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Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (Alpha Queen Series Book 1)

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by Elise St. George

  By the time I finish, I have tears in my eyes. I get choked up every time I think about all the packs we could be out there helping. The first packs created in North America after overthrowing the Alpha Queen were super misogynistic. They kept the female shifters in their packs down in order to prevent a new queen from rising. The packs that are descended from them are still run the same way. They even have this barbaric mating ritual called a ‘mate run’ where the males hunt down a coming of age female and basically rapes her to assert his dominance. It gives me the chills just thinking about it.

  “You’re so passionate about these packs even if they aren’t in support of you and your mother. How can you be so empathetic knowing that some of these packs want to kill you and your mother to prevent a takeover?” he asks.

  “Because that’s how a queen needs to be,” I reply. “I’m not here to oppress wolf shifters like some of these pack alphas do. I want the packs to flourish and I want us to be part of the world again. You should see how the European, Latin American, and African-Asian canine packs are run. Their packs are so diverse with different types of canine shifters all getting along and following the leadership of one person who has a council to advise him or her.”

  “Wow,” Marcus replies. “That would be amazing to see. I mean, I already know that our pack is an exception to the rule. Honestly, the wolf and fox shifters really only started living together peacefully when mom mated with dad.”

  “There were true mates?” I ask with wonder. I’ve never heard of two different canine shifters mating in any of the North American packs. Usually, the wolf, fox, coyote, jackal and other canine shifter form their own packs. The other canine packs tend to be smaller though. What makes Amelia’s pack so special is that it’s the only pack in North America with two breeds of canine shifter living together that I’ve ever come across. I mean, it happens a lot in the other regions but not here.

  “Yes,” he says with amusement. “The local wolf pack and fox family never interacted with one another. When my mom first came back from living in Cooper’s Rock, she moved back with her parents so she could learn how to run the pack. Her mom sent her to get something in the nearest town and bumped into my dad. They instantly knew they were mates, but tried to fight it for a long time. The wolves and foxes barely tolerated each other and they knew there was no way it would be allowed, especially because their parents were both alphas..”

  “Dad decided to buck tradition. Mom didn’t realize that he’d followed her back home and he walked straight up to her dad and introduced himself as her mate. He told my gramps that he was willing to become part of the wolf pack if it meant he could stay with mom. Although he’d just met her, he knew she needed him. My dad had other siblings to run the family, they didn’t need him. Mom was an only child and he knew she needed more support than what she had. Since she didn’t grow up here, she was a little bit of an outsider. Even though my dad was an alpha, he submitted to gramps so he could stay here with mom. Gramps respected his humility, allowed him to stay, and started a relationship with the foxes. Things were rocky at first until the day my sister was born. When my sister was born, a descendant of both sets of alphas, they agreed to blend the pack and the family and ran it collectively until my parents were old enough to be in charge. During my parents rule, things were still a little divided between the wolves and foxes until I was born and they realized I was a wolf shifter. When the foxes realized that they were still planning to unite the packs with a fox shifter at the helm, they began to feel more accepted and comfortable.”

  Wow, that’s a fascinating story, but it also makes me think of something that Carrie told me when she helped me get ready.

  “But not everybody is supportive of it on the wolf side, are they? Carrie told me the reason why she starts yipping.”

  “She told you that?” he asked. “She must’ve gotten over that Ryan thing quickly if she told you that story. No one knows that story but Carrie, Ryan and I. Mom and dad don’t know and Ryan only knows cuz he ran in right after me and helped get those bitches off my sister. She had a little hero worship towards him after that, so when he got drunk and slept with her, I knew she was in love with him. I’m sorry for the way she acted toward you at first, I should’ve realized she would feel some way about it. After that, we taught her how to fight so she could defend herself, and after a couple of fights, they began to respect her as their future leader. Every once in a while, I get asked to challenge her, but now that I’m mated to you, they’ll see that I’m not an option. To be honest, I was never the option. I would never do something like that to Carrie.”

  We sit there in silence for a few minutes, and I have one more question to ask, but I’m afraid he won’t answer me.

  “What happened to your father?” I whisper.

  “It’s ok,” he responds. “I planned to tell you tonight anyway. My sister and I were out with our father in shifted form. He was a bit of a naturist and spent as much time in his fox form as he possibly could. He also made sure that we were in tune with our animals, and would take us out with him once we were old enough. One day, we walked upon a group of hunters. Apparently, they didn’t realize that this was a nature preserve and couldn’t hunt on the land so they started shooting. Dad stayed behind to distract the hunters so Carrie and I could have a head start. We ran home and told mom what happened. She sent her enforcers out to protect him, but it was too late when they got there. Some days, I wish I would’ve stayed and helped him.”

  “What happened to the hunters?” I ask

  “They were prosecuted for hunting on the preserve,” he responds. “There are still a lot of pack members who don’t feel like that was enough.

  Hearing his family’s story, I realize I could really grow to love this man. If Ryan defended his sister the way Marcus said and he still bears the burden of his father’s death like this, how can I not grow to love him? We fall into a comfortable silence while the waiter brings a bottle of wine and some bread. I look at the menu and see many of the dishes I ate in Italy, and I get excited. The waiter asks if we’re ready to order and I decide to get the risotto while Marcus gets the panzanella. While we wait for our food, we make light chatter until a big and burly wolf bursts out the kitchen.

  “Marco, mio figlio ! Why didn’t you come into my kitchen when you got here! I haven’t seen you in ages!” the burly wolf yells.

  “Hey, Gino!” exclaims Marcus. “I planned to come back after dinner and introduce you to my mate, Jade. Her mom is Alpha Queen and sent her to come check on mom. Apparently, she got a feeling that momma was sick.”

  “Ah, la mia principessa !” he booms with a sweeping bow. I chuckle a little when he grabs my hand and places an overdramatic kiss on the top of it.

  “Hands off old man!” Marcus jokes.

  “I know the princess well, Marcus, though she only knows my cooking. I was the cook at the European pack leaders house. I was the head chef there for many years before deciding to come to America and start my own restaurant,” he tells me with a wink.

  “Oh!” I exclaim. “I was just telling Marcus how much I enjoyed your food. Your cooking made me fall in love with Italian food.” I stand up to give him a hug and kiss on the cheek out of appreciation. He turns red, bows once more, and heads back in the kitchen to prepare the food. Marcus chuckles.

  “I’ve never seen that old wolf speechless before. He’s probably going to make your food personally since he knows how much you love it,” he says.

  “I’m more excited now that I know what I’m looking forward to,” I say.

  A few minutes later, the waiter comes out with our food, and it smells fantastic. I immediately dig in, completely forgetting about the man in front of me. At first, I’m embarrassed until I realize he’s eating with just as much vigor so I continue eating until I’m stuffed. I sit back a little, fully satisfied with my meal. I wonder if Ryan would be willing to learn some recipes from Gino to bring back to Cooper’s Rock? I should ask him on our date to
morrow. Gino brings out a tiramisu that is literally to die for and I thank him profusely for the meal and think about asking him to start a second restaurant in Cooper’s Rock. I know Pápá Charles would appreciate it. He complains about the ‘rubbish American food’ all the time.

  Marcus asks the waiter for the check and is told that the meal is on the house compliments of the chef. We go to the kitchen to thank Gino again before heading to the parking lot and back to the car. I’m getting a little nervous as we’re driving because I know that we’re mating after this. Marcus drives in a different way and it’s an area I don’t recognize. I ask him where we’re going and his answer was surprising.

  “We’re going to the house I share with Ryan,” he reveals.

  “You and Ryan have a house together? I thought you live with Carrie and your mom.” I question.

  “Naw,” he replies. “After the military, Ryan and I came back home and we were both having pretty bad flashbacks so we decided to get a place together. We used our VA loan to go in on a home together. We both know how to handle the other when the nightmares come, so it works for us.” he says with a shrug.

  Wow. That’s pretty intense. Do they both still have the nightmares? Do they want me sleeping in a bed with them or will I have a separate room? I guess I’ll just go with the flow since I’ve never been in this situation before. He pulls up to the car, gets out, and comes to my side of the car. He opens the car door and holds a hand out for me to grab. When he grabs my hand, I can feel a tingle from my fingertips straight to my pussy. He pulls me slowly out the car, and presses his body against mine and we fit together perfectly. I can tell he’s done this before and my body seems to be responding the way it's supposed to.

  He presses his lips to mine, and I begin to kiss him back.

  “Give me your tongue,” he says. I open my mouth and let him claim my tongue and deepen the kiss. He picks me up and carries me to the door. I open the door and he walks straight upstairs and to the first room on the left. He walks through the open door and lays me on the bed. He kisses down my neck and chest, and I can feel the heat from his tongue. He kisses lower and his tongue trails a line towards my nipple. I suck in a deep breath as his hot tongue lands on my nipple. He sucks and licks on my nipple as his finger trails along my slit through my panties. He pulls my panties to the side and runs his fingers lightly along the lips of my pussy.

  My hips begin to move in rhythm with his fingers, occasionally rising with the hope that his fingers slip in. He takes his mouth off my nipple and puts his finger in my mouth. I suck on his finger and he gives a deep moan before bringing them back to my pussy. He dips one finger inside me and goes in about halfway. He pulls his finger out and rubs it on my clit and I moan loudly. While he rubs gently, he sucks on my other nipple before kissing his way down my stomach.

  As he kisses lower, he slowly pulls my panties down and slips them off. I’m not sure what to do, but he’s making me feel good, I don’t want to stop him. He goes down until his face is between my thighs. He stops rubbing my clit, and I can feel his hot breath on my core. His tongue swipes once and it’s hot and wet. I can’t feel anything but Marcus’s tongue inside me. Nothing else in this world matters. He swipes his tongue up and down, occasionally flicking my clit. Every time he laps on my clit, I get closer and closer to the edged.

  “Oh god!” I yell. “I’m almost there, Marcus. Please!”

  He begins to lick faster and faster as I get closer and closer to the edge. Suddenly, he goes from lapping to sucking. My hips shoot off the bed and he continues to suck while I climb higher and higher. He takes one hard suck and I scream, juices pouring into his mouth. He opens his mouth wider so he can keep sucking while my juices run down his throat. He sucks until I come down from my high and then kisses my lips one last time before coming up to kiss me. As we kiss, I can taste myself on his tongue and it turns me on even more. His fingers begin to lower back to my pussy, he thrusts his fingers in my pussy, and I scream. He thrusts another finger inside and my hips start to buck up to meet him. He pulls his fingers out and sucks the juices on his fingers.

  “You ready, sweetheart?” Marcus asks. “I’ll try to be gentle but this will hurt a little bit.”

  I nod and get ready. I feel something start to enter me and stretching my walls. It hurts, and my body begins to tense a little until I feel Marcus’s fingers begin to rub my clit again. Now, I’m beginning to relax again as he slowly enters. He pauses when he gets to the barrier and thrusts one more time and is fully inside. There’s some pain, but Marcus doesn’t move and just holds me until the pain fades. Once the pain recedes, I look at him and see nothing but compassion, and possibly love.

  “I’m ready,” I tell him. He thrusts in and out slowly, and it feels fantastic but it’s just not enough. I need more.

  “More,” I whisper, barely able to speak through all the sensations. It’s like nothing I’ve ever felt before. He thrusts faster until he builds up a good rhythm and I’m in heaven. My hips start to thrust up meeting his thrusts. We moan together, and I can feel my orgasm building. His thrusts pick up speed as he stares into my eyes, never breaking contact and there’s nobody in this world but him.

  “Sweetheart,” Marcus says,” I don’t think I’m going to be able to continue much longer.”

  “It’s ok,” I say. “I’m almost there and we still need to mark each other.”

  Once I mention the mating mark, he picks up speed and moans loudly. His mouth hovers above my neck, while my mouth hovers above his. We bite each other in unison and his bite causes me to scream while he thrusts harder and harder. HIs thrusts get erratic but harder, and I start screaming his name. My pussy tightens around his shaft and doesn’t let go causing him to scream my name. He pumps a few more times and lets go, collapsing on top of me. He’s a little heavy, but his body warmth is comforting. He rolls off me, landing on the other side of the bed. He gathers me into his arms and holds me for a while. Eventually, I hear soft snores behind me and realize he’s fallen asleep.

  I turn my head and notice the bathroom door on the right, and get out the bed to clean myself up. After using the bathroom, I look at myself in the mirror and I look a mess. My lipstick is all smeared and my dress is bunched around my waist. I chuckle a little because I look like a hooker. I peel the dress off and wash my face. Since I wasn’t wearing a bra, and Marcus threw my panties somewhere in the room, I have nothing to wear. I decide to walk back to his room and open one of the drawers to find a shirt to wear. To my surprise, I find some of my shirts in the drawer with his. I’ll question him about it later, but I’m too exhausted right now so I decide to just put on one of my nighttime shirts and forego the underwear like I would at home.

  I get back in the bed with Marcus. He’s still asleep but manages to gather me in his arms and cuddle up with me. I close my eyes and listen to him breathe softly in and out. His breaths are so soothing, and I can feel myself drift off to sleep. If this is what it’s like to have a mate, I want to be like this forever.

  Chapter 5

  Jade’s Diary

  I’m so lucky to have mates so awesome. Marcus is the ultimate protector. If I didn’t learn that from Carrie’s story, he showed me with the way he handled Ryan last night. Ryan is equally as caring, but he’s a lot more affectionate with everybody he comes across. Marcus, on the other hand, is more reserved about his affections. He shows affection only to close friends and family. All in all, they’re a perfect complement for each other and the three of us fall into a comfortable routine. I hope my third mate can sink into this dynamic comfortably.


  I wake up in the middle of the night and Marcus is no longer next to me. I walk into the hallway and hear someone yelling. It sounds like Ryan, and I follow the sounds because I’m worried. I follow the screams and find myself in front of Ryan’s bedroom door. I open the door and go inside, and see Marcus in Ryan’s bed with his arms around him trying to help soot
he the nightmares.

  I decide to get on the other side of Ryan. At first, Marcus doesn’t want me to get into the bed but pauses when he notices Ryan stopped yelling once I climbed in behind him. He flips over and envelopes me in his arms tightly, almost as if he’s afraid to let me go. If this helps him, I’ll stay here as long as he needs me to. Marcus looks over his body and mouths thank you before collapsing back on the bed and falling asleep. I check on Ryan once more to make sure he’s ok before drifting back to sleep.

  I’m having the most wonderful dream. Ryan is kissing down my body before finally settling between my thighs. His hot tongue begins to explore my pussy, taking his time. He sucks my clit, and my eyes fly open. I look down between my thighs and realize that Ryan is actually licking my pussy. He looks up, wiggles his eyebrows, and winks at me. I can’t help but giggle a little until he sucks that bundle of nerves hard. I go from giggling to moaning as Ryan sucks.

  “Ryan, I’m about to cum,” I pant. He bites the inside of my thigh, marks me, and I grab his hair screaming his name. He locks his arms around my thighs and sucks harder while I orgasm. He laps up the rest of my juices, jumps up, and winks again.

  “Now that I’ve had my breakfast this morning, I’ll get dressed and start your breakfast. I’ll let you mark me tonight after our date,” he says. “Get cleaned up and come downstairs for breakfast, baby.” He gives me a quick, soul-searing kiss before going downstairs.

  I don’t feel like going back to Marcus’s room for my clothes, so I rummage through Ryan’s drawers hoping to find a t-shirt and shorts to wear. To my surprise, I have clothes in Ryan’s drawers too. I pick out a cutoff t-shirt and some leggings. I also notice my boots are by his closet door and decide to put them on before heading downstairs. I follow the delicious smell of bacon and eggs to the kitchen and see both guys in the kitchen with a cup of coffee. Marcus is sitting at the chair, while Ryan is at the stove cooking bacon while the eggs cool down on the table.


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