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Time for Christmas

Page 4

by Kay Phoenix

  He swooped in for another kiss then put his arm around her and walked her back to his car. He was quite aware of the rock solid erection he was sporting, but didn’t care if anyone happened to notice while they passed by.

  “Do you have condoms?” Regina asked as they drove west on Tropicana.

  He ran his and through his hair. “Yes,” he answered.

  Chapter Eight

  Andrew locked the door behind them and switched on the lights. He watched her take in the surroundings of his apartment, the few boxes, newspaper that remained.

  A mess.

  A gloomy look crossed her face.

  His heart clenched. He didn’t want her to be sad, yet things were in motion and nothing could be done about that now. The decision to move was too hasty, but he’d already made it. And, it was all due to him being a chicken from the start.

  If ever there was a time he needed to step it up, it was now.

  He held his hand out and she took it. He pulled her close and embraced her, kissing her hair.

  “I’m moving, but it doesn’t have to be the end,” he told her.

  She raised her gaze to his. A smile spread on her lips that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Let’s not worry about that now.” She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him.

  Holding her hand, he led her to his bedroom, maneuvering through some boxes on the floor. The slits on the metal blinds never quite sealed shut when they were closed, and lines of sunlight spilled across his bed. He was glad he’d at least made it, so he didn’t appear to be more than a slob than she must already think he was.

  Regina gazed at his bed and he couldn’t quite read the expression on her face, but when her eyes met his, the look was unmistakable.

  His heart stirred, and so did his groin again.

  Still holding his gaze, she pulled the bottom of her shirt out from her skirt’s waistband and began unbuttoning it from the top down. Eventually, it fell to the floor and a red lace bra was revealed.

  His knees almost buckled. If ever there was an invitation, this was it. If ever there was a time, it was now…if only he could keep his composure and last more than a minute once they were naked.

  In a few swift moves he shucked his own jacket and shirt to the floor, followed by the T-shirt he’d worn underneath.

  Her gaze roamed his chest and her lids lowered. She stepped forward and placed a soft kiss at the hollow of his throat.

  If he didn’t get out of his pants soon he would embarrass himself.

  He lifted her chin then ran his thumb across her lips. “You are such a beautiful woman, Regina.”

  She caught the tip of his thumb between her lips and gave it a little kiss.

  He claimed her mouth with a fiery, white hot kiss, one that she returned with equal vigor.

  He fumbled with the button and zipper on her skirt then slid it down her soft, shapely legs. He undid his pants then pushed them off, along with his boxers.

  Regina’s gaze traveled down his body and a soft curve appeared on the side of her lip when she saw his erection.


  She sat down on his bed.

  “Come here,” she said, holding her arms out.

  And, he did, with no hesitation. In her waiting arms he found home and peace like he’d never felt. And to think, he’d imagined he’d take her fast and passionately if they would ever sleep together.

  Instead, he’d become completely undone.

  “Don’t you think we should go back to work today?” Regina asked. She was curled under his arm, the late afternoon sun still streaming into the bedroom, splaying lined patterns across the sheets.

  He tightened his hold on her, “I don’t see a reason to. Do you?”

  “Not really.” She toyed with the sparse hair on his chest then placed a kiss on the bare skin.

  Suddenly, Metallica interrupted them from the living room.

  “My cell,” Andrew announced as he left the bed and trudged to the living room. Regina craned her neck to get a better view of his backside as he turned the corner, then pulled the covers over her head and squealed a little. She’d never thought they’d get together and what had just happened was beyond belief. She was astounded by her brazenness in coming on to him, and even more astounded to realize that he might have actual feelings for her.

  Then she remembered he was moving. He had said it wouldn’t be over, but what did that mean? She wasn’t sure she could handle a long-distance relationship. What if he met some perky English girl that turned his head while she was a few thousand miles away?

  Andrew’s voice became clearer in the living room and she tried to hear his conversation. “I see. I understand. Of course. That will work fine.” She heard him say to whoever he was talking to. Who was it?

  Finally, he said goodbye. It took a while before he appeared in the hallway again. He leaned against the doorframe with a somber look on his face.

  “What is it?” She asked, sitting up.

  He took a breath. “They’ve asked me to come Sunday. They’re purchasing my flight right now.”

  Regina couldn’t fight the wetness that welled up in the corners of her eyes. She took a shaky breath, “Well, that’s good. I mean, it’s great that they are counting on you already.”

  She got out of bed and began searching for her clothes. She found her underwear and pulled them on, fighting back tears.

  He watched her, and then suddenly moved forward, pulling her into his arms.

  “I didn’t want it to be like this.” He breathed into her hair.

  She allowed herself a few seconds to enjoy the warmth of his embrace then shrank away, looking for her skirt.

  “I’m sorry,” he said again, then pulled on his boxers.

  She continued dressing, suddenly focused on leaving as fast as possible. There had been a few people that had seen them leave the building together, and no doubt; people would wonder why they were gone so long and what they’d been doing. She knew for certain Melissa would have ten thousand questions for her, and she didn’t feel like answering anything, from anyone, no matter who was asking.

  She glanced over to Andrew, who still stood in only his boxer shorts. He was a beautiful man, tall, chiseled chest, dark hair, searing eyes. The expression on his face was indefinable. If she had to guess, it was sadness and regret.

  All she wanted was to sink into his arms again, and be lost in the warmth and scent of him, but knowing he was now to be gone so soon made it seem more like torture.

  “Andrew,” she said in a husky voice, “I need to get back to the office.”

  After a few moments, he leaned down and picked up his pants, pulling them on. He put on his T-shirt, buttoned his dress shirt and tucked it in as well.

  She slipped her shoes on, as did he.

  As she fumbled through her purse for her cell phone, he wrapped his arms around her. She leaned back against him. He felt so solid and warm.

  “Will you come visit me?” He asked. “Please say you will, the first chance you get.”

  Her heart pulsed.

  “Yes, of course I will,” she answered. She wasn’t willing to give this up so fast, but was still shattered at the fact that they wouldn’t be able to see each other very often. She only had two weeks’ vacation time each year.

  It wasn’t enough. But, she would see him and give it a try.

  He kissed the back of her neck gently. “I don’t want you to leave right now.”

  Her heart pounded back to life and pulses traveled to the area between her legs that had recently received such lavish attention from him.

  Her heart was broken, knowing he’d be leaving sooner than expected, but her body wanted him while he was there.

  He kissed her neck again. “Please. Stay,” he said again.

  She swiveled and met his mouth with hers, deciding to stay.

  Chapter Nine

  Regina woke up and for a moment was startled. She didn’t remember where she was. Then she recalled the day’s events. The moon
was full and bright, casting the same lined effect across his bedroom as the sun had.

  He stirred, and edged a little closer in his sleep. His bare chest rose and fell against her back, and his breath was soft on her left shoulder.

  Wetness crept into her eyes again, and a tickle entered her throat. This couldn’t last. Why was she allowing herself to indulge the fantasy?

  She took a shaky breath.

  “You awake?” He asked groggily.

  “Yes,” she answered quietly.

  He kissed her shoulder. “What time is it?”

  “I have no idea,” she answered. And, really, how was she supposed to know?

  He withdrew his arm and slid out of bed.

  She rolled over onto her back and fidgeted with the covers while he walked down the hall and entered the bathroom. Soon, he came back and lay back down on the bed, propping his head up on his elbow.

  “It’s two,” he said in a soft bedroom voice.

  She glanced at him.

  He ran a finger down her cheek. “You’re beautiful in the moonlight.”

  Not knowing how to answer, she just smiled. But, her mind was still full of worry.

  “What’s wrong?” He asked.

  “Nothing,” she lied, and then sighed. “Actually, can you take me back now?”


  “Yes, now.” She knew it was awkward, but she also knew that she really needed to go home and think.

  He studied her face for a bit. “Okay.” He finally resigned, then stood and began dressing.

  On the drive to the office, Andrew tried to make sense of everything. He should back out of the transfer, but it wouldn’t be a smart thing to do.

  The previous afternoon and evening with Regina had blindsided him. He’d been attracted to her, and wanted her for so long, but he was surprised with how right it had felt. How comfortable. He’d never experienced that kind of connection before, and he knew it was special.

  If he didn’t know any better…he loved her.

  That’s it! He loved her, and that complicated the shit out of things.

  He ran his hand through his hair.

  “Where are you going?” Regina asked. He realized he’d driven straight past the office.

  “Crap,” he said, and whipped a U-turn in the deserted, dark street.

  He pulled into the lot next to her car.

  “Are you coming in tomorrow? I mean, today?” She asked, turning to him.

  “I haven’t thought that far ahead,” he answered. “The only thing I can think about right now is you and when I’m going to see you again.”

  Her gaze was mesmerizing.

  “I suppose I will have things to handle in the morning. I’ll have to come in and clear my office.”

  She looked down at her hands. He caressed them.

  “I will see you later then,” she said quietly.

  “All right.” He gave her a soft kiss. “Drive careful.”

  “I will.” She exited his car and he watched her climb into her own. He stayed until she was out of sight before he left.

  He knew he wouldn’t get back to sleep; he had far too much on his mind.

  A few hours and no sleep later, Regina sat at her desk staring at her computer monitor. Visions of the afternoon and night before clouded her thoughts and she couldn’t focus on anything.

  Melissa had already grilled her with a thousand questions, which she wouldn’t answer, and her friend had eventually left her alone.

  Good thing she wasn’t expected to work much that day. She didn’t have a current project, and they were going to only work a half day so the employees could have time to get ready to attend the Christmas party that evening at the Rio. She glanced at the clock. There were only three and a half hours left until noon, which was when they were going to let everyone go that day.

  She’d only been at work for thirty minutes, but it felt like an eternity.

  She pushed away from her desk and headed up to Andrew’s office. His door was closed.

  “Is Andrew in?” She asked Pam.

  “Yes, unfortunately he’s in a meeting. Did you want me to put you on the schedule?” Pam asked, pen in hand at the ready.

  “No, that won’t be necessary. Just let him know I stopped by,” Regina said.

  “And what is this regarding?” Pam smiled sweetly, but it didn’t fool Regina. Even though she hadn’t been in the previous day, she was certain rumors had already swirled that she’d gone out with Andrew and never returned.

  Or, maybe she didn’t know, and Regina was just worried.

  “He’ll know. It’s a project we’re working on,” she informed her.

  “I’ll certainly let him know.” Pam smiled.

  Regina left, dejected, and grabbed a cup of coffee and a gingerbread cookie from the break room on the way back to her desk.

  She’d just sat down when Bianca came by, glasses low on her nose, letting everyone know there was an impromptu meeting in the conference room.

  When everyone had settled in the conference room, Andrew proceeded to announce that today was to be his last day, and he had enjoyed his time there with everyone and wished them well. As people shook his hand and exchanged pleasantries, Regina tried to slip out.

  He caught her elbow.

  “Please wait,” he said. There were still a few employees waiting to say goodbye to him.

  “Okay.” She reentered the room and stood to the right of the door, waiting until he was finished speaking with everyone.

  Finally, he approached her. “I’m sorry I haven’t been able to talk until now. I had to pack my office, and take a phone call from London before they closed. How are you?”

  “I’m okay,” she answered.

  “Will you be my date tonight?” He asked her suddenly.

  She took a breath. Would she? Then everyone would know what they probably already suspected anyway.

  Why not?

  “Yes, I will,” she answered.

  His face lit up. “Great. I’ll pick you up at six?”

  She nodded.

  He glanced around quickly then planted a quick kiss on her lips that left her dazed before they split in opposite directions to their desks.

  Regina was happy to find that Bianca was already releasing everyone for the day, rather than waiting until noon as had been specified. It wasn’t like there was work to do anyway.

  As she was closing down her computer, Melissa stopped by.

  “What time do you want me to pick you up tonight?”

  Regina looked at her, smiling. “Actually, Andrew is picking me up.”

  Melissa grinned at her and said something in Spanish that Regina didn’t understand.

  “What did that mean?”

  “Looks like you’ll find out, if you haven’t already. By the way, you never told me what happened yesterday. I’m dying, I need to know.”

  “Fine. Fine, want to grab a smoothie down the street?”

  Melissa nodded.

  Chapter Ten

  “Don’t worry mom, I know exactly what I’m doing. Everything will be fine,” he assured her as they spoke on the telephone. “It’s about time I took a chance instead of always being the careful one.” He’d just told her about his plan for the evening.

  “I know, I just worry,” she told him. “Good luck, I hope everything works out and I can’t wait to meet her. She sounds lovely.”

  “She is.”

  “Call me first thing in the morning and let me know how it went, okay? Your dad and I are going to be on pins and needles. Send us a text tonight so we won’t worry.”

  Andrew laughed. “All right, all right. Now, I have to go. I have things I need to get done.”

  “Okay honey. Your dad and I love you.”

  “I know mom. Goodbye.”

  He hung up the phone and smiled. He knew exactly what he needed to do and he was dead nervous about it. What if something bad happened? He couldn’t worry about it and had to take the chance. If he didn’t do
it tonight, it would be too late.

  It was crazy, he knew, but he didn’t care. It seemed he was all about being crazy and taking chances lately.

  Regina smoothed her dress down and twirled. She felt like a Disney princess in it, and the sparkly gold shoes she’d purchased to go with it were the perfect accompaniment.

  All afternoon she’d fretted about Andrew moving to London, and what their future would hold but she’d tried to remain positive. Maybe it would work out. Maybe it wouldn’t be as bad as she’d thought. He might be coming back more often than she’d be able to visit, so they could likely see each other more than twice a year.

  He was due to pick her up any moment and the clock ticked by so slow.

  Finally her doorbell rang. She grabbed the gold clutch and opened it. He stood, in a classic dark blue suit looking every bit the part of Prince charming. One hand was behind his back and he revealed a bouquet of multi colored roses.

  He eyed her up and down “You look stunning.”

  “Thanks.” She beamed and let him in. “These are beautiful.” She sniffed the roses then brought them to the kitchen to put in a vase while he surveyed her bookshelf.

  After quickly dunking the flowers in the vase, she joined him and squeezed his hand. He kissed her.

  “Are you ready?” He asked.


  They valet parked his Volvo at the Rio and walked to the convention area, where the company party was being held. People gawked at them as they traversed the casino floor.

  “All the men are jealous that you’re with me,” he whispered as they walked.

  She laughed.

  Once at the party, they found a table with Melissa, Bianca and Pam.

  “Aren’t you the popular guy, Andrew? You get to sit with all the hotties,” Melissa teased him.

  The DJ stopped the music and Andrew made a few opening remarks into the microphone while the salads were brought out and dinner orders were confirmed.

  Andrew purchased some bottles of wine for their table.

  Chapter Eleven

  At the end of dinner, Betty, the receptionist took the microphone to direct the white elephant gift exchange.


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