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Culmination Page 40

by Selena IR Drake

Xy stifled a yawn and nodded.

  With a hasty but fond farewell, Amorez turned on her heel and rushed out of the home.


  I sat alone in the dark for only a few minutes before Kitfox returned. And he was not alone. Thera, Kkorian, and Shazza were all with him. The moment they saw me sitting up in bed, great big smiles appeared on their faces and they rushed forward to catch me in an awkward group hug.

  Once they had settled down, and a fire was started in the hearth, they began to regale me with the activities I had missed in the last three days. Most of the city had been leveled by Hyperion’s Tetra Vortex attack, and was no longer salvageable; almost ninety percent of the city needed to be rebuilt from the ground up. Amazingly enough, scouts sent through the city managed to find several survivors beneath some of the sturdier, collapsed buildings.

  “Speaking of the Shadow Dragons,” Thera added at one point late in the conversation, “you will be surprised to hear that – when their Keeper died – they agreed to surrender under one condition.”

  “Oh?” I quirked an eyebrow. “What was it?”

  “That they do not get locked away behind the Dragons’ Gate again.”

  “Interesting request.” Muttered Kitfox.

  “Agreed.” Thera nodded. “But, since their surrender was accepted, we are now at a loss of what to do with them. Clearly we can’t let them roam free. With their destructive nature, they could do untold damage. And we can’t keep them locked within a magical barrier like we are now.”

  “I’ve been thinking on that situation.” Replied Shazza. “I would like to speak to you,” she nodded her head in my direction, “about it alone.”

  Kitfox snorted. “Don’t trust any of us?”

  “It is not that, Kitfox-fratim.” Said the Dákun Daju. “If the Shadow Dragons are to be secured away from any who would seek out their power, it would prove beneficial to have fewer people know the secret.”

  I put a hand on Kitfox’s arm, silencing any response. “Alright, Shazza, you and I will meet up later to discuss your idea. Until then, is there any other news I need to hear about?”

  Our impromptu meeting went on for hours. Each of my teammates filled me in on things varying from plans for rebuilding Bakari-Tokai to the establishment of the new, and – at the moment – temporary, government. They also mentioned that neither diary had been found in what had been explored of the ruined palace, but the crystallized remains of Dimitri had been dug up. Amorez had been put in charge of dealing with him. Hopes were still high that the books would be excavated from the ruins and restored to their rightful places in the libraries.

  Somehow, I knew the diaries were no more.

  Xyleena had taken me by complete surprise when she threw that spell at Hyperion; a spell so powerful that it unseated the gargantuan dragon and sent him reeling off his perch. How she had managed such power when she was obviously exhausted amazed me. And I am certain that the scar Hyperion now wears will be an eternal reminder: Do not infuriate the Keeper of the Light.


  Nearly nine months had passed since the day Bakari-Tokai fell. For me and my group of friends, most of that time had been spent apart. Shazza had resumed her duties as Queen of Katalania and had even taken Kkorian with her. I had recently caught wind of their plans to marry in the spring, and I truly wished the couple well. Thera had remained with her family in Bakari-Tokai to assist in the rebuilding process. She had even risen to become the first Feykin to serve on the new High Council. I even heard that she had been promoted to the ranks of Elder Sorcerer; making her the youngest in Feykin history to achieve the honor. Kitfox had agreed to join the High Council as well, though it took quite a bit of convincing him it was worth it. He and Blood Fang had also remained in Bakari-Tokai to help smooth the transition to the new government.

  As for me: I was dragon borne, on my way back to the city after being on a mission for the last eight months. The mission itself was kept top secret as it dealt with the Shadow Dragons and their Keeper. Only myself, Zenith, and one other person knew exactly what was going on, and all of us swore to never speak of it. With that work done, I could finally return to Bakari-Tokai and relax. I could not wait to get back and spend some quality time with Kitfox. I had missed him so much it had become unbearable to close my eyes; every time I did, I would see his face.

  But he was not my only reason for returning. In just a few days, a grand ceremony was to take place in which Archbishop Noralani Ithnez would be crowned as High Queen. And I, being the only surviving member of the Za’Car bloodline and heir to the throne, was to lead the ceremony. I don’t know whose idea it was to put me in such a position – probably Amorez’s – but I was not looking forward to it.

  What if I drop the crown? I asked for probably the one hundredth time. It was my major concern because I had heard the Wakari had sung the headdress from stone and it was apparently very delicate looking. The last thing I wanted to do was break it.

  Trust me, Little One, you will not drop the crown. Zenith affirmed.

  How can you be so certain? The dragon looked back at me over his shoulder, as if asking if I had really just said that. I sighed. Yeah, stupid question.

  You will do fine, Xyleena. He said, his voice thick with amusement. Then he faced forward, into the oncoming wind, once more. I promise.

  I fell silent, watching the horizon fade to indigo as the suns dipped ever lower at my back. Overhead, the first stars twinkled to life and Bedeb grew ever more prominent. The blue and green planet with its multifaceted rings looked like a rare jewel plucked from the deepest parts of the universe. Only I knew its dark secret.

  With a smile, I returned my gaze to the horizon before me. Zenith, how long do you think before we will reach Bakari-Tokai?

  With this headwind slowing me, maybe another two hours or so.



  I gaped at the torch and orb lit city below. Bakari-Tokai had changed much since I had last seen it. The rubble, which had once been wooden or clay houses and shops, was now cleared. In its place, stood several new buildings craft from various types of stone. Their designs varied from small houses to long strips of shops. Foliage of all sorts and sizes filled the spaces between buildings and lined the cobblestone roads. Some of the plants even had the same bioluminescence as the ones found on the Sorcerers’ Isle.

  At the very heart of the city, about two hundred meters west of where the bridge had been, stood two brand new plateaus, probably sung into existence by the Wakari. Both of them were hundreds of meters high and linked together through a thinner strip of land. Long stair-shaped paths connected the plateaus to the city below. A high wall with guard towers at certain intervals circled around the bases of the landmasses.

  On the northernmost plateau, a flat piece of land wide enough to fit two dragons abreast was cordoned off with an ornate fence aglow with orbs of light. Some meters away, a fairly large building was still undergoing construction. From its skeleton, I could tell it was something akin to a dome-shaped temple. Its purpose was unknown to me, but perhaps it would serve as a mausoleum for all those who gave up their lives here.

  The other plateau was home to the new palace, which was nearing the end of its construction phase. Though similar in size as the old palace, this one was much different. It had been built of Caledonia granite, and set in a rectangular shape with a section in the middle removed to serve as a safe haven for plants and fountains.

  And surrounding it all was a pair of thick, stone walls that stood over one thousand meters apart. Both walls exceeded one hundred meters high and guard towers sprouted from them like spines along a dragon’s back. Sections of the walls that ran through the waters of the bay were still being constructed. Giant machines had been developed to lower the stone blocks into place where they would be secured with mortar. They gave the city the look of great ingenuity.

  “This is all so amazing!”

nith dipped his left wing to begin another slow circle above the city. As the loop started, he silently asked, Where would you have me land?

  A presence that I had not felt in a long time brushed against my mind, winning a smile. I opened my mind to allow Kitfox’s to meld with mine and shuddered at the feeling of completeness.

  Land in the Dragon’s Sanctuary. He said, his voice betraying excitement. It is the flat area beside the cupola on the north rise.

  I see it. Replied the dragon, dipping low to start his descent. I shall be there shortly.

  And I shall be waiting.

  Zenith flared his wings wide, slowing his descent to a crawl. A few meters above the Sanctuary floor, he fluttered and tensed his hind legs to prepare for impact. He landed surprisingly lightly, given his bulk. Before he had even folded his wings, I spotted Kitfox sprinting towards us. With a hoot, I broke free of the riding straps and leapt out of the saddle. With just three long and quick strides, I was back in his strong arms and kissing him fully on the mouth. He eagerly returned the kiss, and many more, before we parted.

  “Friendly greeting.” Muttered Zenith. Kitfox burst out laughing, and moved to the dragon to retrieve the saddle bags. As he did so, I took in his appearance for it had changed since I last saw him. His hair was still long, but some of it had been tied back in braids adorned with jewels and feathers. Over his usual white trousers and loose tunic, he wore a long sleeved, navy blue coat that fell to his ankles. His feet were still bare, but a runic tattoo had appeared on the top of his right one.

  “Admiring the view?”

  My gaze jumped to his eyes, which were glowing slightly in the dim light. I smiled at his coy grin. “Maybe.”

  He snorted.

  “What’s with the feathers and such?”

  “Oh! I was promoted to Alpha within the guild.” He said with a wide smile. “The feathers and braids are to show my rank. The coat is to let people know that I am on the High Council.”

  “So you’ve been keeping busy.”

  “Very.” He chuckled. He thumped Zenith on the forearm before coming to my side. “How was your trip?”

  “Long.” I said with a sigh. After a moment, I snaked my arms around his waist and pulled him in for another kiss. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  He hummed in my ear. “How about we celebrate your return?”

  A smile touched my lips. “Sounds like fun.”

  The two of us bade Zenith good night. Then Kitfox took my hand and led me around the Sanctuary, across the land bridge, and into the palace.


  The suns’ light broke through the curtains to sweep across my face. Morning came too soon for my taste. After the rigorous celebrating of the last two nights, all I wanted to do was sleep. Kitfox, however, had other plans. His hand roamed along my side in a soothing massage, but he was not trying to relax me; quite the contrary.

  “Don’t tell me I have to throw water on you to get you up.”

  “Don’t even dare.” I mumbled into my pillow.

  “Fine.” I could almost hear him shrug. “I’ll go tell Ithnez you’re going to be late because yo—”

  I bolted upright and nearly succeeded in knocking heads with him. “The coronation is today?!”

  “Not for a few hours yet, but yes.” He nodded.

  I groaned and threw aside the blankets. Ignoring the fact that I was naked, I made my way to the bath to wash up.

  “I already drew a bath for you, Love.” Kitfox called after me. I looked around the opulent bathroom, admiring the craftsmanship of the stone and metal. A deep tub sat opposite a vanity, and steam rolled off the flower petal infused water.

  “Thank you.” I called back. After a moment, I backed up to look at him through the doorway. He sat on the edge of the bed, clad only in his white trousers, looking out the window as if captivated by a dream. “What time is it?”

  He looked at me, amusement burning in his amber eyes. “Shortly after midday.”

  I cried out in dismay, then promptly jumped into the bath to wash. “Why did you let me sleep in so long?”

  “Because you have been on an eight month long trip, probably getting little rest in the progress. So you were exhausted to begin with. And then I kept you up all night the last two nights by… uh…” he cleared his throat, “celebrating your return.”

  “So, in effect, it will be all your fault if I’m late.”

  He laughed at that. “I guess so.” A silence followed, within which I took the time to rinse my hair clean of the lather I had worked up. “Say, which dress did you want to wear to the ceremony?”

  “Where in the rules does it say I have to wear a dress?”

  He chuckled. “Sticking to your armor, then?”

  “No, but I’m not wearing a dress.”

  “Going naked then? I might enjoy that.”

  I snorted. “You wish.”

  He suddenly appeared in the doorway, holding two outfits aloft for me to see. One was a royal blue dress with long, flowing sleeves and a black bodice with silver embroidery. The other was a forest green silk tunic with dark brown trousers which gave the appearance of a skirt. Kitfox smirked. “Honestly, I like the blue.”

  “If it came with pants like the green one, I would wear it.”

  “Xy, you are a Sorcerer.” He said, turning to toss the green tunic away. He looked back at me with a smile. “I think you can modify the dress to suit you without too much difficulty.”

  “Good point.”

  He nodded and retreated from the room. Moments later, he returned empty-handed. He went to a closet by the tub and pulled a thick drying cloth from the shelves within. “You might need that, unless you prefer to air dry.” He flashed a cocky smirk and wiggled his eyebrows.

  “Thank you.”

  He laughed and shook his head as he left the room.


  I pushed the gold-inlayed door open just a bit, and peered into the room beyond. The lavish throne room was about fifty meters long. From my peeping spot at one of the side exits, I could see the entire room. Five elaborately carved columns spanned both sides of the rectangular room and violet standards emblazoned with the hierarchy’s Coat of Arms fell from each. Several benches and a small rise for the throne had been moved into position. A violet carpet lined with gold tassels spanned the distance between the throne and the double doors that made up the entrance to the room. The space under the benches was left bare so everyone could see the glistening, marble floor.

  The benches were quickly being filled by people of all ranks and races. A few Feykin stood at various points throughout the room, each casting a spell that formed a special mirror. Those mirrors reflected what was seen before them onto much larger mirrors stationed throughout the city below. That way, every citizen could witness the historic coronation of the new queen without having to procure tickets to enter the throne room.

  In just a few minutes, the procession would begin.


  I jumped at my name and let the door close with a soft thud. Looking beyond the rulers and musicians gathered around me, I spotted Thera. I made my way to her quickly, for there wasn’t much time to dawdle in conversation before the ceremony began.

  “What’s wrong, Thera?”

  “Nothing’s wrong.” She said with a shake of her head. “I just have a favor to ask of you.”

  “What kind of favor?”

  “There is to be a recess of the High Council for a few months, so that we may return home to gather what we need to work here. I was wondering if you would mind giving me a ride adragonback to Thorna.”

  I focused my thoughts inwards, seeking out the presence of Zenith, still napping upon the Dragon Sanctuary. Zenith, do you mind flying Thera home once the ceremony is over?

  Not at all, Little One.

  Thank you. “Zenith says he doesn’t mind flying you home.”

  Thera sighed in relief. “Thank you so much, Xy. I’ll see you after the ceremony.”

bsp; “Sure thing.”

  With that, she took off for the double doors to the throne room. Someone else called for the musicians to start filing into the room. As the twenty or so of them marched away, I took my place at the front of the remaining procession. Palavant Serenitatis fell in line behind me, then the Captain of the Guard and the other royals. I was actually surprised to see Shazza among them, especially with how pregnant she was.

  A trumpet blared, signaling the start of the ceremony. Silence descended, then a slow drumbeat resonated into the hall. I squared my shoulders, held my head high, and started the march into the throne room.

  The double doors were held ajar by some fortunate pages, and I resisted the urge to smile at them as I passed by. The violet carpet muffled our footsteps as we strode towards the rise, atop which sat the throne sung from stone and two pedestals. The crown was set upon one of the pedestals, while the other held the Sovereign Orb and Scepter I was to use in the ceremony.

  It felt like forever before I reached the rise. Once there, I stopped before the throne and turned to face the crowd. Instantly, my gaze picked Kitfox, Kkorian, Zhealocera, and Thera out of the crowd. Amorez, however, was nowhere to be seen.

  The trumpets sounded again, and the beat of the drums changed. I averted my attention to the double doors, waiting eagerly for Noralani to appear. Seconds ticked by like minutes. Then, at last, she appeared in the doorway. Her auburn hair had been styled in flowing curls that hung loosely from a simple circlet upon her brow. She wore a dress of pale green silks and lace adorned with pearls sewn into the ivy-like embroidery of her bodice. Her hands were crossed before her, and the sleeves of her dress nearly touched the floor. She strode confidently towards the rise, keeping her eyes locked on me.

  When at last she stepped onto the platform, the drumbeat died down and a hush fell over the crowd. I took a calming breath and wet my lips.

  “Noralani Ithnez, descendant of the Savior, Aadrian, you come before this honored body today to inherit the High Throne of Ithnez. Are you willing to accept the crown and all responsibilities of the Office of Queen until the day you pass into Havel?”


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