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Page 12

by Selena IR Drake

  “I’m actually glad to hear that.” Kitfox grinned.

  “Well, I should let you all begin the journey back to the surface before you are too weary to.” Thedrún made a sound like a laugh. “I shall be watching you all from within the Eye.”

  “Thank you, Thedrún.” We chorused.

  Thedrún bade his farewell and faded into his element. Emerald green lightning crackled and sparked as it danced around the room. Moments later, it shot into the Dragon’s Eye Amulet and an eighth jewel shimmered to life amidst the filigree.

  “Four left.” I whispered, brushing my fingers over each gleaming jewel.

  Kitfox massaged the small of my back and smiled when I looked at him. “Almost done.”

  A great wave of despair washed over me in that instant. I knew we would all have to say good-bye to each other one day and go on with our separate lives, but I had never imagined it would come so soon. I suddenly found myself wishing that the adventure would never end just so I could prolong my time with each of them; Kitfox especially.

  I forced myself under control; now was not the time to think of such dispiriting things. We had much to celebrate. I clapped the Fox Demon on the shoulder and smiled.

  “Let’s get out of here.”

  He agreed.


  The trek back through the labyrinth was agonizingly slow. It was as if each turn we took lead us down a path with a dead end or water trap. Weary and frustrated, Kitfox transformed into a fox and sniffed around until he found the original course we had taken. Once we were back on it, we covered a great distance before stopping for a few hours of rest.

  As I laid down in my bedroll and waited for sleep to claim me, I observed my teammates. Shazza leaned against the stalagmite she was seated near; eyes closed and arms crossed. One orange eye cracked open as Thera passed in front of her. Upon discovering the Feykin was once again busy with deciphering portions of Dragon Diary, Shazza closed her eye again. I let my gaze shift to Kkorian. The pirate was seated a distance away from me, staring absent-mindedly into the light orb Thera had lit. I wondered what was going through his mind to cause such a dark look in his usually cheery, cerulean eyes.

  My thoughts ceased when I felt a warm body snuggle up to me. Immediately knowing who it was, I grinned and rolled over, allowing myself the pleasure of snuggling into Kitfox’s loving embrace. He chuckled and gingerly brushed some of my hair out of my face.

  “Sweet dreams, Xy.”

  With his whispered words, I drifted off to the world of my dreams.


  An unknown time later, I was jerked out of a sound sleep by Kitfox. His amber eyes glowed greenish in the near dark, silently warning me to remain still and quiet. A moment later I realized that every one of his muscles were taut and on full alert.

  What’s going on?

  We are not sure, Hatchling. Quietly replied Vortex.

  I kept my eyes glued to Kitfox, reading each little movement he made. His ear twitched. His grip around my waist tightened. He growled. My breath caught.

  Faster than I could react, he shoved me away and attacked the would-be assassin. A split second later, a light exploded into existence behind me. Momentarily blinded by Thera’s spell, I took the time to free my tessens from my belt and flare them. My vision cleared in time to see Kitfox roll away from the deadly blade of an angry, Godilaied Dákun Daju.

  “Godilai!” Her attention jerked to me at my holler. Forgetting Kitfox, she snarled and lunged for me. I barely managed to block the feral swing of her swords before Kitfox slammed her into a stalagmite hard enough to shatter it. The two of them rolled to the ground amidst the rubble and dust. A moment of recovery and the two were back at each other’s throats.

  Shazza took a position in front of me and knocked two arrows. “How did she find us?”

  “Don’t know, but if she’s here, Dimitri is sure to follow.” Thera replied and quickly cast protective spells around us. She froze and met me with a worried look. “Where’s Kkorian?”

  My heart skipped a beat. “Oh no.” I cast a quick glance around the cavern we were in, hoping Thera had just overlooked the pirate in her haste to protect us. Kkorian was nowhere to be found. Did Godilai get to him first?

  In a paroxysm of hurt and rage, Shazza loosed her arrows with an anguished cry. Godilai yowled in pain before yanking the missiles from her shoulder and thigh. She hurled them back at Shazza, who deflected them with the arms of her bow. Before the Godilaied Dákun Daju could heal herself, Shazza loosed more arrows.

  Realizing she was fighting a losing battle, Godilai took off at a full sprint. Kitfox snarled and took off after her. Thera, Shazza, and I didn’t hesitate to follow.

  “We have to catch her before she’s able to do anything to Kkorian!” Shazza proclaimed and bolted ahead of everyone. Kitfox wasted no time transforming into his fox form to keep pace with her. I sent a prayer to the Gods to keep everyone safe as the two of them disappeared from view.

  A few seconds later, a yellowish glow appeared ahead. Metallic clangs rang out and a pained howl followed. Recognizing the howl in a heartbeat, I rushed towards the light.

  Stay back!

  Thedrún’s warning came too late. Thera and I rounded a corner and slammed into the backs of several soldiers who were struggling to fend off Shazza’s enraged attacks. We all toppled to the ground in a disheveled mess. I fought against the weight and chaos of limbs to right myself and collect my war fans.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” I froze at the sound of the familiar voice. Taking a shaky breath, I looked to my left to see Dimitri standing at the edge of the pool of light. He held Kitfox pinned to a stalagmite and rested a dagger against his throat. Dimitri sneered. “If you move, I will kill him.”

  To make sure I got the message, Dimitri slammed his knee into Kitfox’s ribs. A yelp of pain echoed in the cavern and tore tears from my eyes. “Please don’t hurt him! Please!”

  “Good girl.” Dimitri scoffed. He ordered his minions to tie me, Shazza, and Thera up. Once they had completed that task, Dimitri tossed Kitfox at me. The Fox Demon helplessly slumped to the ground with a whimper and remained still. As I watched the soldiers bind Kitfox, Dimitri squatted in front of me. “Where’s the Dragon Diary?”

  “I don’t have it.” I muttered. Dimitri snarled and slapped me so hard spots danced before my eyes. The copper taste of blood filled my mouth.

  Dimitri made a disgusted sound and stood to his full height. He moved to stand above Kitfox and met me with a sneer. “One more time; where is it?”

  “It’s true! Xyleena-sortim doesn’t have the diary!” Shazza shouted. Dimitri made a face and slammed his foot down on Kitfox’s ribcage, tearing another pained howl from the Demon.

  “Stop it!” I begged through my tears.

  “Then tell me where the diary is!”

  I bit my bottom lip and looked to Thera. The Feykin nodded and faced Dimitri defiantly. “If you want it, you will have to untie me.”

  Dimitri guffawed. “Do you really think I’m that stupid, girl?”

  “You don’t understand!” Thera cried. “My bag has a warding spell on it. Only Xyleena and I can reach into it, so if you want Dragon Diary, you will have to untie one of us!”

  “Fine.” The Shadow Keeper humphed. “Raythur, untie Xyleena.” I gawked as the Magistrate of Vronan lurked out of the shadows to do as ordered.

  No wonder I got a bad feeling around him! And I’ll bet every single one of the soldiers taking commands from Dimitri are his.

  “Make any move to attack and I will end this pathetic Demon’s excuse of a life!” Dimitri stepped on Kitfox’s already broken ribs and sneered smugly at the pained whimpers. I nodded in understanding. The moment I felt the ropes go slack, I reached for Thera’s pack. After a minute of digging, I freed the diary and faced Dimitri.

  “Please don’t hurt Kitfox anymore.”

  The Shadow Keeper scoffed and stepped away from the injured Fox Demon. He tore t
he diary from my hands and turned his back to me. As he paged through the book, he ordered Raythur to retie me. When I tried to fight the ropes, the Magistrate slapped me soundly. Kitfox growled and wheezed.

  “You have what you were after, now let us go!” Demanded Shazza. Dimitri looked at her and laughed.

  “As if I’d do such a stupid thing.” With that, drew his dual sword from the sheath on his back. He seemed to hesitate, then looked over his shoulder. “Godilai, would you like the first kill?”

  The Godilaied Dákun Daju stepped into my line of sight and glared at me. “I will let you kill her lover first.” Godilai sneered. “I want to hear her beg to join him in death as I slowly wring the life from her.”

  Dimitri chuckled and nodded. “Very well. Pox?” Thera’s younger sister quietly answered the summons and he tossed her Dragon Diary. “Get to work on translating that.”

  “Yes, Dimitri.”

  “Now then.” The Shadow Keeper looked at me and moved to stand over Kitfox. He held his dual sword poised for a killing stroke.

  Tears spilled forth as the Fox Demon’s amber eyes locked with my dragon green ones. “Kitfox...”

  “Die!” Dimitri brought his sword down in a flurry.

  I screamed.

  “You have already left a mark on this world that will last throughout the ages,” the dragon I had named Felwind said to me. He was, of course, referring to my unleashing Demona unto Arcadia and letting her poison annihilate all life in the surrounding forests. Yes, that scar would be remembered forever.


  A gunshot split the air. Dimitri’s sword slammed into the stone floor, narrowly missing Kitfox’s flesh. The blade sang an eerie moan, cracked, and finally shattered. The Shadow Keeper swore venomously and looked at the source of the gunshot.

  “You gave me your word that you wouldn’t kill them!” I gasped in recognition of the voice and forced myself to look away from Kitfox. Kkorian stood at the edge of the pool of light; a smoking pistol in one hand and rapier in the other.

  Dimitri scoffed. “Fool! I had no intention of letting anyone live!”

  “K-Kkorian?” Shazza’s voice was a mix of confusion, hurt, and rage. “Kkorian, you’re in league with Dimitri?”

  The pirate’s eyes met hers for the briefest of moments before he was forced to look away. I watched as shame and anger washed over his features as tried to explain his actions. “At first, I did it because I desperately needed the money. Then--”

  “Traitor!” Shazza’s scream echoed in the cavern.

  Kkorian winced and forced himself to look her in the eye. “Then I fell in love with you, Shazza!”

  “I can’t believe I trusted you!” The Dákun Daju Queen openly cried.

  “Please, Shazza, hear me out.”



  “Go away!”


  “This is fun.” Dimitri smirked.

  “Shut-up!” Kkorian pulled the trigger.

  Dmitri roared at the searing pain in his shoulder and bolted for Kkorian. Before the pirate had any chance to react, he was sprawled out on the ground with several broken bones. The Shadow Keeper stole the pistol away and aimed for Kkorian’s head.

  “Last words?”

  Kkorian coughed blood and winced as he chanced a glance at Shazza. The Dákun Daju Queen only glared at him angrily. Deflated, Kkorian looked Dimitri in the eye. “I hope Shazza rips you to shreds!”

  Dimitri scoffed and glanced at her. “She’s next.”

  “Don’t kill him.” The Shadow Keeper faltered at Shazza’s words and glared at her. She defiantly returned the look. “I invoke the rights of Et Sleikur ni Sango.”

  I grimaced at her words. Though I didn’t know what she truly meant by invoking ‘The Dance of Blood’, I knew it wasn’t a good thing for anyone involved. “Do you really want to do that?”

  Shazza did not answer me.

  Godilai chuckled and knelt in front of the Royal Dákun Daju. “Has that pathetic Hume really dishonored you so?”


  Godilai was quiet for a long moment as she stared into the other Dákun Daju’s eyes. Finally, she smirked. “Then you will have his blood.”


  “It is her right, Dimitri.” The Dákun Daju looked at him over her shoulder. “Would you dishonor her, a pure Dákun Daju, by denying such an invocation?”

  Dimitri scowled. With a frustrated sigh, he threw the pistol away and slammed his foot in Kkorian’s face, rendering the pirate unconscious. That done, he stepped away. “Very well. Et Sleikur ni Sango will be her final right. Once the pathetic pirate has bled out, she will follow. As will the others who make up Xyleena’s team.”

  “I demand to do it with the Hume in full health.”

  “What?!” Dimitri and Godilai roared in unison.

  Shazza growled. “You have injured him too much. I demand to have him able to at least defend himself, else the Dance will end too quickly to allow for him to completely pay for my dishonor.”

  Dimitri glared at Godilai. “Now what do we do with them?”

  “Sir?” Dimitri’s gaze settled on Magistrate Raythur as he stepped around me. “If I may be so bold to propose an idea.”


  “Lock them in the Arctic Prison until the pirate is well enough for the Dákun Daju to kill.”

  “I like that idea.” Godilai smirked.

  “Really?” Dimitri quirked an eyebrow at her.

  “Commit them to the frozen misery that is the Arctic Prison until the blood right is fulfilled. That way, they can all watch their comrades kill each other before we kill them.”

  “All of them?” The Shadow Keeper crossed his arms as he looked at me.

  Godilai nodded and stood. “No one has escaped from the Arctic Prison alive in the last five hundred years, Dimitri. I seriously doubt this pathetic bunch could break out.”

  “If that truly is your wish, consider it a portion of my wedding gift to you.” Dimitri smirked and took her arm. “Raythur, see to it that these five are imprisoned in the Arctic Prison under the highest security.”

  “Yes, sir.” The lavishly-dressed creep promptly barked orders to his men. Shazza, Thera and I were forced to our feet and I was shocked to see that Shazza went along almost willingly with the forced escort. Thera apparently agreed with the tactic, but followed the Dákun Daju Queen grudgingly. I lingered long enough to watch a soldier grab Kitfox by the scruff of the neck and carry him at arm’s length.

  Enraged at the treatment towards the Fox Demon, I bolted forward and kicked the soldier soundly in the groin. Before I knew it, I was tackled to the ground and beaten. As I felt the world start to slip away and my vision faded to black, I locked eyes with Kitfox.


  Dimitri chuckled as he watched a group of the Magistrate’s soldiers pummel his arch nemesis for her defiance. He had to admit it was great fun to see her reduced to nothing more than a bloody punching bag for the revenge of a single man. His laugh died away when he caught the look she shared with the Fox Demon before losing consciousness; they really were in love.

  With their wedding a few hours away, Dimitri hoped Godilai would look at him in the same way. He also knew better than to expect it; she was a pure-blooded Dákun Daju after all. If ever she betrayed her love for him with a look like that, it would be the end of her for an enemy might possibly see fit to use the knowledge of her weakness to their advantage.

  Dimitri sighed. The life of a Dákun Daju is never easy.

  Once the soldiers felt Xyleena had been thoroughly punished for her defiance, they picked her up and carried her off with the others. Dimitri scoffed and escorted his lovely wife-to-be out of the labyrinth.

  The group barely spoke as the descended from the mountain. Pox would occasionally mutter something in Kinös Elda, but Dimitri could never catch what. Upon glancing at the young Feykin, he realized she was
absorbed in the pages of Dragon Diary and her effort to translate its contents.

  He couldn’t suppress the exuberant grin that stretched across his lips. He finally had Amorez’s diary! With it, he could gather the last few keys to unlocking the Dragons’ Gate and, at long last, take his revenge on the people of Ithnez.

  “You look ridiculous with that grin, Dimitri.” Godilai said flatly. He looked at her with a frown only to realize a playful light flickered in her cyan eyes. He chuckled and brought her hand to his lips for a quick kiss.

  “I am in a festive mood.”

  “Yes.” Godilai’s gaze shifted to the Feykin for a moment. “We have finally succeeded in obtaining the diary and defeating our enemies. It seems our impending nuptials are blessed.”

  “Just think,” Dimitri dared to lean in and nibble her earlobe before whispering, “by the time the moons rise tonight, we will be united as mates forever. And in the weeks that follow, we will rise as the new High King and Queen of Ithnez.”


  Bonfires raged. Drums boomed. Voices sang. An old, bent woman in traditional Dákun Daju garb undulated to the night symphony and occasionally ululated to the tempo. She swayed this way and that as if she had no spine. With each step she rattled the ornate skull totems that she held in each hand.

  The beat changed and the voices died away. The old woman danced in dizzying spirals around the couple standing in the midst of everything. The closer she got to them, the harder she shook the totems until the rattling was as constant as the stars above.

  Dimitri paid little attention to the antics of the bent woman as she danced around him and Godilai. He was too captivated by the beauty of his soon-to-be-wife in her wedding trousseau to notice anything else. Gone was the armor-clad, heartless warrior that she portrayed. In her place was a woman in a knee-length, white dress that was embellished with colorful beads and eagle feathers. She was absolutely stunning. Though he was dressed similarly, he doubted he looked half as good as she did.


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