Wicked Darkness

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Wicked Darkness Page 7

by Victoria Zak

  “Davina, something is verra wrong with MacTavish. He’s sick.”

  “MacTavish?” Kendrick roared as he donned his tunic.

  “Da, I’m sorry. He needs yer help,” Anna pleaded.

  “I told ye to stay away from him.” He turned to Davina. “Did ye know she was out with the lad?”

  “Kendrick, this is no’ the time to be scolding yer daughter.” Davina turned to Anna. “I can help. Where’s the lad?”


  LEANA FOLLOWED Anna out of the keep to where a black horse waited. Anna mounted, then helped Leana climb up behind her. They reached a thatched-roofed cottage. The stench of rotting flesh filled the air, and Leana dismounted. She could hear the sick lad moaning from inside the hut.

  Leana opened the door, sensing death all around her. MacTavish was sprawled out on a pallet covered in sweat and writhing in pain. He was dying.

  As were his parents, who were on cots next to MacTavish and covered in black blisters, their skin ashen.

  “Can ye help him?” Anna stepped inside, a cloth held across her nose and mouth.

  “Anna, go home.”

  “Nay, I will no’ leave him. He needs me.”

  “Anna,” Leana warned. “I can no allow ye inside this house. Death will claim everyone here. Ye’re no’ safe.”

  “What about ye?”

  “By the mercy of the gods, I’ll be well. Please, Anna, go.”

  Tears streamed down the lass’s face as she turned and ran out of the house.

  Leana knelt next to the lad and felt his forehead. He was on fire.

  “Please, help me,” he whispered. “I tried to save mum and da. I was too late. One day they were well, dead the next.”

  Leana had heard tales of the Black Death spreading in shipyards, but never seen it this far inland. It ravaged peoples’ bodies without mercy. And the lad had only moments to live.

  Leana sat back on her heels. Should she risk everything she’d worked so hard for to heal the boy? The answer came without hesitation. Aye, Anna loved him. Though she’d disobeyed her father to be with him, Leana understood forbidden love. If MacTavish were Kendrick, she’d do anything to save him.

  “Today the gods have showed ye mercy. I can help ye.” Leana bit into the skin on her wrist, then offered her blood to the lad. ‘Drink.” Blood dripped into his mouth.

  Within seconds, he grew hungrier, latching onto her arm and pulling it closer, sucking her blood. The more he drank, the stronger he got.


  By the gods, what was Kendrick doing there? She yanked her arm away from MacTavish.

  Kendrick entered the cottage. “Are ye hurt?”

  “Nay, but ye must leave.”

  “I won’t leave ye here alone. What can I do to help?’

  Leana looked up at him. “Check the rest of tenants. Bring me the sick and burn the dead.”


  Kendrick lifted MacTavish’s mother from her pallet.

  “Wait.” Leana ripped a strip of material from the hem of her gown.

  “Cover yer nose and mouth to keep death from entering yer body.”

  He put the body down and did as Davina had instructed.

  “Kendrick, whatever ye do, dinnae look into the eyes of the dead.”

  Kendrick nodded.

  Hours later, twenty sick men, women, and children filled the cottage, all laid out on makeshift pallets. There was no room to walk. Secretly, Leana had fed them her blood until they were on the mend, resting peacefully. She’d found some sage and cleansed the house of all evil. She’d washed their skin with rosewater to chase death from their bodies. She’d even used her power to absorb their pain. By doing so much for them, she’d left herself vulnerable and weak. She hadn’t fed in a long time, but was strong enough to heal these people.

  What had compelled her to save these families? Her love for Anna? Or was it to redeem herself from taking Davina’s life? She knew she was toying with destiny, and not even a blood drinker had the right to interfere with fate.

  Whatever the truth, helping the sick made her feel needed. Healing a mother

  so she could hold her child again, or a man so he could hold the woman he loved, made the risk to her own wellbeing worth it.

  A woman coughed as she struggled to get Leana’s attention. “Thank ye for helping us.”

  Leana smiled as she knelt and held the woman’s hand. “What do ye mean?”

  “Ye came for our souls. But ye chose mercy instead.”

  How could a human possibly know that?

  “Ye’re the Angel of Death.”

  Leana laughed. “If I were the Angel of Death, ye’d be dead.”

  “Ye offered yer blood to all of us. Ye healed us.”

  Leana knew what she had to do—charm the woman into believing another story. “What ye witnessed was a miracle from yer god. Not from me.”

  The woman nodded as she struggled to keep her eyes open. She laid the woman’s hand on her chest, then tucked the blanket around her.

  Relief washed over Leana as she stood—the woman wouldn’t remember.

  But what if someone else had seen her offer her blood to the dying? She prayed the others wouldn’t remember her as the Angel of Death.

  She couldn’t erase their memories, then they’d completely forget her, and that would raise suspicion with Kendrick and Anna who knew she was there.

  Suddenly, the room began to spin and Leana couldn’t breathe. She needed air.

  A blast of cold air hit her as she stumbled outside gasping for air. It was happening all over again. When would she learn to accept life for what it was? She had no right to change their fate. Because of her poor judgment, she could end up dead.

  Ye saved these people out of love.

  Conflicted, Leana staggered to a nearby tree and sat. So many thoughts raged inside her. It had felt right to help Kendrick’s tenants, especially MacTavish. But in doing so, she’d sacrificed her own life. All she could do was pray that the old woman would stay silent.

  Why must I tempt fate?

  A blood drinker didn’t belong in this realm. She was a monster for taking Davina’s life and the two lads from the blacksmith shop. Everywhere she went, death followed.

  Burning flesh filled her senses. Leana pulled herself up and followed the

  smell. Ash mixed with snow flurried around Kendrick as he burned the last body. Lines etched his face, shattering her heart. She couldn’t imagine the loss he was feeling. His tenants were like family.

  She prayed the suffering was over.

  Kendrick met Leana’s gaze. She was tired and didn’t know what to say or do to ease his pain. Holding back a flood of tears, Leana took a deep breath.

  Her mouth opened but nothing came out.

  In long purposeful strides, Kendrick approached, pulling down the cloth covering his mouth. He took her head in his hands. “Are ye well, lass?”

  She nodded, and Kendrick tugged her into his arms. The warmth of his touch chased away all of Leana’s fears. He squeezed her tight as she wrapped her arms around him, burying her head against his neck. She couldn’t hold in the tears anymore.

  “I’m taking ye home, Davina.” Kendrick picked her up, cradling her in his arms. “I’m going to take care of ye,” he whispered.

  Davina? She wanted to tell him she was a fraud—she didn’t deserve to live Davina’s life anymore. With her body withered in exhaustion, she laid her head against his chest, ready to tell him the truth. She opened her mouth, then shut it. Nay. She took in his warmth. She couldn’t let him go—not tonight.


  KENDRICK PACED outside his chamber where Davina slept. Knowing what had happened the last time they were alone made him nervous. He wanted her.

  Each time he checked on her, his resolve broke a little more. The desire to slip in bed and hold her proved to be more than he could handle.

  What are ye waiting for, eejit?

  Taking a deep breath, he opened the door. He peeked at
the bed but Davina wasn’t there. “Davina,” he called.


  He walked in. “How are ye?” Davina was in the tub.

  “I’m well, thank ye.”

  He averted his gaze. “I’m sorry. I didnae know ye were…”


  “Aye.” He raked his fingers through his hair. “I’ll come back later.”


  Kendrick walked closer as he rubbed the tension from the back of his neck. “Ye look well.”

  “A wee bit of sleep and a hot bath does the body good. It was nice of Anna to draw me a bath.”

  “Anna did this?”

  “Aye. I think she’s beginning to like me.” She smiled.

  “I’m sorry for accusing ye of knowing about Anna sneaking off with the MacTavish lad.”

  “Kendrick, I did know.”


  “Please dinnae be mad. Anna told me where she was going. I talked to her about the lad, love, and the consequences of her actions. She’s a smart lass. Ye need to trust her.”

  “’Tis no’ her I dinnae trust.”

  “I know. But mayhap if ye let her make her own decisions, yer relationship with her will be better. I can assure ye, there is no lad that comes before her da. She loves ye.”

  Kendrick should be mad at Davina for betraying his trust, but he couldn’t be. She was right. Anna had been rebelling against his rules because, truthfully, he’d been an arse. Anna was old enough to make her own decisions even though they might not be what he wanted for her.

  Kendrick pulled up a chair and sat next to the tub. “I dinnae know when it happened, but me first born has grown up right before me eyes and I was too blind to see it.”

  “Ye’re a good father.” Davina placed her wet hand on his thigh. “Ye are allowed to make mistakes. She forgives ye. She misses her mother.”

  “Aye.” He exhaled heavily. “’Tis time for a new beginning.” He glanced at Davina, and she gave him a warm smile.

  “I’m glad ye finally realize that.”

  “Thanks to ye, Davina.” Their gazes locked.

  Mutual hunger pulled them closer together. Her wet hair clung to her pale skin, and the fire in the hearth cast a soft glow over her body. By the saints, he wanted the lass.

  “Do ye want to join me, Kendrick?” She pinned him with a wicked grin that she knew he couldn’t resist.

  He stared at her full lips and couldn’t deny himself any longer. He stood and removed his tunic. He unlaced his trews, allowing them to fall to floor.

  Her gaze heated his body as she looked him up and down, approving of his masculine physique.

  She licked her lips. “From the first day I met ye, I imagined how ye’d look naked.”

  “Och, lass, do I meet yer expectations?”

  “Oh, aye.” She winked.

  Kendrick stepped inside the tub. The warm water and the smell of roses soothed his body as he sat down in front of Davina. “I have a confession of me own.”

  “Ye do?” She handed him a wet cloth, then turned so her back faced him.

  She pulled her hair over her shoulder.

  “I’ve dreamt many times of making love to ye.” He rubbed the cloth across her back.

  Slowly, she turned around. It was hard to read her thoughts. Did she want him in that way? Had he overstepped his boundaries again? He prayed not.

  “Davina, I’m sorry. I didnae mean to make ye feel uncomfortable. I should leave.”

  Feeling like a fool, he began to stand. Davina grabbed his hand and pulled him back down into the water. “Ye are a daft man, Kendrick the Fletcher. If I didnae want things between us to go further than friendship, I would no’ have asked ye to get naked and share a bath with me.”

  Kendrick chuckled. “Ye’re right. ‘Tis been a long time.”

  Davina moved closer, straddling his lap. She rose from the water and cupped his face. “I think ye know I want ye. We have all night.” She dipped her head down and claimed his lips.

  Wanting to taste more, he plunged his tongue in her mouth, deepening the kiss. He pulled her onto his lap. As if he wasn’t hard enough from seeing her naked, her wet, hot heat brushed against his cock. “God’s bones, Davina,” he moaned against her neck. “Ye set me on fire.”

  “’Tis a good thing we’re sitting in water.”

  “No amount of water can extinguish these flames.” He trailed kisses down her neck. The lass was quickly sending him over the edge. By tasting every delectable inch of her, it grew harder to resist.

  He cupped her breasts, admiring their perfection. “Ye’re verra beautiful.”

  He dipped his head and claimed a nipple in his mouth.

  “Kendrick,” she reached between them and wrapped her hand around his cock. “Make love to me,” she whispered in his ear.

  With one thrust, he buried himself deep inside. White light flickered behind his eyes and his body came to life, as if every nerve ending ignited all at once. “Incredible.”

  “I never felt anything like it. Do it again.”

  He cupped her arse with both hands and guided her up and down his cock. Water sloshed, spilling over the tub. It was like some primal beast had taken him over. Davina. All he could think about was her. The way she felt, hot and wet. Her soft breasts pressed against his chest. The taste of her salty skin…

  Her body stiffened as he pumped into her harder and faster. Aye, he liked

  it like that, how she threw her head back in ecstasy, the way she clawed at his hands as pleasure overtook them both. Her lips parted and she moaned his name. Nothing was sweeter than hearing his name coming for her mouth.

  She trembled as he watched her shatter right before him. His own body begged for release. He cupped her face. “Look at me.”

  She met his eyes, and that’s all it took—he came so hard it shook him to the core.

  She melted against his chest, and he held her close, kissing the top of her head. “Was this as good as yer dream?” she asked.

  “Davina, ye are what good dreams are made of. However, good does no’

  come close to describing how I’m feeling right now.”

  “So.” She sat up. “I’ve pleased ye?” She smiled wickedly.

  “Och, lass, beyond.” He winked as he took her hand and brought it to his lips. Her fingertips where wrinkled from soaking in the water so long. “I think we should get dry and warm before we catch our deaths.”

  She smiled. “Aye, however I can no’ stand. “Ye’ve left me boneless.”

  “I can help.” Kendrick pulled her into his arms and stood. “Once yer ready, I want to love ye properly.”

  “Kendrick, if what ye just did to me wasn’t proper, then I must be in for a treat.”

  “Och, lass, I’m just getting started.”

  “Who are ye?” Leana whispered as she traced Kendrick’s jawline with her finger while he slept. A tingle spread across her stomach as she recalled the roughness of that stubble against her inner thighs. What he’d done with his tongue had rendered her speechless.

  There was no denying it; some kind of magic had happened between them. As if they were destined to be together.

  She took in the hard lines of his face. Sorrow filled her, for she knew the story behind those lines. Leaning in, she placed a soft kiss on his parted lips.

  “I love ye, Kendrick the Fletcher.”

  His dark eyelashes rested on his cheeks, reminding her of a mighty raven’s wing. He was her undoing.

  It surprised her how heavy her lies weighed on her heart. “Ye deserve

  better.” She threaded her fingers through his long, sorrel hair. Beyond being attracted to him, Kendrick had changed her. She no longer wanted to hide her true self. She wanted him to know everything about her, but how could she tell him? It would cost her everything.

  Carefully, she climbed out of bed and dressed. Before she could open her heart to Kendrick, there was one person she had to make peace with.

  Leana rode
her horse through the thick snow blanketing the forest. There was little time to waste before morn broke. Kendrick would be up and wondering where she’d gone. Leana leaned over her horse’s neck and said, “God speed, beastie.”

  A clearing not far from the tavern came into view. Giving the reins a tug, Leana halted and dismounted next to a rowan tree. The berries glowed red against the snow collecting on its branches. Leana took in the glory of winter.

  Flurries floated to the ground in an enchanting dance. The air was cold and crisp and burned her lungs whenever she took a deep breath.

  She knelt in front of Davina’s shallow grave. An image flashed through her mind, the lass staring up at her from her resting place. She hadn’t suffered. Leana laid her to rest peacefully, but that didn’t make it right. It was wrong to take Davina’s life, but most of all, to trick her.

  She could have saved Davina, but hadn’t. All because of her own selfish desire to live as a human again.

  She’d tried to change her fate before and look where that landed her.

  Forever beautiful...forever a blood drinker…forever Baobhan sith.

  Even blood drinkers had to obey fate. Life was such a fragile thing; she’d taken Davina’s without a care.

  The only way to make amends with Davina was for Leana to purify her soul by becoming who she was meant to be. No more lies, no false hopes about being human.

  “Davina, I took something precious from ye. I could have healed ye.”

  Leana swallowed back tears. “I’d say I’m sorry, but deep down, I’m no’. If it wasn’t for ye, I would no’ be standing here a changed woman. Ye made me see life is precious. I believe the gods brought us together. Ye must think I’m mad. I’m dammed and do no’ deserve the gods’ mercy nor yer forgiveness.

  So, I will no’ ask ye to forgive me. Just know, ye were the angel who saved me.”

  Tears streamed down Leana’s cheeks and fell onto the grave. She covered her face with both hands and wept. A warm sensation spread across her skin.

  The scent of heather and bog myrtle wafted through the air. Leana looked up.


  Even though she couldn’t see her, Leana felt Davina’s embrace. It gave her comfort knowing Davina had forgiven her.


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