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The Wages of War

Page 22

by Saxon Andrew

  “Is she taking the Griffin back with her?”

  Grady turned to Charlie, “No; the Prime Minister deeded all the carriers to Britannia and that includes the Griffin. We’ll send them back on stealth freighters.”

  “Will you allow them to contact the Colonies before they arrive?”

  Grady looked at Abby, “The Prime Minister has ordered that we do not attempt to communicate with them. I will honor that request.”

  The room was silent, and Justin commented, “Is it just me or do I smell a rat in this? It seems the Colonies are setting us up for something.”

  Grady’s expression turned serious, “You will not mention or discuss that with anyone until all the personnel from the Colonies have left! That is a direct order, Admiral Brown!”

  “Yes Sir!” Justin replied.

  Grady looked around the table and said, “I want to hear what you’ve determined from the recordings Cami sent us.”

  RJ immediately said, “From the analysis Cami’s computer did on the weapons they’ve recorded, there is only one civilization there with a more powerful warship. Our new warships can handle any of the others they recorded.”

  “The computer’s analysis of the weapons used will not be included in the recording we send back to the Colonies,” Grady responded.

  “Won’t that cause suspicion?”

  Grady shook his head, “No Joshua. I’ll tell them that using a scanner was too dangerous and all the recordings were made by the optical scanner. The entire recording taken of the last contact with the most advanced civilization won’t be included in what we send.”

  Sweets spoke up, “It appears from what I’ve seen that the Farmers are a kind of hive civilization. Their behavior seems to support that premise.”

  “Tell me what you mean,” Grady prompted.

  “Well, all their behavior matches up with most of the hive creatures we know. Whether it’s bees, wasps, hornets, ants, or other hive creatures, they all share some things in common. Their hives can be approached from a safe distance without an attack on the intruder. But if one gets too close to the hive, a large number of warriors will be sent out to attack the intruder. That appears to be the behavior exhibited by those Farmers.” Sweets looked around and asked, “Does anyone disagree with my view?”

  The room was silent, and Charlie added, “There is another behavior exhibited by hives that is common.”

  Sweets turned to him, “What is that?”

  “What happens when a hive becomes overpopulated?”

  RJ lowered his gaze and said, “The hive swarms.”

  Charlie nodded. “And the rapid expansion of the globe indicates that the population of the Farmers inside it is growing at an extreme rate. I believe that the Farmers inside that Globe are close to swarming and will send half of their population out to find a new home. If there are eight other hives in Andromeda like that ancient civilization suggests, they will probably be forced to go to another galaxy,” Charlie remarked.

  Taffy looked at Grady, “And the closest galaxy to Andromeda is Triangulum. It appears the fear of the civilization there is real.”

  “It’s only a matter of time until another hive is forced to swarm, and the Milky Way will be next,” Rory added to the conversation.

  Grady nodded, “That is the position I’m taking when I send the recordings to them. I’m saying that the Farmers represent a real problem to them and us.”

  RJ smiled, “That might give them pause.”

  Grady nodded, “I suspect it will. And if they send scouts to verify it, they will be detected by the Farmers and they will go directly to the planet in the Colonies that sent the scout.”

  “How are you going to explain that our scout wasn’t detected?” Candy asked.

  “I’ll tell them our scout came no where near one of their warships. I think they might decide to send scouts anyway but if they enter that hive’s domain with a warship, I believe that advanced civilization will remove them. The only coordinates I’m going to give them is the one of that particular hive.”

  “Don’t you think that advanced civilization will know it’s our doing if they go there?”

  Grady nodded, “They will, and they’ll know why. I don’t think they will hold it against us.”

  “Why not?” Charlotte asked.

  Grady shrugged, “Because they’ll know we’re trying to prevent a war instead of stopping one.”

  “What are we going to do about the Grang?” Justin asked.

  “I’m promoting Cami to Fleet Commander and she will lead our forces out to handle them.”

  Justin stared at Grady and then smiled, “I suspect she’s the perfect one to do it.”

  Grady nodded and the group continued to discuss the revelations Cami and Robert had sent them.

  • • •

  The Heartbreaker headed toward Britannia and Cami contacted Grady telepathically, “It’s good to be home, Dad.”

  “Cami, I want you to link this conversation with Robert.” Cami looked at Robert as Grady’s thoughts entered his mind, “He’s listening in.”

  Grady began talking and after thirty minutes, Cami said, “We’ll do as you ask. When is the meeting taking place?”

  “You and Robert will wait for the Griffin to arrive and you will come to my conference room with Admiral Tyers and her Second-in-Command. Keep in mind that he is a telepath and you need to be careful.”

  “Will any other telepaths be present?” Robert asked.

  “No. Justin and his Commodores will not be attending the meeting. Cami I’m so thankful you made it back safe, but we need to handle this issue before we can start celebrating.”

  “I understand, Dad. We’ll show the correct amount of fear and hold up our end.”

  “See you this afternoon. Taffy and I send our love and Robert, thank you for keeping our daughter safe.”

  “It was the other way around Sir. But thank you.”

  Robert looked at Cami and said, “Cami…”

  “Robert now is not the time to discuss what happened. We’ll do that when this is over.” Robert nodded and turned back to his console. She wasn’t showing her thoughts to him. He didn’t know if that was a good or bad thing.

  • • •

  Cami, Robert and Sylvia arrived at the meeting and Cami noticed that her telepathic Second-in-Command didn’t come to the meeting with her. That was odd but she was thankful he didn’t. They entered the conference room and Cami rushed over to Grady and Taffy and hugged them. Sylvia looked around and saw Maranda and Andrew sitting at the table. She rushed over and hugged them, “What are you doing here?”

  Maranda smiled, “We retired and decided to move to Britannia. We arrived before the Prime Minister stopped all ships from traveling between the Colonies and here.”

  “Why did he do that?” Sylvia asked with her eyes narrowed.

  “He says he worried that the Colonies might be discovered if the ship traffic continued. He also stopped all communications between the Colonies and Britannia for the same reason.” Sylvia sat down beside them and Grady started the recording for Sylvia and the Connors to view.

  After the recordings ended, Grady stood up and said, “I’m sending a copy of these recordings back with you to the colonies. It’s too risky to broadcast them and since they must be delivered, I’m asking you to contact all the Colony sailors on the carriers and tell them that we’re sending them back to the Colonies with you.”

  “Are we taking our carriers with us?”

  Grady shook his head, “The Prime Minister deeded them to Britannia and said it was too big a risk to send them back. I’m going to replace the carriers’ crews with Britannia personnel.”

  “What if some of the crews don’t wish to leave?”

  “We will gladly accept them into Britannia’s Navy, but they must swear their loyalty to Britannia.”

  Sylvia stared at Grady and said, “I’ll make the announcement now. We need to get this recording back to the Colonies as quickly as pos

  “That would be good, Sylvia.” Grady looked at Cami and Robert and asked Sylvia, “Do you have any questions for the scouts we sent to Andromeda?”

  “No. The recordings are self-explanatory.” Sylvia turned to Cami and Robert, “You did an excellent job and I know Britannia is proud of what you accomplished.” Sylvia turned to Grady, “I’ll get back to you on how many sailors are returning to the Colonies.”

  “Thank you.”

  Sylvia left the conference room and Maranda said, “She knows something is up.”

  “Are you sure about that?” Grady asked.

  “I know Sylvia and she knows something isn’t right.”

  Grady sighed, “I hope you’re wrong, but it is what it is.”

  Andrew shrugged, “We’ll find out as soon as she arrives back in the Colonies. I’m reasonably certain the Prime Minister will have something to say about this.”

  “We’ll cross that bridge when we must,” Grady replied. Taffy went to Cami and lifted her out of her chair in a huge hug, “Let’s go home. I’ve missed you so much!”

  They left the conference room and Robert was left without the opportunity to clear the air with Cami. He sighed and left to go to see his mother.

  • • •

  Four hours later, Sylvia appeared on Grady’s communicator, “Sixty-four percent of the Colony sailors have requested to remain on Britannia with their families and are willing to swear their allegiance to Britannia. The others will be moved to the Freighters on the surface via the Carrier’s shuttles.”

  “Thank you Sylvia.”

  “You should know that I have also chosen to remain on Britannia.” Grady’s mouth fell open. “I’m sending a recording to the Prime Minister telling him that I have been scared out of my mind by that civilization in Andromeda and I’ve chosen to retire from the Navy because of it. I want to live my remaining years enjoying life before it might be cut short. At least that’s what I’m telling him.”

  “Why are you doing this?”

  “Grady, I’m not an idiot. That buffoon of a Prime Minister is plotting against Britannia and I will not play a part in his scheme. Maranda and Andrew coming here proves that they see what’s happening as well and won’t take part in it either. I assume you will have a place for me?”

  “You will keep the Command of the Griffin.”

  “I think that’s a good idea. Terry Adams is looking at the minds of every sailor on the carriers and is making sure they are sincere about defending Britannia. If he finds any that are Colony Operatives, he will order them back.”

  “Won’t that cause some suspicions?”

  “No Grady. He’ll tell them they are needed back at the Colonies due to their skills and talents. He’s found two so far and they both didn’t bring their families to Britannia with them. That was another reason Terry told them they had to return to the Colonies. The ones that stay will be loyal Sir.”

  “Thank you Sylvia.”

  “Is it as bad as it seems in Andromeda?”

  “No, it’s not.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  “Our ships can defeat the Farmers’ warships. But if the Colony finds that out, they will probably start whatever they’re planning against Britannia.”

  “Will you share with me what you know?”

  “I’ll send the unedited version of the recording to your personal communicator.”

  “Thank you Grady. For the first time in a long time I feel good about serving on a warship.” Sylvia paused and said, “Admiral Tarangelo is caught up in whatever’s happening. He’s a good man but his loyalty is to the Colonies.” Grady nodded. Sylvia shook her head slightly and said, “I think he might have sent me here on the carrier to remove me from the pressure of what’s coming.”

  “Let’s hope none of us has to deal with what they’re planning,” Grady replied. “Perhaps the fear of the Farmers will make the Prime Minister reconsider his plans.”

  Sylvia shrugged, “I guess we’ll see about that. I personally think he’s an ego maniac. But he is a crafty and sly politician; that’s what got him elected.”

  Grady tilted his head as Sylvia ended the contact.

  • • •

  Cami entered the bridge of her Command Ship and saw Robert was already at his console issuing orders to the Fleet. He was promoted to Admiral due to him being her Second-in-Command and Cami knew he preferred to have earned the rank on his own merits. She went to her seat and looked at the Pilot and Weapons Officer. She saw their expressions and said, “Will the two of you chill out! We’re not taking your ship away from you and you’ll only be on this ship for this mission. The two of you make coffee nervous!”

  Linda glanced at Sharon and said, “Sorry Sir. We’re not accustomed to having a Fleet Admiral looking over our shoulders. We’ve always worked alone.”

  “I won’t be looking over your shoulders. You will pilot the ship and you will keep it safe; it’s as simple as that.”

  “If you say so Sir,” Sharon replied and turned to her console.

  Cami turned to Robert, “Has the fleet launched the units to their assigned coordinates.”

  “Yes Sir, the units have launched.”

  Cami’s eyes narrowed and she glared at Robert, “Don’t start this formal crap with me! We’ve worked together and did fine without it! If you don’t want to be here, say so!”

  Robert glared at Cami and then forced himself to relax, “All the units have been launched to their assigned coordinates, Cami.”

  Cami nodded, “That’s better.” She turned to Linda, “You may launch and meet the unit assigned to our coordinates.”

  “Yes Sir.” Linda pulled the thruster handle up and the Command Ship rose above the surface of Britannia. Sharon leaned over and said in a whisper, “Notice she didn’t stop you from calling her sir.”

  Cami laughed, “And I’m not going to stop either of you. Robert and I have served as a crew on a very dangerous mission and he has earned the right to be informal.”

  Linda glared at Sharon and said, “ZIP IT!” Sharon nodded and turned back to her console. Cami wondered what they would think if they knew what she was going to do.

  • • •

  The Command Ship flew over the black hole in the center of the Milky Way and headed directly toward the Grang’s Capital Planet. She turned to Robert and asked, “Who is in command of our ships here?”

  “Commodore Charlotte Kessler.”

  “Get her on my panel.”

  Charlotte appeared and Cami smiled, “It’s been a long time.”

  Charlotte smiled, “Much too long Cami.” Linda saw Sharon roll her eyes and look at the ceiling. Everyone called the Admiral by her first name but them.

  “I want you to record my contact with the Leader of the Grang and have it sent out to every one of our units at their other planets. Order every unit to put the recording on every electronic device on the planets they’re assigned.”

  “What are you going to do Cami?”

  “Just follow my orders, Charlotte.” Cami ended the contact and turned to Linda, “Move our ship into low orbit directly above the Capital City.” Linda stared at Cami and started moving the ship in closer to the planet.

  Justin immediately contacted Charlotte when he received Cami’s orders, “What’s going on?”

  “I don’t know Sir. You’ll have to ask the Admiral and I don’t think she’ll be taking calls.”

  Justin shook his head and ended the contact. Robert looked at his panel and said, “Admiral Brown is on the communicator.”

  “Tell him to follow his orders and I’ll contact him later.” Robert nodded and sent the message.

  Justin sat back and shook his head; what was this kid up to?

  Cami looked at the main wall monitor and saw the huge city below her ship. She looked at Linda and smiled, “You will hold our position here until I order otherwise.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  Sharon looked at Linda and whispered,
“What is she doing?”

  “Will you shut the heck up!” Linda saw Cami looking at them with a smile and Linda sighed, “Like I said, Sir. We’re accustomed to working alone.” Sharon frowned and turned back to her console.

  Cami stared at the planet a few moments longer and looked at Sharon, “How many warships are within firing range?”

  “Thirty-five Sir.”

  “You may go ahead and target them but do not fire on them unless they fire on us first.”

  “Yes Sir. But they can’t detect us so that shouldn’t be an issue,” Sharon replied.

  Cami turned to Linda, “Captain, deactivate our stealth systems.”

  Sharon’s eyes flew wide open and she jerked her head around to her console and started targeting the closest Grang Warships. Linda lowered her chin, “Did I hear you right that you want the stealth systems turned off.”

  “Yes Captain; do it now.”

  Linda glanced at Robert and then deactivated the Command Ship’s stealth systems. One moment there was nothing above the Capital City and in the next moment, a small warship appeared. Alarms went off all over the planet and on every Grang Warship. Cami sat in her chair and watched the wall monitor. Thirty-five Grang warships came rushing in opening fire on the intruder. The moment they fired, they were hit and vaporized by one of the nine blasters on the Command Ship’s hull. All thirty-five warships were destroyed in less than thirty seconds.

  Cami looked at Sharon, “You will continue to fire on any of the Grang Warships that attack my ship.”

  Sharon’s eyes were wide as she furiously targeted the warships moving toward them at high speed. Eighty Grang Warships came flying around the planet and opened fire on the small warship holding position above the Capital City. Linda looked at Cami and asked, “Sir, should I attempt to evade them?”

  “You will hold your position until ordered differently Captain.” Linda turned back to her console and wondered if the Admiral was insane.


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