Grier: “I accept your terms as my wish is only to see you happy.”
Riley: “Thank you, Prince Grier. I wish more men were like you.”
Grier: “Riley, by the time the three weeks are up, you will discover that I am one of a kind.”
Riley: “Is that so?”
Grier: “Yes, as I will not force you to come with me, but you will of your own accord.”
Riley: “And if I don’t?”
Grier: “I will have no choice but to marry Queen Kalana, but it won’t come to that. You’re going to fall in love with me.”
Chapter 10
May 12th, 7:28 a.m.
Tomorrow was the day that Prince Grier’s ship was going to land on Earth and before I knew it, he would be gone. Arcadia and Mac had taken care of the details so that the government wouldn’t cause any problems. Basically, Arcadia had told the president and his staff that if they did anything stupid, it could endanger Earth. I think, for the most part, the various governments of the world trusted us superheroes, which was a vastly different world than the world Broderick had envisioned, where he would have preferred us all dead or under his control.
Arcadia: “You seem distracted.”
Riley: “Just looking at the baby clothing and wondering how it can be so expensive when it’s so small.”
Arcadia laughed.
Arcadia: “I would have thought it would have been Grier.”
Riley: “I’m trying not to think about him.”
Arcadia: “You two have been getting awfully close.”
Riley: “Going out a few times with a guy doesn’t constitute getting close.”
Arcadia: “What about sleeping with him?”
Riley: “I just felt bad that a freaking prince was sleeping on my living room floor. My spare room doesn’t have a bed as you know.”
Arcadia: “So you haven’t slept together.”
Riley: “No, he doesn’t want to.”
Arcadia: “A man who doesn’t want sex?”
Riley: “Believe me, Grier desires sex, but unless I go back with him to his planet, he doesn’t think we should sleep together. He said the bond between us would be unbearable if I stayed here.”
Arcadia: “So go with him.”
Riley: “To another planet, which is in another galaxy? That is crazy!”
Arcadia: “You are his mate.”
Riley: “You don’t actually believe that shit?”
Arcadia: “We have seen a lot of crazy things over the years and you are capable of doing far more than the rest of us humans. The way that he looks at you, Grier obviously has feelings for you.”
Riley: “Grier just thinks that he loves me. You can’t fall in love with someone in three weeks. He can’t love me.”
Arcadia: “You rarely talk about Jordan, but wasn’t that a short relationship and didn’t you love him?”
Riley: “Look what happened there.”
Arcadia: “Tell me you don’t feel something.”
Riley: “I do. And if he lived on our planet, I would be more than willing to see it through, but again, another galaxy.”
Arcadia: “So if it doesn’t work, take one of his ships and come home.”
Riley: “What if he won’t let me? What if the connection I feel is some kind of Vonnela illusion? What if—”
Arcadia: “You can’t let what-ifs rule your life. Before Mac and I got together, I was scared to make that leap from friend to something more but I’m glad that I did. We have two wonderful children and soon I will be a grandmother. For everything that you have done, what do you have to show for it? When was the last time you put yourself first?”
Riley: “Need I remind you about the Broderick incident?”
Arcadia: “But it didn’t happen, and you saved New York. You also saved the world many times over the last twenty-five years. So I am telling you this as a friend: be selfish. Go with Grier.”
Riley: “Okay, you convinced me. I will tell him tonight.”
Arcadia squealed with delight.
Arcadia: “You know what that calls for?”
Riley: “Leaving this expensive store and getting pizza?”
Arcadia: “Piffle. You can’t take the money with you, and so what if I want to spoil my future grandson? The pizza part was correct though.”
After pizza, manicures, and many more hours at the mall I finally got home. Since this was our last time shopping together, Arcadia might have convinced me to go a little crazy buying new things for my earthly departure. She reminded me that we would see one another again; otherwise, how had my older Riley gotten the Nital to our planet? Also, the naughty woman that Arcadia was convinced me to get some sexy lingerie, which was now uncomfortably worn under my clothing.
When I got home, Grier was asleep on a chair in the living room with a book in his lap. I let out a shaky breath, removed the book, and climbed on top of him. Then I began kissing his neck while I ground against him and allowed my hands to explore. After a few seconds, he came awake and eagerly kissed me.
Riley: “I will go with you.”
Grier needed no further encouragement as he lifted me up and hastily carried me into the bedroom. Once there, I requested that he get on the bed and enjoy the show. Then, teasingly, I took off my shirt and pants, leaving me standing in only my lingerie, which made Grier groan.
Grier: “Have mercy.”
Laughing, I walked closer to Grier and he pulled me against him. Once again, my mouth found his and for the rest of the night, we made love. When I did eventually wake up in the morning, Grier was still next to me, asleep. A part of me was afraid that he would be gone even though I was usually the one to run off. I studied his sleeping form for a few moments before this sudden wave of warmth rush through my body and, while I should have been alarmed, I wasn’t.
Grier: “What you’re feeling is my emotions. The word you’re looking for is content. I feel content just lying here next to you.”
Riley: “Now I feel bad for waking you.”
Grier: “You didn’t wake me. I have been lying here with my eyes closed for the last few minutes as I didn’t want any of this to end.”
Riley: “Me either, but I must confess that I am scared.”
Grier: “I know, but I give you my princely oath that you will see your friends again. You can come back to Earth anytime you are homesick, my beloved. We really should rise and get ready to leave as my spaceship will be arriving within hours.”
Riley: “If that is the case, would you like to shower together to save time?”
Before I could say anything more, Grier hopped out of bed and dashed to the bathroom. Giggling, I followed him to the bathroom. It wasn’t for another hour before we started to get dressed.
May 13th, 11:59 a.m.
There was a large crowd of heroes and government officials standing in the Pennsylvania field, waiting for the ship to land. My things were still in my house as Grier had assured me his people would collect my bags. I was feeling anxious as ever as the ship’s doors opened up. There were so many things I had wanted to see and do on Earth. I would also miss my friends and could no longer keep regular tabs on my family. Mac had assured me that someone would continue to do so though, which made me feel a lot better.
While I had so many reasons to stay, I owed it to myself and Grier to follow through with whatever was between us. He’d told me this morning that we would not wed until I was ready, which really took off a lot of stress. Sure, my palms were still sweaty and I was itching to run, but Grier made me feel alive again. Maybe we were mates, but I wasn’t ready to say that out loud. I was still too fearful that everything would fall apart.
Grier: “Kalana, what are you doing here? And Jax?”
My eyes lifted from my phone to see two finely-dressed redheads, who were obviously siblings and royal. They were gorgeous, which I saw was a reoccurring theme for Grier’s solar system. The one thing that did throw me was that Jax was wearing some kind of black fanny pack around his waist
, a look which not even someone as attractive as him could pull off. No one can pull off a fanny pack.
Kalana: “Darling, you know I have fancied a trip to Earth since you brought this antiquated, nay, charming little planet to my attention. Being that this may be my only opportunity to come, I brought my middle brother and left Louve at home to safeguard the throne.”
Grier: “Wise choice, my dear friend.”
Princess Kalana hugged Grier a bit too long, if you ask me. I wasn’t about to create an intergalactic incident, and everyone with a camera or a phone seemed to be eating up the “friends” embrace, so I said nothing. Perhaps I was just being jealous, which I was not even sure if I had the right to be.
Kalana: “And who is this?”
Grier: “I have such great news. Let’s talk in private.”
Grier motioned for a car and in went Kalana, Jax, and Grier. I was hesitant to get in but Grier motioned for me to get in as well. Just before we drove off, Emery knocked at the window. I must have missed her speeding over.
Emery: “I hope I am not too late to say goodbye.”
Grier: “No such case, Little Star. Hop right in.”
The luxury car drove off towards my home.
Kalana: “Grier, I hate to be rude, but who are these people?”
Grier: “Oh, that is Emery, but I call her Little Star and as mentioned, I have great news.”
Kalana: “You found the Nital?”
Grier: “Better! I found my mate.”
Kalana: “What did you say?”
Grier threw his arm around me and kissed my cheek. I couldn’t help but grin as Kalana was clearly shocked and annoyed. At least Kalana’s brother didn’t seem to care and he just stared out the window as we drove. Guess he was not much of a talker.
Grier: “I found my mate; can you believe it? I know this complicates things for your planet, but as one of my oldest friends, I truly hope you can be happy for me.”
Kalana: “I … um … what’s her name?”
Riley: “Riley Roman. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
I put my hand out for her to shake and she looked at me like I had a thousand heads or perhaps it was just utter disgust. I knew Kalana wanted an heir, but I was sure there were many men who would line up to father a queen’s baby. If she was really going to be around me, I hoped she got over her general disgust.
Grier: “You’re supposed to shake her hand.”
Kalana: “Oh.”
Kalana grudgingly shook my hand.
Emery: “Can I come with?”
Grier: “That’s not up to me, Shooting Star.”
Riley: “Emery, you need to stay here as you still have school.”
Emery: “But I want to go with you, Riley. The only reason I stayed at the safe house is because you are here and everyone else is lame. I don’t really get along with any of the other kids because I wasn’t born with powers like them.”
Riley: “I don’t believe that is true. None of the original heroes had powers at birth either, including myself, so you shouldn’t feel ashamed of how you got yours. Emery, you are truly a special girl and are so very blessed. You know I would love to take you, but the world needs you here. Besides, didn’t you always say you were going to break speed records for capturing criminals?”
Emery: “That is true. I do enjoy breaking records. You know me so well.”
Smiling, Emery hugged me.
Kalana: “How charming. Are we almost there? I require a bit of rest after my long journey.”
Grier: “We should reach Riley’s home very shortly. How long do you wish to stay here, Kalana?”
Kalana: “I was thinking seven Earth days?”
Grier: “Well, I wanted to leave today, but since you and Jax have come so far, I think I can wait until May 20th to leave as long as Riley is okay with that.”
Riley: “Sure, but they will have to stay in the main building as there is not enough room in my house.”
Grier: “Is that okay with you, Kalana?”
May 18th, 11:45 p.m.
Kalana: “I must say that your Earth is filled with wonders, Riley. I am glad that I have spent this time here with you, Grier, my brother, and all of your friends.”
Kalana had grown on me over the last few days. I still did not trust her, as there was something off about the queen, but if she wanted to fake being nice then that was fine with me. I just had to put up with her for two more days and then a three-week journey; plus, every time Kalana decided to visit Grier, which, I had a feeling, would be often. Ugh.
Grier squeezed my hand. I think he sensed my reluctance to get close to Kalana. We had spoken about my trepidations about getting to know her for, even though she had a female mate, Kalana still looked at Grier as something more. Grier acknowledged that Kalana had had a crush on him when he was younger but said she was well past that. Today, they were just dear friends and he hoped that I would be her friend in time as well. So, for Grier’s sake, I was trying my best to accept her.
Riley: “It is … a pleasure to get to know you as well, Kalana.”
Kalana: “I would like to play Never Have I Ever.”
Riley: “Where did you learn about that game?”
Kalana: “On an Earth-based television show I watched on the way to your planet. I had to do something to kill time.”
Riley: “I wouldn’t recommend that game tonight, but we can play it on the way to Reirg. However, I will crack open another bottle of wine. I just need to get a corkscrew.”
My front door suddenly shattered open. Grier, Kalana, and Jax scrambled to their feet as they all had previously been sitting. My hands begin to spark and I was ready to throw down with the intruder. Luckily, I noticed that it was Emery before I threw the time energy ball. She was sobbing.
Riley: “Emery, why are you crying?”
Emery: “They—they—they are … dead.”
While Emery sobbed more, I really needed an answer from her. I couldn’t help whoever was dead or injured if she didn’t stop crying. The longer Emery waited to tell me, the more tangled the web I might have to fix.
Riley: “I need to know who, Emery, so I can save them.”
Emery: “All the kids … kids are dead.”
No longer in control of my anger, I transformed into my blue time energy form. Whoever had hurt my kids, I would make sure to eradicate him or her from existence. And I would make the death slow and painful.
Riley: “Who killed them?”
Emery: “Sniper. Woods.”
Riley: “Why were you in the woods?”
Emery’s legs momentarily give out and I caught her.
Riley: “Emery, you know I can save them. I just need you to calm down, take me to the scene, and I promise you, I will bring them back.”
Grier: “I am coming with you.”
I tossed my car keys at Grier and he caught them.
Riley: “Like driving a ship, but easier. Make a left at the end of the road and follow it to the end. Now, Emery, let’s—”
Emery and I were gone. Before I could even let out a single breath, we were in the woods and, to my horror, all the kids were dead. I dropped to my knees and cradled little Adam’s lifeless body. After about a minute, I kissed his forehead and laid him gently on the ground. Whoever had hurt these children was a monster.
Riley: “I’m going to open a portal and try to catch the shooter in the act. Is there anything I should know before I go?”
Emery: “Sona was the first one shot and, before anyone could react, there was a spray of bullets. I managed to escape only because of my speed, but I am a coward. I shouldn’t have run.”
Riley: “No, you did the right thing. You got to someone who could help.”
I patted Emery on the back and opened a door to twenty minutes earlier. Just as I was going through, my car pulled up. Grier, Kalana, and Jax ran to the scene of the crime. Not wanting to explain what I was about to do, I entered the portal to the past and closed it behind me.
p; When I stepped out twenty minutes earlier, I instantly put a time energy shield around the kids. I knew I’d scared them with my unexpected actions but that was a much better alternative to anyone getting killed. As I was trying to explain to the children what was going on, I got shot in the chest, which only further pissed me off.
Riley: “If anyone moves from this spot, so help me!”
As blood began to soak my shirt, I cloaked myself in time energy. Then I began to charge at the area where the bullets had been coming from. Whoever the idiot was that was firing on me, he kept doing so, even though it wasn’t particularly effective the last few times. I managed to get within a hundred yards before the man realized he should probably run, but by that time I had immobilized him with my abilities. He seemed to have a vague awareness that he was fucked when my hands went around his throat.
Riley: “You don’t touch my children.”
Attacker: “Doesn’t matter. I still will go down in history.”
Riley: “No one will even know you existed in a few minutes. I have the ability to erase you from time.”
Attacker: “I don’t believe you. I was told that I would be infamous.”
Riley: “Whoever told you such bullshit just wanted to see you die. Now, your death can be painful or pleasant. Tell me who you are working for.”
The gunman let out a scream of rage.
Attacker: “People like you shouldn’t exist. You are not pure. None of those mutts are. We are the Phantoms and Ghost which haunt your dreams. We will not stop until your kind is no more.”
Then There Was New York Page 19