Then There Was New York

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Then There Was New York Page 20

by Kristina Garlick

  Riley: “We save people, you idiot. If it wasn’t for us superheroes, Earth would be taken over by extraterrestrials or tech villains from our world.”

  Attacker: “We are the Phantoms and Ghost which haunt your dreams. We will not stop. Not stop.”

  I sped up the attacker’s heart so that it was no longer beating with time. Essentially, I gave the man a heart attack rather than eradicate him from existence. He might have been more useful alive, but I didn’t want the gunman to bargain his way for freedom. Even though I was playing for the hero’s team, if someone shot me or the kids, they would meet an untimely end.

  Being that I was almost back to present time, I didn’t bother going through the portal. Instead, I carried the dead body to where the kids stood and dropped the man in front of them. The other day I’d wanted to shield them from death, but today they needed to see what happened when they let their guard down. After I left here, there would be no more second chances; no do-overs.

  Emery: “Who is this? Why was he shooting at you?”

  Riley: “He claims to be a member of the Phantoms and Ghost, although something seems fishy. So one of you lift your jaw off the ground and call the central office. Tell them an autopsy is needed on a gunman and give the location.”

  Sona: “I will do it.”

  Sona walked a few feet away to make a call.

  Emery: “Did something happen?”

  Riley: “Yeah, everyone was shot because no one was paying attention to their surroundings. I don’t mind the fact that you all snuck out after curfew and wanted to have a good time, but I had to clean up the mess. Someone is dead. What happens when I am no longer here?”

  No one said anything. The kids just looked at the ground. Tomorrow, when I was less mad at them, I would have a calm talk. But at the moment I was on edge. It could be the fact that I still had a bullet in my chest, which was impeding my healing. I would have someone remove it, after the kids were tucked away back in their rooms. Worst-case scenario, the bullet should pop out by tomorrow.

  May 19th, 1:08 a.m.

  The one good thing about the Superhero Resource Initiative was that they moved quickly, especially when a dead body was mentioned. When I finally got home, I saw that there were two agents outside my door. They said that they had been ordered to guard the king and queen. Blah. Blah. Blah. Something about their protection and how I should wait until they got the call to clear my entry.

  Just as I was about to remind the agents who I was, both men fell to the ground. Grinning, I realized that Grier had put them to sleep so I stepped over the men and entered my house. As soon as I got inside, I didn’t even have a chance to close to the door as Grier was kissing me. While I very much enjoyed the kiss, I couldn’t help but grimace slightly at the pain of his chest colliding with mine.

  Grier: “I’m so sorry; I didn’t mean to hurt you. I sensed you were in trouble, but I thought it best to stay here.”

  Jax: “Why are you bleeding?”

  Grier’s eyes went to my blood-soaked shirt.

  Riley: “I was shot.”

  Kalana: “How? One minute you were here and the next you were gone.”

  Riley: “Kids were murdered so I went back in time, saved them, and in turn got shot. Can someone dig this bullet out of my chest or at least get me the bottle of rum from the top cabinet next to my refrigerator?”

  Grier, Kalana, and Jax just stood where they were, dumbfounded. I knew they were royal and from another planet, but I would have thought they would have seen someone bloody in all their years of existence. Not waiting for them to snap back to reality, I headed to the bathroom and took a pair of surgical pliers out of my cabinet. Then I walked into the kitchen and chugged some liquor. Then I stuck the thin pliers in my wound and began to dig around. After a few seconds, Grier came over and took the pliers from me.

  Grier: “I will get it out for you. Just tell me what to do.”

  I instructed Grier how to remove the bullet and after bandaging it up, I went to bed. Kalana and Jax, not sure what they did for the rest of the evening, but I assume they must have bedded down in my living room or just stayed up all night. Didn’t really care, to be honest. I just didn’t have the energy to be a good host, especially not to some pampered royals. Perhaps I was just irritable as I had gotten sloppy and let my guard down just because I was dealing with a gunman. Just because someone didn’t have powers or giant robots didn’t mean they couldn’t be dangerous.

  May 19th, 12:30 p.m.

  Kalana: “Look who’s finally up.”

  Riley: “Look who no longer has a hole in a chest.”

  Kalana: “Your body healed itself.”

  Riley: “As long as I am alive, I can heal myself.”

  Not sure why I worded things that way because even if I died, I always came back. There were two past instances that came to mind since I joined Team Occurrence, where people assumed I had bit the big one, but that’s another story. It wasn’t Kalana’s business what my abilities were unless I decided she was a true friend and, even then, I didn’t like opening up to people. Grier was the only one who I felt drawn to spill my guts to.

  Kalana: “Earthlings are so peculiar.”

  Riley: “Where are Jax and Grier?”

  Kalana: “Some kids showed up and they left with them.”

  Riley: “My kids.”

  Kalana: “Yes, I believe so.”

  Riley: “When will they be back?”

  Just as I asked the question, the front door swung open. There were balloons, cake, and even a teddy bear. What on Earth was all this for? Little Adam came running over and hugged me.

  Adam: “Sorry for getting you shot.”

  I glanced up at Grier, who was grinning.

  Emery: “Yeah, Riley, we are sorry that you got shot. We felt bad so we came over here earlier to apologize but you were asleep. So I thought it was a good idea to go to town and get you a cake.”

  While I appreciated the effort on the kids’ parts, I didn’t want them to get in trouble for leaving the Security Safe house without permission. However, when I looked at the grocery store cake, which read, “Sorry you were shot,” it was almost impossible not to laugh.

  Emery: “I knew you would like it.”

  Grier: “You were right, she did. Good thing we went for the cake over the flowers.”

  Riley: “I do, but please tell me you kids got permission before you left the grounds.”

  Emery: “Well, it was only me, Jax, and Grier, who actually left. Everyone else stayed behind and made you a card. But yes, Vegas gave me permission to take one of the cars.”

  Vegas had given Emery permission; now that was a surprise. We’d never really gotten along mainly because she had an attitude and, during Broderick’s reign, she had betrayed the heroes. I know I shouldn’t hold what never technically happened against her. Vegas had proven herself useful on more than one occasion, but nevertheless I couldn’t look at her the same as some of the heroes. It just didn’t help her case that Calypso, Shaky, and Echo had still ended up betraying us good guys, some twenty-two years ago. However, what I could say today, even though I didn’t get along with Vegas, was that she had earned my respect.

  Deciding to be … I don’t know, nice, I quickly sent a text to Vegas, thanking her for allowing Emery to leave. I also added that I hoped she enjoyed herself off world, as she was part of the team that was away dealing with the interdimensional crisis when Grier’s ship had crashed. Vegas was one of the original heroes who had yet to retire and she claimed she never would, so I had to give her that. Anyway, Vegas, along with everyone else who was away, was shocked when she got home two weeks later to see several aliens just hanging out around the Security Safe House.

  Vegas responded almost as swiftly as I sent the text. She told me, “anytime,” and then added, “also, had a great time kicking ass. Thanks for asking weeks later.” Couldn’t even be mad at Vegas’ response as she’d won this one; so I put my phone away and focused my attention on my
friends, Grier, and the two royals.

  The afternoon went by quicker then I liked and I found myself laughing more than usual. For once, I felt like I could truly be myself and I had Grier to thank as he really brought me out of my shell. Almost everyone but Kalana played soccer and other outdoor sports. She was more of a sit-still-and-look- pretty type of girl; to each their own.

  Before I knew it, dinner was creeping up. Grier and I headed to my house so we could change our clothing. Kalana and Jax went to their room in the main safe house. Since tonight was our last day on Earth, the four of us decided to have a fancy dinner in town. It kind of annoyed me that Jax had to wear his stupid fanny pack as it was a nice restaurant, but I didn’t want to be rude and say something so I kept my mouth shut. By the time the wine and appetizers arrived, I’d forgotten about my annoyance with Jax. I swear, Italian food never disappoints, and I hoped Reirg had something similar or that their cooks could replicate some of my favorite dishes.

  Grier: “I really hate to end the night but I am feeling tired.”

  Jax: “The kids must have worn you out, Grier. You are getting old.”

  Grier: “Never. We just start our long journey home and I want a good rest before we leave. As you know, I never sleep well in space.”

  Jax: “No fun, but I understand. Kalana and I will probably be up for a while. Might have a nightcap or two before we call it quits.”

  Grier: “Do what you wish. Just remember we are leaving at 2:00 p.m. Earth time.”

  We got into my car and started back to the Safe House.

  Kalana: “Riley, I never asked. How are you feeling about leaving everything behind?”

  Riley: “Excited and nervous.”

  Kalana: “You have nothing to be nervous about. Compared to the monsters and villains you fight on Earth, Reirg and all its surrounding planets are tame.”

  Grier: “I wouldn’t say that. Our soldiers have seen battle plenty.”

  Kalana: “It’s the way of the warrior, is it not?”

  Grier: “Yes, but what I am trying to say is that while things are great where we live, things are far from perfect.”

  Riley: “Like the tattoos on your soldiers’ arms.”

  Jax: “On Xelum, the tattoo is on the inner thigh, so the unsightly mark is hidden. Perhaps you can order your soldiers be marked there instead, to quell your mate’s displeasure.”

  Grier: “That isn’t the problem, Jax. She thinks it is mind control and while I agree, it’s tradition.”

  Kalana: “I don’t think that is necessarily true. Citizens wouldn’t line up begging to be marked if it didn’t have a benefit.”

  Riley: “What is the benefit of losing free will? If something happens to your general, then your soldiers die too.”

  Kalana: “Money, prestige, and sex. Our soldiers also heal quicker if injured in battle as they are linked to the Vonnela line.”

  Grier: “This is true. As a matter of fact, my general has the ability to heal as he is of Vonnela descent, so Reirg soldiers heal even at a faster rate. Not to mention, the generals are rarely ever on the field, so soldiers are safe. Once the soldier retires, the mark gets removed.”

  Riley: “You can remove the mark?”

  Grier: “With a special device, yes.”

  Riley: “Can we remove the tattoo from all the soldiers then, when we return?”

  Grier: “If that is what you wish, I will work on ending the practice but there are rules and channels I have to follow. Please know that it won’t happen overnight.”

  Riley: “As long things eventually do change.”

  I could tell that Kalana had more questions, but for some reason she decided not to ask, which was perfectly fine with me. Once we got back to my house, Grier began readying himself for bed. Kalana and Jax headed back to their room and I decided to watch some television.

  About thirty minutes into my program, I got a call from Vegas, who asked me to sign some last-minute paperwork. Grier was fast asleep so I decided to just walk over to the main house, sign the papers, chat for a few minutes, and start making my way back. As I was strolling back to my house, I was stopped by Kalana and Jax, who held a bottle of whiskey in his hand.

  Jax: “Do you have any soda? Kalana won’t drink straight whiskey.”

  Riley: “I believe there might be a bottle left in my pantry, but Grier is sleeping so just keep that in mind.”

  A few minutes later, we were in my house and I retrieved the bottle of soda for Jax, which should have been the end of the evening. However, Jax helped himself to cups in my cabinet and began making soda and whiskey concoctions. The siblings easily finished two cups while partaking in small talk. I excused myself to the bathroom and when I came back, there was a cup waiting for me which I politely declined, so Jax downed it.

  Jax: “Have one with us to celebrate our last night on Earth.”

  Riley: “I really shouldn’t.”

  Jax: “Please.”

  Since Jax said please, I agreed to just one drink. He poured the whiskey, followed by the soda, and handed it to me. Then I held the cup up to my lips and chugged it down. The dirty cup went into the sink so I could wash it in the morning. A few seconds after that, I was no longer feeling well and I gripped the side of the counter.

  Jax: “What is the matter?”

  Riley: “I don’t …”

  I felt a pain in my chest.

  Riley: “What did you do to my—”

  Chapter 11

  Date Unknown

  I woke up gasping for air in the middle of the woods. It took me a moment to stand up, as I was a bit woozy, but it all began to rush back to me. That son of a bitch Jax had somehow poisoned me, and I wouldn’t be surprised if his sister had had a hand in it as well. I bet they thought I was dead—and how they would wish I was when I was through with them. Sure, Grier would be upset, but I thought he would understand the need to punish those spoiled rich brats. Grier might be a prince, but he didn’t look down on people. I knew that his siblings thought I was a bit crass and probably not fit to be with royalty.

  Grier must be beside himself with me being gone for however many days I had been. He wouldn’t have just left without me, especially since he knew I couldn’t die. We were mates, as he would say. Those idiot siblings, on the other hand, didn’t know what I was capable of. Just wait … just wait.

  When I finally got to the Security Safe House, the first thing I noticed was that the ship was gone. My heart began to race. Would he really leave without me? I had to talk to someone and find out what happened and then I would go back in time and fix things. So I raced inside and screamed for someone, anyone’s attention. Emery was the first to reach me due to her increased speed.

  Riley: “Emery, where are they? Where’s Grier?”

  Emery: “There was a letter. He thought you couldn’t handle the pressure of leaving Earth or being a hero.”

  Riley: “What’s the date?”

  Emery: “May 23rd. The prince waited an extra day but you never came back, so he left, heartbroken. He left two days ago and will have to marry Kalana.”

  I drop to my knees and grab my face. After everything that I had been through— shit, I came back from the death but I was too late. From someone who controls time, I am always too late and Grier was truly gone.

  Riley: “I was dead … I was dead. The siblings poisoned me.”

  My hands began to spark just as a crowd began to form. A new Superhero Resource Initiative agent pulled his gun on me, which the others knew not to do. I knocked it out of his hand with my powers and I might have used too much oomph as he also went sailing across the room.

  Emery: “What are you going to do?”

  Riley: “Going to erase Jax and Kalana from time!”

  Emery: “I’m coming with you.”

  Sona: “Me too.”

  Sona pushed her way through the crowd.

  Emery: “Fine.”

  Opening a portal to May 19th, I went through, along with Emery and Sona. Emer
y assisted in getting Sona and I to my house quickly. Something wasn’t right, as my past self was coming out of the bathroom. I should have been able to take control and alter what was unfolding, but for some reason the only thing Emery, Sona, and I could do was watch.

  Riley: “I can’t alter the moment.”

  Sona: “Why not?”

  Riley: “I don’t … I don’t know.”

  We watched as past Riley collapsed on the ground.

  Kalana: “Jax, what did you do!”

  Jax: “What needs to be done to secure an heir.”

  Kalana: “I could have found someone else.”

  Jax: “A second son?”

  Kalana: “That is usually how mates work. If two firstborns were mates, then their children would have claim to two worlds.”

  Jax: “Now you’re getting it. We will rule two worlds.”

  Kalana: “You’re ridiculous. Grier! Grier!”

  Jax slapped his sister.

  Jax: “Shut up. He won’t wake up until morning.”

  Kalana: “That’s why you wore that stupid bag to dinner.”

  Jax: “You know I need my elixirs close in order to transfer the substances into drinks or food undetected.”

  Kalana: “You mean your poison.”


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