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The Assassins guild 3: The Rage of the brotherhood

Page 17

by Saxon Andrew

  Gibbs knew he was an assassin, but he was nothing like what he thought an assassin would be. He was personable, laughed at himself when things were pointed out, and was considerate to everyone on board. On the fourth day, Gibbs announced, “I’m moving the ship in to the planet where we’re dropping off Jab. We will remain at battle stations until the drop off has been completed.”

  Harmony stood up and walked over to Jab’s chair. He stood up for her and she planted a big kiss directly on his mouth, “If you’re ever feeling lonely, give me a call.” Jab’s face turned beet red and Harmony burst out laughing. “I’m sorry. I just had to do it.” Jab sat down as the crew howled at his discomfort. Harmony sat back down, turned, and winked at Jab, “I’m not kidding,” which only caused louder hoots and whistles.

  Gibbs smiled and turned the ship toward the planet far below the Lincoln. As they moved closer, Frank turned to Gibbs, “Sir.”

  Gibbs kept his eyes focused on his monitor and asked, “What is it, Frank?”

  “I’m worried about us having to drop Jab off a long distance from the planet.”

  Gibbs turned to him, “I don’t intend to drop him off a long way out.”

  “You probably don’t have an option, Sir.” Frank replied.

  “Why not?”

  “Sir, when we raise the landing bay door to allow him to leave, we’re going to stand out on the Brotherhood monitors like a deer in headlights.”

  Gibbs fell back in his chair, “You’re right! I didn’t think of that.” Gibbs turned to face Jab, “Frank is right. If I attempt to get in close, opening the bay doors will guarantee the Brotherhood Warships’ scanners will detect our presence.”

  Jab nodded and put his hand on the back of his head and scratched before suggesting, “Is there any place on the Lincoln’s hull where I can attach my scout prior to going in?” Gibbs eyes narrowed, and Jab added, “The scout has a claw on the nose that allows the ship to attach itself to other objects.”

  Gibbs shook his head, “No, pretty much all of the hull is coated in phase metal and the claw would just pass through it.”

  “What about the long-range phase-antenna, Sir?” Frank asked. Gibbs turned to him. Frank shrugged “We only extend it in normal space when we’re sure we’re not close to enemy ships.”

  Gibbs shook his head, “Frank, that antenna has a very small diameter and the scout’s weight could snap it off. Besides, the antenna could also be detected, couldn’t it?”

  “Sir, the antenna is made of the strongest alloy we make, other than chronide. We’ll only extend it four feet out of the hull and I sincerely believe even our scanners couldn’t detect that small section without being right on top of it.”

  “It would be easy to find out, Sir.” Gibbs and Frank turned to Harmony. “Have Frank extend the antenna four feet and see if the rear scanner can detect it.”

  Gibbs brought the Lincoln to a stop and turned to Frank, “Extend the antenna.” Frank turned around, pressed a button, and held it down for a few moments, and then turned back around, “I’ve extended it four feet, Sir.”

  “Well, see if you can detect it with the rear scanner!”

  “Oops, I forgot that was me.” Frank rotated the rear scanner’s element and adjusted it until it was scanning just above the Lincoln’s hull. Frank studied his monitor and wiped his eyes. He moved in close to his monitor shaking his head, “Captain, come take a look at this.”

  Gibbs stood up and stood behind Frank’s chair. He stared at the monitor and would occasionally see a tiny line appear and then disappear. “Is that it, Frank?”

  “Yes, Sir. And our monitor is four hundred yards behind it. Anything further out would not detect anything, Sir.” Frank paused and added, “Besides, we need to remember that most scanners are programmed to ignore small metallic objects. Small meteors would overwhelm the system if they weren’t eliminated.”

  Gibbs nodded slowly and turned to Jab, “This is how we’re going to get you in close. You need to go and take your scout out of the landing bay and use the claw to grab the antenna located under my ship. Once you’re attached, I’ll take you in as close as possible.”

  Jab stood up with a bashful smile and addressed the bridge, “Thank you, Captain. And I want to thank your crew for treating me so well. It’s been a very long time since I’ve felt like a part of any group and I’ve pretty much remained silent for a very long time. You’ve reminded me of what life should be. Thank you all for accepting me into your company.”

  Harmony looked at him, “Jab, don’t take any foolish risks and make sure you call for us to pick you up.”

  Gibbs nodded, “Admiral Talent has authorized me to stay on station for five months. I’m staying six to be sure.”

  Jab became serious for a moment, “Sir, do you have a subvocal module?” Gibbs nodded. “I’ll contact you over mine if it appears I’m not going to make it.” Gibbs extended his hand and Jab shook it. He turned to leave the bridge and every crew member came over to shake his hand or give him a hug. Harmony was last and whispered to him, “I wasn’t kidding.”

  Jab laughed and followed Gibb’s coverage officer off the bridge. Frank watched him leave and Frank said softly, “Sir, I’ll get us in close.”

  Gibbs turned to him, “You like him, don’t you?”

  Frank nodded, “He’s a fine man, Captain. He deserves our best effort.”

  “How close do you think you can get us, Frank?”

  Frank smiled, “Sir, you can land on the planet and won’t be seen.”

  Gibb’s head went back slightly, “Are you sure about that, Frank.”

  “There’s only ten warships above that planet and they’re out at the edge of the planet’s gravitational influence. Once we pass them, we can get him on the planet if you want.”

  Gibbs smiled, “I think outside the atmosphere will do it, Frank.” Gibbs kept his eyes on the external monitor and waited for Jab to connect with the antenna. Finally, he asked over his subvocal module, “Let me know when you’ve locked on the antenna, Jab.”

  “I did that ten-minutes ago, Captain. I’m waiting on you.”

  Gibbs rolled his eyes and mumbled something about invisible ships before pushing the thruster handle slightly forward.

  • • •

  The Elder listened to the priest’s communication and reached for the communicator on his desk. A Law Enforcement Guard appeared instantly and said, “What’s up, Elder?”

  “Do you remember that young woman with the smart mouth during our last trip?”

  “I do.”

  “She’s running her mouth again and I need you to go and deliver the appropriate punishment.”

  “Did she commit blasphemy?”

  “No, not quite. However, I need her silenced. I believe you are the perfect one for the job.”

  The LEs smile was huge, “Do I have authority to do whatever I choose.”

  “Just make sure she stays quiet about it,” the Elder replied.

  “I’ll take care of it, Elder.”

  “Report directly to me when you return.”

  “Yes, Elder, I will.

  The Elder knew that woman was going to suffer big time. She needed it!

  Chapter Sixteen

  Ryshana was awakened by a knock on her door. She tossed around and rubbed her eyes and heard another knock. “COMING!” She slipped a dress over her head and put on her shoes before walking to the door and wondered who would be at her house after midnight. She opened the door and saw the Community Leader standing on the porch with a sad expression. His head tilted, and she suddenly saw the Community Leader shoved aside as a huge Law Enforcement Guard stepped in the doorway and dragged her out by the throat. The guard put his left hand on Ryshana’s neck and squeezed causing her to scream. He tightened his grip and said in a wickedly soothing tone, “No more of that!”

  The pain was incredible and Ryshana gasped, “I’ll be quiet!”

  The guard loosened his grip slightly and smiled, “See, she is trainable
." The guard held Ryshana by the neck and marched her off her porch. He looked over his shoulder and announced, “I’m going to be with her for a while.”

  The Community Leader quickly responded, “Please take her far enough away where her screams won’t awaken the community.” The LE Guard raised his right hand over his head waving it that he would.

  Ryshana tried to swing her arms at the guard but he bore down on his grip and Ryshana almost fell limp to the ground. The Guard had her at arm’s length and she couldn’t hit him with his longer reach. He held her up easily and relaxed his grip, “Ahhh, you’re a feisty one; I like that a lot.”

  Ryshana could do nothing but go where the guard was leading her. She saw the forest ahead of her and knew that this LE was here to deliver punishment. The Holy Man!! He reported what she asked him. Her conversation with him was supposed to be kept in strictest confidence but she knew it was him that brought this thug to hurt her. She felt her rage growing but kept her mouth shut. Her neck was in excruciating pain and she couldn’t take another hard squeeze.

  The guard marched and dragged her at least a quarter of a mile into the edge of the forest and stopped where the thorns and brambles had overgrown the trees. He threw her to the ground so hard the breath she had left was knocked out of her. The guard leaned down and smiled, “You just don’t know how to keep your mouth shut! After I’m done with you, that will no longer be a problem. If you tell anyone what happens out here, you’ll get it worse than this next time!”

  Ryshana managed to sit up and spat, “I’m going to tell everyone what you do!”

  The guard hit her on the left side of her face with his armored glove so fast that she never saw it coming. She rolled over violently with the blow and only saw white lights flashing in her vision. She moaned, and the guard laughed, “Good, I haven’t lost my touch. Can’t have you unconscious, that would take away from my enjoyment.”


  The guard tapped a button on his helmet, “Now, that makes this a lot more fun. I brought you out here to teach you how to behave properly. Your big mouth just got you a death sentence. I’ve recorded what you said and now I can have my fun with no worries.” Ryshana tried to go up on her elbows but the guard hit her in the sternum knocking her back on her back. She saw the white lights again as her head hit the ground, then closed her eyes. The guard rolled his eyes. Now he’d have to wait for her to regain consciousness. It’s no fun if they aren’t awake to appreciate what he’s doing to them.

  Ryshana moaned and tried to open her eyes, only the right eye cooperated. She reached up and felt her left eye and winced; it was swollen shut. The guard reached down, grabbed the front of her dress, and ripped it open. She fell back to the ground and the last thing she saw was the guard with a wicked, malevolent smile, standing over her unbuttoning his tunic. She closed her right eye and waited for what she knew she could do nothing to stop.

  • • •

  Ryshana was woozy and didn’t know how long she had her eyes closed. She didn’t hear anything, so she opened her right eye slightly. The guard was in the identical position above her with the same evil smile. She must have only been out for a second or two. But…the guard wasn’t moving. He stood motionless over her and his expression didn’t change. She looked closer and saw the guard’s helmet was off and there was a dark band with a flickering green spot around his head. She went up on an elbow and fell back to the ground. She moaned and heard a voice say, “Please remain quiet.”

  Ryshana looked at the guard and he was still frozen in place. She rolled her right eye around and didn’t see anyone. The voice sounded like it came from directly in front of her, “Who said that?”

  “I do not intend to harm you. Just remain still and silent,” a male voice replied.

  Ryshana moaned again and said, “I’ve already been harmed; you couldn’t do much more to hurt me.”

  The voice sighed, “I’m sorry. I didn’t arrive in time to stop him.”

  “WHO ARE YOU?!” Ryshana asked as loudly as she could muster.

  She felt a hand over her mouth but saw no one around her. She tried to scream but the hand prevented her, “I’ll show you who I am if you agree not to scream.” Ryshana nodded slightly and felt a wave of pain rush through her head and neck. The hand remained on her mouth and a man suddenly appeared kneeling beside her. She screamed anyway but the man’s hand muffled it. Her right eye was wide open in fear and the man said softly, “I will not hurt you. I need you to be silent.”

  Ryshana looked into the man’s eyes and thought she saw him looking into her face with a sincere expression. “I’ll be silent.” The man removed his hand and stood up. She saw an identical band around the man’s head that was on the guard. It also had a flickering green light on it and Ryshana quietly asked, “What are you doing to him?”

  Jab knew he had messed up. He should have knocked the woman out while he transferred the guard’s memories but worried that the powerful drug might kill her with the head injury the guard gave her. Ryshana saw the man was thinking about what to do and realized she was not out of the woods, figuratively and literally, yet. Ryshana saw the green spot stop flickering and saw the man’s eyes narrow slightly. After a moment he asked, “Did you mean what you said to the guard?”

  “I don’t remember most of what I said. Are you talking about calling him a bastard…”?

  “No, the part about the Brotherhood.”

  “You must have heard what I said!”

  “I did, but did you mean it?”

  “Aren’t you part of the Brotherhood?”

  “Just answer my question.”

  Jab saw the woman’s rage on her face just before she snarled, “If I could kill every one of them I’d do it in an instant! There, are you satisfied? You have the right to kill me now!”

  The man glanced at the guard with his evil expression still on his face. He stood up, took the band off the guard’s head, finished unbuttoning his tunic before taking it off, and pushed him over. The guard fell back like a board and hit the ground hard. Ryshana smiled, “That had to hurt.”

  The man walked over to her, “I’m sick of seeing his face.”

  “You aren’t alone!” Ryshana responded.

  He looked into Ryshana’s face, “You asked what I was doing. I was transferring the guard’s memories into my mind with the bands.”

  “Why would you ever want that thug’s memories!?”

  The man smiled slightly, “You’re right about that; he is one evil person.”

  “So, why did you want them?”

  The man’s smile disappeared, “I intend to take his place.”

  Ryshana went up on an elbow, “That won’t happen!”

  “Why not?” Jab asked.

  “Well, for starters, you look nothing like him.”

  Jab stared at her and made his decision. He reached forward and put his hand over Ryshana’s mouth again. “I won’t scream!” she said before his hand covered her mouth. She did scream when the man changed into an identical twin of the guard, down to the small scar over his left eye. Her right eye was wide open as the man changed back into his original form.

  “I don’t believe that my appearance will be an issue.” He removed his hand slowly and Ryshana could only stare at him. “However, not knowing things about your culture could trip me up. I need you to allow me to transfer your memories to my mind.”

  “Why? You have his!”

  The man exhaled a big breath, before saying, “I know what he knows but there may be some things that I don’t know that would give me away. He doesn’t know much about your community and I believe that your memories will be a help in carrying out my mission.”

  “Mission? Just who are you?”

  Jab realized that he was going to be forced to kill this young woman. He hated it, but she
already knew too much. However, he did need her memories. She saw his expression and knew what he was thinking. She sighed and said, “You can take them from me even if I don’t agree, can’t you.” Jab slowly nodded. “Are you going to take all of them?”

  Jab raised his eyebrows, tilted his head, and said, “Yes.”

  Ryshana went back to the ground, “Go ahead.”

  Jab’s eyes narrowed, “Why did you agree so quickly?”

  “You say you’re on a mission; may I assume this mission is directed at the Brotherhood?”

  “It is.”

  “And it’s not something that will help them?”

  “It won’t.”

  “Then take them before you kill me.”

  Jab knelt down beside the woman and began putting the transfer band around her head. She winced, and Jab immediately stopped. He went to a grey backpack, the same color as the form fitting uniform he had on and opened it. He took something out and walked over to the prone guard. He took the water container off his belt and walked back to Ryshana. Putting his arm behind her, he gently lifted her to a sitting position. She moaned, and he held up a tablet in front of her mouth, “Take this; it will help with the pain.” Ryshana opened her mouth and he placed the tablet on her tongue. Jab put the water container to her mouth and she took a sip, swallowing the tablet. He gently laid her back down and she said, “If I had any doubts about you not being in the Brotherhood, you’ve just removed them.” Jab’s eyebrows came together. “You could be executed for giving medical aid to anyone in my community.” Jab now knew that he needed her memories. The guard wasn’t aware of that issue. He waited a few minutes before Ryshana said groggily, “The pain is bearable now. That’s some pill!”

  Jab finished putting the band around her head and softly said, “While the transfer is taking place, your mind will go blank.” Ryshana was looking into his eyes as Jab pressed the green spot on Ryshana’s headband. It started flickering and he walked over to the guard and took his blaster off his belt. It would be better to kill her before she woke up from the transfer. By the end of the transfer, Jab knew there was no way he would ever kill her. It wasn’t the right thing to do.”


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