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Then There Was New York

Page 2

by Kristina Garlick

  Mac: “Okay, you got me liquored up. Now explain everything.”

  Riley: “Oh, I like it when you’re bossy.”

  Mac: “Riley, I am this close to performing a civilian arrest.”

  Riley: “Wouldn’t it be more of a superhero arrest?”

  Mac: “I’m not going to ask again.”

  Riley: “Fine. Besides, being able to travel back in time, I have the ability to stand outside of time, which allows me to be invisible while traveling back to a point in history, if I so choose. Having also developed this ability, I can also now capture time and bend it to my will, thus how I was able to protect you from debris when I fired that nifty rocket launcher.”

  Mac: “What I don’t understand is how you can be so casual about this. People died.”

  Riley: “Have another shot and I will tell you a story.”

  Mac: “You are trying to get me drunk.”

  I shoved another shot of whiskey in Mac’s hand and as he downed it, I carefully watched as a man asked this girl to dance. The girl was reluctant as her friend was running late and there was no one to watch her purse. That was when Steve introduced himself and Peter, his brother, eagerly jumped in and said that he would watch Molly’s things. Foolishly, Molly agreed to the dance and she began to grind on the dance floor with Steve.

  Mac: “So about that story?”

  Riley: “When I use—sonofabitch.”

  Mac: “What?”

  Riley: “A man just lifted a woman’s wallet.”

  Mac: “Are you sure?”

  Riley: “I’ve been watching them since they walked over to her.”

  Mac: “Where is the woman?”

  Riley: “She is dancing with the other brother and no, she does not know either of them on a personal level.”

  Mac: “Well then, it was her own fault trusting a stranger with her valuables.”

  Riley: “And you call yourself a hero.”

  Mac: “Riley, what are you going to do?”

  I took a shot of whiskey before getting up from my stool. I really hated whiskey, but at least it went down warm and helped me relax. Afterwards, I walked over to Peter, who was signaling for Molly and Steve to return. I waited for Molly to be within earshot before I decide to confront him.

  Riley: “I saw you steal her wallet. Give it back.”

  Expecting Peter to deny my words, I almost wasn’t prepared for him to take off running—almost. Just as he tried to run past me, I got ahold of his shirt and slammed him against the bar before punching him in the gut. Next, I pulled Molly’s wallet out of a now-hunched-over-Peter’s hoodie pocket. As I turned to give the wallet back to Molly, I got bashed with a bar stolen by Steve, which caused me drop the wallet.

  Riley: “Big mistake.”

  I picked Steve up by his throat and chucked him across the room. Not even a few seconds later, I felt a blade in my back and as I spun around, I got stabbed again by Paul, which was an even bigger mistake. My skin suddenly transformed into time energy and my hair became bright white. The look of horror on Paul’s face was well deserved as I erased him from time.

  Transforming back to myself, I picked up the wallet and handed it to the woman. Molly took the wallet, grabbed her purse, and fled. I didn’t blame Molly for fleeing in terror or mind the deafening silence that had fallen over the bar, followed by whispers of me being a freak. Frowning, I ordered the bartender to give me a bottle of rum; he obliged without any argument and then I walked out the door. Once again, I was reminded that I would never be a hero.

  As I walked outside, I was greeted by the chilly night air and aching wounds. The rum would help ease the pain until the wounds healed. In the meantime, I would just go home and pretend today never happened, but for some damnable reason, Mac wouldn’t let me be.

  Mac: “What the fuck just happened inside?”

  Riley: “I tried to do the right thing and got stabbed, so I erased the would-be murderer from time.”

  Mac: “You can do that?”

  Riley: “I am time. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I am in a terrible amount of pain. And I am also sure the cops are on their way.”

  Mac: “Is your life like this, every day? This is the second time you are fleeing from the cops.”

  Riley: “Can you fly me home?”

  Mac: “Probably should have done that prior to the bar.”

  Riley: “Unfortunately, I can’t use my powers right now or I might bleed out. So the bar happened, and it is what it is.”

  Mac sent a quick text on his phone before activating his flight belt. He then told me to get on his back and to hold on tight. I made some joke about owing Mac a new shirt for having bled on this one, but other than that, we flew to my mansion in silence.

  Mac: “So this is where you are living now.”

  Riley: “Yep. You know, most of the time, it’s just me hanging out with Alyssa or training to keep us safe. I don’t go out much, other than to make money at various gambling establishments. I haven’t been on a date since prior to turning into the monster that I am, and whatever Jordan and I had doesn’t count, as we never went out.”

  Mac: “I’ve seen monsters both living and dead; trust me, you are not one.”

  Riley: “Look at me. I’m a bloody mess. If Alyssa is still awake and she sees me like this—”

  Unexpectedly, Mac took off his jacket and placed it on me. The kind action took me back for a second. Mac might be my friend but I am use to having my guard up around even him.

  Mac: “Now, if Alyssa is awake, she will not see any blood. You will be able to scurry to your room without anyone knowing what you were up to earlier today. I also had Hailey disrupt and erase all the cameras within a two-mile radius of the building you demolished and during the whole time we were at the bar. The text I sent before we took off was letting Hailey know it was okay to turn the cameras back on, but to wait five minutes before she did so.”

  Riley: “So nothing was recorded.”

  Mac: “Nope. I will say, having to watch my back all that while I was on the run from Broderick left me a bit paranoid. I must be getting sloppy though, as I didn’t have one of the camera scramblers on me.”

  Riley: “You still got the job done, Mac. You are a true hero.”

  Mac: “You could be one too.”

  Riley: “Would you let me name the superhero team?”

  Mac: “We don’t need a name.”

  Riley: “Do I need to reference your comic series?”

  Mac: “Why don’t you come up with a name for yourself first and then we will talk?”

  Riley: “I accept your challenge.”

  Mac shook his head.

  Mac: “Just get inside. Arcadia or I will be by tomorrow to check on you, now that I know where you live.”

  Riley: “Probably going to move soon, so don’t get too used to the location.”

  Mac: “Night, Riley.”

  Riley: “Night.”

  Chapter 2

  October 3rd, 12:04 a.m.

  The minute I walked into my home, instantly, I knew something was wrong as I was not greeted by Mary, who ran the day-to-day affairs of my household. My first thought went to Alyssa and how I would rip the very essence of time apart if anyone hurt her. If anyone had been foolish enough to attack my house, I swore their death would be painful and without mercy.

  As I cautiously began walking through the house, I noticed several of my guards were dead and there was no staff to be found. Whoever the attacker was, at least he didn’t get off on hurting civilians. Nevertheless, I was still pissed off as I cared about all my employees and their families.

  When I started up the stairs, my heart began to race. Every fiber of my being said that my niece was still alive, but I had no confirmation of this when I entered Alyssa’s bedroom as she was not there. A sudden rage began to fill me and I texted Mac to tell him that I would be creating a body count shortly as someone had fucked with the wrong person. After I murdered all the sons of bitches who were responsible for the
attack on my home, I would go back in time and do it again, but also keep everyone safe the second go round.

  Suddenly, I heard a noise coming from my nearby study. Despite the fact that it would delay my wound from healing and possibly open it up again, I become walking time energy as I had before. Then I charged into my study, ready to fight, but to dismay, I saw no one.

  Riley: “Come out, you coward.”

  A rather large foot with a great force behind it, knocked me into the wall. The impact caused me to change back to my normal form. I felt the wounds open up and blood begin to pour out, but I paid no heed as I quickly turned around.

  Riley: “Jordan. I should have known it was you.”

  Jordan: “I didn’t … I—you’re bleeding.”

  I could tell Jordan wasn’t expecting to see me.

  Riley: “Where’s Alyssa?”

  Jordan: “Safe.”

  Riley: “Tell me, or you better pray to whatever fucking God you believe in because I will rip every time particle apart from your body.”

  Jordan: “You’re in no condition to do such a thing.”

  Once again, I transformed into my time form but as I did, shooting pain coursed through my body. Rather than pass out, I reverted back to my original form. I might not be able to take down Jordan in my current state, nor could my rocket launcher, but he would pay if he harmed even a hair on Alyssa’s head.

  Jordan: “As I said, you are in no condition to fight me. So I ask again, what happened to you?”

  Riley: “What can I say? You aren’t the only one who can change their skin.”

  Jordan: “Riley, this isn’t the time for jokes. Who stabbed you? I swear if it was one of my men, I will rip the spine from his body.”

  I was starting to feel lightheaded.

  Riley: “Don’t act like you love me. Did you ever?”

  Jordan: “I could ask you the same thing? Fuck’s sake, you shot a rocket launcher at me.”

  Riley: “Fifty-fifty shot whether or not you would teleport out of the way, but regardless, I knew it would take out your minions.”

  Jordan: “So you did mean to kill me. Ouch.”

  Riley: “I told you to stay … I told you …”

  Jordan: “You’re looking a little pale; you might want to sit down.”

  Jordan grabbed my arm and I swatted at it.

  Riley: “Don’t touch me. Where’s … where’s …”

  Jordan: “Stubborn as ever, I see.”

  Riley: “Answer the damn question, Jordan.”

  My knees gave out and I collapsed to the ground.

  Jordan: “Stop being so fucking difficult, Riley, and tell me what happened.”

  Riley: “Got stabbed twice … bar fight. You—you should see the other guy.”

  I gave my best half-hearted grin.

  Jordan: “We need to get you to the hospital.”

  Riley: “I can’t die. Fuck. Hurts like shit though.”

  With a shaky hand, I reached into my pocket and took out my cell phone. Then I sent an S.O.S. text to Arcadia, which I was surprised that Jordan let me do. I wasn’t sure how much longer I was going to stay awake, but regardless, it didn’t bode well for achieving my merciless violent rampage against those who had attacked my home, including Jordan.

  Riley: “Jordan.”

  Jordan: “I am here, Riley.”

  Shit, did I say that out loud? And why was I reaching out to lightly touch Jordan’s face? Danger alert. I needed to get up and run away; yet, when I attempted to, I felt my knees give out. I was vaguely aware of Jordan catching me, but that was the last thing I remembered before everything faded away …

  January 15th, 3 years

  I shouldn’t have been at the office. I especially shouldn’t have been at the office after-hours. I was in the bad part of town, and I didn’t need the file that badly, but I was here now, so I must as well run inside quickly. What I’d thought would only be a minute turned into several hours as I got sidetracked working on a project that wasn’t due for a couple more days. When I finally left my office, it was after 1:00 a.m. and I silently cursed my foolish actions, especially since I had parked across the street. Maybe, had it been cold and snowy, I would have never returned to work for something I could have dealt with on Monday, but the warm Friday night found me in quite a predicament.

  Shady Man: “I was wondering if you were ever going to leave.”

  Riley: “Who are you?”

  Shady Man: “Why don’t you ask your brother?”

  Riley: “I haven’t seen him in months.”

  Shady Man: “I would believe that. I have been following you for some time.”

  Riley: “What do you want?”

  Shady Man: “The money that your brother stole from me.”

  Riley: “Callan hasn’t sent me or his daughter any money in over a year, and that was a pittance compared to what it requires to raise a child. So, whatever my brother stole from you, I suggest that you take it up with him because he abandoned his family.”

  Shady Man: “That may be true, but that’s the wrong answer, girlie.”

  Knowing that the man was about to do something to me, I swung my heavy purse at my would-be attacker. As he was momentarily stunned, I took off running towards my car. I began screaming in hopes of attracting attention, but if anyone heard, no one came to my aid. Regrettably, I was not quick enough to get into my car as the shady man tackled me to the ground just as I was about to open the car door.

  I tried my best to fight the man, but he had a good eighty pounds on me. When he managed to get me pinned to the ground, I knew that I stood no chance. As I screamed once more, the man went wild, unleashing a torrent of punches before standing up and kicking me several times.

  I was in excruciating pain but the man would still not stop assault. As I began to drift in and out, I thought I was surely dying but fate must have had other plans for me. Through half-opened eyes I saw a tall, shadowy man snap the neck of my assailant. The individual who had saved me was talking to someone, but I wasn’t sure who. The words, “She will be the perfect candidate,” would forever be burned into my memory and my body.

  The person who was being spoken too cradled me in his arms, and it was a he when I felt his body against me. As for my hero; he was far from that as he injected something into my arm. Within seconds, my body was on fire and I felt pain far worse than what the shady man had inflicted upon my body.

  Riley: “My daughter … protect Alyssa.”

  October 3rd, 9:30 a.m.

  Gasping, I woke up in a hospital bed that looked to be in the den of someone’s house. It only took me a few seconds to realize that I was hooked up to an IV bag and several other machines. Annoyed, I yanked all the wires out of my body. I had told Jordan that I would be okay, as I assumed this was his doing, and the fact was that he never listened, which had always been his problem.

  The door was locked but before I could break it open, it swung open. Two doctors ran into the room and rushed to the now-empty bed. I closed the door ever so slightly and slowly made my way over to them.

  Doctor 1: “What are you doing out of bed?”

  Riley: “Tell me where I am.”

  Doctor 2: “You should listen to Dr. McVie.”

  Riley: “I can’t die.”

  Doctor 2: “Everyone dies.”

  Riley: “No, and trust me when I say I’ve tried. Now, I am getting annoyed. Where is Jordan?”

  Doctor 1: “Jordan?”

  Riley: “Your boss.”

  Doctor 2: “You mean the Red Shadow?”

  I rolled my eyes.

  Riley: “Yes.”

  Doctor 1: “I believe he is skeet shooting in the backyard.”

  Without saying another word, I exited the den and made my way down the stairs. There were plenty of guards around, with assault weapons scattered throughout the house, but none of them seemed surprised that I was walking around. Jordan must have told the guards to stand down and let me pass; otherwise I would have
murdered them. Sure, a random asshole at a bar might have been able to inflict damage on me, but that was only because I’d underestimated my opponent and that would not happen again. I was in mama bear mode now, so anyone standing between my niece and I … it wouldn’t end well for them.

  When I finally made my way outside, true to the good doctor’s words, Jordan was skeet shooting. He was so engrossed in shooting that Jordan didn’t notice that I grabbed a shotgun from a table behind him and pointed it at him.

  It was only when I pressed the shotgun against his back that Jordan turned around. At first, Jordan looked startled, but after a quick laugh, he teleported a few feet away. Shaking my head, I thought about how I should have just shot him.

  Riley: “Nice horns.”

  Jordan: “Only come out for you, baby.”

  Whenever Jordan teleported, these demon-like horns would pop out of his head. Jordan said the horns were what gave him the ability to teleport, but he was full of shit. It was the chemicals that Broderick had pumped through his veins that had given Jordan his powers, just as I had gotten mine. Jordan was the first test patient that had survived the serum and unlike me, who was the second, he had volunteered. After Jordan and me, every other test subject died as the serum was very volatile. It was only towards the very end of Broderick’s reign that the power serum was perfected.

  Back to Jordan; besides being able to teleport, he could turn his skin red and scaly. Jordan was not invincible as Broderick was, but it would take a weapon of serious force to make him bleed if was in his “Red Shadow” form. Red Shadow; what a dumbass moniker. Finally, Jordan’s last ability was that he could control people by singing; this power only worked on normal folk.


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