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Page 20

by Selena IR Drake

  “‘Nexxa of Deadly Venom hides; far South twixt icy river slides.’” Thera spoke so suddenly that I jumped in surprise.

  Shazza cracked an eye open to look at the Feykin. “Nexxa is the name of the next one, huh? I was hoping it was Abaddon.”

  “Why did you want to find him?” I asked.

  “I just want to see what a Shadow Dragon looks like before going up against one in battle.”

  Symbilla lifted her great wedge of a head from the stone floor and chuckled. “They look like dragons. What more do you need to know? Besides, Abaddon is no longer a Shadow.”

  Shazza quirked an eyebrow.

  “Well, after Nexxa, there are only two more. It shouldn’t be long before we find Abaddon.” Thera scrutinized the runes on the parchment. “And if I had to guess, I’d say Nexxa is also somewhere on the Southern Stretch.”

  “Good.” The rough whisper had my heart fluttering. I slowly looked over my shoulder to see Kitfox finally awake. He smirked before sitting up and yawning. “How long have I been out of it?”

  “Long enough.” Muttered Shazza. “Feel better?”

  The Demon slowly nodded. “Surprisingly, yeah. So, what was the clue?”

  “Are you sure you don’t want to take a few minutes to talk about what happened before rushing into the next puzzle?” Inquired Symbilla.

  Kitfox glanced at the dragon before focusing on me. “There’s really nothing to talk about. I know what happened and I’m okay with it.”

  Symbilla huffed. “Are you certain?”

  “What’s the next riddle?” Kitfox looked to Thera for the answer. The Feykin glimpsed at the dragon before reciting the clue to Nexxa.

  “We think Nexxa is somewhere on the Southern Stretch.” I added.

  “I think you’re right.” He grinned. “Where’s the map?”

  Thera quickly cast a spell to summon it from where I left it in Atoka’s saddle. She unrolled it on the ground as we all gathered around it. Kitfox leaned in for a close look.

  “What are you looking for exactly?” Asked Shazza.

  “There are six rivers in the whole of the Southern Stretch. Of those, only two actually intersect each other. I’m betting my gold belt that we’ll find Nexxa in the middle of the intersecting rivers,” He pointed to the spot on the map, “right there.”

  “What if you are wrong, Demon?” Symbilla called.

  Kitfox rolled his eyes and looked up at her. “Then we’ll have four other rivers to look at.”

  “He’s not wrong.” I muttered after a long look at the spot where Kitfox had pointed. “I can almost feel a presence there.”

  “Alright.” Thera quickly rolled the map back up. “Let’s get to the dragons outside and saddle up so we get out of here.”

  “No.” I sighed. My comrades froze. After glancing at each other as if making sure they had heard correctly, they all looked at me in disbelief and concern. “No one else is going to die for me. I’m dropping you guys off in a town and doing the rest of this quest alone.”

  “The Souls you are!” Kitfox shouted. “There is no way in the seven circles of Havel that I’m letting you go out there alone to face Dimitri and his army no matter what you say. We chose to come with you and fight and not even Régon himself can stop us!”

  Tears stung my eyes but I refused to let them fall. “B-but you… died.”

  “Saving you, Xy! And I will never regret my decision to do so.” He said as he gently gripped my hands in his own and pulled me closer to him. “I gave up my life for you because I lo— I believe you are the hope this world needs to pull out of this darkness.”

  “Xyleena, you have to let them choose their own paths.” Added Symbilla.

  Shazza and Thera affirmed the dragon’s statement.

  “And if you try to sneak off without us, I will chain you to me!” Declared Kitfox.

  I chuckled and rested my head against the Demon’s chest. He promptly wrapped his arms around me and held me in a loving embrace. My heart skipped a beat when he gently laid a kiss on the top of my head.

  “Please, Xy,” Kitfox whispered so softly I barely heard him, “don’t blame yourself for what happened to me. It wasn’t your fault.”

  The tears finally slipped from my eyes. “Thank you.”


  Frigid winds raged over hill and valley. It kicked up newly fallen snow until the world outside had vanished in a thick wall of white. Thick rows of icicles clung to the windows and roofs. Gigantic snow drifts formed between buildings where the wind could not quite reach.

  I sighed and watched as my breath crystallized on the window in seconds. I took it as a sign that the temperature outside had plummeted to dangerous lows. Suddenly, I was grateful that Atoka had warned us of the approaching storm well in advance. Despite the possibility of Dimitri’s forces in the area, I decided it would be best to seek shelter at the inn of a small town called Cosín.

  Luckily for us, there wasn’t a soldier in sight when we strolled up the main road. We did get some strange looks from the locals that worried us, but – as it turned out – most of them were just concerned about us travelling by foot across the frozen wastelands. It was then that we learned the storm was expected to last at least a seven-day. That had been over three days ago and the storm had only gotten worse since.

  I shivered and finally moved away from the window. The thick curtain fell back into place as I made my way to the fireplace. The ghosts of embers smoldered amidst the ashes. I prodded them before tossing some tinder and logs on. With a whispered spell, a fire crackled to life.

  I stepped back to watch the blaze for a bit, thankful to be alone for once. The dragons had retreated from my mind, leaving a blissful silence. Thera had taken Visler with her in her room; for what, I could only guess. I found Shazza holed up in the tavern downstairs when I went for some lunch. She looked introspective and I couldn’t help wondering if it had something to do with Kkorian. I had spotted Kitfox talking excitedly with another Demon at the bar before retreating to my room.

  It was good to be able to relax like this; even if it was a fleeting moment. I sighed and sat in the chair that lingered on the edge of the warmth. A summons at the door forced me away from the comfort. I pulled the door open only to be greeted by a grinning Kitfox and two cups of tea. I chuckled and moved aside to grant him access.

  “I hope I’m not disturbing you.” He said as he placed the cups on a small table by the bed.

  “Not at all.” I smiled at him over my shoulder as I sealed the door. “Thanks for the tea, by the way.”

  Kitfox laughed. “It’s not tea. It’s a spice liqueur distilled here in the inn and served hot for days like this. A Demon I was talking to earlier suggested it.”

  “Oh?” I quirked an eyebrow at him as I got close enough to take the cup from the table. “Trying to get me drunk so you can take advantage of me?”

  “No! No! That’s not it! I swear!” He threw his hands up in front of him in defense as he turned an amusing shade of red. “I only brought it because I thought it would warm you up a-and….” I couldn’t help laughing at his obvious embarrassment. He dropped his arms and frowned. “And you’re picking on me again, aren’t you?”

  “Of course!”

  “You’re mean.”

  I grinned before picking up the cup and taking a sip. The mingle of spices left a delightful bite on my tongue as the heat of the liqueur left a traceable path down to my belly. “Ooh. That is good.”

  “Well, that’s all you get.” Kitfox said with a cocky grin as he stole the cup away.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I shared with you, now it’s time to go find someone who’ll enjoy it without picking on me in the process.” He paused to consider something. “Yeah, I think Shazza would enjoy this more.”

  “Oh no you don’t.” I snatched the cup back.

  “Oh yes I do.” He grabbed for the cup again.

  “Mine!” I took off at a lazy run across the room. Ki
tfox laughed as he took up pursuit, chasing me all around the room. Both of us were breathless and laughing from the impromptu game in no time.

  I heard a soft thud. Kitfox yelped and collided with me. We crashed onto the bed in a tangle of limbs. I was vaguely aware of the cup hitting the floor as I stared up into Kitfox’s dazzling, amber eyes.

  Kitfox slowly tilted his head towards mine. He kissed me, ever so softly - ever so shyly - on the lips. It left me dizzy and wanting more. He pulled away slightly and gazed into my eyes.

  I felt no guilt; no rejection. Memories of Ríhan didn’t haunt me. Not anymore. I loved him; loved Kitfox. I couldn’t even remember when I fell for him. As if sensing this, Kitfox smiled. We kissed again, tenderly but urgently.

  The next thing I knew, we were locked in a heated kiss. My hands moved of their own accord. Through his thick, lavender mane and over his muscled back. I pulled his tunic free of his trousers. I ran my hands across his hardened abs, slowly pulling the shirt up. We broke the kiss so I could completely remove the garment.

  Kitfox cupped my chin tenderly and pulled me close. He kissed my lips, then my cheeks, my earlobes, my throat. I couldn’t remember ever being kissed like this before. I loved it; loved the way he touched me as he undressed me. Tantalizingly slow caresses sent shivers down my spine.

  A fleeting thought of ‘Maybe we shouldn’t do this’ was quickly suppressed. I wanted this. I wanted him. And he wanted me. He was so aroused; so very hard. I loved that he wanted me.

  I gasped as Kitfox entered. My fingers dug into the muscles of his back, pulling him closer; deeper. I captured his mouth with mine as we began to rock slowly, then faster, much more quickly. Our bodies flowed together in a rhythm that lasted well into the night.


  I awoke feeling warm and fuzzy. Sensation slowly returned. I became aware that I was pressed against Kitfox, with one leg thrown over his waist. I smiled when I realized his handsome face was mere inches from my own. He was still asleep and holding me tightly as if afraid I would vanish like a dream.

  I closed the distance between us and gently placed a kiss upon his lips. His hold on me loosened. He got my message; ‘I am here, I am not leaving’. It felt so right, here in his arms, that I couldn’t have even forced myself to leave.

  I lay there, next to him, content with just watching him sleep. My gaze somehow found its way to the light scar on his chest. As I traced the jagged line with my fingertips, I recalled the image of the young girl that had flashed in my mind when I begged the Gods for advice. I had a feeling I knew who she was; or, more accurately, would be. I just wasn’t sure if I should tell Kitfox about her.

  I heard a key jostle in the lock and looked towards the door. The door swung open and a young chambermaid entered. She blushed furiously at the sight of me and Kitfox. She apologized earnestly, over and over, as she stumbled back out of the room. I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “What did I miss?” Kitfox mumbled as he stretched.

  “Just someone who probably won’t be a rush to clean any more rooms today.”

  He quirked an eyebrow. “Chambermaid?”

  “Yup.” I grinned as I lay my head on his chest.

  He chuckled. “Well, it could have been worse.”

  “Yeah; she could have walked in on us in the middle of our little tryst.”

  His demeanor changed slightly. “You’re not upset that we made love last night, are you?”

  I lifted my head from his chest and looked into his eyes. “Kitfox,” I placed a kiss on his lips and he relaxed, “I thoroughly enjoyed last night.”

  “I’m glad.” He laughed lightly. “I thought you would be pissed and accuse me of actually getting you drunk.” As if realizing something, he gawked at me. “You weren’t drunk, were you?”

  “No.” I shook my head for emphasis. “And I’m not mad at you about anything either. I think… no. I just wanted it; wanted you.” I smiled at how corny that sounded.

  “Xy…” Kitfox took my chin tenderly between his fingers. He gazed into my eyes and licked his lips. He was nervous about whatever he wanted to say, that was obvious. I decided to ease it out of him with a sweat kiss. “Xy, I love you.”

  My heart fluttered. I felt… Gods! I couldn’t describe what I felt. Every emotion that washed over me in that instant was indescribably good. It was the first time in over a year that I truly felt happy.

  I rolled on top of Kitfox and claimed his mouth with mine. “I love you, too, Kitfox.” I whispered before kissing him again.

  Well, it’s about time!

  Kitfox froze, staring at me wide-eyed in surprise. He chuckled nervously and cleared his throat with a cough. “Did I just hear…?”

  You can hear me?

  I gawked at him. “You heard Riptide?”

  Kitfox nodded numbly. “I think….”

  Riptide exploded with cheerful hoots and hollers. Before we knew it, all nine dragons were chattering away excitedly, launching question after question at Kitfox. I had to yell at them to quiet down.

  “Okay, can somebody please explain to my how I can suddenly hear you dragons when you’re not in front of me?”

  Simple! Riptide laughed.

  You and Xyleena mated, and Dragon Keeper mates can hear us even from within the Eye. Explained Thedrún.

  “Okay.” Kitfox slowly nodded in understanding. “‘Nuther question for you: since I am, as you guys put it, a Dragon Keeper’s mate, does that mean I can summon you, too?”

  The dragons went oddly silent. They were quiet for so long that Kitfox and I gave up on waiting for an answer. The two of us finally rolled out of bed and headed for the bath. Just as we sunk into the hot water together, the dragons returned with an answer.

  We cannot say for sure whether or not you have the ability to summon us given the fact that it has never been attempted by anyone who is not a Dragon Keeper. Explained Helios.

  The only way to tell if you can summon us, Kitfox, is to actually try it. I detected a note of excitement in Vortex’s voice as he suggested the idea. And if it turns out that you do have the ability, it would give our side an extra advantage over Dimitri in the battles to come.


  Try it now!

  “No, he is not trying it now.” I said sternly. Riptide and Wildfire groaned in disappointment. “We are at an inn in a village. If he actually manages to summon one of you, it would be pandemonium.”

  Kitfox chuckled and kissed my neck. “They certainly are an excitable bunch, aren’t they?” He dipped a rag into the hot water. He let the run off drip down my chest before lightly running the rag over my skin.

  “You have no idea.” I sighed and leaned into his shoulder.

  Xyleena, now would be a good time to tell Kitfox of the vision you had.

  “Wildfire!” I seethed. “The next time I summon you, I’m kicking your butt clear into a snow bank!”

  The dragons all laughed.

  “What vision?”

  I pulled myself off of Kitfox just enough to turn around in the tub. I wanted to look into his eyes while I divulged the secret. Taking a deep breath to calm myself, I spoke.

  “After my doppelganger killed you, Symbilla gave me the option to revive you. She explained the pros and the cons of the feat and I couldn’t decide on what to do. On one hand, I was afraid you would be furious that it turned you immortal. On the other, I didn’t feel I could live without you.”

  He smiled at that.

  “So I prayed to the Five Souls to give me an answer. They did.”

  Kitfox quirked an eyebrow. “Their answer was a vision?”

  I nodded.

  “Must have been one heck of a vision.” He laughed. “What did you see?”

  “A young girl with dragon green eyes and a beautiful mane of jet black hair.” I smiled at the memory. “Best of all, she had lavender fox ears.”

  Kitfox looked thoroughly confused. “The Gods showed you a random Demon and that made you want to revive me? I feel special.

  “You don’t get it.” I smiled. “That girl wasn’t a random Demon.” I watched him very closely, eager to see his reaction to what I was about to say. “The Gods showed me our daughter.”

  All emotion fled from his face and he stared at me. A few moments after allowing the info sunk in, he cheered. Water sloshed over the side of the tub as he glommed me in a hug. We laughed, we cried, we kissed.

  It was bliss.

  I discovered Helios sitting on the edge of the cliff, staring out into the night. His blue eyes glowed like starlight when he noticed my approach and turned his gaze upon me. I asked what he was doing and he answered in his usual, cryptic way, “It is during our darkest moments that we must focus longest in order to find the light.”


  Kitfox and I spent most of the following days alone together. Much of that time was spent talking over meals and getting to know each other better. I learned that I could talk to him about anything, no matter the significance. He was sweet, wonderfully chivalrous, and hopelessly romantic. I couldn’t believe it took me so long to fall in love with him.

  It was during one of our secluded dinners in the tavern that Thera approached us. I could tell from her expression that she suspected something was up between him and me. Though she was clearly curious, she didn’t ask a word. Instead, she told us that the storm was expected to blow itself out some time before dawn; a whole day sooner than originally forecast.

  We thanked her for the info and offered her to join us. She declined, saying we looked too cozy to interrupt. Kitfox and I watched her walk away in search of Shazza.

  “So,” Kitfox took a sip of wine, “we’re leaving tomorrow morning for Nexxa?”

  “Looks that way.” I muttered. “It’s too bad. I was hoping to spend a little more time alone with you.”

  Kitfox chuckled and took my hand; bringing it to his lips in a kiss. “At least we are still traveling together. I’d probably go insane if we weren’t.”


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