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The Wages of War

Page 16

by Saxon Andrew

  “Bill, I’m not second-guessing the Commander. They would have to improve their speed by more than thirty percent to do that and I don’t think they could do that without sharing that change with the Colonies before the Prime Minister shut down communications. I almost wish you were right, but I don’t think we’ve missed them.” Bill snorted and turned to his console.

  • • •

  Robert flew at high speed toward the closest blue dot on the monitor and Cami frowned. “We don’t have time to waste doing this, Cami. I’m moving in as quickly as possible and see if they can detect us. Let me know if you see anything.”

  Cami stared at the monitor on her helmet’s display and suddenly heard the computer say, “I have an object directly ahead of us.”

  Cami nodded, “I can see it.” She shook her head, “You need to slow down! It’s less than three seconds from us at our closing speed.” Robert brought the ship to a stop and the Computer announced, “I’m detecting a frequency that’s not in my databanks.”

  Robert stared at the tactical monitor on the wall and saw a black-colored Garrion hanging in space directly ahead of them. Cami was right, they stopped less than a mile from it and it was still difficult to see visually. “Computer, what can you tell me about that frequency?”

  “Not much. I don’t know what purpose it would serve.”

  “Can you duplicate it?”

  “I’ll have to recalibrate the emitters and we would lose the use of our normal scanners. That frequency is far below the range of our current emitters.”

  “Make the change.”


  “Cami, if this frequency is better than our current scanners…” Robert allowed his statement to trail off and she sighed before nodding. A few moments later, the computer announced, “I’ve completed the recalibration.”

  “Do you think they’ll detect us if we use this frequency?”

  “I don’t think so. I suspect those four scouts have overlapped their scanners and our scan will just merge into theirs.”

  Cami blew out a breath and pressed the scanner button. The image of the Garrion solidified and became brilliant on the tactical monitor. Robert shook his head, “I can now see the other three scouts. This new frequency is a completely new advance on our scanning technology.”

  “But it’s not that great,” Cami replied sarcastically. “We detected it and were able to duplicate it so it wouldn’t represent a danger to us.”

  “Cami, that’s not true.”

  “Why not?”

  “The only reason we were able to detect it is because this ship’s scanning modules have been updated to be able to scan a much broader range of frequencies that all the rest of our vessels can’t. Any other Britannia warship wouldn’t have detected it. Joshua made the change at the last minute assuming we needed it when scouting new alien civilizations.” Robert glanced at his console, “That frequency is below the frequency of the radiation of the Big Bang.”

  “How does it work?” Cami asked.

  “I have no freaking idea, but it clearly does. That Garrion uses the same stealth technology as we do, and we can now see all of them.” Robert paused and added, “I suspect that’s part of the reason why these scouts were sent here.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “They want to confirm they can detect our ship. They won’t be using this frequency against normal warships. They’ll only use it against a civilization that uses stealth technology.”

  “So, you believe they’ll save it to use against Britannia.”

  “It’s what I’d do. This adds more evidence that the Colonies are planning something sinister against Britannia.”

  “And what happens if they don’t detect our ship?” Robert was silent for a very long moment and Cami pressed, “Did you hear my question?”

  “I did and I’m considering moving outside the range of their active scanners and allowing them to detect us as we pass them at high speed.”

  “I don’t think that’s necessary.”

  Robert’s eyes narrowed, “Why not?”

  “They’ve already determined this new frequency reveals their Garrions; they know it works. If they don’t detect us, they’ll have to assume we took a different course into Andromeda and they missed us,” Cami answered.

  Robert chuckled, “You’re absolutely right and I’m over thinking this. It’s clear they won’t be able to detect our ships if we’re using Dark Matter for our generators. We’re less than a mile away and that scout hasn’t detected us.”

  “You know that the scout we have following the Stealth Civilization toward the LMC will be seen by the Colony Warships preventing them from using any advanced weapons.”

  Robert sighed, “You’re probably right about that but they still need to make the effort.”


  “I’ve read the scouting reports from that scout and they’ve turned off all the power to their systems to scout the Stealth Civilization numerous times. Let’s hope they do it again this time. I’m pretty certain they’ll record what’s happening on their optical scanner and if they’ve shut down the power to their ship…”

  Cami nodded, “It might work. We need to get out of here and start our mission.” Robert nodded and accelerated away from the Garrion. He’d worry about getting this information back to Grady later; there were bigger fish to fry ahead of them.

  Four days later, the four Colony scouts left and headed back to the fleet.

  • • •

  Robert moved on the suspected course of the advanced alien civilization and flew at normal speed. Cami didn’t question his decision; she didn’t want to rush into a possibly dangerous situation. After eighteen hours she looked up from her console, “I’m seeing something odd.”

  Robert turned to her, “What is that?”

  “We’ve passed some unarmed freighters moving across our course.”

  “What’s odd about that?”

  “I’ve seen more than six different civilization’s freighters and they’re all moving in the same direction.” Robert’s eyes narrowed and Cami shrugged, “That just doesn’t…seem normal.”

  “Did you get a line on where they were headed?”


  “We’ll check it out if we have time. We should be arriving at the star where we think those twelve warships came from. What’s the status of the dark matter containers?”

  “They’re full. We’ve been collecting it since we entered Andromeda. This new technology is the closest thing to free energy we’ll ever encounter.”

  “It is. It’s a shame there’s not enough of it in dense enough concentrations outside of a galaxy.”

  “We don’t spend much time outside of the Milky Way or Andromeda.”

  “We do when we’re going out to them and remember that we also go to the Triangulum Galaxy as well.” Cami nodded and turned to her console. “I’m backing off on the speed and we should start searching for any thoughts ahead of us,” Robert commented. Cami nodded. “Let me know if you hear anything.”

  “You should hear it as quickly as I do,” Cami Replied.

  Robert shook his head, “At one time that would have been true, but I believe you have a longer hearing range than I do. You were the one that detected that Grang scout coming over the black hole.” Cami’s brow furrowed and Robert smiled, “Practice makes a talent better. Your strongest talent is the power of your telepathy.”

  “Well thank you, Captain Robertson.”

  “You’re quite welcome, Admiral Henricks.”

  Cami laughed and then her brow furrowed, and her eyes narrowed, “I’m detecting a roar of thoughts ahead of us.”

  Robert focused and nodded, “It’s in the direction of the star we’re moving toward. It appears something is located there. Let me know if you sense any of their warships moving our way.” Cami nodded and focused on the roar of thoughts ahead of them.

  • • •

  After a few minutes, Cami looked up, “I�
��ve found the Commander of the twelve warships that detected the Red Rock.”

  “And?” Robert asked.

  “That star is not where one of that civilization’s planets it located.”

  “What is it?”

  “It’s a planet that is surrounded by those giant warships and they’re threatening to invade it.”

  “It’s been months since those ships found the Red Rock. Were they attacking that planet that far back?”

  Cami shook her head, “They’re not attacking it; they’re threatening to attack it. It appears something is causing them to delay their invasion.”

  “Is that Commander the leader of their forces at the planet?”

  “No, he commands a unit of their warships.”

  “See if you can find the Fleet Commander.”

  “Give me a minute.” Cami’s brow furrowed and in three minutes she looked at Robert, “I’ve found him. He’s having a discussion with the leaders of the planet they’ve surrounded.”

  “Link in with me.” Cami nodded and Robert heard…

  • • •

  “You would be much better served by just allowing me to take control of your planet.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. I’ve seen the tender mercies your civilization shows to their conquered planets and I will not allow that to happen.”

  “And you think the Farmers will treat you better?”

  “They’ll leave us alone for the most part which is far more than what you’ll do. That’s a far better existence than the slavery your civilization offers.”

  “We can negotiate the terms of our occupation.”

  The Planet Leader scoffed, “And you think for a moment you could be trusted to keep those terms once your forces landed!? We’re prepared to bring the Farmers here and there’s no way you can stop us. So either continue this charade and waste fuel and energy or just leave us in peace.”

  “We aren’t willing to believe you’ll have the Farmers come here.”

  “Then move your ships closer and see if we are. We don’t have any warships to defend us and we won’t hesitate to do it! Now decide! Either leave us or attack!” the Planet Leader said furiously and disconnected the contact.

  The Fleet Commander was furious, and he contacted his home world, “They appear to be serious about bringing in the Farmers.”

  “Have you found the ship they’re going to use to make that happen?”

  “We’ve found one ship, but it is highly possible they have more than one ship prepared to enter the Farmer’s domain, Supremacy.”

  “And you don’t know what the Farmers will do if they arrive with our fleet attacking that planet?” The Commander’s superior asked.

  “If they’re consistent, our fleet might be in jeopardy. But we’re wasting stores and we must decide what to do or you’re going to have to re-supply my fleet soon.”

  “I am not going to risk your fleet and the possible attack on our planet if the Farmers decide we are a danger. Bring your fleet home and send out enough warships to find out if more than that one ship is being used. If we can eliminate the ships they’re using, we can come back and take this planet.”

  “We can make a move toward the planet and force them to bring in the Farmers.”

  “And then we’ll lose the chance to take that planet into the Empire. I know you want to make them pay for their arrogance, but we need to take the long view. We can use that planet to provide the toll we’re currently being forced to pay. Bring your fleet back, immediately.”

  “Yes Supremacy.”

  • • •

  Robert pushed the gravity thruster handle forward and Cami frowned. Robert said as he stared at the tactical monitor, “We’re following that fleet back to its home world. It also appears they are not the big dog in Andromeda; these Farmers they’re talking about are the real head honcho in this part of Andromeda.” Cami nodded and continued to listen in on the Fleet Commander’s thoughts.

  • • •

  Linda looked at Sharon and said, “The Colony Fleet is moving in on the Stealth Civilization survivors. I’m moving ahead of the Stealth Ships and will go to full speed toward the site where they will meet. I’m shutting down all power to our systems and use the air thrusters to slow us down just inside our optical scanner’s range.”

  “Do you think the Colony Fleet will detect us?”

  “I’m hoping they won’t. If they do, we’ll just say we were following orders to make sure the Colony forces found them. I want you to record a broad picture of the coming battle and we’ll take a closer look at the recording after it’s over.”

  “What if the Stealth Fleet changes course?”

  Linda shook her head, “They have no where else to go but straight ahead. The Garrions have moved out from the carriers and have surrounded them. This is where the battle will take place. The Stealth Fleet doesn’t know what it’s up against. Settle in and let me know if anything starts moving our way.”

  • • •

  Richard looked at the wall monitor as his forces moved in on the Stealth Warships. He hated it but he ordered, “Run a scan using the Stealth Detection Frequency.” After a few moments, the Scanning Officer looked up, “Nothing on the monitor, Admiral.”

  Richard looked back at the wall monitor and announced over the general frequency, “All ships are free to use their entire weapon arsenal. Make them pay for New Melbourne and New Britannia’s destruction.” Richard sat back and saw the first wave of Garrions moving in on the warships escorting the Colony Ships. The Garrions were using the new Stealth Scanner and there was no hiding from them.

  • • •

  A hundred and eight Stealth Warships exploded before the others opened fire with their blasters. They couldn’t detect the Garrions, but they hoped they would manage to hit the invisible warships attacking them. The Fleet Leader contacted the Prime on one of the Colony Ships, “We can not detect the ships attacking us and those we’ve managed to hit are unfazed by our blasters. We’re being attacked on all sides of our formation and there’s nowhere to run!”

  The Prime turned to the Communication Leader, “Pull up the frequency used by the humans during our last encounter with them.”

  “It’s connected to your panel, Prime.”

  The Prime immediately began broadcasting, “Stop your attack! These Colony Vessels are unarmed and represent no danger to you or your species!”

  • • •

  Richard heard the communication over the wall speaker, and he nodded to his Second-in-Command. He spoke clearly into his combat helmet’s microphone, “Your very existence is a threat to any civilized planet. The number of species you’ve attacked and killed are in the thousands and that stops today. You had your chance to back off, but you chose to attack two of my planets with the intent to destroy the surviving planets later. Beg for mercy from someone who cares; I don’t.” Richard ended the contact and turned to the wall monitor.

  • • •

  In the short time the brief conversation took place, every Stealth Warship was destroyed and the Garrions turned their attention to the thousands of Colony Ships that were attempting to scatter and escape. But they couldn’t match the speed of a warship and the Prime saw the first one go up in a massive explosion as a missile hit it. The giant colony ship exploded and was vaporized by the ensuing expansion of the blast.

  • • •

  Linda looked at Sharon and her eyes were wide, “That missile is more powerful than any I’ve ever seen!” Sharon was shaking her head as she continued to record the battle.

  • • •

  Richard’s Second turned to him, “Sir, those colony ships are unarmed and have innocent civilians on board.”

  Richard sighed, “I have my orders. The Prime Minister wants no survivors.”

  “But this isn’t right!”

  Richard turned to him, “The New Prime Minister is craving blood. The Stealth Civilization is a cancer and if we allow any of them to survive, we’ll just have to do
this in the future. It’s better to end it now.”

  “Do you really feel that way, Sir?”

  Richard looked at him and blew out a breath, “It doesn’t matter what I feel. I have no room to maneuver and this must be done.”

  The Second saw the pain in Richard’s expression and he turned to the wall monitor, “Yes Sir.”

  • • •

  Sharon stared at her console and saw a Garrion rush in on a Colony Ship and open fire with a blaster that was almost blinding in its brightness. The beam cut through the Colony Ship and it fell apart into two halves. The Garrion then cut the two pieces into halves and left it behind as the pieces blew up and caught fire. Space was filled with dying Colony Ships as the populations from eleven Stealth Planets died under the blasters and missiles of the small warships attacking them. In less than four hours, it was over; Richard ordered the debris to be vaporized. It took the remainder of the day to complete the task and then Richard ordered the Fleet back to the Colonies where the Prime Minister had orchestrated a celebration of the Fleet’s victory. Richard had no choice but to participate but he felt sick in his heart at what he had done. And he suspected this Prime Minister had bad intentions for Britannia. He was torn between his love of the military and the possibility of confronting Britannia. But first, this long war had to end. Then he’d decide what to do.

  Chapter Eleven

  Robert and Cami were holding position two thousand miles above a highly industrialized planet. There were five major continents and four of them were covered by large metropolitan areas. The fifth continent appeared to be unsettled and covered by a sea of green plants. Robert watched the optical monitor and focused it on the unsettled continent. He moved the view in closer and commented, “It appears they are harvesting the crops that are growing.”

  “Yes, but I find it odd that the ones they’ve harvested are being taken into orbit and put on a group of freighters.” Cami turned to Robert and continued, “If they were growing those crops to be eaten on the planet, why would they be moving them to freighters?”

  “I don’t know. Something odd is going on.” Robert commented.


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