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An Agent for Gillian

Page 12

by Ginny Sterling

  She loved him in such a way that made her realize that she didn’t have to give up Michael – but rather it cemented her memory of him and gave her a chance to heal in a way she’d never imagined.

  Michael had been her heart – but Cade was her soul.

  “You’ve always said your piece, Cade,” Archie teased, “Why stop now?”

  “I was down there in those mines and perhaps John Kehoe is right to want to unionize the mines. There are children working down there. The mines are unsafe and it’s horrible working conditions – for very little pay.”

  “I understand what you are saying but the law is the law,” Archie began firmly, and spoke plainly. “There is a way to go about making a difference in this world but doing so through illegal means is unacceptable. Blackjack Kehoe is inciting crime, damage, and destruction all in the name of helping miners. He’s not helping them- rather he is inciting people who are desperate for change to do the wrong thing. He could be a leader. He could be a great man, and has enough influence to make an impact, but he is going about it the wrong way. He is doing more harm than good.”

  “He’s not a good man,” Gillian interrupted, speaking up finally. “I talked to him face to face. While his thought process towards improving the miners’ lives was right – that man was not a leader. He was someone that could live with killing another and sleep well at night. There was a coldness to his heart that gave him the ruthlessness he needed to get the job done. He will be dangerous until he is behind bars because he is justifying his crimes to himself mentally. He cannot see right from wrong if he is the ringleader of the Molly Maguires there.”

  “We have enough to bring down the self-proclaimed King of the Mollies. You both did an excellent job – I can only hope that McKenna is able to extract himself safely when he’s finished, as you two did.”

  “We do too,” Gillian replied.

  “So tell me about the couple that came with you. I am to be meeting Fallon and Rourke this afternoon. McKenna apparently sent a letter on to Allan Pinkerton recommending this man as an agent. That’s very high praise coming from McKenna. What of Fallon? Does she have what it takes to do the job?”

  “I believe so,” Gillian said, looking at Cade.

  “Cade would you partner with Fallon?”

  “What? No!”


  Both hopped out of their seats and stared at Archie incredulously. His ruddy face split wide with a knowing smile as he leaned back and propped his feet onto the corner of his desk.

  “Well, well, well. I take it that you two were able to get past your initial reactions to each other then. Last time you were both in my office, you were yelling at each other – and not at me.”

  “My apologies,” Cade began, glancing at her. “But I won’t have another partner. I’ve got Gillian and I don’t want anyone else.”

  “Fallon belongs with Rourke and they would make a wonderful team,” Gillian said, staring up at Cade tenderly. “Just like I belong with Cade.”

  “So, it’s settled? No annulment is needed and you two won’t be bickering all the time creating a distraction?”

  “No annulment is needed, Archie. Gillian keeps me focused while being the most beautiful distraction I could ever want or wish for. I love her.”

  “I love you too.”

  An Agent for Clementine

  Get it today on Kindle Unlimited!

  Hidden identities, an infamous robbery, and a sudden marriage make for one sweet & tender adventure!

  Clementine Fenton was betrothed for years to a man she’d never met, pushing off the nuptials for as long as possible. When her family goes behind her back and she discovers that her marriage is impending – she makes a break for it! Running away to join the Pinkerton Agency, she’d longed for a life of adventure and independence.

  Jericho Buchannan knew this day was coming and dreaded it with every fiber in his being – he was going to be shackled into a loveless marriage with a woman he’d never seen before. He was at the precipice of his new career as an agent, something his father couldn’t understand. Jericho knew his duty was to take over the family business, but yearned for a last hurrah before settling down.

  An Agent for Fallon

  Til’ death do us part…

  Fallon Byrne was positive that her fiancé had used every excuse in the book to keep from marrying her. Biding her time patiently, she discovers that the Denver office will hire women as Pinkerton Agents – effectively cornering the man she’s loved for years into becoming her partner and her spouse!

  Rourke accepted a job offer of becoming a Pinkerton in the Chicago office while on the run from a looming threat back home. When his headstrong fiancée announced her intention of joining the ranks – he realizes that her destination could split them in two unless he agrees to head for Denver, working for Archibald Gordon.

  The young couple is suddenly thrust into a world that requires they protect one another no matter the cost. Can their love endure the danger around them, or will upholding the law split them apart?

  Click here

  Remember Hope

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  Daisy Greenwell knows what it’s like to hit rock bottom. Mentally, she climbed her way slowly back to the top after losing her legs. It seemed only natural to want to aid others once she’d learned how to help herself. Her love of people, animals, and her keen understanding of loss has pushed her to tackle her toughest client of all: a handsome ex-soldier named Ethan.

  Ethan Minter lost everything in the blink of an eye. When a bomb goes off during his tour of Afghanistan, he comes home a broken man to a world he doesn’t recognize. He’s depressed, lonely, and unsure how to start over… until he meets her.

  In Daisy’s eyes, Ethan finds a strength he didn’t know he had and a hope for dreams he’d once thought were long gone. Could this beautiful woman be just the breath of fresh air he needs? Could loving Daisy give him a second chance at the future he’s always wanted- or will her secret take it all away?


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  About the Author

  Ginny Sterling is a Texas transplant living in Kentucky. She spends her free time (Ha!) writing, quilting, and spending time with her husband and two children. Ginny can be reached on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or via email at

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  An Agent for Gillian, Copyright © 2019 by Ginny Sterling

  These books are works of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of these books may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any manner whatsoever without express written permission from the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Thank you for supporting the author’s rights.

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