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The Sweetest Encounter

Page 17

by Karlene Pitters

  “Baby,” I whispered, walking over to her. “You look ravishing. Happy Birthday.”

  “Thank you, Yankee,” she said, hugging me tight and then moving back to take the roses. “They are gorgeous.” She bent down, sniffing the bouquet. “I can’t believe you bought more flowers. I have so many in the penthouse already.”

  “You are worth it, baby,” I said, reaching down to capture her juicy lips. She opened her mouth and I devoured it. Mmm hmm. I love kissing her. We smooched for a little while and then came up for air. “Let’s put the roses in water. We have to get moving. The reservation is at six o’clock.”

  “Okay,” she said, a big smile spreading across her face. “Where are you taking me? You still haven’t told me anything yet. I tried getting it out of the girls today when we went to the spa, but they were tight-lipped. I am shocked. Natalia and Janique usually cannot keep their mouths shut. Did you bribe them, Yankee?” she asked, peeking over at me as we walked into the living room.

  I laughed at her remarks. “Maybe. I didn’t want those two big mouths to spoil the surprise I have planned for you, my love.”

  “I knew it!” Dallas laughed as we stepped into the kitchen. “I had a feeling you had something to do with all their secrecy. Anyway, let me get these into some water and we’ll get moving.”


  Forty-five minutes later, we finally sat down on our seats. I made reservations but we had to wait for almost fifteen minutes. The waiter apologized profusely, saying that Saturday was their busiest night. I felt annoyed, but Dallas was okay with it. She was overjoyed to be dining on steaks for her birthday. I love it when my girl is happy. This past month she had been on a crazy diet, complaining that she gained weight, but I loved her curves. I loved everything about her.

  “Franco!” Dallas exclaimed, breaking me out of my thoughts of her. “I can’t believe you brought me here. I love this place. Daddy took me here when I moved to New York last year. They have some of the best steaks.”

  Smiling, I watched my girl beaming with joy. My stomach was bubbling up with anxiety, and I touched the ring in my pocket one more time. Get it together, Franco. I thought about concealing the ring in her favorite dessert, but it felt lame. After dinner, I would propose to her in the crowded restaurant. I had hoped we would have more privacy, but the waiter seated us in the center of the room. Talking about pressure.

  “Yankee, are you all right?” Dallas asked in her sexy Texan twang. “You’re frowning. What’s on your mind, darlin’?”

  “I’m fine, baby,” I said, reassuring her. “Just thinking how I can top all your other birthdays.”

  She chuckled and reached over, touching my hand. “Being here with you is all I need. I am so happy you brought me here. I do not need anything else. You sure know how to win a girl’s heart. I love me some steaks. After starving myself for a month, my mouth is watering up just thinking about sinking my teeth into the juicy meat.”

  Listening to her made me happy. I wanted to get through the meal and get down on my knees before her. It was one reason why I loved her so much. She was real all of the time. There was nothing fake about my baby.

  “Sir and madam,” the waiter said, interrupting us. “Are you ready to place your order?”

  “Baby?” I glanced over at Dallas; she was looking down at the menu. “You ready?”

  She nodded and turned toward the waiter. “Let’s start with the crispy lobster tail for the appetizer and the cowboy ribeye medium rare with roasted Brussel sprouts. Franco, what are you going to get?” She looked over at me.

  “Good choice, baby,” I said, smiling at her and looking down at my menu. My girl was not ashamed to eat real food. Another reason why I love her. I glanced up at the smiling waiter and caught him eyeing Dallas. I cleared my throat to get his attention, and he glanced over at me red-faced. I would let it pass. My girl was captivating. “I’m ready to place my order too,” I said, diverting his attention from Dallas. “Since you’re having lobster, I want the sizzling blue crab cakes. You can have a taste, baby.” I glanced back over at her, and she flashed me a winning smile. “I want the T-bone medium well and lobster mac & cheese. Can we also have a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon?”

  “Very well, sir,” the waiter said, nodding. “I will bring out your wine shortly. Let me send your orders to the kitchen.”

  He walked away and I glanced back over at Dallas. She was taking in the atmosphere. I loved to watch her. She was so animated and made everything much brighter in my world. I was eager to finish our food and get to the best part of the night. I used to wonder many times if I would find the love my parents had for one another, and now I had. Nine months ago, I met this magnificent woman who I hoped would become my other half, making me whole. We were from different backgrounds, but we meshed.

  Later on, after stuffing our bellies, it was show time. Glancing over at my baby, I chuckled because she was rubbing her tummy. She looked so cute. My hands were trembling from how on edge I felt. I had to distract her before I got down on my knees in this crowded restaurant. “Baby, you want dessert?” I searched through the crowd, signaling our waiter to bring over the dessert surprise. I had it all planned. I used a lot of my savings on Dallas’s ring from Tiffany’s and the birthday celebration, but she was worth all my pennies.

  “Ugh,” she groaned. “I am full. I don’t know if my tummy can hold anything else.”

  “No,” I insisted. “It’s your birthday, baby. Let’s share it.”

  “I know what you’re up to, Yankee,” she said, smiling. “I don’t want you singing Happy Birthday. I gorged myself. I feel like a little pig.”

  I laughed and spotted the waiter walking over to our table just in time with a bottle of champagne and the white-chocolate bread pudding dessert with a candle in the center.

  “Yankee,” she shrieked when the waiter put the dessert in front of her. “You’re such a sneak. You already ordered my favorite dessert. You’re going to help me finish it, buddy.”

  I smiled, watching her jovial expression. “Happy Birthday, baby.” Time for action. “Close your eyes and make a wish,” I said, inching out of my seat. I took the ring box out of my pocket when she shut her eyes. I stooped down in front of her. My heart was in my throat when she opened her eyes.

  “Oh my Lord!” Dallas screamed when she saw me kneeling in front of her with the ring in my hand. “Franco?”

  “Dallas Cowboy, from the moment I saw you, I knew you were special,” I said, swallowing hard. Tears gathered in her eyes, and I tried hard to keep my emotions under control. “You’re it for me, baby. I cannot imagine going through life without you by my side. I love you with all that is in me. I knew you were the one from the moment I saw you at Nova. It was the sweetest encounter that I had ever had, and I never felt for anyone the way I feel for you. You are the brightest part of my day, and it is hard to imagine you not being by my side. Will you marry me?”


  My heart pounded in my chest when I saw Franco kneeling beside me. Tears streamed down my face as I listened to him professing how much he loved me and wanted me to be his wife. He totally blindsided me because I had no clue he would be proposing tonight. The love I felt for him surpassed anything I ever felt before. I looked down into his beautiful green depths and knew that I could never refuse him anything. Yes,” I shouted, stretching out my left hand. “I’ll marry you. I love you too, Yankee.”

  “God, baby,” he said, sighing and squeezing my hand. “You have made me the happiest man alive. I adore you.” I gasped when he slipped the 2 ½-carat cushion-cut yellow diamond ring encircled by smaller white diamonds on my finger. It was exquisite and fit me perfectly.

  “Yankee, it’s beautiful,” I said, looking at it in awe. “I love the yellow diamond. It almost matches my eyes.”

  “Of course, my beautiful wife-to-be,” he said, reaching up to kiss me softly. I was giddy with happiness. I was engaged to the most amazing man. “That’s why I bought it. It reminde
d me of your beautiful amber eyes, my love.”

  I heard applause in the background from the other patrons. My cheeks colored up as I looked around the room. The waiter handed us two sleek glass of champagne to join in the celebration. “To us, gorgeous,” Franco said, touching my glass to his. “Drink up, baby, and don’t forget to blow out the candle on your dessert. It’s melting,” he reminded me.

  “Oh my Lord!” I exclaimed, looking at the diminishing candle on the white-chocolate bread pudding. “Well, you distracted me with your proposal.” I made a quick wish, blowing out what was left of the candle. Then I sank the spoon into the softness of the bread pudding, bringing it to my lips. Yum. I closed my eyes, relishing the sticky sweetness on my tongue. When I opened my eyes, Franco was chuckling and shaking his head. “What’s so funny? You want some?” I said, dipping the spoon back into the dessert.

  “Nah,” he said, shaking his head. “It’s yours, so eat up. We have to get back to my parents’ house. Everyone is waiting for us over there.”

  “What?” I said, still in shock. “Everyone is in on this. I thought it was only to celebrate my birthday.”

  “Baby, you’re not getting anything else out of me,” Franco said with a secret smile. “Let me take care of this bill. My dad is driving us back. He is waiting outside right now. After polishing off two bottles of wine and drinking this champagne, there’s no way I am driving.”

  I nodded and slurped up the sweet dessert, then gulped down the rest of the champagne. I felt dazed from all the excitement. I was getting married but this time to the right person. Franco was the best part of my life in New York. I was eager to spend the rest of my life with him. Heck, Hank proposed in front of Mama with a gaudy 4 ½-carat pink diamond ring. I hated to compare him and Franco, but what he did was hardly a grand gesture. I should have realized it then but felt pressured by Mama to marry him. Smiling, I glanced down at my amazing ring and felt choked up that he understood me. I never wanted a big, flashy diamond ring; it was not what impressed me. Franco purchased this ring with me in mind, and it made me love him more than ever.

  I received two dozen roses every day this week at the job and home. He gave me a diamond hairclip from Tiffany; it was in my hair right now. My spa day with Janique and Natalia was a gift from him too. I didn’t want to keep comparing him to Hank, but with all his money, he never did anything to wow me. Franco showed me more love than any other man besides Daddy. I glanced down at my ring again, still dazzled by it. I knew he spent a pretty penny on it, and for a hardworking man like Franco, it meant a lot. He wants me to be his wife. I am blessed. This country girl was engaged and would be marrying a city boy.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Dallas, two months later

  Time had flown by ever since I became engaged to Franco. It was now the middle of July, and I was planning my wedding along with Janique’s twenty-first birthday party. We would be getting married the second week in October. It was either that or next month, because the entire month of September was off limits because of Fashion Week. Besides New York, Diva Fashions would be displaying our 2019 spring wear in London, Milan, and Paris. Franco didn’t want to wait that long, but it was too much of a tight schedule. Besides, Texas was scorching hot in August, and I didn’t want my guests to be uncomfortable.

  The wedding would be taking place at our ranch in Fort Worth, Texas, and Daddy was chartering a couple of planes for Franco’s entire family and friends from the city. Everything had been crazy since the engagement. Thank God for wedding planners or else I would have had to quit my job. Mama hired a firm in Dallas, and they were organizing it. I flew down a couple times and met with Vivian, the planner. I told her how I wanted things to be or else Mama would’ve taken over the whole event.

  The guest list was getting out of control too, and I had to put a lid on it. Mama wanted to invite almost a thousand people, and that was not happening. I capped it at four hundred and fifty guests. Mikki wanted to design my dress, but it was too hectic with them preparing for the Fall Fashion week. My grandmother and mama would be in town next week to visit the Vera Wang wedding salon with me. I had to choose something soon because the clock was ticking. Janique would be the maid of honor, while Natalia, Beth, Poppy, and one of my sorority sisters, Maribel, were the other bridesmaids. My other backstabbing sorority sisters in Fort Worth, including Amber, were not invited. I wanted nothing to do with any of them. Patrick, Johnny, Holden, and Holt Jr. were the groomsmen, and Derrick was going to be Franco’s best man. My wedding looked as if it might be getting a little out of hand, but I refused to stress about.

  Janique’s birthday was a special occasion too; she would be inheriting 50 million dollars. I had set up a trust for her and Tyree almost seven years ago, and each of them would inherit the money at twenty-one. Aunt Dez would not be thrilled about it but I didn’t care. She had too much pride. My cousins deserved the money after all the years of struggle they went through. Janique’s birthday party was on Saturday at Nova. I rented out the entire club for the celebration.

  My ringing cell phone broke me out of my thoughts of the last two months. I glanced at the screen to see Daddy FaceTiming me. Smiling, I clicked on the screen of my iPhone.

  “Good evening, baby girl,” he said, smiling. “How’s my sugaplum doing?”

  I giggled because it was my old childhood nickname. “Daddy, stop calling me that!” I said, making faces at him. “I am about to be married soon.”

  “And? You’ll always be my baby girl,” he said, grinning. “Anyway, honeybun, did you talk to that boy of yours about the prenuptial agreement?”

  I groaned. This was not my favorite subject. Franco didn’t know how much I was worth. “Not yet, Daddy,” I said, biting my lips. “It has been so hectic. I haven’t had time.”

  “Stop dragging your feet, baby girl.” Daddy’s brows were wrinkled now. “The wedding will be here before you know it and you haven’t gotten that boy to sign it. What are you waiting on? Did you get a lawyer for him to look it over?”

  “Daddy, let’s not talk about it right now,” I said, rolling my eyes. “Franco doesn’t care about my money. I don’t know why I have to force him to sign a prenup. Is there a way to get around that?”

  “Dallas, don’t argue with me about this. You know it’s more involved than that. You don’t know what might happen in the future. I know you’re in love now, but look what happened with that other boy.”

  I sighed, worked up by the conversation. “Daddy, Franco is not Hank. Stop comparing them. Hank is a cheating bastard! And you know darn well Mama pushed me on him in the first place!” I was feeling heated from the conversation. “Franco ain’t from money but he is more of a man than that loser will ever be. He loves me and treats me like a queen. Is that not what you want for me? Huh?”

  “Calm down, baby girl,” he said, looking upset. “Of course I want what’s best for you. However, he cannot get married to you without signing it. Papa’s will stipulates that any man you marry has to sign a prenuptial agreement. He did it to protect you, baby girl. Now get him to sign it ASAP!”

  “Baby, is everything okay?” Franco asked, sticking his head out on the balcony where I was sitting. Oh, shoot! I didn’t hear him coming in. My heart sped up in my chest.

  “Daddy,” I said, glancing at the screen. “I have to go now.”

  “I am not done with this conversation, Dallas!” Daddy’s face was beet-red now. He was never this upset with me before. I had to calm the situation. “Let me know your decision. Talk with you soon, baby girl.”

  “Okay, Daddy, I love you,” I said, trying to make it better. I hated it when he was mad. He was like a lion.

  “Love you too, honeybun,” he said gruffly. “Call me. You hear?”

  “Okay. Talk to you soon,” I said, ending the call. A feeling of dread spread through me. I glanced over at Franco; his brows were pushed together, and I knew he heard some of the conversation. I am in a pickle.

  “Baby, what’s going
on?” he said, walking over to me with a crease on his temple. “I heard you arguing with your dad. Is there something that you need to tell me?”

  “Um, you’re early,” I said, glancing at him. “I thought you were working late tonight.”

  “I got off early and wanted to surprise you.” There was still a frown on his face. “But the surprise is on me. What’s going on, Dallas? What’s this about a prenuptial agreement? You want to explain that?”

  “Yeah, we need to talk about that,” I said, feeling out of sorts. He looked mad. “Come on, sit down next to me.”

  “I don’t want your money. Understand?” He sighed and sat in front of me. “If your daddy wants me to sign away all rights, then give me the paper and pen. I love you and don’t give a shit about all that stuff. What’s wrong with your parents? Do I look like the fucking type to use you like that other bastard you were engaged to? Huh? I work fucking hard for my money and love doing it. I am my own man!”

  “Yankee, calm down,” I said, reaching over to touch him. Great, the most important men in my life are upset with me now. I should have told Franco about it a long time ago. When we were just boyfriend and girlfriend, I did not think much about it. Things became real when he asked me to be his wife. “I know you do, and it’s one of the reasons why I love you so much. But a lot is involved, and I should’ve explained it more to you.”

  “Isn’t it supposed to be your daddy’s money?” Franco asked, glancing at me. “He wants to protect his money and that’s fine with me. Where are the papers?”

  “Your lawyer has to be present. Franco, the money isn’t my father’s. It’s mine.”


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