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Fatal Connection: A Phoenix Agency Crossover Novella (Phoenix Agency Universe Book 15)

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by Anna Blakely

  Even in the midst of such horror and sadness, Eden found herself happier than she’d ever been.

  “I am,” she answered him honestly. “But it’s already been five days since Chloe Howard was murdered. I need to figure this out before The Liberator kills again.”

  With a pointed look she’d come to recognize, he said, “And we will. But you need to take a break and frankly, so do I. Let’s go get a bite. We can refuel, and then come back with fresh eyes.”

  Giving in, she closed the file and stood. Arching her back, Eden stretched her stiff muscles before grabbing her jacket from the back of the chair. “What sounds good?”

  “I was thinking pizza.”

  Eden smiled. “Of course, you were.” When they’d worked together before, Alex almost always picked pizza.

  She followed him down the stairs and out the precinct door. They’d just stepped outside when Alex’s phone began to ring.

  With a mumbled, “Excuse me,” he pulled it from his coat pocket.

  “Bennett,” he answered shortly. His lips immediately curved upward. “Dan? Hey, man. How the hell are you?”

  Eden waited patiently while Alex continued the conversation with the man named Dan.

  “Seriously? Yeah. That would be great. Um…hang on just a sec. I need to check something really quick.” After tapping the mute command on his screen, Alex turned to her. “This is my buddy, Dan. He and I were Force Recon together. I haven’t seen him in like four years. He’s in town for business and wants to meet for lunch.”

  Eden completely understood. “That’s fine. I’ll just stay here and keep going through the files.” She turned and started to go back inside, but Alex’s hand on her wrist stopped her.

  With a chuckle, he said, “I’m not ditching you, Eden. I meant the three of us could have lunch together.”

  “Oh.” She smiled back at him. “Okay.”

  “Dan?” Alex made sure his friend was still there. “Yeah, that works. Want to meet us at Gino’s?” He waited a beat and then, “Yep. Still in the same place.” Alex looked at his watch. “Sounds good. We’ll be there in about ten.” There was another short stretch before Eden heard him say, “See you in a few.”

  Shoving his phone back into his pocket, he glanced over at her. “You sure this is okay?”

  “Of course. I’d love the chance to meet someone who knew you back then.”

  Understanding crossed his face. They started walking down the steps and to his Cherokee. “Pretty sure I see where this is going, but if you’re planning to pull a bunch of embarrassing stories from Dan, think again. That man’s as loyal as they come.”

  “Fine. I won’t ask him what you were like back then.” Eden nudged him playfully. “I’ll just shake his hand.”

  Looking appalled, Alex frowned. “That’s completely unfair, and you know it.”

  “I’m just saying, if the man offers his hand, it would be rude of me not to take it.” Eden gave an innocent shrug. “After all, I can’t help what I see,”

  With a set of narrowed eyes, he pretended to glare. “You said you could mute your gift, right?”

  Eden grinned. “If I want to.”

  Alex shook his head but smiled as he put his arm around her shoulders. “Trust me. For both our sakes, you’ll probably want to.”

  Ten minutes later, Eden and Alex were standing inside Gino’s Pizzeria, scanning the tables for his friend. When Alex raised his hand in a half-wave, Eden knew he’d spotted the other man.

  Weaving between the tables, they made their way to a booth at the back of the restaurant’s dining room. Sliding out to greet them was the man she assumed was his friend.

  He was tall and muscular, but not in a bulky way. His short, dark hair and even darker brown eyes were the perfect compliment to his chiseled features. Add to that a set of thick lashes any woman would die to have, and Dan Romeo was one attractive man.

  “Hey, Dan.” Alex gave the other man a tight hug. After doing that whole, slapping-the-back thing guys did, the two parted. “Damn, it’s good to see you.”

  “You, too.” Dan smiled. Shifting his gaze to hers, the handsome man held out one of his large hands. “Dante Romeo. But everyone calls me, Dan.”

  Mentally steeling herself—because that’s what she always did when meeting someone knew—Eden took the man’s hand. Dozens of intense images immediately filled her mind.

  Dan and Alex dressed in camouflage. The two men playing soccer in a dirt field with a young boy overseas. Fire. Swirls of greys and blues filled her with a sense of sadness and grief, making Eden’s heart break for the loss the two men had experienced.

  The grief was soon replaced by brilliant colors of joy and happiness. Pinks and reds surrounded the image of a beautiful, auburn-haired woman with emerald eyes. Eden instinctively knew she was Dan’s wife.

  The next picture flashing behind her eyes was much more personal. It was of Dan and the woman together in a passionate embrace. Eden quickly pushed the intimate memory aside, out of respect for the couple’s privacy, another trick she’d recently learned.

  In the next moment, Eden was suddenly filled with a sense of horrific pain and overwhelming fear. Through Dan’s eyes, she witnessed the same woman from before being shot right in front of him.

  The metallic scent of blood filled her nostrils. Eden could actually feel the warmth from the sweet woman’s blood seeping between Dan’s fingers as he pressed his hands against the wound to help stop the bleeding.

  Panic, pain, and grief threatened to consume Dan’s past self. In turn, those same emotions struck Eden. Like with the other images, however, she used the skills she’d taught herself and pushed it all back.

  Thankfully, the negativity quickly morphed into relief, followed by a sense of peace and belonging. Of never-ending love and a marriage made to stand the test of time.

  To Eden, the connection she’d made with Dan felt as though it had spanned over several minutes. In reality, the entire exchange lasted mere seconds.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Eden.”

  Dan’s deep voice reached her ears. Eden blinked and dropped her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, too.”

  A quick glance in Alex’s direction told her he knew she’d gotten a vision. Dan, however, seemed none the wiser.

  “I don’t know about you two, but I’m starved.” Dan smiled back at them before returning to his seat.

  Sliding onto the bench seat on the opposite side of the table, Eden scooted in next to the paneled wall to make room for Alex. After giving the waitress their orders, the two men took a few minutes to catch up.

  “So, what brings you to Chicago?” Alex asked his friend.

  “Work.” Dan shrugged. “Nothing too exciting.”

  The other man gave Eden an almost indiscernible flicker of a glance, making her think he wasn’t being entirely honest with Alex. She brushed it off, though, telling herself it was simply her jaded past making her question Dan’s trustworthiness.

  Obviously, Alex thought highly of the man. And she trusted Alex completely. If he was friends with this man, she had no reason to doubt Dan.

  “You still with the agency?”

  “Yep.” Dan tipped his chiseled chin.

  Turning to her, Alex briefly explained. “Dan helped start a company called The Phoenix Agency. It’s based out of San Antonio.”

  Eden nodded, but it wasn’t until Dan elaborated that she understood what that actually meant.

  “Three other guys and I started it as a high-risk security agency after we finished our time with the military. Over the years, we’ve grown into one of the world’s most renowned and respected private black-ops contracting agencies.”

  After taking a moment to process what he’d just said, Eden read the rest between the lines. “So, basically like what you guys did with the Marines, only now you can make your own rules?”

  Dan’s brown eyes gleamed with admiration. To Alex, he tilted his head in her direction and grinned. “She’s smart.”
br />   Alex snorted. “You have no idea.” He gave her a wink and smiled. “Don’t let Dan fool you, though. This guy’s as smart as they come.” He looked back over at his friend. “Helluva lot smarter than I am, anyway.”

  Dan frowned. “How do you figure?”

  With a shrug, Alex said, “I’m the dumbass who became a cop.”

  All three laughed before Dan gave Alex a look. “My offer still stands.” He settled against the booth’s tall cushioned back. “The Agency’s grown quite a bit since you and I last saw each other. So has the demand. We’re always looking for good agents, and I happen to have a little influence with the other partners.”

  One corner of Alex’s mouth curved into a half-smirk. “If I don’t catch the son of a bitch we’re after now, I may not have a choice but to take you up on that. Pretty sure my sergeant’s ready to kick my ass to the curb as it is.”

  Dan’s brows turned inward. “I take it your team caught The Liberator case?”

  Just then, the waitress returned to the table. Balancing the large, round tray with one hand, the young woman used the other to disperse the glasses one at a time to the appropriate person.

  Alex took a sip of his iced tea and sat his glass on the table. Waiting until their server was out of earshot, he nodded. “Bastard’s been a step ahead of us from the get-go.”

  “You’ll catch him.” Dan tipped his own glass to his lips and swallowed a gulp of soda. “You always do.”

  Eden glanced around to make sure no one was listening to the conversation, only then realizing they weren’t near any other customers. She couldn’t help but wonder if Dan had intentionally requested the privacy.

  “This one’s different. It’s—” Alex cut himself off when the metal band encircling Dan’s left ring finger caught his eye. Sitting up straighter, he blurted, “Is that what I think it is?”

  Dan followed Alex’s line of sight. The smiling man fingered the ring. “Guess it has been a while since I saw you last.”

  “You think?” Alex looked at his friend incredulously. “When the fuck did you get married?”

  Eden didn’t dare give away the fact that she already knew that particular bit of information.

  “About three years ago.” Dan’s smile grew and his voice softened. “Her name’s Mia, and she’s…incredible.”

  Alex shook his head in awe. “Damn. Never thought I’d see the day the great Romeo would fall.”

  Dan chuckled. “Me, neither, to tell you the truth. But I’ll be honest, I can’t imagine my life without her, now.”

  “That’s really sweet,” Eden spoke up. “I’m sure she feels the same about you.” The visions she’d gotten told her as much.

  The love and appreciation for his wife was unmistakable when he looked over at her and said confidently, “She does.”

  Just then, a large, half-pepperoni, half-meat lover’s pie was brought to the table, and the three wasted no time digging in. Their conversation went back and forth between Dan sharing more with Alex about The Phoenix Agency and Alex sharing his frustrations with his case.

  After a bit, Dan turned his attention to Eden. “So, what is it you do, Eden?”

  Her chest tightened a bit. This was always the hardest part about meeting new people. The question of what to say always left her unsure of how to answer. Thankfully, Alex quickly picked up on her hesitation and answered for her.

  “Eden’s a private consultant for the department.”

  “Nice.” Dan nodded his head.

  He looked like he wanted to ask for more but didn’t. Instead, he picked up another slice and took a big bite.

  Eden noticed the way Alex was studying his friend and wondered if she’d missed something. A few seconds later, she realized what his look was all about.

  “Okay, spill it.”

  Dan swallowed his pizza. “Spill what?”

  “What are you really doing here?”

  “What do you mean?”

  Alex didn’t bother trying to hide his frustration. “Come on, man. You know that shit doesn’t work with me. We haven’t seen each other in what, four years? Then, out of the blue you call and want to meet up for lunch, right as I’m leaving the station to grab a bite to eat?” With a shake of his head, he said, “Nope. Not buying it.”

  Wiping his mouth, Dan wadded the thin, paper napkin into a ball and leaned his elbows on the table.

  “What makes you think there’s anything to buy?”

  “Again, I know you. You don’t do anything without purpose. Not to mention, you’re being vague as shit.”

  Eden remained silent as she watched the odd exchange between friends. At first, she thought maybe Dan was going to keep arguing with Alex, but then the other man surprised them both by throwing his head back and laughing.

  “Jesus, you haven’t changed a bit.”

  Alex raised a brow. “That makes two of us.”

  “Fair enough.” Dan tossed the napkin aside and linked his fingers loosely together. “All right, I’ll tell you. But before I do, I need you to promise you’ll keep an open mind.”

  “Okay…” Alex trailed off.

  “I’m serious.”

  “Okay,” Alex repeated himself. “Shit, man. Just say whatever the hell it is you need to say.”

  With a deep, cleansing breath, Dan looked straight at Alex and said, “I came to Chicago because my wife told me to.”

  Alex looked back at his friend. “Why would your wife tell you to come here?”

  Dan waited half a beat before dropping his unbelievable bomb.

  “She has reason to believe Eden is in danger.”

  Chapter Eight

  What the actual fuck?

  Alex was still trying to comprehend what Dan had just said when Eden broke through the tension-laced air.

  “Me?” She looked over at Dan as if he’d lost his mind. “That makes no sense. I’ve never met you before today. And I don’t know your wife.”

  “All true.” Dan nodded.

  “You’d better explain yourself, Romeo. And pretty fucking quick.”

  “Before I do, I need to explain something to you both.” Alex’s former teammate’s gaze shifted from him, to Eden, and back again. “Mia has a gift. She’s what is known as a precognitive.”

  Eden’s sharp intake of air had Alex’s head turning. Wide-eyed, she looked over at him and explained. “That, uh…that means she can see events before they actually happen.”

  Dan nodded. “That’s right.”

  Holy shit. Alex sat silently, processing what his friend had just said. What were the odds that both he and his former teammate would end up with women who had extrasensory abilities?

  “Trust me.” Dan stared back at him. “I know it’s hard to swallow, but I swear to you, her gift is very real.”

  “No, I-I believe you,” Alex quickly assured his friend. “I just didn’t realize…” He looked over at Eden. “I mean, I knew you could…” He cut himself off again, not sure if she would want Dan to know about her ability.

  “I have a gift, too,” Eden told Dan bluntly.

  Guess that answers that question.

  Alex watched his friend closely to see what his reaction would be, but if Eden’s admission surprised Dan, he didn’t show it.

  “Mine’s usually referred to as psychometry,” she explained further.

  “So, you can learn things about a person either by touching them or something of theirs.”

  Eden blinked in surprise. “Most people have never heard of psychometry.”

  Dan gave her a sideways smirk. “Most people don’t know what I know, Eden.” He looked at Alex then. “We’ve added a new department to The Phoenix Agency. One that directly involves using psychic abilities in order to help solve some of our more difficult cases.” His eyes slid back to Eden. “My wife heads it up, but there are others. Each with their own, unique gift.” He smiled. “Actually, the other Phoenix partners are all married to women with psi abilities.”

  Alex couldn’t beli
eve what he was hearing. Frozen beside him, Eden seemed just as shocked.

  “That’s…incredible,” she whispered, almost to herself.

  Appearing curious, Dan asked, “Eden, if you don’t mind me asking, what did you see when we first met?”

  “H-how did you—”

  He smiled. “I’ve gotten better at being able to spot someone with your type of special talent.” Dan paused a moment. “You saw something when we shook hands, didn’t you?”

  “Yes,” Eden answered honestly. She turned to Alex, her golden eyes filled with trepidation before sharing with Dan what she’d gotten when they’d first met.

  “I saw you and Alex. You were in military fatigues playing soccer with a young boy.”

  Alex’s eyes met Dan’s, his chest tightening from the memory.

  “Go on,” Dan encouraged her.

  “I got a flash of fire and then some images of a woman I’m assuming is Mia.” Eden frowned then. “Was she injured at some point?”

  A shadow fell over Dan’s face. “She was shot shortly after we met. It was related to a case I was working. Mia was helping us through her visions. I was supposed to be protecting her, but the people we were after knew about her visions and tried to silence her.”

  “You were there with her when it happened.”

  Residual pain flickered behind Dan’s dark eyes. “It was the worst experience of my life. Thankfully, she survived. It took some time and a whole lot of physical therapy, but she’s good now. Really good.”

  “You catch the person who shot her?” Alex asked, praying they had.

  A cold grin he recognized from their time serving together spread across Dan’s face. “We caught them all.”

  There was a stretch of silence before Alex spoke up again. “So, let me get this straight. You and the other partners all fell in love with women with extraordinary abilities. Now, those same women are using their gifts to help The Phoenix Agency solve cases. Does that about cover it?”

  “In a nutshell?” Dan nodded. “Yeah. I’d say that about covers it.””

  Alex blew out a breath. “Okay. So, putting all that aside for a minute, let’s get back to why your wife thinks Eden could be in danger.”


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