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Beyond The Wall 2: Noble Intention

Page 5

by Pwyll Duggan

  "So, your child would make any woman the prize of a town. She could have any husband she wanted. Hell, they'd fight over her. Whole Villages have. Plus, other villages will start sending their daughters our way soon, once world gets out. You killed a Night One! The blessings from that alone will send some of the lower nobility your way."

  "So, I'm in demand all the time. Doesn't that seem odd for everyone? With marriages and all?" that gets me a laugh and a snort from her. She snorts when she laughs, hehehe.

  "No idea what it is like where you are from. But here, that income would make life easy, even in the capital. There's even a district in the capital called Shieldwives for a reason."

  "I mean the sex before marriage part." She stares at me.

  "Your world must really suck. Who cares about that! It's survival, plain and simple. There's two Shielders to the far west that SELL their services for this. One imperial per lay. Heard they go beyond the wall as little as possible, just keeping their Stone's power slowly rising. They're may not be as powerful as you, but I'm sure they are busier."

  I lean back, thinking on all this as Chel chugs back more cider. I just bought back over 200 Shielders. Have I made the village a target? That's a lot of power for one village. Even eating Shielder parts that's 400 power 'ups'. Chel chuckles at me.

  "Don't fret. Only the other worlders count." I relax more and finish my drink.

  "Every village has tried using our people before. They can get levels and stuff, but no 'ups' come from them.” Sorta unfair if you ask me. I feel a little heat flowing thru me as Chel refills my mug. No alcohol my butt.

  "The plan here is to get me drunk and jump my bones?" Chel chuckles, her legs failing off the table.

  "Well if I keep you here past midnight, you become fair game. My game." Her eyes lock on mine, reaching under the table again for my legs.

  "Ahh my week is up, and the lottery starts?" she licks her lips, hands running up my thighs.

  "Lottery only works if you don't get caught." My turn to chuckle, as I grab her hands, tight enough so they cannot slip free.

  "No fair." She grumbles. I raise my eyebrows to get her attention.

  "How about a deal instead?" She struggles to pull her hands away and gives up in frustration. That frustration enters her voice.


  "Don't be like that. How about you collect more information on all this. Keep me informed on the comings and goings around here. Don't tell anyone, even your family. Find out about that Kings Order if you can. And watch for Murdock's influence. And we can see about getting a child in you." Her body stiffens and she drops her act. She's all business now.

  "You sure? I'll make you keep your word." Her voice low now, all the lightness and flirtation gone.

  "I need friends I can count on. And that I can talk to. Consider it a friendship, with benefits." She smiles and moves closer.

  "I can do that. I'll need your permission to see Mari. Need that spell to help with the fertility." I nod and get up.

  "See you around Friend Chel." That gets me a huge grin.

  "Bet your ass there Shielder."

  I stroll thru the coffee house and out to the street. That whole conversation and deal puts a lot more things into perspective. Maybe I'll just have to live with it all. Oh, what a problem to have. The 25-year-old version of me would be dancing in the streets about now. Old man Walsh knows just what troubles relationships can bring. Off to the blacksmith's and one relationship I am not so sure on.

  Getting there in no time, lights on all thru the house as I go to knock on the door. I barely get to the door before it's flung open, and Bunny is standing tall, face a little red in either anger or anticipation. The harsh "Well?" tells me it's anger.

  "May I come in first?" she does that low growl as she makes room for me to enter. The fleeing forms of her family disappear out the back, dodging the scene to come. When the towns fighter/blacksmith runs from his own daughters’ anger, it's not a good day to be the one she's annoyed with. Especially as the amazon half orc's 5'8" frame is all muscle, tight tight muscles. She's embarrassed at that, muscle means she's very flat chested. Teased relentlessly about it until she was chosen as one of the three 'maids' when I first arrived.

  Her tusks are quivering in her lower jaw. She really is angry.

  "Bunny. I just saved Rika and her mother from her father. He's dead and Clan Walsh has the Trade Guild's blessing. And the Duke's. I couldn't come straight here, sorry." I bow my head.

  "And?" Shit what else did I do. Oh fuck, Chel.

  "You mean Chel?" her anger's dripping now.

  "Yes, I mean Chel!"

  "I had questions on relationships here. How things work. How things will work." I pause and sit, trying to relax and explain.

  "I have no idea how it works here. I don't know what's right and wrong. Being a Shielder means a lot more than I ever realised. She explained that even daughters from other villages would try for me. I didn't know it was such a big deal." I look up at her. She softened a little, anger still there, just... muted. I breathe deep.

  "I know I mean a lot to you. And you mean more to me. But there's more than one person in my life like that. That's new and doesn't really happen where I'm from. Chel explained it all. Sure, she tried to 'win' me over, but that didn't happen."

  I breath in and out, calming myself, staring off into the distance, Bunny at the edge of my vision.

  "I have no idea what I'm doing, and I find out every woman in the kingdom who's not rich will want a child from me. That's way too much information with everything else that's going on. It sounds great as a man, but I like being with one person. It's, um, how do I put this, cosy? No, it's feels like I'm complete.' I look at her directly now. "I'm not sure what to do. I have someone Beyond the Wall and you, here. I don't want to hurt you and no clue how to ask. So, I asked Chel as she knows all of you. I'm sorry if that hurt you." I stand up and turn to the door, ready to leave.

  She's sniffling now. I suck at this. I turn to her. Her eyes are red from crying. Redder than they should be. She was crying earlier. I'm an idiot. Again. I'm even still in my armour. I drop the helm and gloves on the table, unbuckling my breastplate as I go. She still crying watching me do this.

  "If you help, I can hug you sooner." She splutters a little laugh and helps me out of the armour, crying all the time. With a clunk the plate falls to the ground and she's in my arms, crying even harder now.

  "Sorry Bunny." I get squeezed more.

  "Shut up. Put your gear away properly. You smell and I'm taking you for a bath." I chuckle.

  "Taking me in a bath again." She punches me in the back while still hugging me.

  "You better believe it."

  Chapter 7

  I move Bunny off my chest as I head downstairs. Half orc stamina would kill a normal man. We need our own place. She's starting to get rather noisy when, well you know. It's dark outside, light not even breaching the horizon yet. I step carefully down the stairs in my robe, everything else in my storage, ready to wear. Into the kitchen I pad, coals still bright in the stove/heater.

  "Coffee's on already." Barin's deep voice Makes me jump, his grin parting the darkness on his face. Damn old orc got me. He chuckles,

  "One for me laddo."

  "Yeah yeah, let me stoke the stove and gear up then kick your old arse." He snorts his first cup out his nose, all over the table.

  "One for me now." I get a slap on the shoulder as he goes past for a dish cloth. Dressing slowly, I watch him clean as he starts talking.

  "She loves you. You know that, right?" I pause, socks half on. I continue and answer.

  "I don't deserve it. She deserves better than me. I can't be all hers. Not here, not with how things are." Barin's lower tusks drop as he laughs, muscles rippling as he grabs the table to stop from falling. He keeps laughing, wrist wiping his eyes and he chokes up.

  "Laddo, she's a gods-be-damned ORC. And my daughter. She knew all that the moment I paid good money to get her in t
he other worlders residence on that first day. I paid two months’ rent for that kimono. Bloody worth it if you keep coming back, I say. Your heads all addled from your world. We ALL expect you to be shared around. You’re a Shielder for crying out loud. Most people thought you'd be dead by the end of the first day Beyond." He rights himself, sits and points at me, dish cloth ruining the impact of the action.

  "It's all just in your head. She's organizing that forge/warehouse/house thing you talked about. They’re working on it south of the docks, new road and all. She's staked out farms for all those new troops. She's made sure everyone looking after the refugees you saved has enough food to feed them. Keeping Lady Rika and Aysun in line with what the village needs. Got all those pigeons being set up. And rabbits and those weird little chicken creatures." He spots the cloth and tosses it on the table.

  "You're an idjit if you can't see that."

  Chastised I sit down, pants finally on.

  "Guess I am an idiot then. Damn, she's doing so much. She really loves me? She barely knows me." Barin nods over to the door.

  "Ask her yourself." Twisting I see her standing in the door, robe tied closed, hair a mess, puffy eyes staring at me, soft and warm. Barefoot she walks over to me, smiling and sits down on my lap. I'm frozen like a deer in the headlights, unsure of what to do. She just smiles at me, ties her hair up as I watch her. Then she reaches down, grabs my head and pulls it to her.

  "I love you Paul Walsh. Sharing you was always going to happen, no matter what. That's how it works. Rika and Aysun have each other but I get you." She leans down and kisses me so softly.

  Her lips are light and soft. I feel her love flow thru our kiss and as I go to grab her head, she breaks it off, leaving me panting. Hand on my chest pushes me back as she stands, her gaze searching the now empty kitchen.

  "Where's your armour? You need to get ready." I put an arm out to my side and the pieces clang down on the stone floor.

  "More new tricks?" she yawns as she stretches, curves moving under her robe, eyes watching me, gleaming.

  "Some. Got to secure Cratertown today. And I won’t be staying tonight. Have to go to the Peerage Council, so riding all night." She bends down, picking up my boots, turning them over in her hands. Her robe parts slightly, long green legs exposed.

  "This is all good stuff. Got someone looking after it Beyond?" she passes me the boots then readies my shirt and gambeson. I charge the boots as I stand, nodding.

  "Niall the dwarf is doing the quartermaster stuff at the moment. Um, I may not be back for a few days, maybe even a week." She hands over the shirt and padding.

  "Yeah, I figured that out. Probably a good thing. There is so many plots to get your attention tonight I was expecting you to get jumped as soon as you returned. Chen started a betting pool. Bastard had the inside information... or not. Might have to get in on that action now." As she talks, she is inspecting my upper armour, testing buckles and joints.

  "You don't seem so, um, shy or nervous now." Another smile.

  "This is my home Paul. No-one judges me here." She puts the armour over my head and moves around the buckles, talking.

  "I'm safe here. And I have you. You may not have come to the conclusion yet, but I am yours - now and forever." She leans in, giving me a quick hug.

  "You may be unsure. That just proves it to me my brave Shielder." She walks out from behind me, testing buckles and pulling on the armour, making sure it's right. She pokes me on the nose quickly and steps back.

  "Okay. I get it. I'm an idiot." She's giggles, then yawns again. I walk over to the table and start unloading the items for the village. Bunny's eyes widen. I leave a chest of coins also.

  "This is all for the village. Equip, salvage, traded - doesn't matter. Anyone in the village who needs or can use something – provide it to them" I step to the other side of the kitchen I drop off a sword, a few daggers and two spears. Plus, a small chest.

  "These are for your home. Maybe our home? Use them as you see fit." She's looking on in awe at the treasure before her.

  "I have no way to see what tomorrow brings." I wave an arm over everything.

  "These will make life better here, whether or not I can come back. It's the best I can do and the only thing I can promise that I KNOW will happen." I pause, looking at her, shock on her face, hand covering her mouth. She looks at me, then the pile and back at me again.


  "Bunny. I care for you and I will try to return." She's crying softly then jumps at me, hugging tight and smashing her lips into mine. Her tongue slides in my mouth, hungrily entwined in mine, lips going all out. Her legs end up around my waist, bringing her in close. I try and break it for a breath, and she stops me, kissing harder and stronger. After how long I don't know she breaks to breath, forehead leaning on mine.

  "You're the best thing ever to happen to me. Come back." I lift her off me and smile back.

  "I want to come back too."

  Miki's on duty at the carts again, sitting and sipping waiting for me. I get a curt wave as I approach, and he bends over to pick something up. As I get close, he passes me a note.

  "From Aysun and Amaya. The report on the other worlders you saved. See if they can pick up your slack when you go hob nob with the royalty and all that." That man has a wicked grin when he wants to. Tongue to match it seems. I look down at it and read.

  Other Worldly Shielders

  Sylar, Lizardman - Rogue, Ranger Level 5

  Leader of group.

  Watches and studies people, seeing what he can get from them.

  Not to be trusted

  John, Human - Rogue level 4

  Sylar's Second.

  The rest are all followers and need considerable training to be worthwhile. Suggestion to send them to other villages and away from Sylar's bad influence.

  Tristian, Half-Elf - Fighter level 3

  Chris, Human - Fighter Level 2

  Robertson, Half Orc - Fighter Level 2

  Scott, Human - Fighter level 2

  Just as I thought. They're shit and scared and useless. In it for themselves. I'll have to see what I can do once I'm back from the Peerage Council. Do some training.

  "Miki? Do me a favour?" I get the look that I just ran over his foot.

  "What are you getting me into trouble with now?". I show him the note from the girls. Letting him read I ask him.

  "Keep an eye on these guys please? Keep them out of trouble. Or stop the trouble if you have to, hard."

  "Yeah, that I can do." He nods his head and passes the note back.

  "Thanks. See you tonight!"

  Passing through the Wall with the carts is hard work when they're weighed down with food. I break through to the other side and see the whole gang waiting for me. Nyssa smiling. Mary all stern. Niall whistle a jaunty tune. Garrot, his wife Tali with their kids, Aron and Lilly spread out watching the woods. Unhooking myself I wave as Nyssa skittles forward and Mary takes the load from me. Quick kiss and a hug and I disentangle myself and go and shake Garrot's hand.

  "Your poor husband has not given me the pleasure of your introduction. As for myself," I bow low to Tali, arms sweeping wide and long, "I am now Lord Paul Walsh, Shielder of Kawaba Village. Wyvern Slayer, Nightbane and freer of The Grove." Niall guffaws at that as Tali blushes a little, stepping behind her husband for protection.

  "Bit of a mouthful. Practicing are we, oh Lordship?" I rise up, bowing in his direction.

  "As a matter of fact, yes. Seems I have business on the other side for a few days, maybe a week. A Peerage council. Sounds like so much fun."

  Niall chuckles.

  "Ahh, the old 'who has the biggest dick, or stick up the ass' nobles meeting. Yeah, all yours. Your squire will find something else to do." Garrot watches our interplay as I see Nyssa cover her mouth, probably giggling. Tali is still half behind her husband, watching us, well watching me mainly. Seems she is really timid and shy. Not surprisingly really, she was a slave for a long time. Garrot graciously takes
her hand and bows with her, startling her as she does the same to keep up.

  "Lord Walsh. Allow me to present the Lady Tali of the Grove, the love of my life and my wife." She's blushing more now, not used to the attention. Like Aysun and Chel she has darkish skin, silver hair and that lovely elfin face. Her knife-like ears are jagged, small cuts along most of their length. At least that’s the visible damage anyway. I remove my helm and smile at her.

  "Sorry, should have taken that off earlier." I scratch my scalp, noticing the hair is growing, making my head a dark fuzzy patch.

  "Pleasure to meet you Lady Tali." I turn to the others. "Let’s get this to The Grove and then scout Cratertown." I walk in front of Mary, before she can head off.

  "Time for a boost Mary." I lay a hand on her flank and cast Enhance Companion, once for each of the three physical stats. The quick soft white flashes give away that the spells have gone off, filling her with power.

  With that Mary is off, her increased strength letting her race away from us. We all speed off to catch up to her, Niall of course having the hardest time, with the smallest legs. His pure strength, and a nice whistling song that he keeps on himself, allows him to keep up. When we finally arrive at the cross point to head to the grove, all are tired, and the sun is just about up.

  It's a bit of a slog to get all the food into The Grove. Two-mile hike across the woods to the closet area the King Oak can reach. We stack the food for the walking trees carry across the lake. Tali warms up to me, no longer hiding herself if I look at her. Which I try not to do, as it breaks my heart at every glance.


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