Jayce: Shifters of Timber Rock

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Jayce: Shifters of Timber Rock Page 8

by Amber Ella Monroe

  I reached for him, wounding my fingers around his forearm. “Wait. Can you stay with me? Just for a little bit. I…” My fingers glided up his arm and along his smooth skin. I couldn’t help myself. There was this connection between us that I didn’t want to break. At this moment, we wouldn’t go back. I couldn’t go back.

  I threaded my fingers upward until they were entwined with his thick hair and pulled him downward.

  “Violet,” he whispered, curving down into me and against me.

  He took my lips with a fiery passion, kissing me thoroughly before moving down to lick at the column of my neck. He smelled of the earth and of the outdoors. I wanted to bury myself in his arms for all eternity where I knew I’d feel secure and protected.

  The way he groaned and growled against my skin excited me even more. He held me against his taut body and bare chest like I already belonged to him. I felt like I did belong to him.

  Jayce grabbed my hips, holding me close until I felt the outline of his hardened cock.

  “Is this what you want?” he rasped against my delicate skin as he pressed kisses along my throat.

  “Yes,” I breathed. “Please don’t stop this time.”

  Hooking his strong hands around my thighs, he hoisted me up. Instantly I wrapped my legs around him and held on tight with my hands at the back of his neck.

  “I want you in my bed,” he growled.

  I nodded.

  Jayce wasted no time. He tore off down the hallway carrying me, kissing my exposed skin along the way. Once we were inside his bedroom, he released me and I slid down his legs until my feet were on the floor. He hooked his thumb under the strap of my tank top and exposed my breasts. He bowed his head and sucked one already sensitive nipple between his lips. I arched into his mouth. Within seconds, he exposed the other breast. His tongue felt like heaven against the taut bud. He licked and flicked until my knees were about to give out from under me.

  I entwined my fingers through his hair and directed his mouth from breast to breast, vowing to let go of any and all inhibitions.



  I couldn’t believe how sweet her nipples tasted and how soft her skin felt against my own. Her eyes, which were once scared and untrusting, were now inflamed with desire.

  The more she arched for me, the more my wolf surfaced. I did everything in my power to keep my canines from lengthening, but I wanted her so badly I couldn’t contain myself.

  I picked her up again and lowered us on the bed, knowing that this was the place I should have brought her to begin with. I didn’t want her to leave.

  I kissed her mouth again because I couldn’t get enough of her taste. But I yearned for a taste of something else. I pulled her top over her head and threw it aside. Her breasts were perfect and the nipples were so perfectly taut that I couldn’t help but to dip my head again and suck them. The little mewls and moans that escaped her lips were like music to my ears and I wondered if I could make her scream my name. I loved the way it sounded when she called out to me, but I really wanted to hear her cry out and beg as I pleased her.

  I peeled off her cute short pajama bottoms, pulling them all the way down to her legs. Lifting her feet in my hand, I proceeded to kiss her sexy little feet and her ankle.

  She moaned and then said, “Oh my God.” She giggled as I kissed the sole of her feet.

  “You’re beautiful.” Working my way up her legs, I kissed her flawless skin.

  Every time she was embarrassed or excited or complimented, her body temperature rose. This time she was incredibly aroused. I could tell. Wolf shifters had a nose for things like that, and I could especially tell when my true mate was in need of sex or had gone into heat.

  I moved up her body, licking and kissing her senseless. The way her eyelashes fluttered when I used my tongue and mouth to please her, one would think a man had never touched her in some of the places I was exploring right now.

  Her panties were damp and I licked my lips when I reached that spot. I could tell she was smooth and plump behind the light blue cotton fabric covering her.

  “Jayce, please….oh God,” she murmured as I kissed her through the fabric.

  “No one has ever tasted you here?” It was more of a statement instead of a question. For some odd reason, I already knew the answer.

  “No. No one,” she said, quietly.

  “Good. I’ll be the first to eat this pussy.”

  She panted my name when I slid the seat of her panties aside. Just as I thought, she nearly bare. Except for a tiny manicured triangle above her mound, she was smooth and hairless. I expected this from a woman like her. Young. Privileged. Rich. She probably went to the spa every week. Well, that was fine with me. I might not be rich in cash, but I was going to give her the world. I wanted to do more than protect her. I wanted to make her wholly and utterly mine.

  I licked the full length of her pussy, sinking my tongue deep into her honey. She was so fucking sweet, I literally came undone. My cock was pushing painfully against my zipper.

  She moaned and tried to squeeze her legs together. I pressed my hand against her thighs, keeping her pliant and open. I sucked her clit and tongued her juicy slit until her thighs trembled.

  When she came, she cried out. I lapped up every bit of her sweetness, raking my tongue along her slit until she was shuddering lightly.

  “That felt so good, Jayce,” she said.

  He grinned, licking his lips and rising above her. “I’m already addicted.”

  She grinned, shyly. “Well, you can do that whenever you like.”

  “Careful now or I just might help myself to seconds and thirds until I’ve had my fill.”

  Blushing, she licked her lips. “Or you can fill me instead.”

  I growled and felt her body shudder beneath me in response.

  She brought my face up close to hers. I kissed her again, pushing my tongue past her soft lips. She slid her hand down into the waistband of my jeans until she had her delicate fingers wrapped around my rigid cock. I almost came.

  “Oh, fuck,” I groaned.

  “Please take me,” she mumbled. “Claim me like we talked about.”

  She didn’t have to command me twice. I tore at the button on my jeans and jerked down the zipper. Along with my briefs, I kicked them off until I was just as naked as she was.

  To my surprise, she pulled off her own panties, shimmying her hips a little as she pushed them down. Good for her because I was just about to tear them right off. I growled, but this time I didn’t try to hide my exposed canines.

  “You’re so sexy when you growl at me like that,” she crooned.

  To demonstrate my intent, I growled again, deeper this time, as I crawled above her.

  She chuckled and grabbed my cock, wrapping her fingers around it. “Your tongue felt so good on me, but I bet you can make me come with this. It’s so long and big.”

  “Challenge accepted,” I rasped against the column of her throat.



  Challenge accepted.

  Jayce had worked his tongue on me like magic, bringing me to orgasm in record time. I wanted more. I loved the way the thick girth of his cock filled up my hand.

  I arched under his hot body and sighed when he grabbed my thighs and wrapped my legs around his back. He placed his mouth on mine and I kissed him.

  He took me, filling me with every inch in one long thrust. It had been so long since I’d had sex. It had been years since I’d been with a man, but with Jayce, it felt like my first time all over again. But this was different from my first time. This was ecstasy. He was big and hard, leaving no part of my sex uncovered.

  “Are you good?” he whispered in my ear.

  “Yes,” I panted, raising my hips to take the last inch of him inside of me.

  “You feel so good,” he replied, then began thrusting with long steady strokes.

  My legs widened, accommodating the thickness of his hips
and allowing him to go deeper. His hips caved down over and over again working me up toward another climax. Hearing myself scream and cry out every time Jayce stroked my g-spot sent more than white-hot pleasure through me. I was both overwhelmed and flustered about the way these new sensations were bringing out the vixen in me.

  I hid my face against the crook of his neck, drawing in his scent. Eventually, my tongue licked his neck and I even nipped him a few times when his cock bottomed out in me.

  Before I knew it, an electric shock shot through me and I climaxed with his meaty cock pummeling inside of me over and over again. He prolonged the orgasm, lifting one of my legs onto his shoulder and pumping his throbbing cock deep into me. My body had a mind of its own and a burst of energy spirited around my clit pushing me into yet another orgasm.

  “Is that what you like?” he rasped.

  “Yes, just like that.” I linked my fingers around the back of his neck, and he tilted his head so that we were eye to eye.

  “You’re so beautiful.”

  He delivered pleasure for what seemed like an eternity and then I felt his balls tightening against me and his cock throbbing excitedly inside of me. He stiffened and for what seemed like more than a minute, his seed rushed hot and heavy into me. He roared out his climax, calling out my name in the process.

  In the aftermath, we were a mix of arms and legs entwined together. He rolled over on his side and swiped some wet strands of hair from my face.

  “Thank you for that,” I whispered, my eyelids growing heavy. “I needed it.”

  “Don’t even mention it.” He grinned. “I needed you too.”

  “What’s next…? After this…” I yawned, barely able to shake off my fatigue.

  “I’m going to keep you close, mate. Right next to my heart.”

  I felt myself smile but never got a chance to respond.

  I slept cradled in Jayce’s embrace all night long.



  The next morning, I woke up to the brightest smile I’d ever been greeted with. Jayce was propped up on his elbow and was, presumably, watching me sleep.

  I fought back a yawn, figuring that I probably had morning breath or something.

  “Did I oversleep or something? Don’t tell me you were looking at me snore and drool all this time?”

  He chuckled and slid his hand around my waist. “You only snored just a little. You’re cute when you sleep.”

  “And when I’m not asleep?” I pouted.

  “You’re cute and beautiful. Especially with those violet eyes of yours, which is what I was waiting for. I miss those.”

  He pulled me close until my body was taut against him. Even after a long night of sex, he still smelled wonderfully masculine, like the outdoors. He kissed my lips softly as he embraced me, making me feel like the most loved woman in the world. I had never felt this way. With anyone.

  “I must have morning breath and I probably need a shower,” I said, as he pressed kisses against the curve of my neck.

  “I didn’t notice,” he said, going lower and licking my collarbones.

  I needed him now and I wanted him to take me again and again, just like he did last night. I lifted a leg on top of his thighs and pressed my core against his. He was already hard with the length of his cock pushing against my sex.

  “Someone’s a little hungry, aren’t we?” I mumbled.

  “I can’t help myself,” he rasped, licking and nipping my breast. “You know what? I am helping myself…so good.” He sucked my nipples between his lips, teasing them with his tongue.

  “Go ahead, help yourself,” I moaned.

  “Mmmmm,” he moaned as he went to work on my breasts.

  “Is this what it’s like to be a wolf’s mate? We’ll have sex all the time, like this?”

  “Yes. Most definitely.”

  “All day, every day. Even when life goes on all around us…”

  “And we’ll be lost in our own little world, yes…” he added. “But we can multi-task. I’m good at that.”

  “Really—oh!” I could’ve come from the way he was licking and sucking me and he hadn’t even entered me yet.

  Without warning, he hoisted me up from the bed and started walking toward the bathroom attached to his master suite. “I’ll show you how we’ll multi-task.”

  He turned on the shower and then pressed me up against the wall where we kissed until the steam in the shower started fogging up around us.

  Jayce wrapped my legs his waist, stepped into the shower until we were fully submerged under the water, and then entered me. I moaned and arched into him, surrendering myself to all the sensations. The hot water pelted over my body. Jayce’s hands kneaded my ass. And his cock pounded my pussy. Our lips brushed with desperate, primal kisses.

  I came almost instantly with my fingernails gripping his back. He followed me into climax, coming so violently that he had to brace us up against the wall of the shower.

  When our breathing was stable again and I could form thoughts and words, I said, “I wish I could have this every single morning.”

  “Me too, Violet.”



  I walked out of the shower in a towel, leaving Jayce inside to finish up. He needed to shave or something. I wandered over to my suitcase and picked out a pair of panties and bra and laid them out on the bed. Before I could slip them on, my phone rang. I raced to the nightstand to see who was calling. It was Janet.

  Sighing reluctantly, I answered it. If it had been anyone else, including my parents, I probably would’ve let it go straight to voicemail.

  “Hi Janet,” I said, breathlessly.

  “Hey. Is your car fixed now? Have you got it back from the mechanic? Are you on the way?” she asked, all in a rush.

  “Um…I’ve got my car back, but no, I’m not on the way…yet.”


  When I didn’t say anything right away, she asked, “ What’s up with that? You said you’d drive here once you got your car back. Is there something wrong with your car?”

  I exhaled and sat down near the foot of the bed. I didn’t have it in me to lie to my best friend anymore. Withholding the whole truth, maybe. Outright lies that could come back to bite me later, no.

  “I have to tell you something, but just don’t report me missing, okay?” I pleaded.

  “What is it, Violet?”

  “You have to promise you won’t report me.”

  “Okay. I promise,” Janet stated.

  “If my parents happen to call you, just tell them that I went shopping or something and don’t want to talk. I told them I needed space and peaceful time alone and I’ve found it. Right where I am.”

  “Wha…ah…Are you still in the same town?”

  “Yes, I’m still here. I met some good people last night and I think I’m gonna hang out here for a little while.”

  There was silence on the other end. “Um…okay…I just thought you and I were going to get together and do something.”

  Now, she was making feel like a complete loser. “I’m so sorry. I promise you, I’ll come. I’m still coming. I just want to stay here for a few more days.”

  I grabbed a tube of moisturizing cream and threw it on the bed next to my undies.

  “Well, okay. Your parents aren’t going to be happy about this. You know it’s only a matter of time before they call all your close friends including me. I’ll tell them what you told me this time, but I won’t be surprised if one of them tries to fly out here to get you,” Janet exclaimed.

  I rolled my eyes. “They probably will. Or maybe they’ll just take the hint and leave me alone. Donovan’s just going to have to accept that our relationship is over. I can’t marry him. I know we should have just stayed friends, and knowing Donovan, he’ll hold a grudge over this for years. I care about him, but not like that.”

  Janet sighed into the phone. “I know, Violet. You were just trying to be nice. You wante
d to be his friend and be there for him and help him be the best man he could be and he had other ideas.”

  “You’re like the only one who understands, but I’m not going to sit here and act like I was just innocent in all of this. I should have said no from the jump instead of letting my parents and all get invested into this.”

  “Well, you don’t deserve to be hounded about it, that’s for sure. They should understand. This is your life.”

  I smiled. “Thanks, Janet. I needed that. You’re a good friend.”

  “Yeah, I know.” Janet giggled. “I feel so hurt that you’ve decided not to come. We were supposed to drink loads of champagne and eat chocolate cake until we got sick. You totally dropped the ball on me.”

  I laughed. “We’ll get to do all of that, I promise.”

  “So, who are these friends you met?”

  “Um…” At that moment, Jayce came out of the bath wrapped in nothing but a towel.

  Dear God. I didn’t know what it was, but it was like I was seeing him for the first time. I would never get tired of looking at him. He stalked toward me like a predator in the night. Still, there wasn’t nothing scary about the way he eyed me with a primal energy that consumed me. I felt my sex clenching in need and my nipples instantly beaded. We had just had sex. Wet sex in the shower. I was still craving him. What the hell was wrong with me?

  “Violet?” Janet called out on the other line.

  “I’m still here?”

  “So tell me about this town? Where is it? Are you close to any major landmarks?”

  “Uh, yeah…there are mountains. Big, hard mountains.” I eyed Jayce as he picked up the bottle of moisturizer off the bed.

  “Mountains? Really. I haven’t been hiking in like forever. I loved it. Will you at least take some pictures for me to gawk over?” she asked.


  “So, tell me the exact name of the town. Jeez, I’m like the only one who knows where you are and if something happened to you…” She sighed hard into the phone. “Look, I respect that you’re trying to get away. I’m not going to tell anyone where you are. I swear it. But if you’re in trouble, I want to be able to help you and I need to know where you are.”


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