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A Duke in Time--The Widow Rules

Page 32

by Janna MacGregor

  He held up his hand, inviting her to precede him. She sat on one bench and waited for him to join her. To her utter disappointment, instead of sitting next to her, he chose another bench directly across from her.

  “I suppose I should be honored that I was to be your first,” he said.

  Those words reminded her of when they’d first made love. He’d been so tender and loving toward her then. But the man before her and his attitude were a mystery right now. She had no idea what he was thinking. If she lost him … She wouldn’t allow herself to finish the thought.

  “I had hoped … you’d be as delighted to see me as I am to see you.” Though his eyes were hungry and seemed ready to devour her, she wouldn’t look away.

  “You have no idea,” he murmured. “You’re all I thought about since the night of the soiree. It’s been torture. Pure hell.” He glanced over his shoulder at the horizon. “Skeats came to see me. He told me that you had an exchange that night.”

  “We did. That’s why I left.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” He stood abruptly, then started to pace. “We’re to be married, and you didn’t deem me worthy of sharing your travel schedule?”

  “You were deep in conversation with the Prince Regent. I had to move quickly.”

  “For what purpose?” he asked.

  “To protect everyone I care about,” she answered, then lowered her voice. “Especially you.”

  “Me?” He stopped as if surprised at the response. “What could that sniveling coward have done to me?”

  Katherine let out a tremulous breath. “Skeats told me if I didn’t give up the contract and leave London that night, he’d ruin you. He threatened to run to the gossip rags with the information that I was a convicted thief who was embezzling or worse, stealing from your charity.”

  His eyes softened. “That’s why you left? To save my reputation?”

  She nodded briskly. “All I could think about was who would be the next to hurt you by threatening me.” She looked into his eyes, and those damnable tears clouded her own. “I couldn’t let anyone, especially Skeats, hurt you because of me. I love you, and I’ll do whatever I have to do to keep you from harm.” A tear fell, and she angrily wiped it away. “Furthermore, I’ll do anything and everything to defend you and our love.”

  “Even leaving me?” he asked.

  “Yes.” The intense hurt in his eyes mirrored hers, but now was not the time to crumble. Not when she was fighting for them. “Will you listen to what I have to say?”

  He nodded once.

  “If I told you what I had planned, then you would have wanted to go with me. I had to do this on my own. Otherwise, I don’t think I could have married you.”

  He stumbled a step in his pacing. “What are you saying?”

  “I came to York to clear my name.” She glanced down at her hands. She still wasn’t playing with them, a good sign that gave her strength to continue. “I realized I could never be the wife and partner I wanted to be for you if I still had a foothold in the past. You deserved better, and so did I. I finally understood that simple fact.”

  “What did you do?” he asked softly. He took a step in her direction and stopped again.

  “I went to see Mr. FitzWilliam and asked him to come with me to meet the new magistrate. When we arrived, I asked the magistrate if he’d review my case and listen to what I had to say.”

  Christian tilted his head. “Did you ask for a pardon?”

  “No. A pardon would mean that I was even now a thief.” She bit her lip. “Everyone would still think me guilty. I needed to clear my name and claim my future for myself. I hope you understand.” Her throat tightened, but she forced herself to continue. “I asked the magistrate to reconsider the case, and he agreed. After he heard Mr. FitzWilliam’s statement as well as my own, he reached a new decision.”

  Christian stood before her without a hint of what he was thinking. Perhaps Willa was correct. He was angry with her.

  “He declared me innocent.” She wouldn’t turn from his gaze. “I can’t tell you how freeing this is.” For a moment, she didn’t know if she could continue without crying. “No one can ever accuse me or threaten me with my past again. Which means they can’t hurt you. I know how much your reputation means to you as you rebuild the duchy. That’s why I left. I love you more than anything in this world. If I had to give you up to protect you, I would.” Tears were freely streaming down her face now, and she didn’t care. All she cared about was the man who stood in front of her. “Now, I can stand by your side and give myself to you and our marriage without any reservations or fear.” She forced herself to stop so she could take a deep breath. “That is, if you’ll still have me.”

  The trickling water of the stream and the occasional call of a magpie were the only sounds between them. He continued to stare at her. Her entire future felt as if it hung by a thread. A stitch was nothing when dealing with a duke in a moment of time.

  Lucky for her, she was an expert at taking threads and turning them into masterpieces.

  “But I warn you now, if you don’t want to marry me, you’re going to have to be the one to walk away.” She stood and took a step nearer. “I’m not leaving until you tell me that you love me and you forgive me.”

  Suddenly, he was before her with his mouth slamming into hers.

  * * *

  It was completely uncivilized, but Christian couldn’t keep away her from any longer. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. Nothing chaste or polite, this kiss contained a savage passion. The fact she was leaning into him and returning the kiss with the same hunger made his heart swell.

  When they finally took a breath, her hand went to her lush lips. In wonder, her mouth formed a perfect O.

  “I’ve discovered quite a bit about myself since I’ve met you. There’s one need I can’t live without. It’s you. I need you in my life, Katherine Elise James, more than anything. I don’t give a damn about the duchy or my reputation. I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating. All I care about is you.” He squeezed her tightly to him. “Promise me one thing?”

  “What?” she asked in that breathless voice that turned his insides into jelly.

  “Don’t you ever dare leave me again,” he growled softly, taking her hand and pressing a kiss to her soft skin. “I want to be beside you, a part of you. Understand?”

  She nodded.

  Still holding her hand to his lips, he cupped her cheek with his other hand. “I always wondered why I was put on this earth. Now I know. It’s to love you.” He pressed a kiss to the tip of her nose. “Completely.” He pressed another to her forehead, then trailed his lips lightly to her temple.

  He filled his lungs with her scent, knowing he’d never tire of it. He’d never tire of her.

  “Every day that I can show you how much I care, I will call it a success,” he said softly against her skin. He cupped her head with his hands. “I’m happy your past is behind you. I understand your feeling of relief. I feel it too. I’ve shed the horrid memories of my family because of you. I’m giving you my heart, my love, and everything I possess.”

  Katherine came out of the sensual fog she was lost in. “I have nothing to give you. I sold my company to Beth and gave my money to Beth and Constance. It was the only way I could think of to keep Skeats from ruining the contract.” Her eyes searched his. “I’m worth nothing. No wealth, no home, and no dowry. I spent it all.” She sighed softly.

  “I beg to differ,” he said. “If you give me nothing, then I’ll consider myself the richest man in the kingdom.” He wanted to rejoice when she combed her fingers through his hair, the touch tender and loving. “Nothing is very important. I myself am very fond of the word nothing.”

  She had tears in her eyes. “You silly man. Why?”

  Her love for him made her face glow and, immediately, he was caught in her warmth. “It’s a powerful word. For instance, nothing will ever keep me from you. Nothing will keep us apart. Nothing will keep me from
giving you my heart. Nothing will keep me from showing you my deepest abiding love every day. Nothing will keep me from making love to you. Nothing will keep me from begging you to marry me every hour until we say, ‘I do.’”

  “Enough.” At the same time, she was laughing and crying. “Enough,” she repeated, then eventually turned serious. “My turn.”

  “Anything, my love.”

  “I’m sure you’re angry. Do you understand why I had to do this?”

  The hurt and uncertainty in her eyes told him how he answered would define their lives from this day forward. With a deliberate ease, he took both her hands in his. “I’ll be honest. I was worried, Kat. I haven’t slept or eaten in days. Though I didn’t like it, you were trying to shield me from scandal by leaving. How could I be angry for you loving me and trying to protect me?”

  “Did you get the pillow?” She nodded slowly, but her eyes didn’t mask her vulnerability.

  He pulled it out of his pocket. “It kept me from drowning in despair and has never left my side since you left. It reminds me of all the wonderful things you are. A woman”—he brushed a thumb across her cheek—“who loves fiercely. She possesses a deep affection for her family, her friends”—he dipped his head until he caught her gaze—“and me.” He wiped a stray tear from her face.

  “I fought for myself and cleared my name.” She bit her lip. “But underneath it all, I’m still a bastard.”

  “I don’t care. I love you.” He cupped her cheeks, not allowing her to look away. “Like me, you couldn’t help the circumstances of your birth. But unlike me, you were loved, Kat. I know how valuable that is. It’s everything. It makes life worthwhile. You make life worthwhile. Share your life and all your days with me. I promise I’ll fill them with love.”

  She let out a tremulous sigh, then nodded slightly. “So you’ll still marry me?”

  “Never doubt that.” For the first time since she left, all was right with the world. “You’ll come home with me?”

  She nodded.

  He pressed his lips against hers. Everything around them disappeared except this kiss and embrace. When she moaned against his mouth, he kissed her deeper as their hunger for each other threatened to consume them. Such was the beauty of them together. When she whimpered slightly, he gave her no quarter. Under no circumstances would this woman ever doubt her worth in his eyes.

  She drew a deep breath and her eyes widened. “Look around us.”

  He didn’t take his gaze from hers. “What do you see?”

  “We’re in an apple orchard.” The wonderment on her face was a sight he’d never forget. “I don’t think I hate apples anymore.” Her brilliant eyes glistened with emotion.

  “Say it again,” he pleaded. “Say you love me and you’ll marry me.”

  “I love you, and yes, I’ll marry you,” she said against his lips before giving him another kiss that threatened to drag him under.

  He didn’t care as long as she was with him.

  “But you don’t play fair. Did you lead me into this orchard?”

  He laughed. “That was all your handiwork, my love. Besides, I thought all was fair in love and war.” He pressed his lips against hers. Then and there, he vowed to kiss her at least five times a day for no other reason than to remind her how much he loved her. “Thankfully, we need only concern ourselves with the love part.”

  “I think you have the saying wrong. It should be … all’s fair in loving the duke.” She pressed a kiss against his ear and whispered, “And you’re the duke.”

  “No. You have it wrong.” Christian laughed as Katherine tilted her head adorably. “I’m your duke.”


  Rand House

  Six months later

  Katherine strolled through the halls of Rand House. Each day brought a new treasure to discover. On the inside, it contained a charm and grace that transformed it from something formidable into something beautiful.

  Much like Christian.

  For the past several months, she’d established a routine where she would meet her clients for appointments at Greer, James & Howell Emporium in the mornings while Beth supervised the workshop. In the afternoons, Beth would handle the emporium appointments.

  When Kat had returned to London, she and Beth had decided to change the name of their business as they were now partners. Kat smiled. Now her friend wasn’t a bit afraid to reveal herself.

  In the afternoons, Kat would work with Christian on his charity or on her new soap venture. Her first batches, though small, had been wildly successful. The violet-and-rose-scented bars were her favorites. Her next foray in fragrance would be to mimic Christian’s favorite scent of sandalwood.

  Beth had stopped by yesterday evening. Marlen Skeats had come to her begging for work, and she’d had the utmost pleasure turning him away from the emporium. He was insolvent, and frankly, it was for the best. She and Beth had hired all of his employees.

  Katherine stood outside the conservatory, her favorite room in Rand House. She quietly turned the handle and stepped inside. Immediately, the warmth and humidity surrounded her, making that first breath inside the room difficult. The sweet perfume of roses filled her second breath. The orange trees had been moved to the south side of the room. Endless rows of roses filled the remaining area.

  As if she conjured him from some dream, Christian came toward her, his long legs devouring the distance between them. The very same legs that had been entwined with hers last night. She couldn’t turn from the sight. Determined and resolute, each step seemed synchronized with the pounding of her heart.

  When he came within five feet of her, he slowed to a stop. His eyes sparkled and his nostrils flared. He stood before her in all his ducal glory.

  Katherine blurted the first words to come to her. “Where is it?”

  He lifted a single eyebrow.

  “Hand it over.” She laughed, then held out her hand while eliminating the distance between them.

  “Wife, I have no idea what you’re asking.”

  “Quit teasing,” she protested, then proceeded to run through his pockets. Not finding what she wanted, she ran her hand over his waistcoat. “You can’t hide it. I want it now.”

  “I married such a saucy wench,” he sighed with exasperation. “Fine.” He wrestled off his morning coat and threw it to the ground. Then, he unbuttoned his waistcoat. “I wanted to wait until this evening to ensure that you were properly fed, rested, and wooed before we made love.” His lips spread into a smile that stole her breath. “But if you want to do it here under the glass dome, I am your servant, Duchess.” His deep voice vibrated with laughter around them.

  “Stop teasing.” She blew a stray piece of hair from her eyes and smiled.

  Christian came to her finally and wrapped one arm around her. The heat of his body surrounded her, and she closed her eyes. Who needed a fire when a woman could have a lovely embrace from her husband?

  With his other hand, he ran it gently over her rounded middle. “And how is she?”

  “He is fine,” Kat answered with a smile.

  “You’ll make a glorious mother.” His face softened in the glow of the morning light, making him even more handsome than the day before.

  “And you a wonderful father,” Kat replied.

  Christian placed a sweet kiss against her lips as he reached into his waistcoat pocket. “Is this what you’re looking for? I hope it meets with your approval,” he whispered, running his lips across her cheek until he found her earlobe and gently nipped.

  She tilted her head to give him greater access. That’s when she saw it, the most glorious orange rose she’d ever seen. “It’s beautiful,” she said in awe. “It looks like a harvest moon.”

  “It’s the Katherine,” he said proudly.

  “Oh, Christian,” she said as tears threatened. “You’ve been working on that for years. It’s perfection.”

  He smiled broadly. “Only a flawless rose should be named after my wife.”

nbsp; “I can’t wait to show it to Constance, Beth, and Helen. They’re coming over tomorrow for tea. Constance is bringing the baby.” Her fingers trailed the perfect petals. “This is the best present ever.”

  His eyes immediately brightened. “Would you come to the workshop with me today? Reed thinks your design for the new beds and bedframes will be popular. He wants to build a prototype.”

  “Of course. Let me change.”

  A jaunty lopsided grin tugged at his lips. It always made her heart skip a beat. He inspected her dress, then slowly leaned close. He trailed his lips across the skin of her neck until he kissed that tender spot beneath her ear. “You look ravishing in that lavender brocade and silk gown. Don’t change.”

  “Thank you.” She’d never have enough of this man.

  “Speaking of ravishing, I could ravish you now.” Christian nipped her skin gently, then soothed it with another kiss.

  “Hush,” she playfully chided. “We’ll shock the staff with such actions if they see us out here. I think they heard us the last time we were in your study. Wheatley hasn’t looked me in the face for two days.”

  “Indeed.” Christian waggled his eyebrows. “Yesterday, he actually blushed in front of me.”

  Kat pressed a kiss against his lips, then murmured, “I want to show you a room I discovered this morning. It’ll be perfect for my work area.”

  Christian shook his head decisively. “What about the connecting room next to my study?”

  “It’s too small.” She straightened his cravat. “I’ve decided that we’ll need a larger room if we’re going to be looking at wood and fabric samples for the furniture. Plus, I want a display area for my soaps.”

  Christian pulled her closer to him and exhaled. “I suppose you’re right, darling. I find it amazing how busy we’ll be in the next couple of months. Men from the Ninety-Fifth Regiment have already been applying for positions in the new factory. We have orders from Helen and Abbott for new beds.”


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