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Watcher United

Page 2

by J. L. Madore

  “DonorWatch,” Cassi called out as Larkin turned to leave. “Queen and Church. Don’t forget. We’ll speak more tomorrow at nightfall.”

  “Thank you, Mistress. I shall wait with bated breath.”

  Cassiane waited until the darkness swallowed Larkin before she tugged Kyrian back inside. “Now, where were we?”

  Kyrian stared at the closed door, a scowl etched on his face. “I hate that guy.”

  Cassiane laughed. “No, you don’t. You’re overprotective, horny, and cranky. Come on, let’s fix that. I believe you said something about tying me up?”


  Thea sat in the swivel-rocker in Nio’s nursery, holding Austin’s baby. Her eyes remained locked on the horizon beyond the vast racetrack property. Sunrise, she’d discovered, stole first place as one of the most breathtaking sights she’d seen on the human plane—aside from Phoenix straight out of the shower with a towel hanging low on his hips. She closed her eyes and sighed.

  She must stop. The warrior wasn’t hers and never would be. Intellectually, she understood that, but couldn’t help the attraction she felt for him. Couldn’t hide it, either.

  The Watchers, Cassie, and Storme each possessed a keen sense of smell. Everyone knew her feelings.

  It was embarrassing. Humiliating.

  And to Storme, likely maddening—and rightly so.

  “Why the long face, angel?” Zander strode across the plush beige carpet. A heavy silver pocket-chain swayed across the hip of his jeans, and his leather vest hung, covered in blood. “Everything going all right?”

  “Yes, of course,” she said, rising from her chair. “Welcome home, Warrior. Would you like your daughter?”

  His long hair swayed freely as he leaned in and kissed the infant’s forehead. “I’ll shower and make myself presentable first. Just checking in.”

  He returned his attention to her, his pale blue eyes far too perceptive. “How’s the baby-making going? You doin’ okay?”

  Thea set the sleeping child into her crib and covered the infant with the tiny pink blanket Ronnie handcrafted for her. “I am well enough. Thank you for asking.”

  “I call bullshit, on that.” He raised a hand before she could argue. “Look. I may not be the one you want to talk to about personal deets in your life, but if you change your mind, know that I’ll listen. You’re a guest in my home and you’re baking a cousin for Niobi in that oven. If you need something, just ask.”

  Thea nodded. “In that case, I need a man.”

  Zander blinked down at her, his tightened brow creating a crease between his eyes. “A man? To lift something? I can help you with—”

  “Not to lift things,” she said, annoyed having to explain. “I need a man to love me, to share in the duties of raising my child, to have sex with. I’ve studied the Human Realm long enough to know how things work. If I wish to have and be everything I want in this life, I shall need a man.”

  “Good lord,” Austin said, coming in from the hall. “What in the world gave you a catawampus idea like that?”

  Zander looked relieved for his wife’s arrival and excused himself to go wash off his night.

  Austin raised her hand as she crossed the nursery and strode straight to the crib as if she could see it. She found the baby with her fingers and smiled. “Men are an important part of life, no argument, but whether you’re a female of the Otherworld or a woman of the Human Realm, having a man is a perk, not a necessity.”

  “In the Realm of the Choir, men are the strength of the foundation of society.”

  Austin strode over to the little sofa, sat down, and patted the cushion beside her. “Things are different here. In this realm, you define who you are and who you want to be. You get to decide what interests you and become the person you want to be. Would you like to take a course and learn a new skill? A trade? A hobby? Do you want to stay home and be a mother, or would you like to get a job and work?”

  “Definitely stay home with my baby. That’s all I know for certain at this point.”

  Austin nodded. “So why do you need a man for that? What do need from a man that you can’t do for yourself?”

  Thea’s cheeks flamed hot. “Sex. I want to have more sex.”

  Austin’s face softened with a knowing smile. “I hear you. There is nothin’ wrong with havin’ a healthy sexual appetite, but with all the recent changes in your life, this might not be the best time to troll bars to get laid.”

  “Yikes,” Storme said, strolling into the room. “Phoenix and his beast would lose their dark angel mind if you did. I’m telling you—men would die. He takes his oath to Auriel seriously, and he swore to keep you from harm’s way.”

  Thea sighed. She hadn’t wanted Phoenix bound to her as a guardian, she’d wanted him as a lover, a way to a new life. It stung that the three of them were now stuck with one another and reminded each day of the mess she’d made. “Phoenix has been wonderful, truly. You both have, but . . .”

  “There are other options,” Austin said, gazing at Storme as she shrugged. “We could take her shopping.”

  Storme snorted. “And who’s our escort on that field trip? Zander? Phoenix? That’s a major disaster in the making. Shopping online might work.”

  Austin shook her head. “In person would be better for a first-timer. I’ll ask Brennus. He won’t get all alpha husband on us, and will be fine to stay at the door and give us some space.”

  Storme laughed. “Good luck with that. Either way, I’ll run into the office now and you can text me where and when, if things work out.”

  Austin’s smile was as radiant as it was mischievous. “I’ll call and see if Xxan’s available to come down, and ask Brennus after breakfast when he’s most agreeable. Maybe I can pay to have a shop closed to the public. That would make things easier for security.”

  “Fun,” Storme said. “Our first girls’ night out.”

  Thea didn’t know what they were planning but trusted them. “Should we ask Ronnie and Cassi too?”

  Storme pumped a fist in the air and laughed. “All for one and one for all.”

  Austin giggled and clapped her hands. “This is going to be waaaay too much fun.”

  Danel escorted Ronnie to the breakfast table and pushed her chair in before taking his seat next to her. They were both fresh from the shower and riding the high of working up one hell of an appetite. He accepted the platter of waffles and bacon from Hark and held it for his bride while she piled their plates full.

  Nothing filled his heart with more joy than seeing his mate eat with gusto to gain health, weight, and color in her cheeks.

  It had been hard, at first, to believe that she grew stronger with each passing day. It went against his grain to believe in them having decades together, if not longer. Technically, if his healing ability transferred to her during sex as they believed, they had no idea how she would age.

  Just another item in the “wait and see” category.

  He caught himself staring and tried to focus on the meal before them. He didn’t want to smother her, but man, he’d spend every waking moment with her if he could.

  The ladies sat, leaned in and whispering about something from across the table.

  Ronnie burst out laughing. “Count me in.”

  Whatever they were plotting had them all in a fit of giggles. “You’re in for what?” he asked, leaning to kiss her cheek.

  “Morning, all,” Bo said, sauntering in, wearing a Cheshire grin. He sat on the opposite side of the long harvest table and poured himself a coffee.

  Austin handed him the cream. “You look like the cat that ate the canary. What’s up, sugar?”

  “Today, I’m buying a crotch rocket. Anybody wanna come help me pick one out?”

  “I’d like to go,” Thea said, raising her hand. “What is a crotch rocket? It sounds exotic and sexy.”

  Bo tied his blond hair away from his face and stirred the little silver spoon in his mug. “Oh, it is, angel. A crotch rocket is a very fast,
rather loud, super cool motorcycle.”

  Thea’s smile grew wider. “Like Colt’s?”

  He nodded. “Exactly.”

  “That sounds fun. I’m shopping with the ladies after dinner. Will you be back by then?”

  Bo took a swig of his morning wake-up call and swallowed. “Absolutely. I’ve got it narrowed down to three choices and two paint packages. You can help me decide. Then we’ll blow a fortune and buy all the gear to match.”

  Danel turned to Phoenix, waiting for the objection to Thea’s participation and . . . bingo.

  Phoenix dropped his fork, and had his hands up and signing in the next second. You are not taking a pregnant angel of the Powers on the back of a motorcycle to do test drives. I swore to keep her safe.

  Bo frowned and got his hands working too. Give me some credit, Egyptian. I wouldn’t risk her or the baby. You should know that.

  Well, you can’t leave her alone in the shop while you go out. Human males are driven by ego and hormones. I’m helping Storme set up her new office and Thea needs a guardian.

  The Viking gave him a “well, duh” stare. Colt is meeting me. He can wait with her while I test drive, and is more than capable of fending off horny assholes.

  You’re planning to leave her alone with the Ice Demon?

  Bo threw up his hands. What? Now you have a problem with the cop? Phoenix, he’s proven himself to us a thousand times over.

  Proven he’ll seduce any female he meets. Thea’s in a vulnerable place. She doesn’t need Colt coming on strong. And she’s pregnant!

  Bo glared, the muscle in his jaw twitching. You sure that’s what this is?

  What does that mean?

  Maybe you’re a little more attached than you care to admit. Keeping Thea in the next bedroom. Not wanting her to have any male attention. You got a little angel on the side?

  The chairs scraped as Phoenix rose and his wings extended.

  Zander launched to his feet and locked Phoenix down with a hard glare.

  The hair on Danel’s arms stood on end as Phoenix’s dark powers flared. Magical current flooded the air and he gauged his distance to exit with Ronnie if a serious problem broke out.

  Without knowing what was said, Storme gripped Phoenix’s wrist above his white-knuckled fist. A moment later, the magical tension siphoned out of the air.

  When it was clear the Egyptian had a hold on his fury, Zander turned to the Viking and raised his hands. You have no idea how consuming a bonded male’s love is for his mate. If you did, you’d never accuse him of such a thing.

  Then, he turned to Phoenix and sighed. Thea’s lonely, my brother. You can’t expect her to stay in this house and remain celibate forever. She’s a fucking goddess of a female and will draw male attention. Is that such a bad thing? She needs to find interests of her own.

  When Phoenix scowled and reclaimed his seat at the table, the other two did as well.

  Zander grabbed his coffee and took a few deep gulps. How ’bout I go too? I’ve been thinking about getting a new Harley and will ensure Thea returns home safe and unharmed.

  After a long moment, Phoenix offered him a tight nod.

  “Do I have a say in this argument?” Thea asked, frowning from across the table. “I am the topic of this conversation, yes? Austin says females have a right to speak and be heard in this realm, yet you decide things for me as if I am a child.”

  “Simmer down, girlfriend. The argument is over.” Austin took a stack of dishes over to the sink and started running the water to rinse them. “Zander’s your escort. He’ll likely buy another bike while you’re there and anything you point out that you might like to boot.”

  Zander sank back to his seat, chuckling as he watched his mate. “Can you read our private signals now, cowgirl?”

  She winked and pulled off the platinum wrist cuffs she wore before plunging her hands in the dishwater. “No, angelman, but I can read you just fine.”

  Seth woke in the late afternoon, his stomach growling like a bear coming out of a long hibernation. He really had to stop going the alcohol route for breakfast. His body needed food to fuel his considerable tank. He swiped a hand over his face and lolled his head toward the bedside table. The alarm clock read four p.m. Time to get moving and trudge on the never-ending treadmill of what was his existence.

  Nephilim worked the night shift. They patrolled the streets in the long, late hours of dark, when all the demonic crazy hit the streets. Most nights, nothing much happened. He and his brothers chopped a few heads and punched-out at first light, taking care of any itches and urges that needed to be tended to on the way home.

  It had been that way for millennia.

  They figured it would always be that way. Until last fall, when Zander fell for Austin—their cowgirl.

  Zander’s better half changed everything.

  Austin’s love converted a garrison of angry, bitter soldiers into a family—hugely dysfunctional, no argument—but a family nonetheless. Without them realizing it, she’d slowly been domesticating them. Like starting a tradition of everyone eating a big breakfast together before they hit the horizontal for the day.

  He missed that.

  His stomach growled again, and he rolled his eyes. In his fridge, a couple bottles of expired condiments rolled around next to a few furry science experiments he needed to chuck.

  Phoenix had always done the shopping and fed them before they’d hit the streets together.

  He missed that too. Asshole.

  He rolled out of bed and headed straight into the shower. Checking himself out in the mirror was a hard no-go. He felt like death had shit him out onto a summer sidewalk and he was frying on the asphalt there.

  Yeah, he had no interest in what that looked like.

  He spun the taps and let the water start as he checked his phone on the counter for some love. Nothing. Awesome.

  This was the time of day he found most difficult—his witching hours, one could say—because from now until nightfall, he milled around in a messy apartment while his twin lived his new life with his Shadow Caster witch bitch.

  Nice. He’d been officially dumped.

  The buzz in his skull got its hum on, and he cursed and stepped under the spray. “Fuck me!”

  Should’ve checked the temp, asshole.

  Dialing down the scalding, he stepped back and closed his eyes, waiting for his healing to take care of the third-degree burns. Life sucked. It really did.

  Grabbing the bar of soap off the tray, he got busy with the pine-fresh lather and covered all the major bases. The moment the froth and stream cascaded down his belly, his cock got hard and begged for attention. Forget it. He turned his back to the spray and grabbed the shampoo.

  The shower hard-on thing had grown old—like, weeks ago.

  In the good ole days, he would’ve rocked the tug-and-pull and ridden it out, but he’d been down that rabbit hole too many times lately and knew where he’d end up.

  For some godforsaken reason, when he keyed up and shot off, his headache cranked into high gear and his cock got just got harder.

  Relief evaded him, and he was sick of the throbbing.

  He rinsed clean and shut things down. Grabbing yesterday’s still-damp towel from the floor, he scrubbed over his skull trim, patted his chest, arms, and legs, and tossed the mile of terry to the counter. He didn’t risk getting anywhere near his male bits. It was all about the air dry for his privates these days.

  And how fucking sad was that. He was horny as fuck but couldn’t do a damned thing about it.

  He even lied to his brothers about his plans last night to keep up the image. In truth, he’d snagged a bag of Doritos and spent time with his buddies, Jack Daniels, Jim Beam, and Johnny Walker. The sweaty meeting with a waitress from RedRum was a big pile of bullshit. Pathetic.

  He missed sex—a lot. What was the statistic of men thinking about sex—like, once every seven seconds? He hated that he’d become so averse to pleasures of the flesh. It had always been h
is go-to outlet and somehow, he’d lost it.

  He sorted through the discarded clothes beside the bed for socks and cursed. He knew exactly when it happened. Two months ago, that fucking angel took him for a fool and got herself knocked up. That was the beginning of the end.

  Phoenix wrote him off.

  His brothers started side-eyeing him and watching what they said around him. And worse than those knuckle-heads pussyfooting was the way Austin looked at him now.

  She was disappointed—and that cleaved him in two.

  A violent roar tore out of his throat and his fist flew like a concrete anvil. Drywall gave way to his regret, bits of debris skittering to the floor. He’d been played by that angel and lost.

  “Fucking idiot.”

  Thea wanted Phoenix’s baby to secure her the million-dollar family. Instead, she’d ended up carrying his kid. Yeah, and what was that worth—a buck and change?

  Best-laid plans, right?

  The joke was on her.

  His phone pinged, and he snatched it up, praying someone needed him. The text was from the Persian. Fuckin’ A. He got his thumbs moving and responded.

  Happy to, D. On my way.

  Austin stood in the living room, bouncing a drifting Niobi in her arms, as Zander, Bo, and Thea returned from their afternoon of shopping for motorcycles. The three of them, more jazzed than she’d seen in ages, buzzed with energy. There was nothing like a good day of shopping. She and Kyrian knew that well enough but Zander rarely indulged. She was glad he had.

  With all his responsibilities with the garrison, the nightclub, and their family, he needed to do more things for himself.

  Bo flashed her a toothy smile as he headed for the kitchen. The warrior’s hands hung at his sides, laden with a mass of shopping bags. Thea, chatting nonstop, skipped beside him as they passed.

  “And a good time was had by all, I see.”

  Zander flashed her a seductive smile and sauntered toward her like he was truly the bomb. “I broke down. After she bought out the store, I gave her a joyride around the parking lot on the back of the Harley I ordered. She hasn’t stopped beaming.”


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