick.

  Breaking Benjamin was playing when I walked into my bedroom -I will not bow, I will not break, I will shut the world away. I will not fall, I will not fade, I will take your breath away- I turned it up a few notches. If Davin wanted to brush off everything we ever shared between each other then I would do the same.

  “Fuck him and fuck Bernadette.”

  “That’s not appropriate language, young lady.” My dad was standing in my doorway. Apparently, I had said that out loud. “Your date by the name of Sully is here. Your mother said it's Davin’s uh… brother?”

  “Tell him I’ll be down in a minute daddy.”

  “I thought you were seeing Davin, but by the fuck him comment, I take it things have changed?”

  “We ended it; things were too complicated.”

  “I should say so. Well okay then, I will let him know you’re almost ready.” He wanted to ask more, but instead he just gave a quick nod walking back downstairs.

  I came around the corner into the living room where my mom had Sully sitting on the couch. I could tell by the humorous smile barely visible on his face that he had picked up on her usual horrible attempt of nonchalant interrogation and had instead turned on the irresistible vampire charm on her.

  “Adelay definitely gets her beautiful smile from you, Mrs. Darley.”

  I intervened at the tail end of his wooing. My mom was blushing.

  “Ready Sully?”

  He stood up, habitually running his hands through his slicked hair, moving the stray pieces that had fallen out of place. Little brown waves flipped up on the nape of his neck where his hair rested. He was dressed in a slightly-fitted, dark grey V-neck long sleeve tee showing off hints of his defined arms and back when he moved, black jeans, and black leather Doc Martens with a couple buckle straps across the ankles, giving off a bad boy feel.

  His dark blue eyes were bright this evening behind his long black lashes that made girls jealous. To be honest, he looked incredibly handsome to me tonight, more so than normal. Licking his plush lips, he smiled, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand, knowing he was in the spotlight right now. It was like I was seeing him in a whole new light. I had finally realized who he was as a man, and everything he had done for me. He knew I was upset
, hurt, pained, and broken; but he continued to be there through it all just like he was there during his last dying breath when I needed him most.

  “What?” He lipped to me with a cute smile.

  “Nothing,” I lipped back shaking my head. My mom was watching our interaction curiously.

  “I’ll have her home by midnight, Mrs. Darley.”

  “No rush, Sully; you kids just have fun and take care of my baby.”

  “You know I will.” That was a promise I knew he would keep.

  Cult was already hopping with its weekend Hanover regulars lining up outside of the industrial metal doors. My nerves were starting to kick through my chest cavity the closer we came to the front of the old broken-down building with the distinguishable low crackling of the worn-out neon sign hanging above the entrance. The stale stench of cigarettes and spilled booze wafted through the hot and stuffy windowless building.

  Flashbacks of the Sid Vicious twin, my drug spiked drink, and Xander’s ultimately fatal call in the bathroom, hit me like a ton of bricks as soon as I stepped foot inside and the doors closed behind me.

  All the air in my lungs felt like it was increasingly being squished out of them, not wanting to fill back up to release the smothering pressure. I seriously contemplated turning around and running far far away from this place.

  But it was too late for retreat now. Gretchen had already spotted me right away from over in one the darkened corners where she inhabited a couple tattered couches with Andy and Robbie. The slew of empty glasses on the little table in front of them showed they were already throwing back shots of alcohol. Sarah danced close by them with the same grungy guy she was with the last time we were here. It looked like she may have found herself a possible love interest. She was normally the quietest of our group; so, I never would have taken her for a dancer, drinker, or anything other than proper.

  Gretchen came springing towards us when she saw we had arrived. She was wearing a skimpy navy-blue tank top, red capris, and red high heels, teetering on them a little bit as she walked, indicating she was already semi-tipsy. Her blonde bob was curled in relaxed ringlets all over her head. She was the epitome of natural beauty inside and out.

  She draped her arms around me in a hug, also helping to steady herself. “You finallyyyy made it! I was beginning to think you weren’t coming.” Her lightly freckled cheeks were flushed. “Come sit down, Adelay! I saved you guys a seat!” She pulled me with her to the couches, plopping us down where she had been sitting.

  Sully casually strolled over behind us, taking a seat next to Andy and Robbie on the other couch.

  Robbie slid a full mixed drink across the table to me. “I promise you this one isn’t drugged Adelay. I told Butch about what happened last time, and he said he never saw anyone matching the description of that guy you said you were with.”

  “Well, whoever he was, I’m sure he’s long gone by now.” Sully winked at me taking a swig of his beer.

  Picking up the fruity drink from Robbie, I took a baby sip, carefully scanning the room for any more familiar faces -Davin and Bernadette to be exact- hoping they had decided not to come. They weren’t anywhere to be seen yet…that was until a cluster of dancing girls moved from in front of me where they had unknowingly been blocking my view of the pool tables across the room. I wished they had just stayed in place to continue the illusion of their absence.

  Davin was bent over the pool table ready to make a shot, with Bernadette standing right next to him in a short black mini skirt too tight for even her anorexic thighs, both of her hands wrapped around her pool stick, and her butt pushed out way further than nature had graced her with, intentionally to distract any man within eye distance.

  He wore a black fitted baseball cap low on his brow, keeping his eyes mostly hidden and with the exception of his crisp white t-shirt, that he had the sleeves cuffed old school style greaser, the rest of him was covered in black as well.

  I was directly in Davin’s line of vision now that the crowd had seemingly parted like the red sea. He brought his eyes up from the pool table for a moment, staring directly at me then looked away, slamming his pool stick into the cue ball with extra force and successfully making his shot. A couple more hits, and he had cleared his balls from the table.

  Bernadette stomped her foot after her defeat, pushing out her bottom lip in a fake baby fit. She flirtatiously wrapped her twiggy arms around his neck, trying to get physical right there at the pool table; but when he didn’t fully reciprocate with her attempts, she let go, spinning around to see what was making him hold back. I looked away before she saw that I had witnessed the entire show.

  “Ugh, what the hell is she coming over here for?” Gretchen was looking in the direction of the pool tables now.

  I looked up to see Bernadette sashaying straight towards us with a malicious expression on her face. Davin stayed behind with his back pressed against the far wall, engaging in conversation with some guys that played at the next table over; but I knew he was secretly watching from a distance.

  “Wow, I’m shocked you actually showed up tonight. I thought for sure you would be sulking in your own misery at home.”

  “The only thing that makes me miserable is the fact that you haven’t choked on your own vomit from the countless times you have your finger down your throat in a day.”

  Gretchen busted up laughing, Sully even muffled a laugh.

  Her face turned red with embarrassment, and she huffed, rolling her eyes. “Anyways, all cheap shots aside, I came over here because me and Davin need another couple to play against; so, I figured you and Sully would like to play against us. I mean you guys are a couple, right?”

  “I don’t see how our relationship status has any significance to a game of pool, but sure, we’ll play with you guys.” Surprising Bernadette as well as myself with the sudden streak of confidence, I downed the rest of my drink before standing up.

  “I’ll order us some more drinks! Show this bitch what you are made of, Adde.” Gretchen made a detour to the bar on our way to where Davin was racking the balls for a new game.

  Once he peered up from underneath his black cap and saw I was standing directly in front of him, it was obvious by the surprised look in his eyes -that was easily missed by others who didn’t know him as well as I did- that he hadn’t been in on Bernadette’s dirty little scheme.

  “Who’s breaking?” I asked him, as though he was just a normal everyday opponent in a pool hall, which I could tell was really throwing him off.

  “I didn’t know we were playing.” He looked at Sully who shrugged.

  He was just along for the ride, knowing exactly what she was trying to do to me; but knowing me well enough to not try to intervene in the silent competition.

  “Your new girlfriend thought otherwise.” I smiled, adding a little extra sarcasm to it.

  He shook his head at me, taking the triangle off the balls. “Alright then, you break.” He handed me the cue ball brushing my fingers with his before he let it go in my hand.

  An electric pulse tingled through my hand, spreading up my arm like icy wildfire the way it had when we first met in the parking lot, before I knew who…I mean what…he was. He smiled, walking over to where his pool stick rested against the wall.

  Bernadette saw the odd exchange between us and slinked her way to where he was, running her hand down his back as he chalked his stick. Rage boiled inside my veins, forcing the sudden livid heat up my neck and into my cheeks. I felt them flush hot with fever. I knew she was only doing it to get to me, and it was definitely working like a charm; but I wasn’t about to let it show to anyone.

  I might be dying inside, and my heart felt like it had been shattered into a thousand unfixable pieces every day for the past few weeks, but I wouldn’t ever allow it to surface to the real world; and definitely not to vindictive bitches like Bernadette.

  So, as any other woman scorned would do, I grabbed my stick, sauntering over to Sully who was just about to take his beer
from Gretchen’s hand and placed both of my palms on his chest -his hard, toned chest- whispering seductively in his ear: “I need you to show me how to break.”

  He nodded, leading us to the pool table.

  Let the games begin. Gretchen bit her lip, knowing exactly what kind of game I was playing.

  “Okay princess, brace your right hand on the table nice and firm like this.” I bent over the table mirroring him. He came up behind me, leaning his muscular body into my back, bringing his arms around mine to position my hands where they needed to be. “Now slide the stick in between your fingers like this.” He breathed in my ear giving me instant goosebumps.

  Guiding the pool stick along my hand, he pulled the stick back once, twice, then a third time and gave it a good thrust, sending the cue ball cracking into the cluster of colored balls making more than one go in. “Looks like we’re stripes, princess,” he said proudly.

  Jealousy seethed behind Davin’s black irises while he discreetly watched me from under his baseball cap across the tattered felt table. A couple more shots and it was Bernadette’s turn.

  Unsurprisingly, she missed almost every time the entire first game, swearing each time she failed to make a ball go in. Lucky for her, Davin picked up most of the slack, hitting the balls harder and harder with each shot as I continued to spitefully flirt, tease and laugh with Sully while finishing one drink after another with Gretchen.

  By the end of the fifth game I was beyond tipsy, and that was when Bernadette made her ultimate low-down dirty move. Davin had just shot the eight ball in, winning the game, when she jumped up and down, running to him and forcefully pulling him into her by his shirt, kissing him with so much aggression and lust I could smell the sexual desire from her in the air. And that’s when I lost it. I retched, quickly holding my hand over my mouth and headed for the bathroom.

  Gretchen was standing against the cracked green tiled wall when I walked out of the stall. The bathroom was fit for nothing more than the junkies that commonly used it to get their fix throughout the long drunken nights.


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