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Her Devils

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by Mae Doyle

  Her Devils

  A Dark Reverse Harem Bully Romance

  Devils of Meyer’s Grove 2

  Mae Doyle

  This is a work of art/fiction. Names, places, businesses, characters, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, actual events, or places is purely coincidental. Any persons appearing on the cover image for this book are models and do not have any connection to the contents of this story.

  All characters depicted in this work are unrelated consenting adults. This author assumes no responsibility for the use/misuse of this material.

  © 2020 Mae Doyle

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  Chapter 1

  From the moment I saw the devils, they’ve been able to twist my stomach and make it difficult to breathe. Since I met them, I’ve been trying to stay out of their way. Getting involved with the devils hasn’t worked out for me so far, but now they’re all in my room, all four of them staring at me.

  And I’m in my underwear.

  Well, at least I have a blanket wrapped around me, but it’s painfully obvious that they can tell that I’m almost naked. Caspian can’t stop his eyes from roaming over my body, and honestly? I don’t know that I want him to.

  I mean, now is not the time, but I’m going to have to work through what it was like to wake up in bed with Asher next to me. Risking a glance at him, I see that his bright blue eyes are locked on me. I shouldn’t have kissed him, but I probably shouldn’t have done a lot of things up to this point, and there’s no going back now.

  Even though Luca just told him to start talking, Asher still looks like he can’t form a simple sentence. Frustrated, he runs a hand through his hair, then turns to Parker. “You know better what’s going on out there. I’ve been in here all night, so why don’t you clue us in?”

  All night? He was in my bed all night and I didn’t realize it? I can’t help but blush, but thankfully the devils all ignore it. They must have known that this was Asher’s plan. They must have known that he was going to sleep next to me all night long, and they were all okay with it.

  Digging my fingers into my blanket, I twist it, trying to make myself focus. I can’t think about him in my bed right now. I can’t think about sitting next to Caspian on that same bed.

  Or what it’s like to kiss them.

  Fuck, I have to pay attention.

  Parker walks in front of me and crosses his arms. “You’re still here,” he says, like he’s telling me something that I don’t know. I open my mouth to comment, but he continues, waving his hand at me to make me stop talking. “And that’s not really a good thing, Kiera, in case you haven’t noticed. We did our best to get you to leave – ”

  “I don’t think that we tried that hard,” Caspian mutters next to me, but he shuts up when Parker throws him an angry look.

  “Anyway,” Parker continues, ignoring his friend, “we gave it a shot, but you didn’t leave. Some of us thought that that would be good enough and that you’d be left alone, but we should have known better. Asher’s aunt and uncle are about to piss themselves, they’re so angry.”

  I interrupt him. “You mean Eric’s parents?”

  Asher’s face is dark, but he nods. “Yeah, his parents. They sent him to another school, but because he’s not here, they’ve lost certain rights and connections. They want those back, understandably.”

  “They’re not going to take no for an answer now,” Caspian says, reaching out and taking my hand. I gasp a little as he interlaces his fingers with mine and gives me a gentle squeeze.

  I’m just not used to shows of friendship from the devils. In fact, after what I did to them at the lacrosse game yesterday, I had a very good feeling that they would all be out for blood, not that they’d be helping protect me or warn me.

  “So what does that mean for me?” I search Caspian’s face, and when he doesn’t answer, I look at Parker and Asher. It isn’t until I make eye contact with Luca that someone responds to me.

  “Listen, darling,” Luca says, walking over to my dresser and opening it to dig through it. “What that means for you is that you need to get dressed and we need to get you out of here. We would have been here sooner, but someone didn’t give us the keycard to your floor like he promised.”

  Asher grins and rubs his head. Immediately, I want to stand up and wrap my arms around him, but instead, I just squeeze Caspian’s hand tighter. He’s keeping me grounded, and if they’re all really looking out for me, then maybe I’ll make it out of here in one piece.

  Maybe. I can hope, I guess.

  Luca throws some clothes at me and slams a drawer shut. “No jeans? No sneakers? Who the hell took you shopping?”

  “Aunt Serafina,” I tell him, sliding off of the bed and taking the clothes with me to the bathroom. “Just give me a moment and I’ll be out, okay?”

  Asher grabs my arm as I walk past him, turning me so that I have to look at him. There’s an immediate burst of electricity from where he touches me, and I have to focus on not gasping. “Listen, Kiera, you need to hurry. I’m going to take Parker and Caspian and cut them off. Luca will take care of you, okay? Listen to him. Do what he says. You have to trust us.”

  Up until this point I’ve been doing everything that they want me to do without an argument, but it suddenly hits me that I don’t have to listen to them.

  That maybe I shouldn’t listen to them.

  Hell, I didn’t even look out the window to see if people were coming across the quad for me, so why should I believe him that they’re telling the truth? My indecision must show on my face, because Asher growls and gives me a little shake.

  “Don’t go thinking that shit, Kiera. You have to trust us.”

  Trust them. Trust the guys who gave me roadkill for breakfast, who poured blood on my door, who ripped up a family picture and destroyed it in the hall.

  How in the hell can I trust them? Just because I’ve kissed two of them doesn’t mean anything. In fact, they’re probably pissed about what I did to them on the lacrosse field. I know that Asher has every reason to hate me after I got him kicked off the team.

  And the rest of them? I risk a quick glance at the other devils.

  They’re all in this together. No matter what needs to be done, I have a very strong feeling that they’re all going to do it together. None of them are going to argue, none of them are going to stand up to the others.

  I just don’t know if I can trust them.

  “I do.” I look up at Asher as I lie to him, and to my relief, his face relaxes. He stops frowning and he even gives me a half-smile.

  He trusts me. He thinks that I’m going to play along with their sick game. Honestly, I have no idea what the hell the devils have planned for me, but I’m not stupid enough to just follow along with them and find out what it is. Something’s not right here.

  Turning to Luca, I give him the biggest smile I can manage. “I need just a few minutes to change and get ready,” I tell him. He nods and I go into the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

  I have to change. And pee. And find my nail clippers, or something that I can use as a weapon in case I need it. There’s no way out that I can see that will allow me to avoid going with Luca, but I’m hoping that I’ll be able to get away from him as soon as we get out of the dorm.

  Or could I push him out of my door and lock it behind him? I dismiss that thought almost as soon as I have it. It’s pretty telling that Asher was able to get into my room last night. Somehow, they have a key, and even if I do manage to kick Luca out and lock the door, I’m not goin
g to be able to keep him out.

  I change quickly, on autopilot, and am ready to go in just a few minutes. After running a brush through my hair and pulling it back into a pony, I unlock the bathroom and step out into my room.

  True to what he told me, Asher, Caspian, and Parker are all gone, leaving me alone with Luca. He sighs and turns from his watch at the window, pausing when he sees me.

  “You ready to run for your life?” His tone is casual, but his words make my stomach drop like a stone.

  “I don’t think so.” I may as well play along with them right now. If Luca thinks that I’m running scared and relying on him for help then he may let his guard down. I’m just grateful that he chose a skirt that has pockets. The fingernail clippers press into my thigh, giving me a sense of security, but I’m pretty sure that he can’t see the small bump they make in my clothes.

  Not that he’s really looking for a weapon, though. He has his eyes locked on my face, and he crosses my room to me in a few long steps before grabbing me by the shoulders and turning me to him.

  “I’m going to do everything I can to get you out of here, and the other three guys are out there helping, okay, Kiera? You just have to listen to me and be willing to trust me and then I’ll be able to help you, do you understand?”

  I nod, but inside my body is screaming at me. It’s screaming for me to loop my arms around his waist and let him comfort me, but at the same time, it’s screaming for me to run.

  “Okay then. I hope that you can run in heels Kiera, or you may need to consider losing them, you got it?” Luca doesn’t give me a chance to answer him. Instead, he leans down and kisses me, his mouth hard on mine.

  Without thinking, I kiss him back, our lips crashing together, my pulse already rising as he snakes his arm around my waist. After a moment, he pulls back, leaving me wanting more, my core throbbing for him, my lips burning.

  “Let’s go.” He grabs my hand and pulls me to the door, opening it and peeking out in both directions before walking me through it. The door shuts quietly behind us and he pulls me down the hall, away from the main stairs.

  “Where are we going?” I have a feeling that I should keep my voice low. Even though we’re all up and active, most of the rest of the dorm is still asleep after a late Friday night out. Luca doesn’t shush me, although he does shoot a wary look at me.

  “There’s a back way to get up here. You still have to have a key card to get in,” he says in response to the look on my face, “but not a lot of people know about it, so it’s a great way to get out of the dorm if you want to avoid someone. Like we do, right now.”

  Before the end of the hall, he suddenly takes a right through a door I’ve never noticed before. It’s smaller than the dorm doors and has an old handle, which Luca expertly jiggles until the door opens.

  “It’s a bit picky,” he explains, pulling me after him and turning to shut the door behind him. We’re in a very narrow stairwell, and the lights are out, so as soon as he shuts the door, we’re thrown into complete darkness.

  He could push me down these stairs, break my neck, and nobody would ever know what happened.

  The thought comes unbidden and I immediately reach for him, taking his hand in mine. If he’s going to throw me to my death down these rickety stairs, then I’m going to take him with me.

  “It’s okay, Kiera,” Luca murmurs, and a moment later, the stairwell is illuminated. He had a small flashlight in his pocket, and while the light isn’t very bright, it’s still enough for us to make our way down the stairs without dying.

  I hope.

  “You first,” he tells me. “I’ll hold the light and make sure that you can see.”

  Hesitating, I consider my options. I could try to make it back through the door. I could push Luca down the stairs before he can push me. I could actually do what he says and then make a break for it outside.

  I don’t know if it’s a good idea or not, but I nod at him and start down the stairs.

  They squeak and moan with my weight, and I freeze.

  “You have to keep going, Kiera,” Luca says, waving the flashlight over my head. Shadows dance when he does that and I can see some cobwebs along the ceiling.

  Shivering, I do what he says.

  I just don’t see that I have any other choice.

  Chapter 2

  I’m still not sure what I’m going to do when I reach the outside, but as soon as I step foot on the grass in the quad, I start running. I’m a bit turned around, since Luca lead me down a flight of stairs that I’ve never used before, but it only takes a moment for me to get my bearings.

  Instead of coming out of the front of the dorm, we came out of the back, which means that we’re closer to the grove. I start running, trying to keep my weight on the front of my shoes so that my sharp heels don’t sink helplessly into the mud. Behind me, Luca yells, and I hear the door slam shut, but I ignore him.

  If I turn around now, then I know that I’m sunk. He’ll probably catch my anyway, but I’m going to make one hell of an effort to get away from him. There’s just no way that I honestly believe that the devils want to help me out.

  Not after the threats that Asher has made to me.

  Not after what I’ve done to them.

  I came into their school and have been nothing but a problem for them, and now it seems like they’ve finally made up their mind to get rid of me. I just can’t believe that they’d go through such an elaborate ruse to make me think that I should trust them.

  Trust them.

  Yeah, right.

  The morning air is cool and Luca and I are the only people in sight. He only called my name once, and when I didn’t turn around, he started running.

  I know this because I can hear him behind me. His footsteps hit the ground hard as he races towards me, quickly closing the gap between us. This was futile, and I know it, but at least I tried.

  That’s all I can think when I feel him come up behind me, his broad chest pressed against my back, his arms circling my waist.

  He doesn’t tackle me to the ground, which is what I’m expecting. Instead, he somehow sweeps me up, pulling me close to him, his strong arms supporting me so that I don’t even need to reach up and hold on.

  I do, though. At the speed he’s running? I’m not afraid that he’s going to drop me, not with how tightly he’s holding me to his chest, but it makes me feel safer. He streaks across the quad, his heart beating against me, but barely thumping.

  Holy hell, I had no idea how in shape he is. Lacrosse must be great for the devils staying fit, especially if he can sweep me up and run like that.

  We make it to the woods before I realize that I may have a say in what’s happening.

  “Put me down!” I’m loud enough that anyone right around us can year me, and he winces.

  “Would you shut up, please?” He asks, but he doesn’t slow his pace. I still have my hands locked behind his neck, and I slip them down to his chest, pressing against him.

  When he doesn’t immediately let me go, I feel a surge of terror rising in me. Luca could carry me to wherever he wants. There’s literally nothing that I can do to stop him from taking me to meet the rest of the devils, and he knows it.

  He has to know it.

  He’s rippled with muscle and I can’t even run across the freaking quad to get away from him.

  “Luca! Put me down!” Now I make my hands into fists and slam them into his chest, hoping that will slow him down, but he keeps running. We’re in the woods now, and heading towards the grove, but at the rate he’s traveling, it’s not going to take long for us to get there.

  “Now!” I scream, digging my nails into his chest through his shirt. This makes him wince, and I feel a jolt of excitement. If I can hurt him, make him drop me, then I can get out of here.

  I dig in harder, my nails cutting through his expensive shirt and embedding in his chest.

  “Fuck! Kiera, stop that!” Luca skids to a stop and I slip from his arms, turning immedia
tely to face him. He’s breathing harder now, his chest rising and falling, and I watch as he looks down to investigate what damage I caused him.

  It must not be bad at all, because he immediately looks back up at me, frowning. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing? I’m trying to get you out of there, you dumbass.”

  My jaw drops open. Dumbass? “Yeah, right! You think that I’m going to believe that you and your other devil friends want anything other than for me to get hurt and kicked out of here?” Without thinking, I kick hard at him, sending a cascade of dirt and twigs at him.

  He doesn’t duck or flinch as the debris hits his legs and torso.

  “Are you done?” He looks angry and he takes a step towards me, causing me to step back away from him. There’s no way that I want him anywhere near me, and I’m willing to walk all the way through the woods backwards if that’s what it takes for me to get away from him and keep an eye on him.

  “Darling, listen, you’re being insane. You need to calm the fuck down so we can talk.” He holds his hands out at his sides like he’s trying to show me that he’s not a threat, but I’m not convinced. There’s nothing safe about Luca or the other devils.

  They could all take me down and crush me in an instant, and I got a tiny taste of that just now in the woods when he scooped me up and kept on running like nothing had happened.

  “No, you need to listen.” I do my best to keep my voice calm so that I don’t sound hysterical, but it’s hard. It’s barely the morning, but it’s already been the second longest fucking day of my life. “I didn’t want any of this, and you guys all seem to think that I came here specifically to get you or hurt you or something. I don’t know. What I do know is that if you take one more step towards me I’m going to scream, and if there really are people here looking for me – which I highly doubt – I’m going to bring them running so they can find you here attacking me.”

  He frowns and my stomach twists when I see how it darkens his gorgeous features. “I’m not attacking you, Kiera. I’m saving you, and if you’d calm down and listen to me for one second, you’d see that.”


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