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The End, Book 1: The Warrior of Hillpeak

Page 6

by Mark Mulle

Chapter Six

  Steve, Wendy, and Bartholomew slipped on their suits of armor, and then grabbed their diamond swords. They stood outside the hut, where the moonlight would be shining on them if it weren’t for the fact that the clouds still blanketed the sky.

  “It feels so light!” Wendy declared.

  “It’s like I’m wearing nothing,” Bartholomew said.

  “It’s the best armor yet. And this sword feels so powerful,” Steve added.

  “I told you. I’ve enchanted hundreds of weapons and armor, but these are my masterpieces,” Renma told them.

  “I can tell. Hopefully, they don’t get destroyed. I’ve had a bit of a bad streak with diamond weapons,” Steve explained.

  “You kids, always wrecking precious armor,” Renma replied, laughing. “Now then, will you stay the night?”

  “Thanks, but we need to hunt some Endermen. The sooner we can end this, the better. We’ll rest when it’s over,” Steve replied.

  “I agree. We’ll get some sleep, but we need to defeat the Endermen,” Wendy replied.

  “Very well. Like I said, you need to sprinkle the Blaze Powder on it, and then everything should be good to go,” Renma told them.

  With one final farewell, the three warriors departed from Renma’s hut. As the old man looked at them, Steve let out a sigh.

  “How much more people have to die before this is over?” Steve asked.

  “Hopefully, that’ll be the last one,” Wendy replied.

  The three began searching for the Endermen. There were a few Endermen during their journey to see Renma, but to their surprise, there appeared to be none in sight. They ran into a few zombies, skeletons, and Creepers, all of which fell easily to their blades, but no sign of any Endermen.

  Soon, they decided that they really did need some rest, and they managed to make their own campfire. As they did, Bartholomew began snoring almost immediately, but Steve and Wendy were wide awake.

  “So, it’s almost over,” Wendy said to Steve.

  “Hopefully. If my brother, I mean, the Ender Dragon isn’t defeated, then all hope is lost,” Steve replied.

  “It’s so strange,” Wendy said. “When I first saw you, I thought you were just going to be my little errand boy. I never imagined that it would turn into this journey. We’ve had some hardships, that’s for sure. I’ve been kidnapped, you’ve lost your brother, we’ve had to deal with some powerful foes, and now everything is about to come to a close.”

  “Same here. When I first entered Chance,” Steve explained, “I didn’t know what the kingdom had in store for me. I just wanted a better job and a meaningful life. I didn’t know that I would run into my brother and would have this happen. Was it just a coincidence, or was it fate?”

  “Who knows?” Wendy asked. “I don’t know what to think when it comes to discussions about fate. I’m just neutral myself. Even though I sometimes think it was my fate to sell weapons.” She let out a small chuckle, and then before Steve could do anything, Wendy planted a kiss on his cheek.

  “That’s in case if we lose to the Ender Dragon.”

  Steve began blushing, a sense of déjà vu present. Wendy did the exact same thing the night before they fought Draven for the final time.

  “So, will be… a couple after this is over?” Steve asked.

  A smile spread across Wendy’s face. “Well, if we can live a life where we’re both happy, then sure. You seem to be the ambitious person who wants to see the world, and I’m the type who just wants to sell her weapons. But hey, maybe we can work something out.”

  As Steve went to bed, he felt some relief. It had been a horrible day, but that was one bright and shining spot that almost made up for it.

  When they woke up, they put out their campfire and began walking across the barren wasteland. The sky grew even darker this time, and it almost felt like night.

  A few hours into it, the ground began shaking. It caught all three of them off-guard, and they fell to the ground. It shook fiercely for about thirty seconds, and then stopped. From the sky, a low, growling voice was heard.

  “Hello, puny Overworld! I am known as the Ender Dragon. You all should know me from what you thought were ‘fairy tales.’ But let me tell you something. I am very real, and I’m ready to rule this world as your king. There will be no kingdoms, no kings, and no one to gain any power when I’m around. My armies of mobs are already forming, and soon, they will take over. As you have obviously witnessed, your vegetation, water, and wildlife is steadily fading. In this world, we’ll have no need for that. Don’t worry, I’ll keep you all alive, but just barely!”

  “Show yourself!” Steve shouted, but the sky gave no response. Instead, the Ender Dragon continued his speech.

  “The entire world can hear this. Just know that you humans had it coming. You fight wars for no reason, steal from people, and make others suffer in the name of greed. This is why you need me. I’ll make you all equal, and this time, there will be no fighting, not even for food.”

  Steve had no time to respond, as the speech resumed.

  “Now then, you may have heard about the heroes who once defeated me, all those years ago. This won’t happen again. The descendants of these heroes are weak, and are no match for my power. I can destroy towns by just opening my mouth. Do you think that those three can stand up to me? I’ve already sent an army to dispose of them, and it’s going to be pretty. With that said, I’ll make my first appearance very soon. I need to make my presence known, after all. But anyway, sit back and enjoy your new ruler!”

  The voice stopped, and Steve ran across the land. “Come back!” he shouted. Eventually, Wendy and Bartholomew had to pull him back.

  “It’s no use. He’s gone,” Wendy told him.

  “He’s going to pay. No one has a right to treat us like this,” Bartholomew added.

  Steve began tearing up. “My brother came to me in a dream a few nights back. He told me that I could finish it if I needed to, but I’m not even sure at this point.”

  Wendy embraced Steve, who managed to get ahold of himself. As Steve rubbed his eyes, he looked forward, and his eyes widened.

  From the distance, a large group of mobs was approaching. Steve saw hoards of Creepers, groups of Endermen, and army of skeletons, an outbreak of zombies, and even some creatures that he never witnessed before.

  “Looks like his army has come,” Bartholomew said.

  Wendy grabbed Steve’s hand. With that, both of them took out their swords.

  “You’re not taking us out this easily!” Steve shouted as he rushed towards the approaching army.



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