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Culmination Page 41

by Selena IR Drake

  A curt nod, then she answered. “I am willing.”

  “Please kneel.” I turned away as she did so, to receive the Sovereign Scepter and Orb from Palavant Serenitatis. I turned to face Noralani, and set the orb in her left hand and the scepter in her right. Then I retrieved the crown from the silk pillow bared by the Captain of the Guard. Turning once more to face Noralani, I held the crown between us. I took a deep breath, and began the oath. “As queen will you solemnly and sincerely swear to govern the Peoples of Ithnez according to their respective laws and customs?”

  She held her head higher. “I solemnly swear so to do.”

  “Will you to your power cause law and justice, in mercy, to be executed in all your judgments?”

  “I will.”

  “Will you to the utmost of your power preserve, protect, and defend the peace and prosperity of the realm against all evils? Will you vow to reconcile conflicting interests and to further strive for the hopes and aims shared by all? Will you to the best of your ability adapt to the changes and demands of the People?”

  “All this I promise to do.”

  “Then with this crown, I pronounce thee Queen.” I set the delicate circlet upon her hair. “Rise now, Queen Ithnez, First Sovereign Lady of the Third Age.” I moved to her right side as she slowly and regally stood. Then, to the people gathered in the space before the throne, I said, “All hail the Queen!”

  A loud chorus of “Long live the Queen!” echoed off the stone walls. Then Noralani sat upon the throne. King Zrehla of the Southern Stretch came before her and swore his allegiance, followed by Queen Luea, Sovereign of Aadrian, and Palavant Serenitatis. Elder Ruwviti, Blood Fang, Shazza, and Pyrex also pledged the friendship of their respective races.

  All too soon it was my turn. I took a knee before the throne and, with a hand over my heart, began to speak the words of my oath. “I, Xyleena Renoan, Keeper of the Light and renounced High Princess of the Second Age, vow to be faithful and true to you, our Sovereign Lady, Queen of this Realm and Defender of the People, and unto your heirs and successors according to law, until I pass from this world and into Havel. So mote it be.”

  The queen whispered back, “So mote it be.”

  And the crowd cheered.

  I wish that I could tell you what Xyleena did and where she went that year that she spent alone. I know what the rumors say, and I can neither confirm nor deny them. I will, however, take a cue from Mother and Xyleena and say: The key to the Gate, Shall now lie in wait, For the one to come, To see Dark undone.


  I felt Zenith tense in preparation for the landing. Thera, too, grew rigid and held fast to the straps of the saddle. Zenith’s massive wings flared to slow his descent. He grunted at the impact and bounded a few steps before coming to a complete stop. He folded his wings and he and I glanced about.

  The Sorcerers’ Isle was as unchanged as it was the day I left. Plants grew wild and untouched, leaving barely enough room for a dragon as large as Zenith to land on its shores. Behind us, the white-sand beach glared in the afternoon sunlight.

  I thumped Zenith’s neck affectionately as Thera untied herself from the straps. She gathered the few belongings she had and glided to the ground. Zenith glanced back at me, seeming to smile as I finally dropped from the saddle.

  The dragon’s mind brushed mine. Take all the time you need to say goodbye. I shall enjoy a long sunning.

  I watched for a few minutes as Zenith strode to the beach and arranged himself to catch the most sun. Though I wasn’t ready to admit it out loud, I was really going to miss the dragons’ presences once I returned home. I wasn’t sure if I would ever see them again. Had I made a mistake in letting them wander freely?

  “Are you alright?” Thera’s voice called me away from my inner musings.

  I forced a smile as I faced her. “I’m fine.”

  She frowned at my answer, but said nothing. Instead, she turned to the forest and led the way to Thorna.


  I watched as Thera pulled aside the curtain to her hut. An instant’s hesitation and she entered. She uttered the spell to form an orb of light as I pushed the curtain aside. The room was as unchanged as the day we left it, only now a fine layer of dust had covered everything.

  Thera sighed and wandered from room to room. I figured she was checking to make sure nothing had been taken during her long absence. While she performed her task, I muttered a spell and blew all of the dust out of the room. That done, I sat on the couch to wait for her.

  The young Feykin reentered the main room some minutes later, carrying two cups of tea. I thanked her for the one she offered me.

  “So, what will we do now?”

  I could only shrug. “Shazza is back in Kamédan, catching up on the business of Katalania again. I heard tell she is just days away from giving birth.” Neither of us could hide our smiles at that. “Amorez has once again vanished off the face of Ithnez. She’ll probably hide there for the next few centuries until we need her again. Teka, Pyrex, and Zhealocera all left before I could ask them of their plans.”

  Thera nodded and quietly sipped her tea. “What about Kitfox?”

  I sighed upon remembering his farewell upon the start of the High Council’s break. “He’s back in Zadún taking care of some business with his guild.” And I didn’t even have the heart to beg him to stay with me.

  “We’ve drifted apart.” Thera muttered. I nodded. In the days that followed Noralani’s coronation, every member of the team, myself included, had grown very introspective and depressed. It was as if the ceremony signaled end of our adventure together and, maybe, the end of our friendship. In a way, I found myself wishing all of us were still together, battling to save the planet. Suddenly finding ourselves alone and without a purpose left us all feeling melancholy about the future.

  I sighed again. “What do you plan to do now that the adventure is over?”

  “I’m not sure really.” She shrugged. “I have not had much time to decide, what with serving on the new High Council and all. I’ve learned so much in these travels and experiences that I feel my existence here is no longer adequate enough to hold any interest.”

  “You could write a book.”

  Her violet eyes stared at me, betraying no emotion. Suddenly she muttered a spell and a leather-bound book appeared in her lap. After a moment to brush off the cover, she handed it to me.

  “What is this for?” I asked as I flipped through the blank pages.

  “In case you get a crazy thought to do something.”

  I scoffed. “I think one Dragon Diary was enough trouble. Producing another would be insane.”

  “Amorez’s diary is her story.” Thera said with a wave of her hand. “This one might turn into yours. You don’t really need to write anything; that is entirely your choice. I am simply...” She paused and a strange smile crossed her lips. “... giving you a path.”

  I laughed whole-heartily at that. It was the perfect conclusion to this adventure. “Long ago... No. It feels more like a lifetime ago, I came here asking for a path to take. You led me down one full of things I never thought possible. Now, I find myself being offered another path.”

  “Though one that will be safer.”

  “Honestly,” I met her violet gaze, “I really don’t want a ‘safe’ life.”

  “I know what you mean, Xyleena-sortim,” Thera smiled sadly albeit knowingly, “but I get the feeling our adventures together are far from over.”

  “One can only hope.”


  It was late in the afternoon the next day that I found Zenith. He was curled up on the hot sands of the beach, enjoying a nap. He lifted his great wedge of a head to look at me as I approached.

  “Are you sure you want to leave?”

  “I have to, Zenith.” I reached out and stroked thorny his muzzle. “There is still one thing I have left to do.”

  “And what is that?”

; The conversation with Thera last night replayed in my head and I smiled. “I have to go home.”

  “I thought you were afraid to return.” Zenith replied as he got to all fours. I nodded and climbed up to the saddle.

  “Take me to Sindai. You and the others will be free to go your own way after that. I will face my fears alone.”

  “Are you sure you want to grant us freedom? You are stronger with all of us together.”

  “I know.” I said with a sigh. “But you guys have been locked up for the last three or four centuries, I think it’s time you got out and saw the world with your own eyes.” A smile split my face. “Besides, with you all roaming the planet, I bet people would be too afraid to do anything to disturb the peace that we have worked so hard to obtain.”

  Zenith was quiet as he stared at me over his shoulder. I could tell he was concerned, but he could not sway me from my resolve. Finally, the dragon nodded.

  “If that is your wish.”

  This shall be the final entry I make in this diary for the task of being Dragon Keeper has been passed on. My daughter, Xyleena, has taken up that mantle and I cannot think of another who could possibly bear the burden so honorably. May the Gods and the dragons guide her, protect her, and offer her their wisdom. So mote it be.


  The sunset warmed the back of my neck and shoulders as I stared out over the open water. Golden yellow and fiery orange danced across the waves, creating a spectacular mirage for the island straight ahead. With a heavy sigh, I leaned against the pitted metal railing and listened as the ferry chugged along.

  I wished for it to slow down, but I knew I would have to face this long-suppressed fear sooner or later. I couldn’t turn back now, even if I wanted to. I had to return home.

  The ferry docked and passengers eagerly disembarked. I remained, unmoved, at the railing. I guess I was hoping to delay the inevitable for as long as possible. Several minutes after the last of the passengers scurried up the cobblestone walkway to the Temple, the ferry captain approached me. He didn’t say a word; there was no need to. It was time.

  With deliberately slow steps, I walked the length of the deck and paused at the plank that spanned the distance to shore. I took a deep breath and let my eyes drift shut as I took the last few steps onto the island. I opened my eyes and peered down the beach, seeing beyond what lay in sight.

  Without thinking, I began the trek along the beach. With each measured step, I drew closer to my destination and still arrived too quickly for my taste.

  I looked around and nodded solemnly. This was the spot, alright. And someone had been thoughtful enough to mark it with an obelisk grave stone. I read the inscription under the name:

  Here lies the Hero of the Hero

  Who saved us all

  Fitting. And a dragon was emblazoned beneath the epitaph. Ríhan would have loved it.

  A sad, but gentle smile crept its way across my lips and I reached out to touch the pinnacle of the obelisk. No words were spoken; they weren’t needed. I knew he was happy in Havel and wished the best for me in my life. But I wouldn’t have been satisfied had I not faced my fears and returned to the spot where he had been murdered almost three years ago. This was my final goodbye.

  I felt a tear roll down my cheek, and did nothing to abate it. As it vanished into the sand at my feet, I rummaged through my hip sack. I found the treasure I sought and touched the crystal to the pinnacle of the obelisk. A quick spell later, and the jewel was forever fused atop the grave.

  With the ghost of a nod and a final pat on the pinnacle, I turned and walked away.


  The Temple of the Five Souls had changed drastically since last I stood at the gates. Standards of white and gray fluttered in the late autumn breeze. The white marble walls, once dingy with years, had either been washed thoroughly or rebuilt after the destruction wrought by Dimitri. New statues guarded the yards, overseeing newly-planted flower beds. Even the cobblestone walkway had been re-laid. I barely recognized the place.

  As I walked the path to the central building of the Temple, I noticed that only a few priests and knights were about. It was a far cry from the once bustling population of three years ago. No surprise. After Dimitri practically leveled the place with his fire storm, parents had been too afraid to send their children here. I could only pray that his defeat would signal a revival of the Temple’s community.

  “I was wondering when you would show up.”

  I froze mid-stride at the familiar voice. It couldn’t be him! I swallowed past the lump in my throat and slowly looked over my shoulder. Kitfox smiled coyly at me as he leaned against a stone pillar.

  “K-Kitfox?” Was I hallucinating?

  “That’s me.” His smile grew.

  My heart fluttered. He’s really here!

  “I was beginning to think you’d never show up.”

  I finally turned to face him completely. “H-how did you know where I was?”

  “Simple.” He flashed that sexy smirk of his. “A certain dragon we both know whispered it in my ear.” I nodded in understanding and watched as he moved slowly towards me.


  “I’m not telling, but yes.” He whispered, gently wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer. I couldn’t fight the smile that graced my lips as I leaned into his embrace and held him tight. I could stay like this forever, just listening to his heartbeat.

  Slowly and deliberately, his embrace loosened as he brought a hand up to cup my chin. With a gentle pull, he had me staring up into his rich, amber eyes. He searched for any signs of rejection and found none. I didn’t fight him as he brought his lips down against mine in the barest of touches. A delightful chill ran the length of my spine as the kiss deepened. My hands moved of their own accord, roaming over his strong back and burying themselves in his hair to pull him closer.

  A passing priestess cleared her throat, forcing us to break the kiss. Slightly breathless, the Fox Demon backed away ever so slightly and stared into the depths of my dragon green eyes. “Marry me, Xyleena.”

  My heart skipped a beat.



  Dawn. The twin suns broke the horizon and painted the sky a medley of colors. Dew on grass and glass turned to jewels as the light refracted. The softest lick of wind woke the standards atop the pinnacles. A new autumn day had come. Yet I did not revel in the beauty of it.

  My mind, it seemed, was too busy reliving the nightmarish adventure that spanned the last three years. Every time I had tried to close my eyes, another battle replayed itself in my head. I couldn’t help but wonder if I would ever be at peace again.

  Kitfox snored and mumbled something, breaking my train of thought. I glanced sideways at him and couldn’t suppress the chuckle that escaped me. He was curled up and hugging his bushy tail as if it was me. And he looked so adorable that I wanted to make wild, passionate love with him then and there!

  I’ll let him sleep a bit longer, I thought. With a sigh and a shake of my head, I forced myself to look away. My gaze returned to the view through the window, then slowly drifted downwards. The leather-bound journal Thera had given me at our parting lay untouched on the desktop in front of me. I clicked my tongue and nodded, coming to a decision.

  I leaned forward and turned to the first page. I dipped a quill in ink and smiled as I wrote the words:

  Dear Diary,


  She stood motionless at the window; a moon-kissed silhouette in the blackness of her surroundings. Cool, cyan eyes stared out beyond the glass, to Bedeb’s rings where the Greatest Treasure was surely sealed away once again. She had no doubt they would one day soon be released to serve in their Keeper’s revenge.

  A sad smile constructed its way across her lips and a hand instinctively grasped the crystal vial strung over her heart. She hated to admit it, but she deeply missed Dimitri, even his annoying way to show how much he cared for
her. It wasn’t like a Dákun Daju to betray such emotions, yet she loved him nonetheless.

  An infant’s cry pulled her out of her reverie. With a tired sigh, she let the curtain fall back into place. Using her heightened sense of sight, she found her way to the baby’s cot in the blackness. She gently stroked the boy’s cheek before picking him up to coddle him. Her gaze returned to the window as the baby quieted.

  “One day, Jítanath, you will wield the power of the Shadow Dragons.”

  About the Author

  Selena Inali Raynelif Drake is an American author best known for her paranormal mystery series, The AEON Files. Drake is a martial arts enthusiast, a Wiccan with Cherokee roots, and an award-winning artist. Her love for writing started when she was eight, and she has won a number of Editor’s Choice awards and a Shakespeare Trophy of Excellence for poetry. Her works have been published in Thrice Fiction Magazine, Emerging Authors 2018, and Emerging Poets 2018.

  She currently lives in Minot, North Dakota with her dog, Pipsqueak, where she continues to work on more books.

  You can find out more about Selena by visiting


  A note from the author:

  I realize that the language of Dragon Diaries is extremely confusing. Most readers will probably just glance over the words, but for those (like me) who enjoy learning new things, here is a little bit of a guide to the language known as Kinös Elda. Hopefully it will help.

  Kinös Eldic Phrases

  Tabiki ni heile. –– Wall of fire

  Esté imlít lerra rité mertuác jidó. Arx et cólaz ni Kohnbenai rahn. –– This great world will die soon. As the acts of Darkness spread.


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