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Beyond The Wall 2: Noble Intention

Page 8

by Pwyll Duggan

  I pull out a small sack, unwrapping a kettle and small fire heater. Filling the kettle from the river I place it on the heater, striking the lighter and the flames spring to life. Two mugs, some coffee and a sprinkle of sugar and I sit down, staying quiet. Leaning back, I look up at the stars. No light pollution at all means it a very bright and full starscape above me. A thick line of stars goes up and over, much like the Milky Way does at home. Twin moons, rather tiny compared to old Luna wink down on me, like eyes for the line that is the nose.

  I hear boiling and make both mugs. Standing I carry one to Rose who's feeding Rosie from a bag. I stand, quiet, holding her mug out for her. Once she takes it with a nod, I turn back to my little fire and dowse it all, letting it cool before putting it away.

  Rose walks up next to me, mug in both hands, warming her. She looks cold. I pull out a traveling cloak and wrap it around her shoulders. She's staring into her mug, shaking less as the chill leaves her.

  "How do you do it?"

  I look at her questionably. She stays staring at her coffee.

  "How do you kill so many things and still be, well, a nice person? You should be all brash and demanding, like most nobles. Most Shielders. All ego and chest puffing peacock behaviour. Taking what you want, when you want." She pauses, the shaking leaving her, but the chill moves to her words. She looks up at me.

  "How come you're not a monster?"

  That hits home, hard and to the gut. And it's true.

  "I am a monster. I kill. I eat souls and spit them back out for a magic fucking rock." I look her in the eyes.

  "I do it, well I um. Fuck." I look up at the stars. "I did it at first because I had no choice. I can stop now, three years on the clock, but I won't." I sip the hot coffee, barely feeling the heat. I look at it, swirling it around.

  "Where I come from there are these books, made up story books, about heroes. The have all these powers and amazing abilities. They fight evil and help people. I want to do that." I sip again. "But the world isn't like stories. People don't die in the stories. Heroes don't end up covered in the blood of those they fought... or tried to save." I stand up straight and look at her.

  "So, I'll become whatever I need to, just to save people. I'll become that bloody monster mothers will tell stories of to scare their kids into doing the right thing. Otherwise there may be no more kids."

  I tip out my cup, popping it into storage and turn away.

  "I am a monster because the monster is what we need. And gods damn it, I want to be. I want to be that monster." I turn back to her. She's just standing there, fear behind her huge eyes.

  "You're right to be afraid. I can do terrible things." Looking up again I go on. "I've done terrible things. But don't live by it. I'm here and that's that. Live with it, fear it, run away from it. Whatever. Just don't ever get in front of it. You do me or mine wrong..."

  "And the Vengeance of The Stones was brutal and heart wrenching. For those that saw it died. And those that saw the remains cried." Rose quotes coldly, eyes unmoving, locked on me. The cup in her hands is shaking wildly now, her eyes go wider as I grab them in mine, stopping the red blotches her hot coffee are making on her hands. I go for distraction and enhance all her stats then heal her hands.

  That snaps her out of her thoughts.

  "You could do anything you want." Her voice trails off quietly. "Anyone." Her hands pull back, tugging her cloak tighter.

  "We need to keep going. With the boost we should meet them at the Crossing close to dawn." And with that, Captain St James is back. I put everything away and wait near Rosie as she walks around in thought. She comes back, mounts up and her hand drops down to help.

  "Come on Paul, let’s go save some lives." She has a smile and I'm confused. I'd say ‘women’, but who really knows. I sure don't.

  As the sun starts crossing the horizon Rose slows down again, just trotting on the water. She waves to early fishermen and the bank as we go past. The area is lush and green, clumps of trees in lines everywhere, two or three deep. Rose is happy as she points things out.

  "The tree lines break up the fields but allow animals to cross freely. Landholders don't always like it as it means everyone can cross. So, they added tracks along all of them, making these lands a huge crisscross of lanes, roads and paths. You can travel a long way and never be seen. Which of course leads to banditry and many small towers, forts and keeps, to patrol from." She spurs Rosie along a little faster.

  "We travelled almost 300 miles in a night. In one night! Crossing is the huge bridge a few miles in front of us, there is a toll gate and small inn. The dukes hunting lodge is only twenty miles from there. We should make it by midsun, hopefully catching up to the dukes’ men..."

  "Spy masters." I add

  "Spy masters' carriage on the road. Then you're in their hands. Hopefully giving me a few days away from you."

  "Seriously woman. What have I done to you?" I feel her stiffen as she answers.

  "You make me think."

  And I'm shut up and down all at once. Scary that I miss Niall's ale jokes at that comment. I need more male friends, stat. With 100ccs of quiet time, Soft drinks and burgers. And my brain is going off track. At that moment we round a huge bend on the huge river and see Crossing. Holy shit, the Frey's would wet their pants.

  Twin double wide bridges span the river, arches so tall a sailing ship could go under. Hell, they probably do for all I know. Trees line the bridge along the stonework and battlements. Trees growing on the bridge! Ten or twenty fishing lines drop down from the grass areas that I can see. Large towers at each end of the span rise four, no five stories. The sand coloured stonework strangely blending in among all the green. A small keep and surrounding villages are on the north side, smoke drifting from chimneys as the day starts. Twin towers in the centre of the bridge support a portcullis, siege weaponry and small groups of soldiers, seeming shouting at the fishermen. Some shout back and laughter drifts our way.

  The southern side is more open, with a defensible small manor and stables on that side. The Dukes flags are everywhere. His insignia is a red arming sword, point to chief (pointing upwards), with quillons either side of the hilt which look like swan wings on a royal blue background. Hanging from the sides of buildings, up on flag poles. Deciding the colours of flower beds that were planted here and there.

  Shouts and pointing start as they see us. Rose waves back and Rosie starts neighing a little, obviously more tired than I thought. Rose is searching the high banks for a way up. I lean forward to her ear.

  "Trust me a bit, I've got this." She leans back, still waving.

  "Will I regret this?"

  "Absolutely." I chant and fall of the back before she can respond.

  My feet are 6 inches from the surface of the water and I'm floating. Fuck that, I can fly.


  I shout and shoot off and up, doing loops. I rush back down, skimming the surface of the water. Rosie rears back and starts bucking and she's off chasing me, Rose hanging on for dear life. I swoop around the surface of the river, darting in the trees and Rosie races after me. We race back and forth across the width of the river until she blast's me with water. I crash, bouncing along the top of the river then crashing into the high bank.

  Mud covered and pulling grass from my eye slits I shout.

  "That's it, my turn!" and streak forward.

  Rosie rears up and I shoot up, apex as I tuck my legs into my chest.

  "CANNONBALL!" and drop straight into the water. I shoot up and out of the river, spinning fast, throwing water everywhere. Rosie is bouncing again, all excited. Rose on the other hand is dripping wet and dripping mad.

  "SHIELDER!" is her shout. Both Rosie and I stop, chastised. Rosie running a hoof along the river top slowly, head bowed.

  "Sorry Captain." I say, head bowed, floating a few feet from her. Her hair damp against her scalp, she throws it back with a hand and scowls.


es ma'am" I say quietly and float down to Rosie’s flank, patting her. "Let's go to the bank girl." I lead her to the south side. Then arms under her centre I lift quickly, placing her on top of the bank before she can see what I have done. She's not impressed, but it's done.

  Rose points out front and I walk towards the bridge with her riding behind. As we get close, I can hear the snickers of the guards and townsfolk, all carefully hiding their laughs from Rose. She glares at anyone that makes a sound, head searching for any culprits, daggers in her eyes.

  We walk slowly to the manor, its large sign moving slowly back and forth in time with the flags. 'Crossing Inn' it reads as we leave Rosie outside, stable boy unsure what to do with an elemental horse. I flick a gold coin at him.

  "Bag of apples for Rosie there, please." Eyes wide he runs to the stables.

  Rose pushes open the wooden doors and is instantly greeted by the staff.

  "Lady St James! Lords Ottoman and Smythe left a message for when you appeared." The formally dressed servant passes her a message on a silver tray. She scans it and huffs, water still dripping off her.

  "They left at dawn. So, they have an hour head start." The servant smiles.

  "Please give them, and the Trade Officers, our greetings when you see them." I look at him and query.

  "Trade Officers?" He nods and keep smiling.

  "Missed them in Kawaba they said. Something about a trade deal for weapons and metals. Lovely Lady she was. Most spectacular Cherry Blossom Kimono. I must point that out to Countess Murdock when she comes back thru."

  Fuck me sideways with a ten-foot barge pole. This was supposed to be easy. I grab Rose's arm and drag her outside.

  "Thanks for your help. See you when we come back thru."

  I wave as I bundle Rose back outside, her resistance nothing against me. She wrenches her arms free once we get to Rosie. Rosie is happily eating the apples from the stable boy, who's gently touching her muzzle, clearly excited.

  "Thanks kid, but we gotta go save some friends." His eyes go wide as Princess and a Tower shield appear in my hands. I lift Princess up and over as I explain.

  "Cherry Blossoms means Lamia or Night One or Countess Murdock hit squad. They’re in danger." The bag of apples disappears, and I look at Rose. She's in the saddle before I can blink.

  "Ride first. We're faster. Then take some souls." Her arm lowers grips my wrist and I'm up, shield by my side.

  I so hope I'm wrong about this.

  Chapter 12

  Just once couldn't they be ale sellers, or maybe farmers. Or I could just be jumping to conclusions and they are Traders. They just trade fireballs and arrows, you know, honest work.

  We're racing down the road, all nice and wide and well kept. The freeway of this medieval mixed up world. Just around the next curve we can see the overturned carriage, horses loose but safe. Men scattered on the ground, some using the carriage as cover.

  Five axe wielding maniacs are screaming as they run at those men, a group of archers behind them keeping the first group of defenders from running. The carriage defenders retaliate with crossbows and Firebolts. At the rear of the attacking group is another group of six, one robed figure casting firebolts and a lightly armoured man shooting a bow. Two heavily armoured warriors, a lightly armoured woman and another woman in robes watch on.

  "Go wide, come from behind the carriage. I'll run interference. Use it to your advantage."

  Rose gives me a curt nod in response, and I brace myself. Rosie goes off road, thru the fields heading to the rear. Both sides see us. The group at the rear draw their weapons and start stretching once they see us. Not off putting at all. As Rose veers towards the carriage, we cross the line of archers, a good 600 to 700 yards away. I bail, falling of the back, keeping close to the ground using her as cover, flying next to her. I fly up and over, racing towards the archers at speed, shield out front. Their rear-guard starts shouting, drawing the attention to me.

  All the archers turn to me and start shooting. They have no chance as I zig and zag as I approach. The odd plink comes from the shield. I hit the 50 yards mark, shield holding way more arrows than I expected, and I bank, heading to the carriage. Palm sends a flaming ball of death at the archers as I race at the rear of the axe wielders, shield bashing one as I pass by, dropping near the carriage.

  Force Sphere extends from my hand, head bowed, just in front of me and my goal. I hear bodies bounce off it as I turn, reaching for the axle of the overturned carriage. I pull it back over, jumping out of the way as it rights itself. I start shouting as the maniacs run right, getting to the edge of the force sphere.

  "Crossbowman underneath, injured behind the carriage! Use the cover! Target the casters! Keep them busy!" The first dual wielder runs at me, foaming at the mouth, dual bearded hand axes in hand. Oh goody, berserker's mad with rage. I step forward and kick fast, slamming into a hairy bare chest.

  Booted foot sinks in as his ribs crack and his sternum collapses. He falls like a sack of potatoes, lifeless. I keep moving forward as the next two scream at me. A head explodes in red mist as a firebolt continues its motion at the last remaining archer, spraying both of us. I raise my shield as he brings both axes down, trying to use both to hook the top of the shield.

  Bearded axes similar to those the Vikings on our earth used, the axe head is quite narrow where it joins the shaft but it quickly widens out to a long ‘bit’ (cutting edge), with the heel separated from the shaft , which in profile looks like a long beard. Good for pulling things, tripping people and causing havoc on the battlefield. Only works if you have the leverage and strength.

  He pulls down and I lean back and flip the shield up. It drags him over the top of me, axes flying. As he tumbles a mace slams him down to the ground, once then twice. Rose finishes him off as a fireball impacts the force sphere, almost dropping it. I trigger Armour and start forward as the last two berserkers run at me in flames. Guess they really were fodder. Power striking a wide horizontal swing cuts both in half at once. They're not even Ogre strong, maybe the same as orcs.

  None of the archers remain standing, and the six 'adventurers' are in formation, waiting for me. I sidestep behind the force sphere and give them the bird.

  "Come get some!" I shout. Every second counts as the horses are reattached to the carriage. Injured are moved and the troops here are getting organized. Time’s on our side, not theirs. The heavily armoured warrior of the group shouts,

  "Fuck this" and a bright bolt rockets out of his hand. The force sphere shatters with a reverberating crack and a huge flash of white.

  On that signal they charge. Fireball, lightning bolt and glowing arrows fired in rapid succession lead the way, followed by the heavy warrior, the female rogue wielding twin daggers and a sword and board fighter. I cast a second force sphere to block the ranged attacks this one also explodes after the first barrage. As it explodes, I fly, heading up and over their first rank. They try back peddling, the mages throwing up shields, the archer using them as cover. As I fly, I trigger charge and plummet straight down.

  The sword and board fighter has his shield up, absorbing crossbow bolts from our troops as I kamikaze dive bomb him, tower shield out front. Impacting his headfirst, I drive him down. With nowhere to go, his legs buckle and break. Thighs sending shards of bone up into his stomach, nothing to stop them. I roll off and run at the mages, horror in their eyes now. I'm a good couple of hundred feet away as wand and staff point at me. I fake a dodge left, that they all can see, archer tracking me closely. Yup, they forget I can fly as they shoot and I'm up and left, spinning like a top so the arrow can't dig into me. I didn't need to worry, he missed.

  Flying fast and high they try and pepper me with bolts and arrows, their melee troops running back under a hailstorm of arrows and bolts from the carriage defenders. I go to fly to their rear as purple chains streak up at me from a robed female caster. She's has little to no skin exposed and is using a staff. Healer would be the guess, they're always the prudes. The cha
ins go to wrap me, hold me in place. They would if I was on the ground.

  I drop like a stone, not resisting. She realises too late and rolls out of the way as I flex, chains cracking in bright light. Twin daggers thrust up at my stomach, archer's scraggy beard in my face grinning wildly. They spark along the armour, until they hit a joint and stop as he pushes up, trying to get them under the plates and into my body. I return his grin and head butt him, hard. He drops the daggers and grabs his face.

  I drop Princess and grab his face too, pulling him around. Firebolts slam into the archers back as a look of horror hits the robed ladies face, seeing what she's done. His muffled screams begin his thrashing as I use him as an overhead attack, throwing him at the heavy warrior.

  As the archer slams into his shield while he's trying to back pedal, I backhand the healer hard across the face, sending her sprawling with a crack. I've lost sight of the rogue in all the mess, which is never good. I reach behind me, Princess returning to my hand as I swing, launching her at the mage. Princess slams into a spirita shield, making her fail and falling to the ground. The mage turns from Rose closing on her and grins at me. Too late I turn, pain shooting up my back. I fall to my knees, daggers in my back, fire burning my blood. Someone leans down and whispers.

  "Dead man falling now.' I grunt in pain and she giggles.

  My elbow breaks her nose as remove poison kicks in. I leap up and spin kick in her direction, she blocks with both forearms but is still sent staggering backwards. The heavy is close, untangling his comrade, face all veins and anger. Back to the mage I trigger charge again, this time going backwards, turning as I do so. I slam into the Silver hair beauty, sending her spinning away. I slam down my shield and reface the rogue and heavy. I'm grinning as the sound of a sickening crunch echoes near us. Rose has caved in the archer’s skull, shield up and ready once more.

  I reach up to my shoulder, vines handing me one of the poisoned daggers.


  The rogues mouth opens as I spin and throw at the mage. Heavy's charging forward and the rogue runs for her friend. The dagger hits and staggers the mage in the chest, going in deep. The rogue reaches into a pouch as she runs.


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