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by J H Brennan

  Hare, Robert, 272

  Harijan, 90

  Harner, Michael, 28–31, 58

  Harris, Martin, 192

  haruspex, 83

  Hauffe, Friedericke, 161

  Haunters and the Haunted, The (Lytton), 204

  Hebrew (term), 60

  Heichler (tailor), 255–58

  Heinrich the Fowler, 11, 12, 14

  Heisenberg, Werner, 356

  heliodromus, 84, 85

  Helios, 263, 264

  Helldorf, Wolf-Heinrich von, Count, 218

  Henri III, 140

  Henry of Navarre, 140

  Henry VI, 121, 122

  Henry VIII, 142, 143

  Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. See Golden Dawn

  Hermetic Students of the Golden Dawn. See Golden Dawn

  Herodotus, 47

  Hertz, Heinrich, 184–85

  Hesiod, 15

  Hickman, Bartholomew, 150

  Hidden Masters, 275

  Hieroi Logoi (Aelius Aristides), 77

  Himmler, Heinrich, 11–14, 18, 216

  Hippolytus of Rome, 73

  History of Hypnotism, 160

  History of Magic (Lévi), 342

  History of Rome (Livy), 83

  Hitler, Adolf, 215–21

  Hitler Speaks (Rauschning), 218

  Hodder, Mike, 304

  Hogue, John, 140

  Hohenlohe-Schillingsfurst, Chlodwig, 210

  Höhne, Heinz, 13–14

  holotropic, 349–52

  Home, Daniel Dunglas, 203, 269–73, 279

  Homo erectus, 304

  Homo habilis, 304

  Hone, William, 286

  Honorius III (pope), 228

  Horus, 249, 50

  “Horus-Kings,” 303

  Hossbach, Friedrich, 14

  Houdini, Harry, 281

  houngan, 268

  Houston, Jean, 233

  Howard of Effingham, Lady, 144

  Hughes, Robert, 81

  Huichol, 29

  Human Potential Movement, 233

  Hundred Years War, 121

  Hutchings, Emily G., 237

  Huxley, Aldous, 175, 348–49; The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell, 175, 348

  hypnosis, 75, 160, 294, 309, 310; self-hypnosis, 52, 368

  I Ching, 98–100, 186

  Iacchus Procession, 72

  iamata, 75–76

  Iamblichus, 138, 139, 140

  ilani, 38

  Iliad, 34–35, 40, 243, 299

  Illiodor (monk), 178

  Imhotep, 79

  Imouthes, 79

  Incas, 40

  indwelling, 265, 266, 268, 269, 359

  Inner Light Society, 264

  Innocent IV, 108

  Inquisition, 107–9, 225

  intermediary beings, 15, 17

  Isis Unveiled (Blavatsky), 203

  Islam, adherents, number of, 118

  Ivanov (artist), 174

  Ivenes, 307–8, 314

  Jabal al-N r, 116

  Jackson, Thomas, 320

  Jacobins, 183

  Jacolliot, Louis, 90–94

  Jarnac, Guy Chabot, 134

  jati, 90

  Jaynes, Julian, 33–49, 265–66, 289–306, 371, 372; Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, The, 34

  Jehanne la Pucelle. See Joan of Arc

  Jencken, Henry D., 269–71, 272–73

  Jethro, 62

  JHVH, 16

  Jinmium, 305

  Jívaro, 28

  Joan of Arc, 121–29

  Jochebed, 60

  John of Luxembourg, 127, 128

  Johnson, James, 331

  Jou Tsung Hwa, 98

  Jung, Carl Gustav, 10, 42–43, 307–9; in Africa, 338–39; Collected Works, 100; and the collective unconscious, 340–45, 369–70; 372–73, 376; and Flournoy, 313–15; and holotropic reports, 351; and I Ching, 99–100; On the Psychology and Pathology of So-Called Occult Phenomena, 307; and spirits, physical manifestation of, 369, 372–73

  Jürgenson, Friedrich, 360–61; Rösterna från Rymden, 360

  Ka’bah, 114, 116–18

  karma, 275–76

  katoche, 79

  Kekule, August, 185

  Kelley, Edward, 145–52, 252, 369

  Kelly, Gerald, 248

  Kelly, Rose, 248–51

  kenaimas, 21–23

  Kerner, Justinus, 307, 310, 314; Klecksographien, 310; Seeress of Prevorst, The, 307

  Kersten, Felix, 13

  Key to Faust’s Threefold Harrowing of Hell, The, 255, 257–58

  Khad jah bint al-Khuwaylid, 116

  Khan, Samir, 233

  Khlysty, 175, 180

  Khonsu, 53–55

  Kicking Bear, Chief, 201

  King Camara, 145

  King Solomon, 266–67, 333

  King, W. L. Mackenzie, 232

  King’s Chamber, 249

  Klecksographien (Kerner), 310

  klecksographien, 310

  Knight, Gareth, 263

  Ko, 100

  Koran, 116, 275

  Kirke, Lewis, 320

  Kshatriyas, 90

  Kubizek, August, 218

  Kung Kung, 95

  Kunkel, Fritz, 100

  Kuntze, Otto, 211

  Kurtz, Paul, 280

  kuten, 101, 102, 103

  Kyteler, Alice, 224

  Lafitau, Joseph-François, 26

  Lagash, 33, 37

  Lamanites, 191

  Lamb, Dr., 222

  Lasalle, Marquis de, 166

  Lascaux, caves of, 32

  Lassois, Durand, 123

  Leary, Timothy, 348

  Lebena Asclepion, 75

  Lees, Robert James, 206–8

  Leeuwenhoek, Anton van, 154

  legomena, 73

  Leiden Papyrus, 51

  Lemaître, Jean, 128

  Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis, 153, 333–36

  leo, 84–85

  leontocephaline, 85

  Lepere, La, 229

  Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, 247

  “Lesser Key of Solomon, The.” See Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis

  Lesser Mysteries, 71–72

  Lethbridge, Tom, 319

  Letter to the French People (Balsamo), 168

  Levi (tribe), 62

  Levi, Eliphas, 169–71, 204, 258, 262, 341–42; History of Magic, 342

  Levingston, William, 197

  Lex, Barbara, 368–69

  Ley, Robert, 11

  Lindsay, Lord, 269–71

  Livy, 81; History of Rome, 83

  Loa, 268

  Lobsang Palden, Drag Trang-Go-Wa, 102

  Loge Elue et Chérie, 160

  Logue, Lionel, 208

  Louis XVI, 161–62, 166

  Loyola, Ignatius, 171

  LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), 347–49

  Lucan, 80

  Lucifer, 209, 336

  Lucifuge Rofocale, 336

  lucus cacumen, 83

  Luria, Isaac (rabbi), 71

  Lusignan, Madame de, 230

  Ma Lin, 94, 99

  Macusi, 21–22

  Madimi, 149, 151

  Magda, 99–100

  Magida, Arthur J., 217

  Magische: Geschichte/Theorie/Praxis (Schertel), 221

  Makary (hermit), 175–76

  mambo, 268

  Manava Dharma Shastra (Laws of Manu), 91

  mandragore, 256

  Manetho, 303

  Maple, Eric, 320

  Marbe, Karl, 292

  Marche, La, 304

  Marchese Pelegrini. See Balsamo, Guiseppe

  Marconi, Guglielmo, 184–85

  Marie Antoinette, 166–68, 312

  Mariette, Abbe, 230

  Marshal, Samuel, 319

  Marsoulas, Grotte de, 304

  Mary, Queen, 143

  Maskelyne, John Nevil, 281

  Maspero, Gaston, 57

  Master of the Triangle, 247–48

; Mathers, S. L. MacGregor, 239, 242, 244

  “matrix mechanics,” 356

  Maurina, Zenta, 361

  McLuhan, Robert, 285–87

  Mead, Richard, 158

  Meath, Petronilla de, 224

  Meditations (Aurelius), 15

  mediumship, 199, 242–43, 307, 311

  Mellaart, James, 300

  Melton, John Gordon, 281

  Menelyk, 267–68, 269

  Menzel, Birgit, 232

  Mercator, Gerardus, 143

  Merkava mystics, 64, 88, 89, 110

  mescaline, 175, 200, 348, 349

  Mesmer, Franz Anton, 158–62, 197–98, 308–9

  mesmerism. See Mesmer, Franz Anton

  Metamorphoses (Apuleius), 72

  Metatron, 64

  Michael (archangel), 63, 122, 148, 274

  Midian, 62

  mikvah, 71

  Militsa, Grand Duchess, 177

  mind at large, 349, 351, 352, 354

  mindon, 355–56, 359–60, 365

  Miriam, 60, 62

  Mithra (Mithras), 84

  Mithraic Mysteries, 84–85

  Mompesson, John, 325–26

  Montespan, Madame de, 231

  Montpelier Medical School, 130

  Mormon, 189–94

  Moroni (angel), 189–91, 194

  Motte Valois, Countess de la, 166–68

  Moses, 59–66

  Moyer, Ian, 106

  Mr. Sludge the Medium (Browning), 272

  “Mrs. Brown,” 205

  Mrs. Brown, 208

  mudra chakra, 246

  Muhammad, 114–18

  Muller, Catherine, 311–13, 337

  Muller, Rolf, 303

  Myerhoff, Barbara, 29–30

  Myring, Lynn, 320

  nachal, 71

  Nari, 93

  Nathael (spirit), 257

  National socialist German Workers Party, 216

  Natufians, 296

  Natufians, 35–36, 296, 301

  Nauvoo, 193

  Naydler, Jeremy, 51, 58

  Nebuchadnezzar, 86

  Nechepso, 106

  Nechung Monastery, 102

  Nelson, Horatio, 183

  Neoplatonism, 17, 130

  Nephites, 191

  Neuburg, Victor, 245–48, 253, 262

  neutrino, 354–55, 359, 373

  New Church movement, 157–58

  Nicholas I (pope), 214

  Nicholas II (tsar), 172–73

  Nogaret, Guillaume de, 225

  Noll, Richard, 340

  Nostradame, Michel de, 130–141; Propheties, Les, 133; Centuries and Presages, 133

  Nostradamus. See Nostradame, Michel de

  Nüwa, 95–96

  O’Key sisters, 162

  O’Neill, Jane, 322

  Obama (president), 232

  obsessio, 159

  Occult Causes of the Present War, The, 209

  Occult Philosophy (Agrippa), 142

  Odic force, 219

  Odovacar, 105

  Oeillets, Mademoiselle des, 231

  Old Kate Batts, 331–32

  Oliver, K., 185

  Olmec, 37–39

  On the Psychology and Pathology of So-Called Occult Phenomena (Jung), 307

  Opener, the (spirit), 264, 266, 268

  Opera Mineralia (Swedenborg), 154

  oracles, 80, 289–90, 306. See also Chaldean Oracles, Delphic Oracle

  Order of Egyptian Masonry, 165

  Order of the Silver Star, 252

  Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, The (Jaynes), 34, 299

  Orleans, Duke of, 224

  Orpheus, 68, 69

  Orphism, 68, 69

  Ostia Antica, 85

  Ouija board, 232, 237, 241, 242

  Oupanayana, 92

  Owen, A. R. G., 345, 370, 372

  Padmasambhava, Guru, 102

  pagé, 24–25

  pagé, 56

  Paiute, 199–200

  Pandarus of Thessaly, 76

  pannychis, 71

  Paracelsus, 170

  Paranormal Channel, 199

  Pasteur, Louis, 186

  Patay, 127

  “pathworking,” 343

  Paudler, Maria, 218

  Pauli, Wolfgang, 354–55

  peaiman, 21–23

  Peake, Anthony, 371

  Pehar, 102

  Penicillium notatum, 186

  Penston, Thomas Josiah, 320

  Peretti, Felice, 135

  Pergamum, 74, 75, 77

  Petrautzki, Margaret, 361

  Petrovich, Avvakum, 26

  peyote cactus, 29, 37, 220

  Philemon, 339, 340, 341, 369, 371, 373

  Philip IV, 224–25

  Philip the Good, 121

  Philip, 345–46, 370, 372

  Philospher’s Stone, 164

  pitris, 92, 94

  Planck, Max, 356

  Plato, 84

  Pliny the Younger, 67

  Podmore, Frank, 272

  Poemandres, 276

  Poincaré, Jules-Henri, 292

  poison, 228–30

  Polar Brotherhood, 275

  Polignac, Madame de, 229

  Ponsonby, Henry, 207

  Posnansky, Arthur, 303

  possession, 242, 268–69

  Pratt, J. G., 328

  Preiswerk, Helene, 307–9, 313–14, 369

  Preiswerk, Samuel, 307

  Pretzsche, Ernst, 219–20

  Prie, Marquis de, 164

  probability waves, 357

  Prodi, Romano, 232

  Propheties, Les (Nostradame), 133

  Psellus, Michael, 138–39

  psychokinesis (PK), 328, 332

  Psychology: A Study of a Search (Gardiner), 293

  Pulcher, 83

  Pye Laboratories, 364

  Pyramid Texts, 57–58

  Pythagoras, 69

  pythia, 80

  Qabalah, 89, 248

  quanta, 356

  Quantum Foam, 97

  quantum mechanics, 356

  quantum physics, 373, 376

  quantum tunneling, 358

  Quedlinburg Cathedral, 11–12, 14, 18

  Queen of Sheba, 266–67

  Qumran, 16

  Qur’n. See Koran

  Rabelais, 252

  Race, Victor, 309

  Rameses II, 53, 64

  Randi, James, 279–80, 283; Encyclopedia of Claims, Frauds, and Hoaxes of the Occult and Supernatural, 279

  Raphael (archangel), 150, 274

  Rasputin, Grigory Efimovitch, 172–80

  Raudive, Konstantin, 360–65, 373, 376; Breakthrough, 363; Unhörbares Wird Hörbar, 363

  Rauschning, Hermann, 218; Gespräche mit Hitler (“Conversations with Hitler”) (Voice of Destruction) (Hitler Speaks), 218

  Ravenscroft, Trevor, 219–20

  readiness wave, 353

  “recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis” (RSPK), 328

  Regan, Nancy, 232–33

  Reichenbach, Karl von, 219

  Reines, F., 354

  “Report on a Case of Table Levitation and Associated Phenomena” (Batcheldor), 343

  Reynie, Nicholas de la, 229

  Richardson, Allan, 27–28

  “ritual trance,” 368–69

  Roberts, Jane, 240, 242, 244, 277

  Robinson, Ann, 286

  Roentgen, Wilhelm Conrad, 185

  Roff, W. G., 328

  Roman Mysteries. See Mithraic Mysteries

  Romanov, Michael, 172

  Romoli, Vincentio, 253–54, 314

  Romulus and Remus, 81

  Rorschach, Hermann, 310

  Rosen-Bizberg, Fran, 199

  Rosenberg, Wilhelm, Count, 149, 152

  Rosenheim poltergeist case, 327–29, 332, 370

  Rösterna från Rymden (Voices from Space) (Jürgenson), 360

  Royer, Henri le 123

  Rudd, Thomas, 153; Goetia, 153

  Rudolf II, 152

Ryback, Timothy W., 220–21

  Sabina, Maria, 27–28

  Saisset, Bernard, 224

  saman. See shaman

  Sands, Miles, 222

  Saqqara, 57

  Satan, 15, 16, 29, 40, 274, 275

  Saul, Barnabas, 145

  Schaberl, Anne-Marie, 327–28

  Schertel, Ernst, 221; Magische: Geschichte/Theorie/Praxis, 221

  Schoch, Robert, 304

  Schostak, Betty, 217

  Schrödinger, Erwin, 356

  Schwyzer, E., 340

  Scot, Michael, 113

  scrying, 52, 102, 149, 150

  Seabrook, William, 99

  Second Great Awakening, 188

  Secret Chiefs, 239, 275

  Secret Doctrine (Blavatsky), 204

  Secret Masters, 199, 238–41

  Secret Sermon on the Mountain, The, 276

  “Seer of Poughkeepsie.” See Davis, Andrew Jackson

  Seeress of Prevorst, The (Kerner), 307, 314

  Seeress of Prevorst. See Hauffe, Friedericke

  Sekhmet, 85

  Selassie, Haile, 267

  Selene, 68

  seleteni, 338

  sem-priest, 56

  Sepher Yetzirah, 110

  Serapis, 77–79

  Sergeieff, John, 177

  Servants of the Light, 263–66

  Seth. See Withers, Frank

  Seti I, 60, 62

  Sextus V (pope), 135

  Shaking Tent Ceremony, 226

  shaman, 13, 17, 19, 26, 27–32, 37, 47–48, 367; and augurs, 84–85; and Brahminic Hinduism, 94; and China, 101; and Egypt, 55–59, 63; and epilepsy, 174; and the I Ching, 99; and Jung, 341; and medieval Europe, 109, 111, 226; and Moses, 64; and North America, 199; and Orphic tradition, 68, 71, 73; and the Paiute, 200; and South America, 188; and spirit world, 376; and trickery, 217

  Shekinah, 62, 64

  Shermer, Michael, 280

  Shinto, 101

  Shirer, William, 212

  Shubshi-Meshre–Shakkan, 45

  Sieyes, Emmanuel, 183–84

  Sigillum Dei Aemeth, 147

  “signal learning,” 293

  sikya, 75

  Silva, Ramón Medina, 29

  Skeptic (magazine), 280

  Skeptical Inquirer (magazine), 280

  Skeptics Society, 280

  Slade, Patricia (Paddy), 182

  Smith, Joseph, Jr., 188–94

  Société Harmonique, 160

  Society for Printing, Publishing and Circulating the Writings of the Hon. Emanuel Swedenborg, 157

  Society for Psychical Research, 100, 203, 238, 282, 310, 329, 343, 368

  Society of the Inner Light, 263, 342

  Socrates, 15, 371

  Solar Phallus Man, 340

  somnambulists, 160

  Sophiel (angel), 336

  Sotscheck, Jochem, 363

  Soubise, Prince de, 166

  Spanish Armada, 151

  Speer, Albert, 14

  Spence, Lewis, 209

  Sperry, Roger, 371

  spirit, definition of, 14–15

  spirit guides, 239–40, 275

  Spiritualism, 160, 198–200, 239, 275, 283, 284, 288, 310, 368, 369

  St. Clair, Sheila, 318

  St. Michel d’Arudy, 304

  Star Wars, 275

  statues. See figurines

  Steele, Tommy, 242

  Stein, Walter Johannes, 219, 220


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