Jayce: Shifters of Timber Rock

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Jayce: Shifters of Timber Rock Page 9

by Amber Ella Monroe

  I looked at Jayce who made immediate eye contact with me. He nodded and said in a low voice. “You can tell her.”

  “What did you say?” Janet asked.

  “Arrow Lake,” I replied, hoping she didn’t ask more.

  “Oh, nice. I think I’ve heard of that little town before.”

  By this time, Jayce had already squeezed some moisturizer from the tube and was now rubbing his hands together. I thought he was going to use the cream on his gorgeous body, but he lifted one of my legs and started smoothing it on me.

  My lips parted in pleasure.


  “Huh. Um…are you cooking breakfast or something? It’s about that time, right?” I blurted.

  “It’s nearly noon. I’ve already had it. So, are you roomed up in a nice bed-n-breakfast somewhere? Mountain towns are usually known for having a few of those tucked in with the landscape.”

  “Sort of.” I pressed my lips together to keep from moaning as Jayce’s strong fingers kneading my inner thighs.

  “I’m going to forgive you this time for bailing out on me. I’d bail too if I found a nice little secluded town to play and shop around in.”

  “I’ll make it up to you. I promise.”

  “We’re good, hun. Plus, you have a lot more to worry about than me. Donovan is probably livid and your parents are probably checking all your cell phone records to find all your friends, including me. You know your dad is good at that stuff.”

  At the mention of checking my cell phone records, something starting to irk me and a theory formed in the back of my mind. Before I could think any further on it, Jayce reached one of my erogenous zones right between my upper inner thighs.

  He bent his head low and kissed my thigh.

  “Oh…” I breathed.

  “What?” Janet asked.

  “Um…oh…so, I’ll check in again soon, okay?”

  “You better. And here’s to hoping you meet a handsome hunk to entertain you while you’re there.”

  I grinned, glancing down at Jayce as he worshipped my body. He wasn’t even applying the moisturizer anymore with his hands. His mouth was doing all the work.

  “Bye,” I whispered and disconnected the call.

  “Your friend sounds nice,” Jayce commented, between kisses.

  “You heard all that?” I gawked.

  He nodded. “Wolf ears, remember?”

  “How much of it did you hear?”

  “From the moment the phone rang,” he replied.

  “Wow. Good thing I didn’t say anything bad about you,” I teased.

  “It’s a good thing you didn’t,” he chuckled. “Because I’m not done with you yet.” He opened up the towel and pushed it back onto the bed.

  “Jayce, your mouth feels so good.”

  “Lay back,” he commanded. “I’m hungry.”

  A wave of pleasure spread throughout my body as he spread my knees and settled between my thighs.

  “I can’t believe how you’re always sweet and ready for me,” he rasped as he pressed warm kisses against my sex.

  His tongue lapped through the full length of my pussy and I squealed.

  “Just as I thought. Sweet. I’m going to make you come on my tongue,” he spoke against my clit.

  He devoured me, dragging his tongue up and down my slit. His tongue was talented, entering me again and again, plunging me just like he did with his cock.

  I relaxed, shifting from being propped on my elbows to having my back flat on the bed with Jayce’s mouth pleasuring between my legs.

  He assaulted my clit, sucking the little bud between his lips and flicking it with gentle flicks of his tongue.

  I cried out, unable to control the sensations flowing through me. My moans echoed throughout his room. The more I responded, the more he growled into my sex, driving me completely insane.

  My sex clenched and convulsed and then I let go. My climax rolled through me like a violent tide. He tore his mouth away, licking his lips. His mouth was glazed with my juices and I grew hot seeing the evidence of my desire on him.

  “Please…” I hooked my leg over his shoulder and pulled him all the way to me.

  He directed his heavy cockhead to my entrance and sunk into my wet pussy. He closed his eyes and growled, lifting his face upward to the ceiling. He drove his steel-hard cock to the hilt. I came hard and suddenly within a few strokes.

  To my disappointment, he pulled out, but then he flipped me over and dragged my torso up until I was on my hands and knees. The moment he entwined his fingers in my hair, I knew he was going to take me for another roller coaster ride. I lifted my hips upward and fell into bliss when he took me from behind.

  He rode me hard and fast, working his hard rod in and out of me with record precision. I lost count of the number of times I came. I could only hope he didn’t have any neighbors nearby. If so, I felt sorry for them.

  When the warmth of his seed filled me, I felt complete. Jayce was the man I needed. Not only that, the sex was amazing.

  Someone pounded on Jayce’s front door while we were still panting on the bed. I didn’t need wolf ears to hear it. They were persistent with the pounding.

  “Dammit. I wonder who that is?”

  I grabbed the towel and covered myself with it.

  Jayce leaned over to kiss me and said, “Get dressed. I’m going to see who it is. I’ll make you some breakfast too. You need some food in you.”

  “Okay.” I had wanted him so much that I put food on the back burner. And that was a first.

  I watched as he threw on a pair of slacks and a shirt and tear out of the bedroom. With the taste of Jayce still on me, I fell back on the bed and giggled like a school girl.

  How was I going to leave this, leave Jayce? I had responsibilities, but after Jayce, I didn’t care about responsibilities. Those were on the back burner too.



  I scented one of my fellow pack members on the other side of the door before I saw them, but that still didn’t give them any right to pound my knocker at the most inopportune times, which they always did.

  I was the enforcer of the pack. I prevented messes before they happened and I cleaned up messes when they did. I knew this better be good or someone was going to pay for interrupting my quality time with Violet. It was like I had put all of my responsibilities on the back burner just for her. I got lost in her eyes and in the sound of her voice and I suddenly forgot that I was just a lone wolf out here in these mountains.

  I pushed the door open and barreled out onto the porch.

  Ray rushed at me with fright and panic in his eyes. “They’ve got Roy. My brother. They’ve got him.”

  Suddenly, my rage turned into concern.

  “Wait. Who’s got Roy?”

  “The cops. The humans.”

  This wasn’t good. I blew out in frustration. “How do you know they’ve got him?”

  “I ran to the woods just like we planned but my brother wasn’t behind me. I ran back and they had tasered him. I saw it all go down. They know he’s a shifter and one of the cops said that we—us shifters—we’ve been causing trouble in town lately…vandalism, damaging crops, scaring away the tourists, I don’t know.”

  “Hell,” I grumbled. “Why were you on human territory to begin with?”

  From the way Ray looked at the ground, I could tell he was guilty as charged. “We go every now and then to hang out at the bars and kick it with the chicks. We only hang out with the nice ones, you know. Nothing like this has ever happened. It was like the cops were patrolling hard that night, man. I thought he’d be released by now, but he’s still in there. Can you do something? Can you maybe send a message out to one of your human cop friends? My brother did nothing, man. We’ve been together this whole time. I swear it!”

  “Okay, calm down. We’re going to get your brother out, but you can’t go back into the town. Rogues from the Black Ridge pack were spotted and have been terrorizing th
e area. The cops will use any excuse to arrest us and implicate us all. Now, they have solid evidence that shifters have been trespassing where they’re not supposed to.”

  “Oh, man,” Ray wailed. “Get him out fast, man. He’s never been locked up. I should have been the one, not him.”

  Ray and Roy were twins. They were known troublemakers, but most of their actions were innocent. Pranks here and there that drove residents crazy, but nothing that would cause harm to any living person or animal.

  “Just sit tight, Ray. I have some things going on here,” I said, without revealing too much. “I think it’s all related. I’m sure we can get your brother out soon enough once we clear the Timber Rock shifters of all wrongdoing.”

  Ray nodded. “You have a woman in there.”

  I exhaled, hoping he hadn’t smelled the evidence of our love-making session, but I wasn’t the only one with a good nose.

  “I heard her before I smelled her. I was coming up the trail when I heard her screaming. You were givin’ it to her good, man, but I couldn’t wait any longer. My brother’s in trouble.”

  “Look, just keep what you saw or heard here a secret, alright?” I asked.

  Ray smiled. “Your secret’s safe with me. She smells like a human too. Since when did you have a girlfriend?”

  “It’s complicated. Listen. I’m not trying to brush you off or anything, but I’m going to get to the bottom of this. We’ve been trying to spread the word to the pack about not going into town at this point, considering what’s going on.”

  “You’re right. You need any help with that? I’m headed east to fix an HVAC unit for my grandma. Roy was supposed to help me, but…I can’t keep her waiting. She’s complaining that it’s getting too hot in the afternoon.”

  I clapped him on the back. “Go right ahead. Go get your grandmother squared away and we’ll do everything we can to get him out. There are some tools in my back shed if you think you might need them. Just make sure you bring them back when you’re finished.”

  “Alright. Thanks, man.” Reluctantly, Ray backed off the steps, but I knew he would persist on getting his twin brother back even if it killed him. The two were inseparable. The last thing I wanted to do was encourage him to go back to the town where there was a good chance he could get picked up and interrogated too.

  Things were coming together now, but this needed to be sorted out before things took a turn for the worse. Or anybody else became incarcerated—or worse, harmed or killed.



  After a hearty breakfast, Draven came back to the house to pick up Jayce. Apparently, Draven had managed to set up a meeting with a representative of the mayor of Arrow Lake. While sitting in earshot of the porch where they were discussing things, I realized that the entire town of Arrow Lake was on edge after word had gotten out that the same pack of wolves they had banished from returning were terrorizing the town. I had no idea the situation had gotten so out of hand. Even though I wanted those rogues to pay for what they put me through, I knew this whole thing was bigger than me. I put my faith in Draven and Jayce and the rest of his pack to get to the bottom of this.

  So when Draven came back inside the house with a somber look on his face, I knew what would come next.

  “I have to go into town.”

  I met him in the foyer. “No, that’s okay. You had a job before I got here. I’m a big girl. I’ll be fine.”

  “You’ll stay here?” he asked, his eyes narrowing in skepticism.

  “Of course. I told you. I’m not going anywhere yet.”

  “Yet?” he whispered, reaching up and pushing a few strands of hair back from my face.

  “Yet,” I whispered, stepping into his embrace and closing the distance between us.

  “I’ll have some shifters guarding my property until I get back.”

  “Your property or me?” I asked.

  “I don’t want anything to happen to you while I’m gone. Even though we…we were together, there’s a chance that a small bit of essence from his bite remains.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll be okay.”

  He leaned in and kissed me and we got lost in the moment for more than a minute before someone made some commotion on the porch.

  “Go,” I told him. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to make dinner for a change since you’ve been so kind to prepare my meals these last few days.”

  He grinned. “I won’t mind at all. Not at all.”

  Jayce took one last desirous look at me and then he was gone. I locked the doors behind him. To kill the silence in the house, I turned on the television and then brought my laptop out and curled up on the couch.

  After checking my emails and scheduling a few bills, I failed to fight the urge of checking my social media account. Logging into my Facebook was a complete mistake. My mom, who had registered for a Facebook account only six months ago after attending a high school reunion, had posted a message on my public page for all to see.

  ‘Hey, Darling! Where are you? Hope you’ve gotten over your cold feet?’ it read.

  Cold feet? Seriously.

  I didn’t know whether to feel sorry for her or just be horrifically mortified for myself. I guess I was a little of both. Either way, that wasn’t exactly the type of message to post to your daughter on her public social media profile. I deleted the message and logged out before I was bombarded with messages from anyone else wondering why I dumped one of the richest bachelors in Green Bay. After a bunch of mulling over my situation on the sofa, I picked up my cell phone and dialed my mom on her cell phone.


  “Yes, it’s me, mom.”

  “Where are you? I’ve been trying to call you since Sunday. Your phone kept going to voicemail and then I kept getting messages that you were out of the area. Your friends were giving really sketchy answers about where you might be. I was like six seconds away from calling the police,” she shrieked.

  “I had a bit of car trouble on the road. You don’t have to call the police or anything like that. I’m fine now. I just needed a vacation away.”

  “And why didn’t you tell me where you were going before you left? Donovan has been worried sick about you.”

  “That’s the thing, mom. I don’t want Donovan or anybody else coming after me. I need time to think.”

  “Sure. And then when you come back, we can reschedule everything with the wedding coordinator.”

  “No. I’m not marrying Donovan. I already told him that,” I exclaimed.

  She sighed heavily into the phone. “Was it something he did? Is he cheating? Did you two have an argument? Those things can be fixed, darling.”

  I rolled my eyes. “None of that. I don’t love Donovan the way you and dad think. We were friends before, but the truth is we’d make a horrible couple. I just can’t.”

  “Can you at least come back home?”

  “I will. As soon as I finish my…vacation if you want to call it that. I’ll be back. Promise.”

  “Well, where are you?” she asked.

  “With a friend from high school,” I said, biting my bottom lip.

  “Okay, well if you need anything, let me know.”

  “I will.”

  “You said you had car trouble? Did you have a flat or something?”

  “I’m back up and running again. I’m okay,” I stated.

  “Well, okay. But if that car’s giving you problems, we can get you set up on a leased vehicle until you get things straightened out.”

  “No, mom, I’ve got this handled. The only reason I didn’t tell you was that I knew you and dad would try to stop me from leaving. I needed this time away to understand that I want more out of life than just playing pretend to keep the status quo.”

  Mom was silent on the phone, so I spoke again. “I’m not saying that I don’t appreciate everything you and dad have set up for me, but I just want to live my life and not someone else’s, you know? And if I fall flat on my face or get my ass
handed to me, then at least I get to learn from my mistakes.”

  She exhaled loudly into the phone. “Okay, Violet. I just thought Donovan was the safest choice for you. We’ve known him since he was a boy and he adores you. We know you’ll be well taken care of.”

  “Safest choice, maybe. The best choice for me, no.”

  “Is there another…man? Is there another guy?”

  I swallowed. “Look, things are too complicated right now.”

  “So there is a guy?”

  No, he’s a shifter. But of course, I couldn’t say what I was thinking.

  “I didn’t back out of the wedding because of a guy. I backed out because Donovan’s not the man I want to marry. Simple as that. I don’t want any more counseling sessions. I don’t need to make things right with Donovan. I just want to figure the rest of this out on my own.”

  “Okay. I’ll let your dad know I reached you so he can stop digging around trying to find you,” mom said.

  “Please do. The last thing I need is an army of private investigators chasing me down.”

  “Just enjoy yourself. And I hope you find what you’re looking for. We’ll be home for you when you get back.”

  After hanging up the phone with my mom, a significant amount of weight lifted off my shoulders. I didn’t feel like my family members were going to pop up in Arrow Lake after using every resource at their disposal to find me. Now, I felt I could focus on the only thing I wanted to focus on. Well, not a thing, but a person. A man. Not just any man. The man who made me feel like I was the only woman in the world that mattered.

  It was a small world after all, but these feelings I had for Jayce were growing by the day.



  “Was this your pack’s doing or not, Draven?” Jeremy Lincoln pounded his desk causing dust to blast out from under his fist in every direction.

  I turned to my alpha, Draven, who looked as impatient as I felt. Neither of us really trusted Lincoln all that much, but with all of the other Arrow Lake town officials up in arms about the recent happenings, he’d been the only one willing to talk. Most of them were scared. Of whom or what? We had yet to figure that out.


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