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The DECEIT Collection: A Romantic Suspense full of lies, deception, passion, and DECEIT... (The DECEIT Series)

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by Emma Shae

  Sasha could feel the coil of heat in her unwinding. As Damon continued touching her, an amazing sensation erupted all over her body that Sasha had never felt before. When Damon entered her, warm pleasure engulfed her. As he began his rhythmic motion, Sasha was drawn even higher on the wave of ecstasy as it washed over both of them. They climaxed together, and then Damon slowly rolled to Sasha's side. They were both panting from the pleasure-filled moment they had just shared.

  Damon reached across and turned Sasha's face toward him. As he stared into Sasha's eyes, he kissed her before climbing out of bed. Then, without saying a word, he left the room. Damon had never kissed her after sex before. Usually, he would simply get out of bed and leave the room without ever looking back. This time he changed his routine, which Sasha took note of, and smiled as she thought about that kiss and how special it was.

  Sated and happy, Sasha reached for the soft fluffy blanket that was lying on the floor beside the bed and pulled it up underneath her chin. Feeling it’s comforting texture next to her nakedness, Sasha imagined it was Damon's hands caressing her body, as she slowly drifted off into a pleasurable dreamy sleep.



  When Sasha woke the next morning, she showered and dressed in a pair of white shorts and a flowered crop top. As she brushed her hair, she could not help but reminisce about the enjoyable time that she had spent the night before with Damon. Sasha knew that her meetings with him were all prearranged, but she could not help thinking about Damon. Sasha knew that it was wrong of her to allow Damon to enter into her thoughts, but his scent was still in her room, and when she closed her eyes, Sasha could visualize him in front of her, hear his voice and almost feel his touch.

  Sasha shook her head. She had to get hold of her emotions. Sasha had an entire weekend ahead of her, explicitly designed to get her pregnant, and not meant to be a fun-filled time with a red-hot lover. Sasha shook her head, saying out loud, "The best thing for me to do right now it to get myself over to the dining room, and stuff my face."

  Sasha felt famished, and she could not wait to find some sustenance.

  When she walked out onto the promenade deck, the scene before her almost took her breath away. The sun was glinting across the surface of the water, reflecting the most beautiful rainbow colors. The water was so still and peaceful looking. The air around her was fresh, and the sky was the bluest of blues she had ever seen. As she stared at her surroundings, for a split second, she forgot how hungry she was. Sasha eased over to the guardrail to get a better look at the beautiful scene before her. She closed her eyes so that she could take in all of the smells and sounds around her. Sasha felt like she was floating. She could hear the engine of the yacht purring and the soft lapping of the waves as they moved across the water. Sasha was caught up in the calmness around her and enjoying it as she soaked it all in.

  Sasha heard a faint voice saying, "Relaxing, isn't it?" She recognized that voice and knew that she was no longer alone in her solitude.

  "Good morning, Damon," Sasha said as she opened her eyes and turned to face Damon. She hadn't realized until that moment with the bright sunshine spilling across his face that his eyes were the most vivid green that she had ever seen. She felt mesmerized by them. For a few seconds, neither one of them spoke. They just gazed into each other's eyes.

  Damon was the first one to speak, with a slight hesitancy in his words, "I figured you were probably getting hungry about now, so I came to check on you."

  Sasha pulled herself away from those enchanting green eyes long enough to say, "Yes, I was getting a little hungry. I was just heading to the dining room when this beautiful scenery caught my attention. I had to stop to admire it."

  "Yes, I know what you mean. I love being on the water. It is very calming to me. I've spent many hours just gazing out across the expanse of it, admiring its beauty. I love watching the reflection of the sun on the water when it sets late in the evening. It's one of the most beautiful things in the world."

  "I have to agree with you. I don't think I have ever seen a prettier sight."

  Sasha was gazing out across the water as she said that, but Damon was gazing at her, when he said, "Yes, I couldn't agree with you more."

  Sasha's solitude was disturbed by her stomach. It was growling so loud Damon could hear it complaining of its emptiness.

  "Well, I guess it's time to feed the beast."

  Sasha laughed and then said, "I have to agree."

  Damon reached out toward Sasha, and after she laid her tiny hand inside his much larger one, he led the way to the dining room.

  Once they were in the dining room, Damon seated Sasha and then turned to the table overflowing with an array of food. William had a large ensemble of food prepared for the pair. Their choices were open. William had made light and fluffy waffles, scrambled eggs, oatmeal, crisp bacon, fresh cantaloupe, and a big bowl of luscious red strawberries. Damon fixed Sasha a plate with a little bit of everything, unsure of her favorites. Then after handing her the piled high feast, he turned to make a plate for himself. Sasha waited for Damon to finish fixing his plate and join her, before partaking of her own mouthwatering spread. Once Damon was seated at the table, she picked up her fork and began to eat. Sasha attacked her food with enthusiasm. She felt like she had not eaten in days, which was odd because she had eaten lavishly just the night before. While they ate in silence, they continued to steal glances at one another.

  It was eye-opening to Damon how little he knew about Sasha. He had never noticed the cute dip in her upper lip before. She had the prettiest dimples he had ever seen. They were almost intoxicating to him. When Sasha blushed, her cheeks would turn a lovely pink color any time he looked at her with a fixed gaze. Her hair was piled high on her head right now, but he knew that it was long and soft. Damon had run his hands through her long locks enough to know that. Sasha's hair smelled like lilacs, so he had William scent her room with the same lovely aroma. Damon loved the smell of Sasha, the feel of her, but most of all, he enjoyed being with her. She made him feel alive and vibrant again. Damon hadn't felt that way in a long time, not since the day he lost Carma, but he didn't want to think about what happened that day because it would bring him down.

  Sasha was smiling at Damon at that moment, and he wondered what was on her mind. He didn't realize it, but he was staring at Sasha.

  Sasha laughed, drawing him out of his lethargy. "What were you thinking about?"

  Sasha was engaging him in conversation. The two of them had not carried on an open exchange of words thus far. He loved her voice. It was pleasing to hear her speak. Damon liked hearing her speak. He loved looking at her. He did not dare tell her that he was admiring her beauty that would be overstepping. "How would you like to meet the captain?"

  Sasha stopped mid-bite and said, "The boat captain?"

  "Yes, Phillip is very engaging would you like to meet him?"

  Damon laughed, then he smiled and said, "Don't insult him by calling the yacht, a boat, though, he might be offended. It is actually called a ship."

  Sasha didn't recall hearing Damon laugh out loud before. He had a beautiful smile and a lovely voice. Sasha smiled and said, "Yes, sir, I'll remember that, and yes, I'd love to meet Phillip. Can we go inside his command center? I'd love to see all of the instruments?"

  Damon laughed again. "The command center is called the wheelhouse, but you can call it a command center if you like."

  "No, I want to learn the proper words to use. It makes sense that it's called a wheelhouse since that's where the steering wheel is at."

  "Okay, since you want to learn the proper words to use, the steering wheel is called the helm."

  "Oh, how neat, I'm learning boat speak."

  Damon laughed again, "Yep, that's right, you're learning boat speak. As soon as we finish our breakfast, I'll take you up to the wheelhouse, if you like."

  As Sasha finished up her breakfast, she said, "I'd like that a lot. This boat is so pretty-I mean s
hip, and I'm enjoying this voyage very much. I am glad that you planned this outing for us. This ship is the largest one I've ever boarded. It rides so smoothly. I can't even tell that we're moving."

  "We are in calm seas. If we were to hit rough water, I don't think you would appreciate it very much."

  "You're right about that, I'm sure. I've finished eating, so when you're ready to lead the way, I'm ready to follow."

  Damon stood up and led the way. Stepping into the wheelhouse, Damon made the introductions. Phillip was more than happy to explain the workings of the yacht. Sasha was like a sponge. She intently listened to everything that Phillip told her and questioned him about several aspects of his job as captain. Phillip took them into the engine room and pointed out several different mechanical parts of the ship and explained how they worked and the role they played in keeping the yacht moving. Sasha was having a fun time roaming around the vessel.

  Damon could not help but smile as he listened to Sasha quizzing Phillip. She was so curious about everything. Damon loved the way her eyes twinkled when she asked her questions. When Sasha smiled, her dimples showed, and she had the cutest little creases in the corners of her mouth. Sasha's laugh was refreshing and not only to Damon but to anyone that met her.

  After their ship tour was over, Phillip returned to the wheelhouse, and Damon took Sasha back to her room. Damon kissed Sasha's hand and told her, "I'm sending you a dress and matching shoes. I hope they fit. Phillip is going to put into port later this evening, and I am taking you dancing. Would you like that?"

  "Oh, how exciting, I love to dance. I have not been dancing in a long time. I'll shower and dress, when do you want me to be ready?"

  "Phillip said we should put in about six."

  Sasha looked at the clock on the wall, and it was only five, so she had plenty of time for a bath. "Perfect. I'll be ready then."

  Sasha ran her bathwater, and just as she was adding her bath oil, William tapped on her door. He had brought the box with her dress and shoes. Sasha opened the box and inside was the prettiest formal that she had ever seen. It was dark green, shiny, and sequined across the bodice. The dress was long and form-fitting. There was also a pair of pale green heels inside the box that matched. Sasha hurriedly took her bath because she was anxious to try on her new outfit. She skipped washing her hair because looking at the clock, Sasha was afraid that she wouldn't have enough time to dry it. Her hair was long and thick, and even with a blow-dryer, it took about an hour to dry.

  Sasha dried off, and then she tried on her new outfit. Everything fit perfectly. Sasha was impressed that Damon had gotten her size correct. The shoes fit too. Sasha dug a little deeper inside the box and found some crystal earrings and a necklace to match. Damon was so thoughtful.

  Sasha admired her outfit in the long mirror in her room and started thinking about the evening that she was going to spend with Damon. She could feel the tiny hairs on her arms rise as she felt her excitement building about the upcoming evening. Sasha retouched her makeup and curled her hair, and just as she was adding the finishing touches, there was a knock on her door.



  When Sasha opened the door, she inhaled slightly. Damon was standing there in a black suit, and he looked fine. Sasha was mesmerized. She could not take her eyes off of him.

  He spoke first, saying, "You look lovely."

  Sasha smiled shyly, and then she said, awkwardly, "So do you. I mean-you look great too." She hesitated for a moment and then said, "The dress and the shoes fit me perfectly," as she spun around for Damon to approve of her outfit, she said, "I love them. Thank you."

  Damon wasn't admiring Sasha's outfit, though. He could not help himself. Seeing her looking so deliciously divine was the ultimate turn-on for him. Damon reached across the threshold and gathered Sasha into his arms. When Damon's lips touched hers, it was a tentative kiss at first, a brief sampling, but when she responded, it quickly called for another. The second kiss called for a third. They were all three gentle and light enough to be non-threatening, but firm enough that Sasha felt his desire. Damon could tell that Sasha was responding to him because her lips softened beneath his, and her body went pliant. Tasting her mouth, breathing in her sweet woman's scent was arousing Damon even more. He could feel himself growing harder with each passing second. Damon quickly realized that if he didn't stop, they were never going to make it to the dance that he had promised Sasha. Damon forced himself to pull back from her.

  While still holding Sasha's face in his hands, Damon stared deeply into her hazel eyes until he was able to regain a mild control of his emotions.

  Sasha was feeling so many sensations, so many different emotions. She felt a little stunned when Damon drew back from her and looked down into her eyes. His eyes were alive, relaying the message of what his body wanted to express. Her pulse raced. Sasha wanted more, and when Damon lowered his head once more, Sasha wanted his kisses all over her body.

  No words were needed. Sasha untied the strap around her neck and allowed her dress to slide to the floor slowly. Damon inhaled softly, reached out, and shut the door behind him. Sasha stood before him now, totally devoid of clothing. For several seconds, Damon soaked in her loveliness. Sasha moved in front of him and unbuttoned his shirt. Once it was open, she caressed his bare chest. It only took Damon a few seconds to remove the rest of his clothes. His mouth met Sasha's as his tongue outlined her lips, first feather-light, and then more demanding. Sasha stepped backward at Damon's slow persuasion until the back of her legs touched the bed, and then Damon eased her down onto the bed. As they sank into the plush covers, they slowly drank in each other's intensity. Damon took all that Sasha wanted to give, and she was giving him everything. Sasha gave herself to Damon completely. She allowed her passion to flow freely, causing Damon to lose all self-control.

  Afterword they enjoyed touching each other. Damon had just experienced all of Sasha's emotions, and she felt his as well. Now, they were both relaxed and exhausted. The two of them lay spent beside one another. After several minutes Sasha started tracing her finger along the line of silky hair on Damon's chest down to his navel. He wiggled slightly.

  Sasha laughed, "I didn't know that you were ticklish."

  Damon rolled on top of Sasha, smiling and said, "How about you?" He said as he started to tickle her along her ribs. Sasha attempted to escape Damon's intimate teasing by running to the other side of the room, but he grabbed her, and they both ended up in a heap on the floor. They were rolling and laughing on the floor together like two little children.

  After several minutes they were both panting again as they lay on the floor. Sasha laughed and said, “Well, I guess that we will have to go dancing on another day. Damon smiled and said, “Would you have rather gone dancing instead of staying in tonight?”

  Sasha smiled, kissed Damon, and said, “I had a wonderful time staying in this evening and spending time with you.”

  Damon kissed Sasha and said, “Me too.” Then he got a serious look on his face and gently pulled away from Sasha.

  Damon realized that he was allowing his emotions to dictate to him and needed to try and stay resolute in his feelings toward Sasha. He slowly stood up and headed toward the bathroom to shower.

  Sasha saw the quick change of emotions play across Damon’s face and wondered what he was thinking about. As he headed away from her, Sasha could not help but watch him walk away from her. Damon’s body was lean and fit, and she loved looking at him.

  Sasha softly sighed, then collected herself and slowly crawled back into bed. As she pulled the covers up underneath her chin, she realized that she was exhausted from their antics and slowly drifted off to sleep.

  As Damon hovered above Sasha, his wet hair from the shower he had just taken began to drip down on her. It roused Sasha, and she looked up at him. He was wearing her bathrobe and looked rather good in the pink lace.

  "I'm hungry, aren't you? He asked. “I think I'm going to sneak down to t
he kitchen and grab whatever is down there. Do you want me to bring you something back?"

  Sasha hadn't thought about it, but when he mentioned food, she was a little hungry. "Sure, see if you can find some of those strawberries. They were delicious."

  Damon disappeared for several minutes, and when he returned, he had a plate with not only strawberries but some cantaloupe and peaches as well. "I found a feast down there. I think William knew that we would be raiding the fridge, so he stocked it up."

  Sasha ate from the plate, and Damon picked a few of the slices of fresh fruit too, then he reached to put a ripe red strawberry in Sasha's mouth. She ate the luscious piece then he followed it up with his tongue.

  Damon could not seem to get his fill of Sasha tonight. She looked so alluring lying there with just a hint of one breast peeking out from under the blanket.

  Damon threw the covers back, allowing him to admire the full length of her, and once again, he became aroused by the sight of her. Sasha was now excited too and felt emboldened to take the lead. She pulled Damon into bed with her and then eased on top of him. As she straddled his hips, she hesitated there for a prolonged minute of torture. Sasha held her body just inches above Damon while panting softly. She looked down into his eyes, then closing her own as she let her hips settle, taking him fully in one smooth glide.

  Damon felt possessed. When Sasha began to undulate with him inside of her, Damon drew her forward so that he could love her breasts with his mouth, and when she dropped her weight to her elbows, Damon grasped her hips. Pure instinct dominated the thrusting sweep of their bodies at that point, and if another, more profound emotion dominated here, neither of them cared.


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