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Beyond The Wall 2: Noble Intention

Page 14

by Pwyll Duggan

  I've closed the distance to them, not quite hearing what is being said yet. A gaggle of girls are nearby, watching their little friends’ troubles, none of them sure what is going on. I use them for cover, sliding close.

  "I'll go get my dad, show that perv what a real man does," one of them goes.

  "He's the Duke of the Mid East Provinces. He'll just slide away and have your dad killed. I like your dad - use mine instead." Some giggles and then sighs. I stand behind the last commentator and stand tall.

  "Not very nice that. He really that bad." She turns and talks before seeing me.

  "No idea, he's hasn't been home for 10 years now, off with that who... holey shit it's you. You're him."

  "Oh, Gods, am I? I thought I was me." That gets me a look straight away and a slap on the shoulder.

  "Jane needs help. Go help her." I look at this little brunette girl leading the gaggle. "Well go, he's trying to take her away because of a debt!" I roll my eyes and get slapped again.

  "Fine, what's the mother's name?"

  "Baroness Tessa Sumner."

  "Right. Follow my lead girls, stay a few feet behind and look happy. We're off to dinner together." They all look at me like I'm mad but follow anyway.

  I stroll up behind Duke William, waving over him so Tessa and Jane can see me.

  "Baroness. Oh, there you are, something was blocking my view." I slightly shoulder Duke William, making him stumble out of the way.

  "Terribly sorry, don't know my own strength. Really shouldn't drink on an empty stomach." I hiccup, acting skills a total failure in real life. "Baroness Tessa, I found the girls. Well they found me. Shall we arrange dinner." Duke William is brushing himself, and retorts angrily before seeing who I am.

  "Sir, we are discussing a debt. Kindly leave." He looks up, paling instantly.

  "Hey there! Fancy catching you in something illegal again. What are the chances." I nod to the Baroness, taking her hand and kissing it. She curtsies as I finish.

  "Lord Walsh. We were going to start without you. This is my daughter Jane I was telling you about. She's an Earth Caster, and a good one at that." She turns to Duke William.

  "No one carries 4000 Imperials on them." I cough and interrupt.

  "Really, what a coincidence." I pat the hilt of my new sword, his Ducal guards only just now seeing me, go pale and turn around. Smarter lads than their boss.

  "I recently came into possession of this magic item. Mayhap a trade is in order?" He goes red.

  "That's already mine, as is Jane now." I shake a finger at him.

  "I won it fair and square, combat salvage if you will. How about this. I give it to you, and you forgive the debt." He's furious now and I'm poking this savage beast.

  "Or maybe we should go ask your brother to follow all the laws on this, and where I got the sword from and what that means for its wielder." It finally triggers in his mind. Interfering with a Shielder again. Starting to really like that law. Like it was made for a monster like me.

  He grits his teeth, glaring at me.

  "Fine. But I want you away from all my dealings." I smile and agree.

  "Sure, and you're leaving tonight, as soon as possible. Because as a Shielder, my powers reset at midnight. Then I get to teach another lesson." I grin. Showing teeth.

  "And that will be fun for me, probably not you." I unbuckle the belt, passing him the sword.

  "May we never meet again Shielder."

  "Oh, I can agree to that. Bye Bye Duke William." I wave as he leaves, guards falling in step.

  I let out a long breath as I get a few slaps and girls trying to hug me.

  "Let the Shielder be girls." Baroness Tessa says.

  Like her daughter, she's not the brightest light in this place. But her eyes show why. She's seen a lot and lived through it, experience deep pools in her eyes. Smiling I think I made a good choice for dinner.

  "Well Baroness, lead on to your booth. Teach me about all the different dishes on offer, because I sure have no idea. I am hungry enough to eat almost anything. Almost."

  Chapter 21

  Tessa takes control before I can blink. The gaggle gets paired off, seats to be rotated every 15 minutes and a waiter summoned before I can even sit. The gaggle is giggling in excitement as they sit, me between two girls at one end, Tessa opposite me across the table. A waiter enters thru the curtain and stops dead in his tracks.

  "My, my my Lord. You are supposed to be in the Royal Area.” I shrug.

  "No one told me. I need 4, no 6, pitchers of that drink they have for me and Baroness Sumner will order our food now."

  She runs down a list, ordering entrees and mains, one of each of the various items on the menu. She explains it so I can try them all and asks for lots of extra plates and long forks, if possible. I look at her to ask then gasp, hands and feet running over me under the table. Nothing is safe down there. She just grins.

  "Problems?" I shake my head no.

  "Maybe? I was not, woah, not ready for this."

  "That's fine - you just have to last," she looks at her inner wrist, "65 or so minutes. Until dessert and more dancing..."

  The gaggle shoot questions at me, each taking turns. None are shy anymore. Seems the curtain works, blocking sight in and out allowing the girls to be, well, girls. I get asked all the normal questions, plus what I liked, is Kawaba nice, do you have to eat rice and so on. Jane is the one to change the path of the questions.

  "Can you really fly?" and that sets the table silent, all staring at me. I have a hand on each of my thighs, a large cloth napkin hiding my manhood from view, and the added extra of more warning on their actions.

  "It's a spell that I can keep on for half an hour per level." Jane and Gabby the slappy look at each other and turn back.

  "No way. Ours are a minute per."

  "You're both casters?"

  Gabby is the one who can't stop talking, the default leader of the gaggle. They all use nicknames bar Jane, but I can sort of guess hers. She answers fast.

  "Jane's the earth master, she can mould rocks and earth to her WILL. She's awesome. I do a little air magic. Tash and Kissa are water nympho's," the blondes at the end of the table go 'hey' but she continues. "And Flash and Bangers are match sticks." Flash is thin and leaves nothing to the imagination. Bangers is top heavy and covering it all up. Everyone is still grinning madly.

  "Are you all nobles?" Tessa nods as food arrives with the drinks, being laid out as Gabby talks.

  "Our Baronies are all next to each other and our Fathers and Mothers run them. We have a joint business that makes high grade paper and pens, even colour pencils now, for the whole kingdom. If only we could get that road built and not have to pay those Trader bastards so much the Baronies would be better off." I watch Tessa shake her head, cupping her ear at me and don't follow up on that.

  "And where is this place that sports such beautiful creatures." Points scored with that and they all go to giggles as I look at them, making sure to spend longer looking at Jane. Instead the Baroness answers.

  "West of Kawaba, about 150 miles then south for thirty. Where the hills meet the plains and the rains fall." All the gaggles agree, and then long forks come into play. Seems I'm not old enough to feed myself.

  With laughter from Tessa, and my hands under the table to defend myself, the talking goes on and my spirits rise more and more. These are normal people, living in a world of different rules, but somehow the same. The girls drift to all the arranged marriages they must look at. Someone comments at least they're not farm girls - bundled off to marriage at 14. Or the third and more son, off to war college, or heavens forbid The Stone Seminary. Life may be hard, the decisions harder, but life does go on.

  Another seating swap and Jane and Gabby are by my side now. The pair are the most devious yet, one feeding while the other is playing with my beard, or hair, or trying down low. They swap and giggle. I notice Tessa has swapped their drinks to something with a kick, slowing down the other girls’ actions but allowing
her two favourite the best chances. As I'm being fed yet another vegetable dish of some kind, with a rich sauce, I just stare at her and she smiles. With that, a foot traces up my inner leg. She does a sly wink and continues. I don't stand much of a chance.

  And suddenly she claps her hands and the girls turn to her.

  "Go get prepared, you only half an hour before the orchestra starts again.” Panic and pushing wins out and I'm dumped on the floor as they all race off giggling. Tessa smiles down at me, offering a hand which I take and stand. I brush myself off, draw back the curtain before the crowd burst thru and sit next to her.

  I take her hand and put it in mine.

  "Thank you for showing me Swamp Boar, desert drake and the MedEast Vegetables. It was... nice. A little warning on what the minxes were up to would have been good." She's all smiles, eyes clear once more.

  "You are the Shielder. What do you expect? Slayer of Dead, Ogres and Night Ones." She's happy. "Thank you. They will speak of this night, no matter what, for the rest of their lives. Next year they may not be allowed to attend and never see you again." I laugh.

  "Right, like I'll last that long." She digs her nails lightly into my hand.

  "Don't say that. Ever. Especially around the girls." There's anger in her voice.

  "This is special for them. Even more so tomorrow night at their Presentation Ball. You cannot miss that, and I would love for you to dance with them all. For me."

  "Making another deal there? You sure that's a good idea?" she digs her nails in again and then rocks against me.

  "Because I asked you, one noble to another."

  "Nope. Nada. Not happening. I'm important now and must get something out of it."

  I make a show of thinking, hand pulling on my beard, the other lightly thumping my chest, puffing it out as I do so.

  "Yes, I have it now. I demand Jane put on a display for me tomorrow on her powers, with or without the gaggle involved. And the Baroness needs to give me a Kiss. Yes, a kiss, here on my cheek." I keep looking away, chest out, shoulders down and arms as far out as they can be before I elbow her.

  I think about whether or not I can do something with my cheek as she roughly grabs my head and pulls me over, lips attacking me. I'm in shock and don't respond.

  "Too old for you?" I attack her back, hard, tongues meeting in a joust. Gods she can kiss. We slowly move apart.

  "I'm probably older than you, young lady." She has both my hands in hers.

  "I'm a mother of 4, pushing 35. Old and well past the young beauties around you."

  "That's not old. I'm pushing the wrong end of 40, was married but childless."

  Her eyes tear up, hands between us on the seat.

  "I need you to do something for me. For Jane. Choose her." I stay silent, not moving or giving away how I feel about that. She goes on.

  "She needs it more than me. If she gets lucky, she's safe. From that, that man. And all the others like him. Please. Even if it doesn't work, she'll be safe here for a few days." Tears roll down her cheeks, some follow her nose down. Jane's only 18 and it still seems wrong. Shit.

  I reach up, brushing away her tears, staying strong as I do so.

  "For you then. And if it happens, you tell me. I've always wanted kids, even if it will be hard to not be there." I release her hands and cover my eyes with the palm of my hand.

  "How do I get her out of here, for that?" she's cleaning herself up, nodding and talking.

  "Dance her out. The guards are used to all the 'affairs of state' that happen here. Just make sure she takes the potion near her bed. It will help." Her rooms then. She looks around and continues.

  "They all wish and want for this. Please." I scull a drink and head out the curtain to the crowd awaiting me. And I feel like a shithead again.

  Seems more powerful families have pushed their candidates to the fore. I just drift up and over them, dropping by the Gaggle and taking Flash by the hand, leading her to the dance floor. We hit it as the music starts and we slow waltz around the floor, slower than the music should allow. The conductor sees me, and the song slows to match. She's over excited, dancing poorly but seriously enjoying herself. After three turns around the floor I swap to Bangers for the same. Then Tish and Kissa, who lives well and truly up to her name, almost never stopping while we dance. The crowd is sure I've chosen her when I stop with a spin, bowing to Gabby.

  She seems a trifle disappointed as she takes my hand, whispering "Jane over me, wow." I pull her close as the next song starts, slow again.

  "Maybe if you behave yourself." She blushes and whispers,

  "Sorry." Smiling I say,

  "Don't be. All I ask is you get your Gaggle ready to show me what you can cast tomorrow morning. I should be around the gardens - ask the staff kitchen. They will know." She nods as an evil grin comes to her face.

  "Have me for lunch then?" I almost stumble.

  "Wow. I can only say wait and see. I have not many plans tomorrow." She's now grinning again.

  After her three turns around the floor, I pass her to the Gaggle and watch her wink at her friend. Jane is all nerves, waiting as I kneel again, hand out. I slowly look up as she comes forward.

  "Ready to fly?" Eyes wide I cast the three Enhancements quickly on her hand, take our positions and cast fly. She immediately clutches me close, head going to my chest.

  "Gently." She whispered, scared and worried.

  We take it slow and her voice goes calm as she asks.

  "What did my mother promise you?"

  "That you'd display you powers for me tomorrow, with your friends and maybe teach me some things." Her head looks up.

  "That's it?" Voice full of hope.

  "She answered a quick question for me also, but that was all. She told me to be gentle." We go up higher, going straight to the second step height as our first turn about ends.

  "Well that's not happening." She says, voice all deep and husky now.

  "I may have never been with a man doesn't mean I haven't watched. I know where Gabby takes her suitors, what she does for them. Them for her. I also shape rocks you know - whatever shape I want. With tremors thru them."

  "Well well well, what have I gotten myself into." She hugs me tight.

  "Hopefully a really fun time for both of us." She replies.

  I look at the two sides.

  "Lodge or palace?"

  "Palace, second floor, rear - take us to a balcony. I'll race you there."

  "You know where you’re going, so I can't win."

  "But you can watch me run... picking up what I drop."

  Okay. She wins.

  Chapter 22

  Disappearing above the crowd and over into a balcony gets us a few shouts and she's off, shoes already dropped. I pick them up and run after her, seeing how long until she remembers she can fly. Not too long it works out, gloves floating to the ground as she shoots off. I do the same, guards blur by, my mind on other things.

  I turn a corner and she's at an open door. Her dress drops to the floor and I fly, snatching the dress before it touches the ground and enter the room, door slamming behind me. Jane drops from the ceiling, pinning me face first on the floor, her clothes going everywhere.

  "I caught you!" She yanks my jacket off me, and I use that action to turn to her, keeping her on top. She only has some short stockings on and some barely there panties.

  I reach up and snag her nipples, slowly pulling her down, which is something she likes, moaning just under her breath. She scrambles for my buttons, trying to get my shirt off. I pull her lower via her nipples, causing distraction as kiss her, then whisper "potion".

  Her head whips up and she's off across the room. I throw off my shoes and socks as I watch her cute butt as she stops at the bed, searching for the bottle. I drop my pants, boxers and lose the shirt and walk over to her.

  I slowly nibble on her neck, reaching around to pinch her small nipples and tease her breasts. Her hand reaches behind us and keeps my head on her neck as she opens a dr
aw and sighs.

  "There and there." She puts a small box on the bedside table and uncorks the potion one handed, chugging it down. It causes her to shiver, making it easy for me to move my hands down, sliding her panties down. She stops my hands, saying “watch this” and she bends slightly, sighs as two polished jade eggs slide out from her neither lips, dropping into her panties.

  "Earth Caster, made them myself. Soo useful. I'm empty now." She pouts and reaches around find me and aiming me for her lips.

  "Start and don't stop." She commands as I press in, sliding nice and tight an inch or so in. She moves her hips back and forth ever so slightly, more and more of me entering.

  "So much better than jade...maybe I should make a mould? Ohhh yeah."

  I twist her, laying her front down on the bed. She pushes back as I push forward, rhythm going faster and faster. I'm breathing hard and faster.

  "Oh yeah, please Shielder. Please put a, a, a baby in me." She's biting down on her lips and just going for it, bouncing her back and forth. I grab her arms, pulling them back, making her come back on me. I have no idea how long this lasts, lust clouding me as I finally release, pushing her forward. I fall on top of her, almost slipping out, gasping for hair.

  Her hands are waving around, and I step back. She then rolls on the bed and I join her. She's panting and trying to talk.

  “That’s three for me, one for you. You need to catch up." She reaches over to the bed stand again, pulling out another potion.

  "Don't tell mother, but there was no way I was going home pure."

  She pours a little over my half erect penis, one hand starting to rub it in. She puts the potion away and both hands work together as she kneels between my legs. As I'm getting hard again, she's talking softly.

  "Janes no so plain now, is she." She slides forward, raises herself up, straddles me and then lowers herself down. All the way down.

  I go to reach up and she catches my hands and interlocks our fingers. She starts slowly rocking, using my hands as balance, then shivers.


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